1,552 research outputs found

    Organic bases and other agents for amino acid resolution

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    The literature has been reviewed for all existing types of amino acid resolution as well as for many experiments in other fields which could have a direct or indirect bearing on the problem of resolving unsubstituted amino acids;Twelve miscellaneous new compounds have been characterized for developmental purposes on synthetic methods;Five new optically active amines and four of their bioxalates have been characterized;Ten new quaternary halides and two new substituted guanidine sulfates (all optically active) have been characterized;Three new resolutions of amino acids have been described, involving four new diastereomeric salts;Twenty other strong organic base-amino acid combinations also were investigated, as well as miscellaneous other methods, including the use of optically active solvents or adsorbents; none of them resulted in resolution


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    A multiperiod regional mathematical programming model is used to evaluate the potential economic impacts of global climatic change on the southern U.S. forestry sector. Scenarios for forest biological response to climate change are developed for small and large changes in forest growth rates. Resulting changes in timber supply have economic impacts on producers and consumers in forest products markets, both nationally and regionally. Conclusions include outer dimensions of global climate change impacts and potential effects of smaller biological responses on the forestry sector both nationally and in the U.S. South. Relative impacts are found to be larger for producers than for consumers, and southern producers experience relatively greater changes in economic welfare.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Livestock Contract Feeding Arrangements

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    The “share or contract feeding” arrangements have been a favorable alternative for both livestock owners and feeders for a number of years. Some feeders prefer to risk only their labor and possibly their feed, others are willing to risk the entire cost of feeding livestock but lack the necessary capital or credit. Some livestock owners find it more convenient to contract with a second party to finish their livestock for market. As in all contracts livestock feeding contracts should be fair and understood by both parties. The contract should be designed to meet specific conditions important to the livestock owner and to the feeder. In a contract feeding agreement, the livestock owner usually agrees to supply the livestock to be fed. The feeder agrees to furnish the feed, equipment and labor for wintering, and/or pasturing or fattening the animals. The purpose of the contract is to make provisions for: • Handling and feeding. • Division of profit or loss. • Marketing the livestock. A thorough understanding of the contract should be reached before the plan is completed and signed. The agreement should always be in writing and each party should have a signed copy

    Ground-level climate at a peatland wind farm in Scotland is affected by wind turbine operation

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    The global drive to produce low-carbon energy has resulted in an unprecedented deployment of onshore wind turbines, representing a significant land use change for wind energy generation with uncertain consequences for local climatic conditions and the regulation of ecosystem processes. Here, we present high-resolution data from a wind farm collected during operational and idle periods that shows the wind farm affected several measures of ground-level climate. Specifically, we discovered that operational wind turbines raised air temperature by 0.18 °C and absolute humidity (AH) by 0.03 g m−3 during the night, and increased the variability in air, surface and soil temperature throughout the diurnal cycle. Further, the microclimatic influence of turbines on air temperature and AH decreased logarithmically with distance from the nearest turbine. These effects on ground-level microclimate, including soil temperature, have uncertain implications for biogeochemical processes and ecosystem carbon cycling, including soil carbon stocks. Consequently, understanding needs to be improved to determine the overall carbon balance of wind energy

    An Opsonophagocytic Killing Assay for the Evaluation of Group A Streptococcus Vaccine Antisera

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    Group A Streptococcus (GAS) is a major cause of global mortality, yet there are no licensed GAS vaccines. Vaccine progress has been hampered, in part, by a lack of standardized assays able to quantify antibody function in test antisera. The most widely used assay was developed over 50 years ago by Rebecca Lancefield and relies on human whole blood as a source of complement and neutrophils. Recently, an opsonophagocytic killing (OPK) assay has been developed for GAS by adapting the OPK methods utilized in Streptococcus pneumoniae vaccine testing. This assay uses dimethylformamide (DMF)-differentiated human promyelocytic leukemia cells (HL-60 cells) as a source of neutrophils and baby rabbit complement, thus removing the major sources of variation in the Lancefield assays. This protocol outlines methods for performing a GAS OPK assay including titering test sera to generate an opsonic index. This in vitro assay could aid in selecting vaccine candidates by demonstrating whether candidate-induced antibodies lead to complement deposition and opsonophagocytic killing

    Salivaricin G32, a Homolog of the Prototype Streptococcus pyogenes

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    Salivaricin G32, a 2667 Da novel member of the SA-FF22 cluster of lantibiotics, has been purified and characterized from Streptococcus salivarius strain G32. The inhibitory peptide differs from the Streptococcus pyogenes—produced SA-FF22 in the absence of lysine in position 2. The salivaricin G32 locus was widely distributed in BLIS-producing S. salivarius, with 6 (23%) of 26 strains PCR-positive for the structural gene, slnA. As for most other lantibiotics produced by S. salivarius, the salivaricin G32 locus can be megaplasmid encoded. Another member of the SA-FF22 family was detected in two Streptococcus dysgalactiae of bovine origin, an observation supportive of widespread distribution of this lantibiotic within the genus Streptococcus. Since the inhibitory spectrum of salivaricin G32 includes Streptococcus pyogenes, its production by S. salivarius, either as a member of the normal oral microflora or as a commercial probiotic, could serve to enhance protection of the human host against S. pyogenes infection

    The Ursinus Weekly, December 6, 1948

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    Who\u27s Who honors thirteen seniors • Seniors to present year\u27s first formal at local ballroom • Students picked to represent Ursinus in annual edition of campus leaders • Outstanding artists featured Thursday in annual Messiah • Sociology studies confirm results of CORE racial poll • Students of Ursinus place small value on peace of world • Four IRC members visit State College • Annex gets number one stooper rating • Performance of Uncle Harry outstanding • Ursinus students selected to appear in annual Who\u27s Who • Don Young tops bruins in all statistics; prize back selected Player of the year • Frosh grid squad mangles sophs 13-0 on two long runs • JVs extend streak; Penn defeated 3-0 • Last period tally gives Penn lassies victory over belles • U.C. football squad gains easy victory in battle on court • Grunt and groaners show much talent as practice begins • Court campaign to open Wednesday • Temple pathologist to discuss cancer • Omwake assists in preparation of University Business Administration manual • Dr. Armstrong completes book as part of church history serieshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1603/thumbnail.jp
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