24 research outputs found

    Time-dependent optical spectroscopy of GRB 010222: Clues to the gamma-ray burst environment

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    We present sequential optical spectra of the afterglow of GRB 010222 obtained 1 day apart using the Low-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS) and the Echellette Spectrograph and Imager (ESI) on the Keck Telescopes. Three low-ionization absorption systems are spectroscopically identified at z 1 = 1.47688, z2 = 1.15628, and z3 = 0.92747. The higher resolution ESI spectrum reveals two distinct components in the highest redshift system at z1a = 1.47590 and z1b = 1.47688. We interpret the z1b = 1.47688 system as an absorption feature of the disk of the host galaxy of GRB 010222. The best-fitted power-law optical continuum and [Zn/Cr] ratio imply low dust content or a local gray dust component near the burst site. In addition, we do not detect strong signatures of vibrationally excited states of H2. If the gamma-ray burst took place in a superbubble or young stellar cluster, there are no outstanding signatures of an ionized absorber either. Analysis of the spectral time dependence at low resolution shows no significant evidence for absorption-line variability. This lack of variability is confronted with time-dependent photoionization simulations designed to apply the observed flux from GRB 010222 to a variety of assumed atomic gas densities and cloud radii. The absence of time dependence in the absorption lines implies that high-density environments are disfavored. In particular, if the GRB environment was dust free, its density was unlikely to exceed nH I = 102 cm -3. If depletion of metals onto dust is similar to Galactic values or less than solar abundances are present, then nH I ≥ 2 × 104 cm-3 is probably ruled out in the immediate vicinity of the burst

    Mapeamento da antiga cobertura vegetal de várzea do Baixo Amazonas a partir de imagens históricas (1975-1981) do Sensor MSS-Landsat Mapping ancient vegetation cover of the Amazon floodplain using historical MSS/Landsat images (1975-1981)

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    Este estudo apresenta um mapa da cobertura vegetal da planície de inundação do Rio Amazonas entre as cidades de Parintins (AM) e Almeirim (PA), com base em imagens Landsat-MSS adquiridas entre 1975 e 1981. O processamento digital dessas imagens envolveu a transformação para imagens-fração de vegetação, solo e água escura (sombra), seguido da aplicação de técnicas de segmentação e classificação por região. O mapa resultante da classificação foi organizado em quatro classes de cobertura do solo: floresta de várzea, vegetação não-florestal de várzea, solo exposto e água aberta. A precisão do mapa foi estimada a partir de dois tipos de informações coletadas em campo: 1) pontos de descrição: para validação das classes de cobertura não sujeitas a grandes alterações, como é o caso dos corpos d'água permanentes, e identificação de indicadores dos tipos de cobertura original presentes na paisagem na ocasião da obtenção das imagens (72 pontos); 2) entrevistas com moradores antigos para a recuperação da memória sobre a cobertura vegetal existente há 30 anos (44 questionários). Ao todo foram coletadas informações em 116 pontos distribuídos ao longo da área de estudo. Esses pontos foram utilizados para calcular o Índice Kappa de concordância entre os dados de campo e o mapa resultante da classificação automática, cujo valor (0,78) indica a boa qualidade do mapa de cobertura vegetal da várzea. Os resultados mostram que a região possuía uma cobertura florestal de várzea de aproximadamente 8.650 km2 no período de aquisição das imagens.<br>This study presents a vegetation map of the Amazon River floodplain between the towns of Parintins (AM) and Almeirim (PA), based on Landsat-MSS scenes from 1975 to 1981. Digital processing involved the transformation of multispectral images into fraction-images of vegetation, soil and dark water (shadow), followed by the application of segmentation and region-classification techniques. The resulting map was organized four classes of land cover types: floodplain forest, non-forest floodplain vegetation, bare soil, and open water. Map accuracy was estimated from two types of ground data 1) sample points describing ground cover classes not subjected to major changes, such as permanent water bodies, and identifying indicators of the 30 year old vegetation type landscape (72 points); 2) interviews with community early residents for memory recovery of information on the vegetation cover existing in the 1970 (44 interviews). Altogether, 116 information points was collected along the study area. These points were used to calculate the Kappa Index for agreement between the four field-verified classes and the automatic classification, with value (0.78) indicates the good quality of the floodplain vegetation cover map. The region had 8650 km2 coverage of floodplain forest at the time of image acquisition

    Risk factors for intensive care admission in children with severe acute asthma in the Netherlands: a prospective multicentre study

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    RATIONALE: Severe acute asthma (SAA) can be fatal, but is often preventable. We previously observed in a retrospective cohort study, a three-fold increase in SAA paediatric intensive care (PICU) admissions between 2003 and 2013 in the Netherlands, with a significant increase during those years of numbers of children without treatment of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). OBJECTIVES: To determine whether steroid-naïve children are at higher risk of PICU admission among those hospitalised for SAA. Furthermore, we included the secondary risk factors tobacco smoke exposure, allergic sensitisation, previous admissions and viral infections. METHODS: A prospective, nationwide multicentre study of children with SAA (2-18 years) admitted to all Dutch PICUs and four general wards between 2016 and 2018. Potential risk factors for PICU admission were assessed using logistic regression analyses. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: 110 PICU and 111 general ward patients were included. The proportion of steroid-naïve children did not differ significantly between PICU and ward patients. PICU children were significantly older and more exposed to tobacco smoke, with symptoms >1 week prior to admission. Viral susceptibility was not a significant risk factor for PICU admission. CONCLUSIONS: Children with SAA admitted to a PICU were comparable to those admitted to a general ward with respect to ICS treatment prior to admission. Preventable risk factors for PICU admission were >7 days of symptoms without adjustment of therapy and exposure to tobacco smoke. Physicians who treat children with asthma must be aware of these risk factors