22 research outputs found

    Ukupni antioksidacijski potencijal, sastav ukupnih fenola i citotoksični učinak tetivike (Smilax excelsa L.) i kavkaske boražine (Trachystemon orientalis) na stanice tumora mozga

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    Research background. Brain cancer is known to be one of the most difficult types of cancer to cure. It has a serious impact on the lives of diagnosed people due to the insufficient treatment options and their side effects. The search for new alternative treatments is therefore ongoing. Melocan (Smilax excelsa L.) and galdirik (Trachystemon orientalis) are of great importance in both traditional culinary culture and traditional medicine around the Black Sea; however, the knowledge about their antioxidant and cytotoxic effects remains fairly limited. Experimental approach. The aim of this study is to determine the antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of Smilax excelsa and Trachystemon orientalis on the C6 glioblastoma cell line. The plants of Smilax excelsa and Trachystemon orientalis were dried and extracted and then their total phenolic content (TPC) and phenolic profiles were studied. In addition, their total antioxidant status (TAS) and total oxidant status (TOS) were determined using an assay kit. We also analysed the total antioxidant activity (TAA) using the DPPH radical scavenging assay and the cytotoxic effect on the glioma cells using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium (MTT) assay. Results and conclusions. According to the results, the water extracts of Smilax excelsa and Trachystemon orientalis had higher TPC (expressed in gallic acid equivalents on dry mass basis: 1158.17 and 262 mg/100 g, respectively) than the ethanol extracts. TAA expressed in Trolox equivalents on dry mass basis was 192.86 and 131.92 mg/100 g for Smilax excelsa and Trachystemon orientalis, respectively. The MTT assay showed that Trachystemon orientalis had a greater cytotoxic effect. In conclusion, the findings of the current study are promising for the development of new drugs. Novelty and scientific contribution. This is the first study that aims to evaluate the potential cytotoxic activity of two local Turkish plants, Smilax excelsa and Trachystemon orientalis, against C6 glioblastoma cells. The results confirm that both plants could be used as good therapeutic agents for the treatment of cancer in the future.Pozadina istraživanja. Tumor mozga jedan je od najtežih oblika tumora. Bitno narušava život bolesnika zbog ograničenih mogućnosti i nuspojava liječenja. Stoga se neprestano traga za alternativnim metodama liječenja. Tetivika (Smilax excelsa L.) i kavkaska boražina (Trachystemon orientalis) od velike su važnosti u tradicionalnoj kuhinji i kao prirodni lijekovi u crnomorskoj regiji, no njihov antioksidacijski i citotoksični učinak slabo su istraženi. Eksperimentalni pristup. Svrha je ovog rada bila odrediti antioksidacijski i citotoksični učinak tetivike i kavkaske boražine na C6 staničnu liniju glioblastoma. Uzorci biljaka su sušeni, provedena je ekstrakcija i zatim su ispitani ukupan udjel i sastav fenola u dobivenim ekstraktima. Određeni su ukupni antioksidacijski i oksidacijski status ekstrakata. Osim toga, ispitana je njihova ukupna antioksidacijska aktivnost pomoću DPPH testa te citotoksični učinak na stanice glioma pomoću MTT testa. Rezultati i zaključci. Rezultati pokazuju da vodeni ekstrakti tetivike i kavkaske boražine imaju veći ukupni udjel fenola od etanolnih ekstrakata, i to 1158,17 i 262 mg/100 g izraženo u ekvivalentima galne kiseline po masi suhe tvari. Ukupna antioksidacijska aktivnost, izražena u Trolox ekvivalentima po masi suhe tvari, bila je 192,86 mg/100 g u tetiviki i 131,92 mg/100 g u kavkaskoj boražini. MTT test je pokazao da kavkaska boražina ima veći citotoksični učinak. Na osnovi dobivenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da ove biljke imaju dobar potencijal za razvoj novih lijekova. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Ovo je prvo istraživanje o citotoksičnoj aktivnosti dvaju biljaka porijeklom iz Turske, tetivike i kavkaske boražine, na stanice C6 glioblastoma. Rezultati potvrđuju da se obje biljke mogu ubuduće primijeniti za liječenje tumora

