300 research outputs found

    New two in one magnetic fluorescent nanocomposites

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    Magnetite nanoparticles have been coated by a porphyrin derivative to produce new magnetic materials with fluorescent properties. The magnetic nanoparticles were prepared using two different methods, one based on sol-gel techniques and ultrasonic processing, and the other via a controlled chemical co-precipitation. Different types of porphyrin functionalised magnetic nanoparticles have been prepared and have been characterised by electron microscopy (TEM and SEM), XRD, FTIR, Raman, UV-vis, and fluorescence spectroscopy. Microscopy results showed the formation of core-shell nanostructures, with IR and photoluminescence spectroscopy results confirming the presence of porphyrin in the shell

    Energy gap in the aetiology of body weight gain and obesity: a challenging concept with a complex evaluation and pitfalls.

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    The concept of energy gap(s) is useful for understanding the consequence of a small daily, weekly, or monthly positive energy balance and the inconspicuous shift in weight gain ultimately leading to overweight and obesity. Energy gap is a dynamic concept: an initial positive energy gap incurred via an increase in energy intake (or a decrease in physical activity) is not constant, may fade out with time if the initial conditions are maintained, and depends on the 'efficiency' with which the readjustment of the energy imbalance gap occurs with time. The metabolic response to an energy imbalance gap and the magnitude of the energy gap(s) can be estimated by at least two methods, i.e. i) assessment by longitudinal overfeeding studies, imposing (by design) an initial positive energy imbalance gap; ii) retrospective assessment based on epidemiological surveys, whereby the accumulated endogenous energy storage per unit of time is calculated from the change in body weight and body composition. In order to illustrate the difficulty of accurately assessing an energy gap we have used, as an illustrative example, a recent epidemiological study which tracked changes in total energy intake (estimated by gross food availability) and body weight over 3 decades in the US, combined with total energy expenditure prediction from body weight using doubly labelled water data. At the population level, the study attempted to assess the cause of the energy gap purported to be entirely due to increased food intake. Based on an estimate of change in energy intake judged to be more reliable (i.e. in the same study population) and together with calculations of simple energetic indices, our analysis suggests that conclusions about the fundamental causes of obesity development in a population (excess intake vs. low physical activity or both) is clouded by a high level of uncertainty

    Effectiveness of three different walking prescription durations on total physical activity in normal- and overweight women.

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    OBJECTIVE: While there is a dose-response relationship between physical activity (PA) and health benefit, little is known about the effectiveness of different PA prescriptions on total daily PA. AIM: To test, under real-life conditions and using an objective, non-invasive measurement technique (accelerometry), the effect of prescribing additional physical activity (walking only) of different durations (30, 60 and 90 min/day) on compliance (to the activity prescribed) and compensation (to total daily PA). Participants in each group were prescribed 5 sessions of walking per week over 4 weeks. METHODS: 55 normal-weight and overweight women (mean BMI 25 ± 5 kg/m(2), height 165 ± 1 cm, weight 68 ± 2 kg and mean age 27 ± 1 years) were randomly assigned to 3 prescription groups: 30, 60 or 90 min/day PA. RESULTS: Walking duration resulted in an almost linear increase in the number of steps per day during the prescription period from an average of about 10,000 steps per day for the 30-min prescription to about 14,000 for the 90-min prescription. Compliance was excellent for the 30-min prescription but decreased significantly with 60-min and 90-min prescriptions. In parallel, degree of compensation subsequent to exercise increased progressively as length of prescription increased. CONCLUSION: A 30-min prescription of extra walking 5 times per week was well tolerated. However, in order to increase total PA further, much more than 60 min of walking may need to be prescribed in the majority of individuals. While total exercise 'volume' increased with prescriptions longer than 30 min, compliance to the prescription decreased and greater compensation was evident. © 2014 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg

    K-Pi=6+ and 8- isomer decays in HF-172 and DELTA-K=8 E1 transition rates

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    A recoil-shadow measurement of isomer decay in 172Hf has revealed many weak gamma-ray transitions. One of these is a sevenfold K-forbidden E1 transition from the K(pi) = 8- isomer (T1/2 = 163 ns) to the K(pi) = 0+ ground-state band. The low hindrance factor for this transition in Hf-172 is compared with the hindrance factors for other DELTAK = 8 E1 transitions

    Conversion coefficients and band assignments in Ta-180

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    The conversion coefficients for several bandhead decays in Ta-180 have been measured using pulsed-beam techniques and the Yb-176(Li-7,3n)Ta-180 reaction. The spin and parity of the 520 keV Intrinsic state is established as 4(+) and several earlier assignments are confirmed. Two-quasiparticle configurations for the 520 and 592 keV states are discussed and following reanalysis of the band properties, a consistent interpretation is reached. The 520 keV 4(+) state is associated with the favored coupling of the nu 1/2(-)[521]x pi 9/2(-)[514] configuration while the 592 keV (5(+)) state is identified with the nu 1/2(-)[510]x pi 9/2(-)[514] configuration

    Anomaly-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking with Axion

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    We construct hadronic axion models in the framework of the anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking scenario. If the Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking is related to the supersymmetry breaking, mass spectrum of the minimal anomaly-mediated scenario is modified, which may solve the negative slepton mass problem in the minimal anomaly-mediated model. We find several classes of phenomenologically viable models of axion within the framework of the anomaly mediation and, in particular, we point out a new mechanism of stabilizing the axion potential. In this class of models, the Peccei-Quinn scale is related to the messenger scale. We also study phenomenological aspects of this class of models. We will see that, in some case, the lightest particle among the superpartners of the standard-model particles is stau while the lightest superparticle becomes the axino, the superpartner of the axion. With such a unique mass spectrum, conventional studies of the collider physics and cosmology for supersymmetric models should be altered.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, added footnotes and references for section

