403 research outputs found

    L’échec de l’humanitaire : De la paralysie devant le mensonge social à la transformation de l’image de l’autre (essai)

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    Ce texte avance que l’Humanitaire sert à maintenir un certain mythe social et que, par conséquent, l’échec est inscrit au coeur même de son action. Il pose donc la question des conséquences de l’échec, un échec qui peut contribuer à renforcer les stéréotypes ou alors à transformer la représentation de l’Autre. À partir d’une réflexion articulée autour de micro-expériences, il propose comme hypothèse que l’échec permet de complexifier la représentation de l’Autre dominant et lui redonne une humanité mise à mal par les mythes de toute-puissance.This paper suggests that humanitarian action sustains a social lie and, therefore, failure is intrinsic to it. It raises the question of the consequences of failure, a failure that can either participate in reinforcing stereotypes or transforming the representation of the other. Drawing from a reflection around micro-experiences, it formulates the hypothesis that failure permits to complexify the representation of the dominant other and gives him/her back a humanness rocked by the myth of al-might.Este texto afirma que lo Humanitario sirve para mantener un cierto mito social y que, consecuentemente, su fracaso está inscrito en el corazón mismo de su acción. Se inquieren las consecuencias del fracaso, un fracaso que puede contribuir a reforzar los estereotipos o a transformar la representación del Otro. A partir de una reflexión articulada en torno de micro-experiencias, se propone como hipótesis que el fracaso permite complicar la representación del Otro dominante y darle una humanidad que sufre de mitos todopoderosos

    Teacher-youth inter-informant agreement on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in a community sample of refugee and immigrant adolescents in Montreal

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    Early detection and treatment of psychological problems amongst refugee and immigrant youth is crucial to improve their developmental outcomes and their social integration. Multiple informants approach is a standard practice in detecting psychological problems. Based on its extensive empirical use, this approach is recommended in order to avoid bias or misinterpretation during the assessment of the youth mental health needs. However, very few studies have investigated the inter-informant agreement between teachers and youth in a multiethnic context. The current study explores teacher-youth inter-informant agreement in a culturally heterogeneous sample of refugee and immigrant adolescents from three high schools in Montreal. The Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) was administered to 113 recently arrived migrant adolescents (female, n = 55; male, n= 58) to assess their own emotional and behavioural symptoms. The SDQ was also administered to their teachers (n = 7) so that a comparison between self- and teacher reports could be made. Teacher-youth agreement was significant for the Emotional symptoms subscale, but this inter-informant agreement was significant for males only. These results underscore the need to raise school personnel awareness about potential undetected emotional problems in newly arrived refugee and immigrant female adolescents

    Relations parents immigrants-écoles dans l’espace montréalais : au-delà des tensions, la rencontre des rêves 

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    La récente controverse autour des accommodements raisonnables met en relief les enjeux identitaires, dans les écoles qui desservent une clientèle de plus en plus pluriethnique. La création des liens parents immigrants-écoles, essentielle et souhaitée, est modulée par des tensions sociales et politiques et représente un défi parfois difficile à relever. Cet article rapporte les résultats de groupes de discussion avec des parents et des enseignants dans deux écoles montréalaises, dans le but de documenter la relation parents immigrants-écoles. S’inspirant des recommandations formulées par les participants, la discussion offre des pistes pour repenser les échanges entre les parents et la communauté afin de générer des domaines de compréhension partagée.The recent controversy over reasonable accommodation has underscored identity issues in the increasingly multiethnic student population of Montreal schools. While the establishment of good relations between immigrant parents and schools is essential and to be encouraged, it is subject to sociopolitical tensions and represents a sometimes daunting challenge. In this article, the results of parent-teacher focus groups that were organized in two Montreal schools to collect data on these relations are presented. Building on recommendations made by parents and teachers, the article suggests avenues for rethinking interaction between parents and the community as a way of laying the groundwork for mutual understanding.La reciente controversia alrededor de los acomodamientos razonables hace resaltar los retos identitarios en las escuelas que atienden a una clientela cada vez más multiétnica. La creación de los vínculos padres inmigrantes - escuelas, esencial y deseada, está modulada por tensiones sociales y políticas y representa un desafío a veces difícil de enfrentar. Este artículo presenta los resultados de unos grupos de discusión con padres y maestros en dos escuelas de Montreal, con el propósito de documentar la relación padres inmigrantes - escuelas. Inspirándose de las recomendaciones formuladas por los participantes, la discusión ofrece pistas para repensar los intercambios entre los padres y la comunicad, con la finalidad de generar dominios de comprensión compartida