    Recovery from complex ore by floatation

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    The lead-zinc ore sample containing 3.45% Pb, 3.15% Zn, 12.2 g/t Au and 256 g/t Ag was subjected to this experimental study and taken from Bolkardağ-Niğde, south eastern part of Anatolia. According to the mineralogical studies, the representative ore sample contains primarily native gold, electrum, native silver, and argentojarosite as gold and silver minerals, cerusite, anglesite, galena, pyromorphite, mimetite and plumbojarosite as lead minerals, smithsonite, hydrozincite, hemimorphite, adamite and sphalerite as zinc minerals, limonite, hematite, goethite, pyrite, magnetite and siderite as lead minerals and quartz, feldspar, albite and muscovite as gangue minerals. Beneficiation of complex lead and zinc ore was investigated using flotation method. Various parameters such as particle size, flotation stages, collector type, collector amount, control reagents were investigated to recover of gold and silver bearing minerals. At the end of the experimental studies, the flotation experiments performed with Aero 208 + Aerophine 3418 A (350 + 350 g/t) collectors at pH 4.5 gave the best result. –38 microns particle size and 1000 g/t of Na2SiO3 as depressant were used at these conditions. At the end of the experiments, a process was designed for evaluation of the ore. According to the process, a concentrate having 920 g/t Au and 10100 g/t Ag can be obtained with the recoveries of 54.1% and 31.1%, respectively

    Conjunctival lymphangiectasis: successful surgical resection of an idiopathic case

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    Conjunctival lymphagiectasis is a topical ocular condition characterized by swelling of conjunctiva as a result of dilated lymphatics of the bulbar conjunctiva.  In this case report, a 51-year-old man presented with conjunctival swelling in the left eye.  Conjunctival lymphangiectasis was diagnosed and a conjunctival resection was performed.  No recurrence was found in follow-up examination at 9 months

    Conventional osteosarcoma of the rib: a case report

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    Primary tumors of the rib are relatively uncommon in adults and rare in children. In this article, we present a case who was operated due to conventional osteosarcoma of the rib in the light of the literature review. A 17-year-old female patient had been operated due to a rib tumor 54 months ago. There was no local recurrence or metastatic disease. Chest wall tumors, particularly those arising from bones, require histologic assessment to be considered benign; the differential diagnosis of malignant neoplasms should not be based on clinical and radiographic features, only

    Bronchogenic cyst mimicking an adrenal mass in the retroperitoneal region: Report of a rare case

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    We report the surgical excision of a retroperitoneal bronchogenic cyst that presented as a nonfunctioning left adrenal mass in a 25-year-old woman with continuous pain in the left flank. Preoperative biochemical testing confirmed that the mass was nonfunctional. Bronchogenic cysts are mostly benign congenital abnormalities that originate from the remnants of the primitive foregut and typically occur in the lung. Subdiaphragmatic and especially, retroperitoneal locations are rare. Despite the rarity of this pathologic entity, bronchogenic cysts should be considered in the differential diagnosis of retroperitoneal cystic lesions. Diagnosis must be definitively confirmed by histology

    Effects of jnk inhibitor on inflammation and fibrosis in the ovary tissue of a rat model of polycystic ovary syndrome.

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    In our study, we aimed to investigate the effects of Jun N-terminal kinase inhibitor (SP600125) on fibrosis and inflammation in rats with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

    Esophageal Lymphoepithelioma-Like Carcinoma with Unique Daisy-Like Appearance

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    Due to differences in prognosis and management, it is important to subclassify esophageal carcinoma. Esophageal lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma (LELC) is extremely rare, with only a few cases reported to date. Review of the literature revealed case reports describing lesions with similar histology. We present a 69-year-old man with a giant pedunculated-polypoid lesion of the esophagus shrinking the lumen. Endoscopic excision of the tumor was performed and final histopathological diagnosis was confirmed to be LELC. In contrast to a previous case with a more aggressive course and a recurrent lesion, our patient died of his disease within 8 months of diagnosis. Here we discuss the endoscopic and radiologic findings of the case and a review of the literature