    Occurrence of a chiral-like pair band and a six-nucleon noncollective oblate isomer in ¹²⁰I

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    We report for the first time two distinctive features in the odd–odd nucleus 120 I: a pair of doublet bands and a high-spin isomer built on the πh11/2νh11/2 configuration. For producing the excited states of 120 I, a fusion-evaporation reaction 118 Sn( 6 Li, 4n) at E =lab48 MeV was employed. The beam was provided by the 14UD tandem accelerator of the Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility at the Australian National University. The observed doublet structure built on the positive-parity states is the first case and unique in isotopes with Z=53 . The emerging properties are indicative of the known chiral characteristics, leading to a doubling of states for the πh11/2νh11/2 configuration. In contrast, the high-spin isomer with a half-life of 49(2) ns at spin-parity Jπ=25+ can be explained in terms of a noncollective oblate structure with the full alignment of six valence nucleons outside the 114 Sn core: three protons (g7/2)1(d5/2)1(h11/2)1 and three neutrons (h11/2)3 . This is an outstanding case that reveals a pure single-particle structure consisting of equal numbers of valence protons and neutrons outside the semi-double shell closure of 114 Sn with Z=50 and N=64 .Dr. C. Yuan acknowledges the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11775316

    Resolution of the w-179-isomer anomaly: exposure of a Fermi-aligned s-band

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    The K-pi = 35-/2, five-quasiparticle isomer in W-179 is shown to decay into the region of a backbend in the 7-/2[514] band, allowing for the first time the identification of a full set of aligned-band states. Destructive interference results from level mixing in the band-crossing region. The deduced gamma-ray branching ratios are used to establish the mixing matrix elements and to show that the aligned band has a high value of the K quantum number. The properties of well-defined alignment and yet also high K provide the first clear example of a Fermi-aligned s band. The anomalous decay of the isomer itself is now explained

    IgG 3 + B cells are associated with the development of multiple sclerosis

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    Objectives Disease‐modifying therapies (DMTs) targeting B cells are amongst the most effective for preventing multiple sclerosis (MS) progression. IgG3 antibodies and their uncharacterised B‐cell clones are predicted to play a pathogenic role in MS. Identifying subsets of IgG3+ B cells involved in MS progression could improve diagnosis, could inform timely disease intervention and may lead to new DMTs that target B cells more specifically. Methods We designed a 31‐parameter B‐cell‐focused mass cytometry panel to interrogate the role of peripheral blood IgG3+ B cells in MS progression of two different patient cohorts: one to investigate the B‐cell subsets involved in conversion from clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) to MS; and another to compare MS patients with inactive or active stages of disease. Each independent cohort included a group of non‐MS controls. Results Nine distinct CD20+IgD−IgG3+ B‐cell subsets were identified. Significant changes in the proportion of CD21+CD24+CD27−CD38− and CD27+CD38hiCD71hi memory B‐cell subsets correlated with changes in serum IgG3 levels and time to conversion from CIS to MS. The same CD38− double‐negative B‐cell subset was significantly elevated in MS patients with active forms of the disease. A third CD21+CD24+CD27+CD38− subset was elevated in patients with active MS, whilst narrowband UVB significantly reduced the proportion of this switched‐memory B‐cell subset. Conclusion We have identified previously uncharacterised subsets of IgG3+ B cells and shown them to correlate with autoimmune attacks on the central nervous system (CNS). These results highlight the potential for therapies that specifically target IgG3+ B cells to impact MS progression

    Effect of Solar Wind Drag on the Determination of the Properties of Coronal Mass Ejections from Heliospheric Images

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    The Fixed-\Phi (F\Phi) and Harmonic Mean (HM) fitting methods are two methods to determine the average direction and velocity of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from time-elongation tracks produced by Heliospheric Imagers (HIs), such as the HIs onboard the STEREO spacecraft. Both methods assume a constant velocity in their descriptions of the time-elongation profiles of CMEs, which are used to fit the observed time-elongation data. Here, we analyze the effect of aerodynamic drag on CMEs propagating through interplanetary space, and how this drag affects the result of the F\Phi and HM fitting methods. A simple drag model is used to analytically construct time-elongation profiles which are then fitted with the two methods. It is found that higher angles and velocities give rise to greater error in both methods, reaching errors in the direction of propagation of up to 15 deg and 30 deg for the F\Phi and HM fitting methods, respectively. This is due to the physical accelerations of the CMEs being interpreted as geometrical accelerations by the fitting methods. Because of the geometrical definition of the HM fitting method, it is affected by the acceleration more greatly than the F\Phi fitting method. Overall, we find that both techniques overestimate the initial (and final) velocity and direction for fast CMEs propagating beyond 90 deg from the Sun-spacecraft line, meaning that arrival times at 1 AU would be predicted early (by up to 12 hours). We also find that the direction and arrival time of a wide and decelerating CME can be better reproduced by the F\Phi due to the cancellation of two errors: neglecting the CME width and neglecting the CME deceleration. Overall, the inaccuracies of the two fitting methods are expected to play an important role in the prediction of CME hit and arrival times as we head towards solar maximum and the STEREO spacecraft further move behind the Sun.Comment: Solar Physics, Online First, 17 page