38 research outputs found

    Skin Pharmacokinetics of Transdermal Scopolamine:Measurements and Modeling

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    Prediction of skin absorption and local bioavailability from topical formulations remains a difficult task. An important challenge in forecasting topical bioavailability is the limited information available about local and systemic drug concentrations post application of topical drug products. Commercially available transdermal patches, such as Scopoderm (Novartis Consumer Health UK), offer an opportunity to test these experimental approaches as systemic pharmacokinetic data are available with which to validate a predictive model. The long-term research aim, therefore, is to develop a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model (PBPK) to predict the dermal absorption and disposition of actives included in complex dermatological products. This work explored whetherin vitrorelease and skin permeation tests (IVRT and IVPT, respectively), andin vitroandin vivostratum corneum (SC) and viable tissue (VT) sampling data, can provide a satisfactory description of drug “input rate” into the skin and subsequently into the systemic circulation.In vitrorelease and skin permeation results for scopolamine were consistent with the previously reported performance of the commercial patch investigated. New skin sampling data on the dermatopharmacokinetics (DPK) of scopolamine also accurately reflected the rapid delivery of a “priming” dose from the patch adhesive, superimposed on a slower, rate-controlled input from the drug reservoir. The scopolamine concentration versus time profiles in SC and VT skin compartments,in vitroandin vivo, taken together with IVRT release and IVPT penetration kinetics, reflect the input rate and drug delivery specifications of the Scopoderm transdermal patch and reveal the importance of skin binding with respect to local drug disposition. Further data analysis and skin PK modeling are indicated to further refine and develop the approach outlined.</p

    Quantitative Structure-Permeation Relationships for Solute Transport Across Silicone Membranes

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    Purpose. The purpose of this work was to assess the molecular properties that influence solute permeation across silicone membranes and to compare the results with transport across human skin. Methods. The permeability coefficients (log K p) of a series of model solutes across silicone membranes were determined from the analysis of simple transport experiments using a pseudosteady-state mathematical model of the diffusion process. Subsequently, structure-permeation relationships were constructed and examined, focusing in particular on the difference between solute octanol/water and 1,2-dichloroethane/water partition coefficients (Δlog P oct-dce), which reported upon H-bond donor activity, and the computationally derived molecular hydrogen-bonding potential. Results. The hydrogen-bond donor acidity and the lipophilicity of the compounds examined greatly influenced their permeation across silicone membranes. Furthermore, for a limited dataset, a significant correlation was identified between solute permeation across silicone membranes and that through human epidermis. Conclusion. The key molecular properties that control solute permeation across silicone membranes have been identified. For the set of substituted phenols and other unrelated compounds examined here, a similar structure-permeation relationship has been derived for their transport through human epidermis, suggesting application of the results to the prediction of flux across biological barrier

    Skin Pharmacokinetics of Transdermal Scopolamine:Measurements and Modeling

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    Prediction of skin absorption and local bioavailability from topical formulations remains a difficult task. An important challenge in forecasting topical bioavailability is the limited information available about local and systemic drug concentrations post application of topical drug products. Commercially available transdermal patches, such as Scopoderm (Novartis Consumer Health UK), offer an opportunity to test these experimental approaches as systemic pharmacokinetic data are available with which to validate a predictive model. The long-term research aim, therefore, is to develop a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model (PBPK) to predict the dermal absorption and disposition of actives included in complex dermatological products. This work explored whetherin vitrorelease and skin permeation tests (IVRT and IVPT, respectively), andin vitroandin vivostratum corneum (SC) and viable tissue (VT) sampling data, can provide a satisfactory description of drug “input rate” into the skin and subsequently into the systemic circulation.In vitrorelease and skin permeation results for scopolamine were consistent with the previously reported performance of the commercial patch investigated. New skin sampling data on the dermatopharmacokinetics (DPK) of scopolamine also accurately reflected the rapid delivery of a “priming” dose from the patch adhesive, superimposed on a slower, rate-controlled input from the drug reservoir. The scopolamine concentration versus time profiles in SC and VT skin compartments,in vitroandin vivo, taken together with IVRT release and IVPT penetration kinetics, reflect the input rate and drug delivery specifications of the Scopoderm transdermal patch and reveal the importance of skin binding with respect to local drug disposition. Further data analysis and skin PK modeling are indicated to further refine and develop the approach outlined.</p

    Dielectric Properties of Materials Showing Constant-Phase-Element (CPE) Impedance Response

