7 research outputs found


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    U radu se analizira proces digitalne transformacije s posebnim naglaskom na stanje digitalne transformacije u sektoru maloprodaje u Republici Hrvatskoj. Pored analize ključnih elementa same digitalne transformacije, analize globalnih promjena u sektoru maloprodaje i njegove digitalizacije, za potrebe rada provedeno je istraživanje koje je potvrdilo pretpostavke o digitalnoj spremnosti maloprodaje u RH, kao i o stanju digitalizacije iste te stanju digitalne transformacije. Naime, iako je velika većina poduzeća iz uzorka svjesna izazova koje nosi novo digitalno okruženje, digitalizacija i digitalna transformacija nisu svim akterima u sektoru prioritet. Razlozi za nečinjenje su vrlo često financijske ili operativne prirode. Najveća pozornost poduzeća iz sektora je usmjerena na razvoj novih digitalnih platformi, a interno se primarno fokusiraju na digitalizaciju internih procesa. Fokus na potroÅ”ače i cjelokupne odnose s njima joÅ” uvijek je sekundarna tema u procesu digitalizacije i digitalne transformacije poduzeća iz sektora maloprodaje. Također, poduzeća iz sektora maloprodaje u ovom istraživanju jasno se mogu podijeliti u skupinu onih koja aktivno rade na digitalizaciji i digitalnoj transformaciji i ona koja to ne čine.The paper examines the process of digital transformation with special emphasis on the state of digital transformation in the retail sector. In addition to the analysis of key elements of the digital transformation and inquiry into global changes in the retail sector driven by digitization, a research was conducted that confirmed the already well-known assumptions about digital readiness of Croatian retail sector, as well as the state of digitalization and digital transformation of Croatian retail sector. Namely, even though majority of companies in the sample are aware of the challenges posed by the new digital environment, digitalization and digital transformation are not seen as a priority for all actors in the sector. The reasons behind inactivity are very often of a financial or operational nature. Companies from the sector, are predominantly, focused on the development of new digital platforms, and internally they primary focus is on the digitalization of internal processes. The focus on consumers and overall relationships with them is still a secondary topic in the process of digitalization and digital transformation of companies in the retail sector. Finally, companies from the retail sector in this study can be clearly divided into two groups: companies which are actively working on digitalization and digital transformation and those which do not

    Main determinants of profitability of the largest banks in the Republic of Croatia

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    This paper presents profitability trends in the largest Croatian banks in the period from 2008 to 2012, as well as concentration index trends in the Croatian banking sector. The values of the concentration indices in the Croatian banking sector suggest that a high level of correlation and ā€œsimilarityā€ between the concentration indices is indicative of a quality concentration analysis. This is demonstrated by the following indices: the concentration ratio, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index, the Hall-Tideman index, the Rosenbluth index, the Gini coefficient and the entropy measure. It is evident that in the observed period there was an increase in the concentration of the Croatian banking system as a result of a reduction in the absolute number of banks, as well as an increase in the market shares of banks following behind the two banks holding the largest market shares (Zagrebačka banka and Privredna banka). An increase in market shares of the two leading banks increased inequality on the market, thus intensifying market competition between them. The level of concentration on the banking market in Croatia is directly related to the financial performance of banks. Hence, the largest banks in Croatia, which hold 90% of the total market, have recorded very strong financial performance


