17 research outputs found


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    Ko govorimo o avtentikaciji na internetu, v večini primerov še vedno mislimo na gesla. Eden izmed največjih problemov trenutnih avtentikacijskih pristopov je vsekakor dejstvo, da si mora uporabnik zapolniti preveliko število uporabniških imen in gesel, kar vodi k pozabljanju ali uporabi istih uporabniških imen in gesel za različne spletne strani. Rešitev tega problema lahko najdemo v uporabi biometrije. V članku predstavljamo biometrično verifikacijo kot storitev v oblaku in primer uporabe takšne storitve v aplikaciji za preverjanje prisotnosti študentov na predavanju

    Technical, Legal, Economic and Social Aspects of Biometrics for Cloud Computing

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    This article addresses technical, legal, economic and social aspects of biometrics for cloud computing, featuring application example, gains of such solution, current laws, directives and legislation for biometrics and cloud computing. It is primarily based on Slovenian example due to common general EU legislation in the field of cloud computing and biometrics. Authentication on the Internet is still mainly done using passwords, while biometrics is practically not used. It is commonly known that everything is moving to the cloud and biometrics is not an exception. Amount of biometric data is expected to grow significantly over the next few years and only cloud computing is possible to process such amounts of data. Due to these facts and increasing security needs, we propose and implement the use of biometry as a service in the cloud. A challenge regarding the use of biometric solutions in the cloud is the protection of the privacy of individuals and their personal data. In Slovenia privacy legislation is very strong, it permits usage of biometrics only for very specific reasons, but we predict that big players on the market will change this fact globally. One of the important reasons for that is also the fact that biometrics for cloud computing provides some strong benefits and economic incentives. Proper deployment can provide significant savings. Such solutions could improve people’s quality of life in terms of social development, especially in sense of more convenient, safer and reliable identification over multiple government and non-government services

    Interactive augmented reality marketing system

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    Choosing the right way of advertisement to get the customer's attention is one of the hardest tasks a company has to face. Companies are aware that the advertise-ment will receive more attention if it stands out among others. That is why the way of advertising is constantly changing. This article presents interactive aug-mented reality advertising system. It consists of a camera, screen and software on the computer. The system inserts thoughts in real time to the visitors in front of the camera in the form of comic books speech balloons, which augment live vid-eo on screen, while the content follows the predetermined scenario. The system was tested at two fairs and the impact on visitors was remarkable. The visitors stopped almost always, engaged with the system and had fun. Due to these facts we believe that such systems will change marketing strategies in the near future


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    Ko govorimo o avtentikaciji na internetu, v večini primerov še vedno mislimo na gesla. Eden izmed največjih problemov trenutnih avtentikacijskih pristopov je vsekakor dejstvo, da si mora uporabnik zapolniti preveliko število uporabniških imen in gesel, kar vodi k pozabljanju ali uporabi istih uporabniških imen in gesel za različne spletne strani. Rešitev tega problema lahko najdemo v uporabi biometrije. V članku predstavljamo biometrično verifikacijo kot storitev v oblaku in primer uporabe takšne storitve v aplikaciji za preverjanje prisotnosti študentov na predavanju

    Nadgradnja sistema za verifikacijo na podlagi prstnega odtisa

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    The aim of this work is to present an upgrade of our existing fingerprint verification system [3]. In the first part we generally describe a functionality of a system and how it works. Later in the text, we focus on description of our system upgrade. It includes various system tests, including an analysis of results, integration of graphical user interface for end-user, and description of an algorithm for fingerprint verification. We made our analysis by performing tests on a set of fingerprints, obtained from eight persons, who will be the first users of our prototype system. The biggest problem in the system are badly captured fingerprints. Such low quality fingerprints result in poor performance of the system. Therefore, we also implemented algorithms for image quality assessment

    Nadgradnja sistema za verifikacijo na podlagi prstnega odtisa

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    The aim of this work is to present an upgrade of our existing fingerprint verification system [3]. In the first part we generally describe a functionality of a system and how it works. Later in the text, we focus on description of our system upgrade. It includes various system tests, including an analysis of results, integration of graphical user interface for end-user, and description of an algorithm for fingerprint verification. We made our analysis by performing tests on a set of fingerprints, obtained from eight persons, who will be the first users of our prototype system. The biggest problem in the system are badly captured fingerprints. Such low quality fingerprints result in poor performance of the system. Therefore, we also implemented algorithms for image quality assessment

    Strategies for exploiting independent cloud implementations of biometric experts in multibiometric scenarios

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    Cloud computing represents one of the fastest growing areas of technology and offers a new computing model for various applications and services. This model is particularly interesting for the area of biometric recognition, where scalability, processing power and storage requirements are becoming a bigger and bigger issue with each new generation of recognition technology. Next to the availability of computing resources, another important aspect of cloud computing with respect to biometrics is accessability. Since biometric cloud-services are easily accessible, it is possible to combine different existing implementations and design new multi-biometric services that next to almost unlimited resources also offer superior recognition performance and, consequently, ensure improved security to its client applications. Unfortunately, the literature on the best strategies of how to combine existing implementations of cloud-based biometric experts into a multi-biometric service is virtually non-existent. In this paper we try to close this gap and evaluate different strategies for combining existing biometric experts into a multi-biometric cloud-service. We analyze the (fusion) strategies from different perspectives such as performance gains, training complexity or resource consumption and present results and findings important to software developers and other researchers working in the areas of biometrics and cloud computing. The analysis is conducted based on two biometric cloud-services, which are also presented in the paper

    Izboljšava kvalitete slike prstnega odtisa

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    The performance of minutiae extraction algorithms and other algorithms in fingerprint recognition systems relies heavily on the quality of the input fingerprint images. Extracting features out of poor quality prints is an open problem. This paper presents different popular algorithms for fingerprint image enhancement and comparisons between them. We extended popular fingerprint enhancement based on Short Time Fourier Transform and Two-Stage Enhancement Scheme with 1D smoothing and obtained improvement in the recognition rate on a set of 800 bad quality images from FVC2002 database

    Ujemanje prstnih odtisov

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    Ujemanje prstnih odtisov je zadnji korak v sistemu za verifikacijo na podlagi prstnih odtisov, ki da odgovor na to, ali se vhodni prstni odtis ujema s katerim od prstnih odtisov, shranjenih v podatkovni zbirki. Kvaliteta modula za ujemanje močno vpliva na končni rezultat. Dandanes poznamo več načinov primerjanja prstnih odtisov, največkrat pa se uporablja primerjanje na podlagi značilk. V članku predstavljamo do sedaj uporabljano metodo ujemanja v našem sistemu ter metodo, s katero smo dosegli bistveno izboljšanje delovanj

    Building Cloud-based Biometric Services

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    Over the next few years the amount of biometric data being at the disposal of various agencies and authentication service providers is expected to grow significantly. Such quantities of data require not only enormous amounts of storage but unprecedented processing power as well. To be able to face this future challenges more and more people are looking towards cloud computing, which can address these challenges quite effectively with its seemingly unlimited storage capacity, rapid data distribution and parallel processing capabilities. Since the available literature on how to implement cloud-based biometric services is extremely scarce, this paper capitalizes on the most important challenges encountered during the development work on biometric services, presents the most important standards and recommendations pertaining to biometric services in the cloud and ultimately, elaborates on the potential value of cloud-based biometric solutions by presenting a few existing (commercial) examples. \ud In the final part of the paper, a case study on fingerprint recognition in the cloud and its integration into the e-learning environment Moodle is presented