459 research outputs found

    On the Nature of the Binary Components of RX J0806.3+1527

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    We present imaging circular polarimetry and near-infrared photometry of the suspected ultra-short period white-dwarf binary RX J0806.3+1527 obtained with the ESO VLT and discuss the implications for a possible magnetic nature of the white dwarf accretor and the constraints derived for the nature of the donor star. Our V-filter data show marginally significant circular polarization with a modulation amplitude of ~0.5% typical for cyclotron emission from an accretion column in a magnetic field of order 10 MG and not compatible with a direct-impact accretor model. The optical to near-infrared flux distribution is well described by a single blackbody with temperature kT_bb = 35000 K and excludes a main-sequence stellar donor unless the binary is located several scale heights above the galactic disk population.Comment: 2 pages including 2 figures. To appear in RevMexAA(SC) Conference Series, Proc. of IAU Colloquium 194 `Compact Binaries in the Galaxy and Beyond', La Paz (Mexico), eds. G. Tovmassian & E. Sio

    Chandra LETGS spectroscopy of the Quasar MR2251-178 and its warm absorber

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    We present an analysis of our Chandra Low Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (LETGS) observation of the quasar MR2251-178. The warm absorber of MR2251-178 is well described by a hydrogen column density, N_H~2x10^21 cm^-2, and an ionization parameter log(xi)~0.6. We find in the spectrum weak evidence for narrow absorption lines from Carbon and Nitrogen which indicate that the ionized material is in outflow. We note changes (in time) of the absorption structure in the band (0.6-1) keV (around the UTAs plus the OVII and OVIII K-edges) at different periods of the observation. We measure a (0.1-2) keV flux of 2.58x10^-11 ergs cm^-2 s^-1. This flux implies that the nuclear source of MR2251-178 is in a relatively low state. No significant variability is seen in the light curve. We do not find evidence for an extra cold material in the line of sight, and set an upper limit of N_H~1.2x10^20 cm^-2. The X-ray spectrum does not appear to show evidence for dusty material, though an upper limit in the neutral carbon and oxygen column densities can only be set to N_CI~2x10^19 cm^-2 and N_OI~9x10^19 cm^-2, respectively.Comment: 42 pages, 12 figures, Accepted in Apj. Typo in abstract (ver2): "We do not find evidence for an extra...

    The high-field polar RX J1007.5-2017

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    We report optical and X-ray observations of the high-field polar RXJ1007.5-2017 performed between 1990 and 2012. It has an orbital period of 208.60 min determined from the ellipsoidal modulation of the secondary star in an extended low state. The spectral flux of the dM3- secondary star yields a distance of 790+-105 pc. At low accretion levels, \RX{} exhibits pronounced cyclotron emission lines. The second and third harmonic fall in the optical regime and yield a field strength in the accretion spot of 94 MG. The source is highly variable on a year-to-year basis and was encountered at visual magnitudes between V \sim 20 and V \sim 16. In the intermediate state of 1992 and 2000, the soft X-ray luminosity exceeds the sum of the luminosities of the cyclotron source, the hard X-ray source, and the accretion stream by an order of magnitude. An X-ray high state, corresponding to the brightest optical level, has apparently not been observed so far.Comment: To be published in A&

    An X-ray view of Mrk 705: A borderline narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy

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    Mrk 705 exhibits optical properties of both narrow- and broad-line Seyfert 1 galaxies. We examine the X-ray properties of this borderline object utilising proprietary and public data from Chandra, ASCA, ROSAT and RXTE, spanning more than twelve years. Though long-term flux variability from the pointed observations appears rather modest (about 3 times), we do find examples of rare large amplitude outbursts in the RXTE monitoring data. There is very little evidence of long-term spectral variability as the low- and high-energy spectra appear constant with time. A 6.4 keV emission line is detected in the ASCA spectra of Mrk 705, but not during the later, higher flux state Chandra observation. However, the upper limit on the equivalent width of a line in the Chandra spectrum is consistent with a constant-flux emission line and a brighter continuum, suggesting that the line is emitted from distant material such as the putative torus. Overall, the X-ray properties of Mrk 705 appear typical of BLS1 activity.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A (Research Note

    Resonant Scattering and Recombination in CAL 87

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    The eclipsing supersoft X-ray binary CAL 87 has been observed with Chandra on August 13/14, 2001 for nearly 100 ksec, covering two full orbital cycles and three eclipses. The shape of the eclipse light curve derived from the zeroth-order photons indicates that the size of the X-ray emission region is about 1.5 solar radii. The ACIS/LETG spectrum is completely dominated by emission lines without any noticeable continuum. The brightest emission lines are significantly redshifted and double-peaked, suggestive of emanating in a 2000 km/s wind. We model the X-ray spectrum by a mixture of recombination and resonant scattering. This allows us to deduce the temperature and luminosity of the ionizing source to be kT = 50-100 eV and L_X = 5E37 erg/s.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of IAU Coll. 194 "Compact binaries in the Galaxy and beyond" (Rev. Mex. A&A Conf. Series), eds. G. Tovmassian and E. Sio

    Multiwavelength appearance of Vela Jr.: Is it up to expectations?

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    Vela Jr. is one of the youngest and likely nearest among the known galactic supernova remnants (SNRs). Discovered in 1997 it has been studied since then at quite a few wavelengths, that spread over almost 20 decades in energy. Here we present and discuss Vela Jr. properties revealed by these multiwavelength observations, and confront them with the SNR model expectations. Questions that remained unanswered at the time of publication of the paper of Iyudin et al. (2005), e.g. what is the nature of the SNR's proposed central compact source CXOU J085201.4-461753, and why is the ISM absorption column density apparently associated with RX J0852.0-4622 much greater than the typical column of the Vela SNR, can be addressed using the latest radio and X-ray observations of Vela Jr.. These, and other related questions are addressed in the following.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in ESA SP-622, Proceedings of the 6th INTEGRAL Workshop held in Moscow, Russia, July 02-08, 200

    A phase-dependent absorption line in the spectrum of the X-ray pulsar RX J0720.4-3125

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    The XMM-Newton spectra of the isolated neutron star RX J0720.4-3125 show deviations from a Planckian energy distribution below 400 eV, similar to the spectra of RBS1223, another long-period X-ray pulsar, as reported recently by Haberl et al. (2003). For a Gaussian-shaped absorption line we derive an energy of 271 eV and an equivalent width of -40 eV from the phase-averaged spectra of RX J0720.4-3125. We investigate the spectral variations seen in hardness ratios as function of pulse phase and find that they are best described by changes in the depth of the absorption line. The line equivalent width changes between -31 eV around intensity maximum of the pulse and -58 eV at the declining part of the pulse. Small variations (<20 eV) of the line energy with pulse phase may still be caused by statistical fluctuations. On the other hand, the black-body temperature varies significantly by 2.5 eV (statistical 90% errors typically 0.7 eV) reaching the highest value at pulse maximum. One possible interpretation for the absorption line is cyclotron resonance scattering of protons in a magnetic field with B about 5x10^13 G. This field strength is compatible with estimates inferred from recent spin down measurements of the pulsar.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&
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