429 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Stewart, William Bunyan A. (Bangor, Penobscot County)

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    An independent evaluation of ‘Dementia Diaries’

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    Institutional Changes to Support School Desegregation: Alternative Models Underlying Research and Implementation

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    Recent research studies and reports of current desegregation plans are examined against the background of two models of social systems: consensus and conflict. The article\u27s focus moves from the community to the school to the classroom to the individual

    Using peer research processes to understand strategies to support those with severe, multiple and complex health needs

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    Objectives: There has been an increased focus in policy discourse on individuals with severe, multiple and complex needs. This paper seeks to understand how best to enable these individuals to take greater control of their health. Design: Qualitative, user-led, peer research Setting: Large urban UK city. Method: Trained peer researchers with previous experience of severe and multiple disadvantage gathered data using a snowball sampling approach from 21 individuals engaged in a service specifically designed to provide for their needs. Results: The study identified enabling factors that create conditions for individuals with severe and multiple disadvantage to take greater control of factors impacting on their health and social situations. These included working holistically with individuals, understanding the interconnected issues impacting on health, developing trusting relationships with professionals and working within a positive framework that fosters self-belief and is focused on salutogenesis rather than pathogenesis. Conclusion: There exists a set of enabling factors that may support individuals facing particular challenges in their lives. While derived from within a specific geographical context, findings have relevance to other settings in relation to ways of working. Peer research demonstrates itself to be a research approach well suited to understanding lived experiences

    Erythropoietin and Anaemia in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure

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    Hyporegenerative anaemia is common complication of chronic renal failure CRF and responsible for fatigue and reduced general  health condition among uremic patient. The main causes of anemia among patients with chronic renal failure are deficient production of erythropoietin (EPO), iron deficiency, and chronic disease with endogenous EPO resistance. This study confirmed on patients with chronic renal failure in Merjan Teaching Hospital and highlighted on the relationship between anaemia and erythropoiten level. The estimation of hemoglobin among patients with CRF revealed that 55% of patients suffered from severe anaemia and 45%suffered from moderate anaemia      Erythropoiten level estimated by ELISA technique and mean and standard deviation of erythropoietin level among patients and control groups were12.2 uU/ml ± 2.6, 7.3uU/ml± 1.8 respectively and comparism mean of erythropoietin between patients and control group   was indicated that there is significant difference between two groups at p value< 0.05 By study the correlation between hemoglobin and erythropoietin revealed that there is inverses relation ship between hemoglobin and erythropoietin , we concluded from this study although the level of erythropoietin increase in patients with CRF but the level of erythropoietin are not enough foe correction of anaemia and patient may required for exogenous source for erythropoietin with iron supplement in management of anaemia Keywords: erythropoiten Hyporegenerative anaemi

    Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Enterobacter spp. isolated from urine of patients with cystitis in Babylon province, Iraq

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    Enterobacter species are important nosocomial pathogens responsible for various extraintestinal and intestinal infections. Both Enterobacter cloacae and Enterobacter aerogenes can cause hospital acquired and community acquired urinary tract infections. The aim of this study was to determine the phylogenetic analysis of Enterobacter spp. isolates. A total of 24 Enterobacter local isolates (9 isolates were E. cloacae (EC) and 15 isolates were E. aerogenes (EA) recovered from urine samples of patients with cystitis and subjected for PCR to determine the phylogenetic groups and subgroups by targeting two gene chuA, yjaA and anonymous DNA fragment TspE4.C2.The results found that the most isolates of Enterobacter spp. belong to the phylogeny group B2, 17(70.84%) and the largest subgroups was B23 (12/17) followed by subgroup B22 (5/17). The second phylogenetic group was group A, 4(16.66%) in which subgroup A0 compile (3/4) and A1(1/4). Group B1 compile 2(8.34%) followed by group D 1(4.16%). This study was the first to determine the phylogenetic groups of Enterobacter spp. isolates and demonstrate that these bacteria can be assigned to one of the main phylogenetic groups. Our results revealed that, Phylogenetic group B2(especially subgroup B23) was predominant among Enterobacter spp. isolates recovered from patients with cystitis

    Array Automated Assembly, Phase 2

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    The baseline process sequence using nontextured square wafers was integrated. Difficulties encountered include: (1) replacement of the N-250 spray on diffusion source with PX-10 source; and (2) modification of the firing for printed silver and aluminum contracts is required to accommodate the change of wafer size and shape. Results indicate that the cells processed through the entire process sequence except laser scribe and spray on AR coating indicate the process sequence is feasible. Greater cell conversion efficiency is presented

    Wise Up To Cancer - can it make a difference?

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    This document reports the findings of 'Wise Up To Cancer' a Community Health Initiative, funded by Yorkshire Cancer Research. The aims of Wise Up To Cancer were to; decrease behaviours associated with cancer risk, increase awareness of cancer signs and symptoms,, increase cancer screening rates and increase signposting to other services