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    Sustavi kvalitete, prema normama ISO 9000, dokazali su se kao korisno sredstvo upravljanja, ali zahtjevi druÅ”tva proÅ”iruju se na druga dopunska područja upravljanja kvalitetom kao Å”to su zdravstveni i sigurnosni uvjeti, zaÅ”tita okoliÅ”a, očuvanje resursa i energije. Stoga je sve viÅ”e riječi o integriranom sustavu upravljanja (Integrated Management System), koji se uvodi u poduzeća kad se želi postići sukladnost viÅ”e normi, čime bi se smanjio opseg dokumentacije, vrijeme za prosudbu i troÅ”kovi u izgradnji i održavanju sustava. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi postojanje integriranih sustava upravljanja u hrvatskim izvoznim poduzećima iz sektora industrije i poljoprivrede, odnosno utvrditi postotak certificiranosti hrvatskih izvoznih tvrtki certifikatima ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 i dr., ustanoviti mogu li oni i u kojoj mjeri utjecati na povećanje (ili smanjenje) hrvatskog izvoza. Unutar istraživanja provedena je studija, tj. anketno istraživanje na 150 hrvatskih poduzeća, obavljena je statistička analiza i c2 test. Rezultati istraživanja prikazuju: zastupljenost sustavnog osiguranja kvalitete u sektorima industrije i poljoprivrede, veličinu poduzeća (broj zaposlenih), posjedovanje normi ISO 9001, ISO14001, odnosno integriranih sustava upravljanja, glavna tržiÅ”ta za izvoz hrvatskih poduzeća, sklonost potencijalnih poslovnih partnera hrvatskim poduzećima koja su certificirana, utjecaj ISO normi na povećanje hrvatskog izvoza i ukupan broj svih certifikata prema različitim normama u Republici Hrvatskoj kao i na uzorku ovog istraživanja. Zajedno primijenjeni sustavi kvalitete, prema normama ISO 9001 i ISO 14001, u kombinaciji s ostalim normama koje će se istražiti, čine osnovu održivog razvoja, a time i ukupne kvalitete upravljanja.The ISO 9000 quality systems have proved to be a useful management tool. Nevertheless, the demands of the society have extended to additional areas of management systems, such as health and safety conditions, environmental protection, and energy and resources conservation. In this context, integrated management systems have been increasingly implemented in companies that want to ensure compliance of several standards, thus reducing the working documentation, the evaluation time and the costs of developing and maintaining such a system. The purpose of this research is to assess the level of implementation of integrated management systems in Croatian foreign export Companies operating in the industrial and agricultural sectors, i.e. to determine the percentage of Croatian foreign export companies certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and other standards, as well as to determine whether they can lead to the increase (or decrease) of Croatian exports and, if so, to what extent. For the purpose of this research, the authors conducted a study based on a sample of 150 Croatian companies, using a questionnaire, a statistical analysis and a Ļ‡2 test. The results provide the following: the level of implementation of integrated management systems in the industrial and agricultural sectors; the size of the companies (number of employees); the certification to the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 standards, i.e. integrated management systems; the main export markets of Croatian foreign trade companies; the tendency of potential partners to do business with certified Croatian companies; the impact of ISO standards on the increase of Croatian exports; and, finally, the overall number of certifi cations to various standards with respect to both the national level of the Republic of Croatia and the research sample. The joint implementation of the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards together with other standards analysed in this paper provides the basis for sustainable development and hence for the overall quality of management

    Property value management aimed at promoting economic growth

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    Upravljanje rastom vrijednosti imovine na mikrorazini pojedinca, kućanstava, poduzeća i drugih tvrtki te države na makrorazini, ključni je čimbenik u ostvarivanju bržega rasta bruto domaćega proizvoda na makrorazini druÅ”tva i približavanja visokorazvijenim zemljama. Prirodna bogatstva zemlje su bitna kao i struktura, dinamika, obrazovanje, kultura, tradicija, radne navike, navike potroÅ”nje i Å”tednja stanovniÅ”tva, ali je odlučujući odnos prema imovini. Raspoloživa imovina u vlasniÅ”tvu mora stalno donositi prihode. Zanemarivanje odnosa cjelokupnoga stanovniÅ”tva prema imovini ima za posljedicu usporavanje razvoja. Ključnu ulogu u povećanju vrijednosti imovine ima država svojom ispravnom politikom, a jedna od aktivnosti trebala bi biti i uvođenje poreza na imovinu.Managing the property value at the micro level of individuals, households, businesses and other orga - nisations on one hand, and the government at the macro level is a key factor in achieving a faster GDP growth and getting closer to the developed countries. Natural resources of a country are important, as is the structure, dynamics, education and culture, traditions, working habits, consumption habits and savings of the population. A key factor, however, is the way in which property is treated. Available property must constantly generate revenue. Ignoring the way in which the population treats property might hold back the development. An adequate government policy plays a crucial role in increasing the value of property, and should include the introduction of property tax

