39 research outputs found

    Analysis of Demand in Mount Salak Endah Tourism Object in Bogor Regency

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    This research was to find out how is the demand to visit Mount Salak Endah tourism object. From the results of demand analysis of Mount Salak Endah tourism object, it was obtained that: a) length of journey had a negative effect on the number of visits to Mount Salak Endah tourism object with a coefficient value of -0.753; b) length of journey to other similar tourism object (Puncak) had a positive effect on the number of visits to Mount Salak Endah tourism object with a coefficient value of 0.501; c) perception of admission ticket price to other similar tourism object (Puncak) had a negative effect on the number of visits to Mount Salak Endah tourism object with a coefficient value of -0.310; d) perception of tourism facilities in Mount Salak Endah had a positive effect on the number of visits to Mount Salak Endah tourism object with a coefficient value of 0.314; and e) perception of culinary in Mount Salak Endah had a positive effect on the number of visits to Mount Salak Endah tourism object

    Mengenang Kegemilangan Kesultanan Melayu sebagai Catatan Sejarah dan Membangkitkan Generasi Bangsa

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    Kesultanan Melayu di Riau tentunya sudah tidak ada lagi setelah daerah tersebut menjadi bagian dari Republik Indonesia. Namun yang ingin diungkapkan penulis, bagaimana kegemilangem Melayu pada masa lampau tetap dikenang pda generasi sekarang dan masa yang akan dating. Dalam hal ini penulis coba mengungkapkannya dengan melakukan penelitian melalui metode penelitian historis dan studi perpustakaan. Dari hasil pengumpulan dokumen, banyak sekali nilai-nilai sejarah yang masih perlu diungkapkan untuk dikaji lebih mendalam tetang peradaban Kesultanan Melayu, Budaya Melayu termasuk Riau sendiri yang mempakan daerah tempat tinggal suku Melayu itu sendiri

    Pembantaian Raymond Pierre Paul Westerling Di Sulawesi Selatan Sebagai Upaya Belanda Mendirikan Negara Indonesia Timur (1946-1947)

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    The new Indonesia gained independence should return to face the Netherlands who want to re-colonize Indonesia. NICA coming to Indonesia is trying to arm the Royal Nerderlands Indisch Leger (KNIL), the Dutch royal army to Indonesia, with the aim of provocation and terror against the people of Indonesia. In addition to the military, the Netherlands is also planning to create a form of federation in Indonesia that aims to weaken the Republic of Indonesia one of which is the State of East Indonesia. But the Dutch effort to establish the State of East Indonesia should be blocked, because the situation in South Sulawesi were not safe it is caused by the people's resistance against the Dutch and Allied soldiers who refused the Dutch presence in South Sulawesi. The purpose of this study were (1) to know who Raymond Westerling, (2) to know the background of the Dutch established the State of East Indonesia, (3) to determine the people's resistance against the Dutch in South Sulawesi, (4) to determine the Dutch strategy in the face popular resistance in South Sulawesi, (5) to determine the role of slaughter Westerling of the establishment of the State of East Indonesia, (6) to find out the Dutch and Indonesian government action against the slaughter Westerling, (7) to determine the end of the State of East Indonesia. The method used is the method Historically, the data collected through technical literature and technical documentation. In analyzing the data is used dekriftif qualitative. Results from this study is that the Federal State of East Indonesia can stand, then the Netherlands need to create a safe state in South Sulawesi. To achieve this goal, then sent troops Westerling and Depot Speciale Troepen to quell popular resistance, and how that is done by Westerling is to carry out the slaughter/killing people in South Sulawesi. Westerling massacres and DST troops in South Sulawesi can extinguish the resistance of the people that made the Netherlands could be immediately set up the State of East Indonesia is the administrative center of Makassa

    Pengaruh Gerakan Pemurnian Agama Tuanku Nan Renceh terhadap Kebudayaan Minangkabau di Kecamatan Tilatang Kamang Kabupaten Agam 1803-1838

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    The district Tilatang Kamang there are various traditions that deviate from religion norms. Customs and traditions have clung so hard so to be abolished. The ulama seeks to advise the public to follow the Islmanic Shari'a, but the fact is many people who do not want to listen to that advice, until a religious figure Tuanku Nan Renceh initiate new ideas to change people's traditions with harsh and radical teachings.This study aims to determine the background (biography) Tuanku Nan Renceh, to know the culture and traditions of Tilatang Kamang society before and after the entry of the renewal, to know the cultures deviant who eradicated by Tuanku Nan Renceh, to know mindset Tuanku Nan Renceh about the culture to deviate, to find out what Tuanku Nan Renceh efforts in making changes to the system and habits of the people who have strayed of religious norms and customs norms prevailing in society.The theory used in this study is religious purification movement theory, the theory of religion, forms of movement of religious purification, and cultural theory. This study uses historical and documentary research. Data collection techniques in this study is the literature, documentation, comparative studies will then be deduced.The results showed that Tuanku Nan Renceh is known as the man who led a religious movement in Tilatang Kamang to change the tradition and culture of the people who deviate. As an Islamic religious leader, Tuanku Nan Renceh implement radical teachings and did not hesitate to act against violence against society so successfully eradicate some deviant culture, the pattern wahhabi teachings of mecca

    Sejarah Berdirinya PT. Lpppi dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Perkembangan Sosial-ekonomi Masyarakat Kelurahan Tebingtinggi Kecamatan Tebingtinggi Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat Provinsi Jambi Tahun (1994-2015)

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    The purpose of this research is (1) to know the history stand up PT. LPPPI at tebingtinggi of subdistrict tebingtinggi of regency tanjung jabung barat Jambi province in the year 1994-2015 (2) to know the influence PT. LPPPI in the field of social-economic of society village at tebingtinggi of subdistrict tebingtinggi of regency tanjung jabung barat Jambi province in the year 1994-2015 (3) to know the negative influence stand up PT. LPPPI at tebingtingi of subdistrict tebingtinggi of regency tanjung jabung barat Jambi province in the year 1994-2015 (4) to know the program of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in village tebingtinggi of subdistrict tebingtinggi of regency tanjung jabung barat Jambi province in the year 1994-2015. In this research method qualitative where this matter will give the complete information so that be of benefit to science. Result from this research is village at tebingtinggi of subdistrict tebingtinggi regency jabung barat Jambi province in the year 1994-2015 experience of a growth in the field of social-economic influence by standing PT. LPPPI with the existence a caring program to society where that company stand up with the program the corporate social responsibility (CSR