    Évaluation préliminaire d’un projet de soins concertés en santé mentale jeunesse à Montréal : faire face à l’incertitude institutionnelle et culturelle

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    Cet article décrit un projet de soins concertés en santé mentale jeunesse dans un milieu pluriethnique de Montréal. Les auteurs examinent les ajustements à apporter au modèle prévalent pour répondre aux enjeux culturels et de coopération de services destinés à une population pluriethnique. Une évaluation qualitative préliminaire du projet révèle les nombreuses sources d’incertitude auxquelles sont confrontés les intervenants. Enfin, les auteurs formulent l’hypothèse selon laquelle les incertitudes, si elles génèrent malaise et confusion, permettent aussi une ouverture à l’innovation et à l’altérité.This article describes a collaborative mental health care project for youths, implemented in Montreal in a multiethnic setting. The authors examine the adjustments needed in the shared-care model to address the complexity of cultural and cooperation issues raised in the provision of services to a multiethnic population. A preliminary qualitative evaluation of the project shows how first-line workers face many uncertainties, stemming from both the institutional context and the multicultural reality of the population served. Results from this study advance the hypothesis that although uncertainties may generate discomfort and confusion, they may also open a space for innovation and acceptance of otherness.Este artículo describe un proyecto de cuidados multidisciplinarios en salud mental para la juventud en un medio pluriétnico de Montreal. Los autores examinan los ajustes a realizar al modelo prevaleciente para responder a los aspectos culturales de los servicios destinados a una población pluriétnica. Una evaluación cualitativa preliminar del proyecto revela las numerosas fuentes de incertidumbre a las que se enfrentan los interventores. Finalmente, los autores formulan la hipótesis según la cual la incertidumbre, si bien genera malestar y confusión, permite también la apertura a la innovación y a la alteridad.Este artigo descreve um projeto de atenções concertadas em saúde mental da criança e do adolescente em um meio multiétnico de Montreal. Os autores examinam os ajustes a fazer ao modelo prevalente para atender às questões culturais dos serviços destinados a uma população multiétnica. Uma avaliação qualitativa preliminar do projeto revela as numerosas fontes de incerteza às quais são confrontados os intervenientes. Finalmente, os autores formulam a hipótese segundo a qual as incertezas, se geram desconforto e confusão, permitem também uma abertura à inovação e à alteridade

    Multilayered ethics in research involving unaccompanied refugee minors

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    Research articles about unaccompanied refugee minors (UM) have rarely addressed ethical issues. This is remarkable, given UM's specific, marginalized and vulnerable position within society, and the growing interest and developments in research ethics in refugee research. This article poses the question whether studies involving UM raise specific ethical issues compared to research on other refugee groups. We formulate personal reflections on ethical issues in a particular research project-a longitudinal study of UM in Belgium-and connect them to the existing body of literature on research ethics in qualitative and refugee research. We conclude that research ethics in studies with UM need to be multilayered because of researchers' obligation to take ethical responsibility at both the micro and socio-political levels

    Multilayered Ethics in Research Involving Unaccompanied Refugee Minors

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    Research articles about unaccompanied refugee minors (UM) have rarely addressed ethical issues. This is remarkable, given UM's specific, marginalized and vulnerable position within society, and the growing interest and developments in research ethics in refugee research. This article poses the question whether studies involving UM raise specific ethical issues compared to research on other refugee groups. We formulate personal reflections on ethical issues in a particular research project-a longitudinal study of UM in Belgium-and connect them to the existing body of literature on research ethics in qualitative and refugee research. We conclude that research ethics in studies with UM need to be multilayered because of researchers' obligation to take ethical responsibility at both the micro and socio-political levels

    Violent radicalization during the COVID-19 pandemic: at the intersection of gender, conspiracy theories and psychological distress