    Positioning of the Croatian sugar industry on the European Union market

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    Proizvodnja Å”ećera kao prehrambenog, a potom i industrijskog proizvoda razvija se kontinuirano i usporedo tijekom cijelog perioda razvoja čovječanstva. Kako je raslo i evoluiralo čovječanstvo, tako je rasla i evoluirala proizvodnja Å”ećera. Isprva je Å”ećer predstavljao statusni simbol, pretpostavljalo se kako ima nadnaravna svojstva, bio je lijek, začin ili dodatak prehrani. Ozbiljnija proizvodnja Å”ećera, na rudimentarnoj industrijskoj razini započinje netom po otkriću Novog svijeta, kada se, zduÅ”no potpomognuta robovskim radom, Å”ećerna trska počinje uzgajati u Å”panjolskim kolonijama, a već je negdje oko 1516. godine iz te regije Å”ećer, kao gotovi proizvod, prvi put bio prevezen natrag u Europu. Na hrvatskom teritoriju prva proizvodnja Å”ećera, doduÅ”e preradom uvezenog Å”ećera iz Å”ećerne trske, zabilježena je sredinom osamnaestog stoljeća na području Rijeke. Početkom dvadesetog stoljeća, ponajviÅ”e zaslugom stranih investitora, s područja zemalja tadaÅ”nje Austro-Ugarske Monarhije, dolazi do otvaranja modernih pogona za proizvodnu Å”ećera preradom Å”ećerne repe, i to prvo u Osijeku 1905. godine, a potom u Belomu Manastiru 1908. godine. Sredinom i u drugoj polovici dvadesetog stoljeća s radom su na teritoriju danaÅ”nje Republike Hrvatske započele joÅ” dvije tvornice Å”ećera, i to u Županji 1947. godine i u Virovitici 1980. godine. Od tada je industrija proizvodnje Å”ećera u Republici Hrvatskoj prerasla, uz veće ili manje uzlete i padove, u respektabilnu i izvozno orijentiranu industrijsku granu. Pristupanjem Republike Hrvatske Europskoj uniji, hrvatskoj industriji proizvodnje Å”ećera otvorena je prilika za bolje pozicioniranje na tržiÅ”tu koje ima viÅ”e od 500 milijuna potroÅ”ača. Unatoč tome, povrÅ”ine zasijane Å”ećernom repom u Republici Hrvatskoj, a samim time i proizvodnja Å”ećera iz Å”ećerne repe, od 2006. do 2016. godine bilježe konstantan pad. U istom periodu općenito stagnira izvoz Å”ećera iz Republike Hrvatske, posebno na prirodno i tradicionalno nam sklono tržiÅ”te Europske unije. Ova doktorska disertacija nastoji sagledati i razumjeti ukupne proizvodno-ekonomske prilike i potencijale hrvatske industrije proizvodnje Å”ećera, a potom, nakon Å”to se identificiraju i testiraju ključni parametri koji utječu na razinu konkurentnosti, provjeriti koji su to čimbenici s najvećim utjecajem na izraženu razinu komparativne prednosti ā€“ europske i potom, posljedično, hrvatske industrije proizvodnje Å”ećera.Production of sugar as a foodstuff and subsequently as an industrial product has been developing continuously and along with the entire development of mankind. As the mankind had been advancing and evolving, so had the sugar production. At first, sugar was considered a status symbol. It was believed that it had supernatural qualities and it was used as a cure, a spice or a dietary supplement. Sugar production on a larger scale, at the rudimentary industrial level, begins with the discovery of the New World. At that time, the sugar cane was planted and grown in Spanish colonies, strongly boosted by slave labour. Sugar as the final product was shipped back to Europe from that region for the first time around 1516. The first sugar production recorded on the Croatian territory, although primarily consisting of the imported cane sugar processing, was recorded in the mid-18th century in the Rijeka area. At the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to the foreign investors from the territory of the then Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, modern sugar production facilities for processing of sugar beet had been opened first in Osijek in 1905 and then in Beli Manastir in 1908. Around the mid-20th century and in its second half, two other sugar factories were established on the territory of the present-day Republic of Croatia, in Županja (1947) and in Virovitica (1980). Since then and after going through a number of ups and downs, the sugar production industry in the Republic of Croatia has grown into a respectable and export-oriented industry sector. The Republic of Croatiaā€™s accession to the European Union has given a chance to the Croatian sugar industry to position itself on a market with more than 500 million consumers. The agricultural areas planted with sugar beet in the Republic of Croatia had been steadily decreasing between 2006 and 2016, along with the production of sugar from sugar beet. In the same period, the export of sugar from the Republic of Croatia to the generally favourable EU market had stagnated. This doctoral thesis seeks to assess and make an overview of the overall production and economic opportunities and potentials of the Croatian sugar production industry. Furthermore, after identifying and testing the key parameters that are affecting the level of competitiveness, it seeks to examine the most influential factors affecting the expressed level of comparative advantage, of both the European and consequently the Croatian sugar production industry