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    Constant-Phase Elements (CPE) are often used to fit impedance data arising from a broad range of experimental systems. Four approaches were used to interpret CPE parameters associated with the impedance response of human skin and two metal oxides in terms of characteristic frequencies and film thickness. The values obtained with each approach were compared against independent measurements. The power-law model developed recently by Hirschorn et al.1,2 provided the most reliable interpretation for systems with a normal distribution of properties. Readers are cautioned that the CPE parameter Q does not provide an accurate value for capacitance, even when the CPE exponent α is greater than 0.9

    Increased permeability for polyethylene glycols through skin compromised by sodium lauryl sulphate

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    In this in vivo human study we assessed the influence of skin damage by sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) on percutaneous penetration of polyethylene glycols (PEGs) of different molecular weights (MW). Percutaneous penetration of PEGs was determined using tape stripping of the stratum corneum (SC). The forearm skin of volunteers was pretreated with 5% w/w SLS for 4 h, and 24 h later patches with PEGs were applied for 6 h. The penetration parameters were deduced by data regression to Fick's law for unsteady-state diffusion. The trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL) increased after SLS treatment from 6.3 +/- 2.1 to 17.9 +/- 8.7 g/m(2)/h. The diffusion coefficient for all PEGs was increased in the SLS-damaged skin. The increase was smaller for higher MW. In addition, the partition coefficient of PEGs between SC and water was larger in the SLS-compromised skin and showed a tendency to increase with MW. The permeability coefficient decreased gradually with increasing MW of PEGs in both control and SLS-compromised skin. SLS caused a threefold increase in the permeability coefficient for all MWs ranging in control skin from 0.34 to 0.70 x 10(-5) cm/h and in the SLS-compromised skin from 1.20 to 2.09 x 10(-5) cm/h for MW of 590-282 Da. The results of this study show the deleterious effect of SLS on the skin barrier for hydrophilic PEGs. A defective skin barrier will facilitate absorption of other chemicals and local skin effect

    A Coarse-Grained Model of Stratum Corneum Lipids:Free Fatty Acids and Ceramide NS

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    Ceramide (CER)-based biological membranes are used both experimentally and in simulations as simplified model systems of the skin barrier. Molecular dynamics studies have generally focused on simulating preassembled structures using atomistically detailed models of CERs, which limit the system sizes and timescales that can practically be probed, rendering them ineffective for studying particular phenomena, including self-assembly into bilayer and lamellar superstructures. Here, we report on the development of a coarse-grained (CG) model for CER NS, the most abundant CER in human stratum corneum. Multistate iterative Boltzmann inversion is used to derive the intermolecular pair potentials, resulting in a force field that is applicable over a range of state points and suitable for studying ceramide self-assembly. The chosen CG mapping, which includes explicit interaction sites for hydroxyl groups, captures the directional nature of hydrogen bonding and allows for accurate predictions of several key structural properties of CER NS bilayers. Simulated wetting experiments allow the hydrophobicity of CG beads to be accurately tuned to match atomistic wetting behavior, which affects the whole system since inaccurate hydrophobic character is found to unphysically alter the lipid packing in hydrated lamellar states. We find that CER NS can self-assemble into multilamellar structures, enabling the study of lipid systems more representative of the multilamellar lipid structures present in the skin barrier. The coarse-grained force field derived herein represents an important step in using molecular dynamics to study the human skin barrier, which gives a resolution not available through experiment alone

    On the Use of the Power-Law Model for Interpreting Constant-Phase-Element Parameters

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    International audienceConstant-phase elements (CPE) are often used to fit impedance data arising from a broad range of experimental systems. The power-law model has proven to be a powerful tool for interpretation of CPE parameters resulting from an axial or normal distribution of time constants. This paper addresses difficulties in applying this model associated with uncertain values for one of the model parameters. Methods are presented for bounding the value of the parameter, for calibration, and for comparative analysis in which the unknown parameter may be eliminated. The methods are illustrated by data taken from the literature for oxides on steels and for human skin.Elementos de fase constante (CPE) são frequentemente usados para modelar dados de impedância oriundos de uma gama variada de sistemas experimentais. O modelo de lei de potências comprovou ser uma ferramenta poderosa na interpretação de parâmetros de CPE resultantes de uma distribuição axial ou normal das constantes de tempo. Este trabalho trata das dificuldades na aplicação deste modelo quando um de seus parâmetros possui valor incerto. São apresentados métodos que delimitam o valor do parâmetro, de calibração e de análise comparativa, na qual o parâmetro desconhecido pode ser eliminado. Os métodos são demonstrados por dados sobre óxidos em aços e sobre pele humana, retirados da literatura