23 research outputs found

    Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 2

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    In this contribution new data concerning the Italian distribution of native vascular flora are presented. It includes new records, exclusions, and confirmations to the Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Arctostaphylos, Artemisia, Buglossoides, Convolvulus, Crocus, Damasonium, Epipogium, Ficaria, Filago, Genista, Heptaptera, Heracleum, Heteropogon, Hieracium, Myosotis, Ononis, Papaver, Pilosella, Polygonum, Pulmonaria, Scorzonera, Silene, Trifolium, Vicia and Viola

    Specie esotiche invasive di rilevanza unionale in Italia: aggiornamenti e integrazioni

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    La Commissione Europea (CE) ha inserito ad oggi 36 taxa esotici vegetali nella lista delle specie esotiche invasive di rilevanza unionale ai sensi del Regolamento (UE) n. 1143/2014 del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio, recante disposizioni volte a prevenire e gestire l’introduzione e la diffusione delle specie esotiche invasive. La lista delle specie di rilevanza unionale viene periodicamente aggiornata e include quelle specie che rappresentano una grave minaccia per la biodiversità, ma anche per la salute dei cittadini e le attività economiche nei territori dell’Unione Europea e che necessitano di una gestione concertata a livello comunitario. La CE vigila sullo stato di ogni taxon grazie anche a periodiche rendicontazioni da parte dei paesi dell'Unione. In vista di tali report, tra il 2020 e il 2021 è stata definita e integrata la distribuzione di queste specie in Italia

    Tobacco in the Erbario Estense and other Renaissance evidence of the Columbian taxon in Italy

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    The Erbario Estense, preserved in the Archivio Segreto Estense (Modena State Archives, Italy), is one of the very few sixteenth century herbaria still existing today. Among its exsiccata are a dozen species coming from the Americas, one of which is tobacco. The author of the specimen calls the plant Tabacho, ouer Herba Regina; Camus and Penzig, in the late nineteenth century, identify it as Nicotiana tabacum and affirm that it could be the most ancient direct proof of the presence of this plant in Italy. Today, attribution of the specimen to the above-mentioned species is certain and, according to the studies carried out for the present research, only three other sixteenth century exsiccata of N. tabacum still exist, all of them preserved in the Erbario Aldrovandi in Bologna. Therefore, the specimen of the Erbario Estense is extremely precious from a historical and scientific viewpoint. Tobacco was certainly known by the simplists who were working at that epoch in the lively scientific and medical environment of Ferrara, even if, according to documentary sources, real pharmacological use of the plant seems to have taken place only in successive phases

    A New 3p14.2 Microdeletion in a Patient with Intellectual Disability and Language Impairment: Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Interstitial deletions of chromosome 3p are rare, and specific genotype-phenotype correlations cannot always be assessed. We report the case of a 3p14.2 proximal microdeletion in a 60-year-old female patient with mild intellectual disability, severe speech delay, and mild dysmorphism. An array-CGH analysis detected a 500-kb deletion in the 3p14.2 region, including FEZF2, CADPS, and PTPRG. FEZF2 and CADPS are known to network within the neurodevelopmental pathways. It is possible that their rearrangements lead to the phenotypic features observed in the patient, and therefore, they can be considered candidate genes responsible for such abnormalities

    Carte verdi nell’Archivio di Stato di Modena: l’Erbario Estense, foglie tra i fogli, un rebus, un progetto. Parte II

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    The Este Herbarium, preserved in the Este Secret Archives of the Modena State Ar- chives, is one of the few surviving Renaissance herbaria to date. It is the most fascinating and mysterious. It is probably the sixth volume of a lost series. In the present article, we discuss the results of a joint work (still in progress) among the Universities of Ferrara, Modena and Reggio Emilia, and Bologna. All the correspondence between simplists and botanists of that epoch (primarily Ulisse Aldrovandi from Bologna) was thoroughly analysed, to search the solution of the rebus: which author (or authors), which temporal location, which context of production for this herbarium? The documents consulted allow to understand that living plants, seeds and illustra- tions were commonly exchanged, but herbarium sheets never. The consultations on ta- xonomic attributions were frequent. The term herbario/herbarj, that is recurring in the letters written by Alfonso Cattaneo to Ulisse Aldrovandi, is also mysterious (thing or person?)

    Paracentric inversion of Yq and review of the literature

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    We report on the second prenatal diagnosis of familial paracentric inversion of the long arm of Y chromosome [46, X, inv(Y)(q11.2q12)]. The anomaly was detected through an amniocentesis performed because of advanced maternal age. The inversion has been detected by standard GTG banding methods and better characterized by FISH with painting probe and specific satellite probes DYZ1 and DYZ3. The inversion derived from phenotypically normal father. Pregnancy was uneventful and an healthy child was born. We discuss the issue concerning genetic prenatal counselling of this rare condition and we report the clinical follow up of the child

    Phenological and genetic characterization of Mediterranean plants at the peripheral range: the case of Cistus albidus near Lake Garda

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    The potential effects of climate change on the distribution of Mediterranean plants at their peripheral range make them extremely vulnerable to environmental fluctuations. The northern-most Italian population of Cistus albidus provides an outstanding case for study, as it grows at the extreme northern edge of its range and because phenological data have been available since the early XIX century. In the period 2012\u20132017, we analysed the population demography and spatial structure, growth and flowering phenology, and genetic variability to understand the history, current state and possible evolution of this population. Lastly, the population data were tested for association with environmental factors. The population studied consists of plants on average 10 years old, showing the highest growth rates in spring and autumn. Anthesis starts in April and ends in early June and is significantly dependent on temperature. High levels of genetic variability are present (average He = 0.471), with heterozygote excess detected at four loci out of five. Bayesian analysis does not support any genetic structuring of the population. The aggregated pattern in the distribution of individuals and their phenological traits, together with the absence of genetic structuring, seem to suggest that this extreme geographical population is not currently endangered