    Positioning of the Croatian sugar industry on the European Union market

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    Proizvodnja Å”ećera kao prehrambenog, a potom i industrijskog proizvoda razvija se kontinuirano i usporedo tijekom cijelog perioda razvoja čovječanstva. Kako je raslo i evoluiralo čovječanstvo, tako je rasla i evoluirala proizvodnja Å”ećera. Isprva je Å”ećer predstavljao statusni simbol, pretpostavljalo se kako ima nadnaravna svojstva, bio je lijek, začin ili dodatak prehrani. Ozbiljnija proizvodnja Å”ećera, na rudimentarnoj industrijskoj razini započinje netom po otkriću Novog svijeta, kada se, zduÅ”no potpomognuta robovskim radom, Å”ećerna trska počinje uzgajati u Å”panjolskim kolonijama, a već je negdje oko 1516. godine iz te regije Å”ećer, kao gotovi proizvod, prvi put bio prevezen natrag u Europu. Na hrvatskom teritoriju prva proizvodnja Å”ećera, doduÅ”e preradom uvezenog Å”ećera iz Å”ećerne trske, zabilježena je sredinom osamnaestog stoljeća na području Rijeke. Početkom dvadesetog stoljeća, ponajviÅ”e zaslugom stranih investitora, s područja zemalja tadaÅ”nje Austro-Ugarske Monarhije, dolazi do otvaranja modernih pogona za proizvodnu Å”ećera preradom Å”ećerne repe, i to prvo u Osijeku 1905. godine, a potom u Belomu Manastiru 1908. godine. Sredinom i u drugoj polovici dvadesetog stoljeća s radom su na teritoriju danaÅ”nje Republike Hrvatske započele joÅ” dvije tvornice Å”ećera, i to u Županji 1947. godine i u Virovitici 1980. godine. Od tada je industrija proizvodnje Å”ećera u Republici Hrvatskoj prerasla, uz veće ili manje uzlete i padove, u respektabilnu i izvozno orijentiranu industrijsku granu. Pristupanjem Republike Hrvatske Europskoj uniji, hrvatskoj industriji proizvodnje Å”ećera otvorena je prilika za bolje pozicioniranje na tržiÅ”tu koje ima viÅ”e od 500 milijuna potroÅ”ača. Unatoč tome, povrÅ”ine zasijane Å”ećernom repom u Republici Hrvatskoj, a samim time i proizvodnja Å”ećera iz Å”ećerne repe, od 2006. do 2016. godine bilježe konstantan pad. U istom periodu općenito stagnira izvoz Å”ećera iz Republike Hrvatske, posebno na prirodno i tradicionalno nam sklono tržiÅ”te Europske unije. Ova doktorska disertacija nastoji sagledati i razumjeti ukupne proizvodno-ekonomske prilike i potencijale hrvatske industrije proizvodnje Å”ećera, a potom, nakon Å”to se identificiraju i testiraju ključni parametri koji utječu na razinu konkurentnosti, provjeriti koji su to čimbenici s najvećim utjecajem na izraženu razinu komparativne prednosti ā€“ europske i potom, posljedično, hrvatske industrije proizvodnje Å”ećera.Production of sugar as a foodstuff and subsequently as an industrial product has been developing continuously and along with the entire development of mankind. As the mankind had been advancing and evolving, so had the sugar production. At first, sugar was considered a status symbol. It was believed that it had supernatural qualities and it was used as a cure, a spice or a dietary supplement. Sugar production on a larger scale, at the rudimentary industrial level, begins with the discovery of the New World. At that time, the sugar cane was planted and grown in Spanish colonies, strongly boosted by slave labour. Sugar as the final product was shipped back to Europe from that region for the first time around 1516. The first sugar production recorded on the Croatian territory, although primarily consisting of the imported cane sugar processing, was recorded in the mid-18th century in the Rijeka area. At the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to the foreign investors from the territory of the then Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, modern sugar production facilities for processing of sugar beet had been opened first in Osijek in 1905 and then in Beli Manastir in 1908. Around the mid-20th century and in its second half, two other sugar factories were established on the territory of the present-day Republic of Croatia, in Županja (1947) and in Virovitica (1980). Since then and after going through a number of ups and downs, the sugar production industry in the Republic of Croatia has grown into a respectable and export-oriented industry sector. The Republic of Croatiaā€™s accession to the European Union has given a chance to the Croatian sugar industry to position itself on a market with more than 500 million consumers. The agricultural areas planted with sugar beet in the Republic of Croatia had been steadily decreasing between 2006 and 2016, along with the production of sugar from sugar beet. In the same period, the export of sugar from the Republic of Croatia to the generally favourable EU market had stagnated. This doctoral thesis seeks to assess and make an overview of the overall production and economic opportunities and potentials of the Croatian sugar production industry. Furthermore, after identifying and testing the key parameters that are affecting the level of competitiveness, it seeks to examine the most influential factors affecting the expressed level of comparative advantage, of both the European and consequently the Croatian sugar production industry