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    The COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose a threat to health, economic stability and collective functioning. The related upsurge in psychological distress has fuelled the emergence of conspiracy theories regarding the origins of the virus. Worldwide, there is mounting evidence that these narratives have increased stigma and discrimination against diverse ethnic, age and occupational groups. However, the role of gender in the dynamics weaving together psychological distress, conspiracy theories and legitimation of violence toward other groups is still unknown. This paper addresses this knowledge gap, analysing a Canadian interprovincial survey conducted in November 2020. In total, 6003 individuals aged 18-35 years residing in large Canadian cities responded to an online survey administered in English and French between October 16 and November 17, 2020. A total of 4928 individuals with complete data on support for violent radicalization (VR), psychological distress, and endorsement of COVID-19 conspiracy theories were included in the analysis. This study indicates that for young Canadian adults, gender, endorsement of COVID-19 conspiracy theories and psychological distress, as measured by the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (HSCL-25), have an interaction effect on support for VR, as measured by both the Sympathy for Violent Radicalization Scale (SyfoR) and the Radicalism Intention Scale (RIS) (both p-values <.001). While the magnitude of the association between support for VR and endorsement of COVID-19 conspiracy theories is greatest among individuals with scores of psychological distress above the clinical cut-off, there is a significant association between scores on support for VR and endorsement of COVID-19 conspiracy theories in both women and men, both above and below the psychological distress cut-off of the HSCL-25. Effective strategies to mitigate the relationship between violent radicalization and pandemic-related psychological distress must explicitly address gender differences in expression and management of psychological distress

    Lecture automatique d'un ticket de caisse par vision embarquée sur un téléphone mobile

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    Travaux réalisés dans le cadre d'une thèse CIFRENational audienceThis work addresses the automatic reading of sale receipts acquired with a smartphone's camera and the extraction of essential informations like the store brands, all the purchased products , their price etc. It is divided into two major tasks : the optical character recognition that is made complex due to the nature of the document often damaged, crumpled or torned and the semantic data analysis to identify purchased product without ambiguity. In this paper, we introduce a solution that enables a "guided" capture on smartphone and a receipt decoding on remote server.L'objectif de ces travaux est de créer un système capable, à partir d'une simple vue prise par un smartphone, d'exploiter le contenu d'un ticket de caisse, et d'en extraire des informations telles que le point de vente, les produits ache-tés, leurs prix etc. On distingue deux étapes majeures : la reconnaissance optique de caractères sur des tickets qui peuvent être froissés, déchirés... et l'analyse sémantique afin d'identifier les produits achetés sans ambiguïté. Dans ce papier, nous présentons une solution qui effectue une acquisition "guidée" d'une image sur smartphone et une lecture du contenu sur un serveur distant

    Head and Neck: Paraganglioma: an overview

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    Review on Head and Neck paragangliomas, with data on clinics, and the genes involved

    Lipids behaviour in aqueous solution of disrupted microalgae cultivated under nitrogen starving conditions: molecular simulation compared to experimental study of representative synthetic mixtures

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    International audienceThis work deals with the microalgae culture and biorefinery for biofuel production. Microalgae transform CO 2 into biomass and valuable molecules, including lipids. The downstream processing to valorise intracellular compounds necessitates innovative, efficient and clean processes for biomass harvesting, concentration, cell disruption and fractionation. Membrane filtration is a promising process for the concentration and the purification of lipids in a wet pathway to produce biofuel. The behaviour of the biomolecules and particles during the filtration processes is unknown. Yet it drives their performances. For example, strong interactions between lipids and polar molecules released during the cell disruption may prevent an efficient separation and valorisation of both compounds because of the water-oil interface stabilisation. Consequently, to achieve oil droplets coalescence, the interface must be disturbed during filtration. The understanding of the local organisation on the target molecules is a necessary step to develop innovative fractionation strategies and optimize the coupling of different processes. To bring understanding, a multiscale approach is proposed. The use of synthetic mixtures drives the link between the different scales. These synthetic mixtures are simplified emulsions that mimic a supernatant of a real grinded biomass, centrifugated to get rid of cell fragments. The composition is based on the characterisation of disrupted cells samples, from a P. kessleri culture, under nitrogen starving conditions. The synthetic mixtures contain water, triglycerides and polar lipids. On the one hand, coarse-grained molecular simulations were carried out, to study the behaviour of lipids in the solution. Interfacial tension of the water-lipids interface was calculated for several compositions and validated with experiments. On the other hand, the interfacial properties of complex mixtures were related to molecular organisation deduced from molecular simulation. The perspective of this project is at first the characterization of water-lipid interfaces with real products, to compare to the results with synthetic solutions. This necessitates a large-scale culture in starving conditions to recover enough lipids in the supernatant. The acquired knowledge on the behaviour and organisation of lipids at the interfaces will help the optimization of membrane processes for the concentration and coalescence of lipids before valorisation into biofuels
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