19 research outputs found

    Continuing professional development (CPD) in radiography: a collaborative European meta-ethnography literature review.

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to complete a collaborative review of Radiography continuing professional development (CPD) research material to support the production of European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS) CPD recommendations. A meta-ethnography approach to literature review was applied focussing upon commonalities rather than discrepancies between research outcomes. This facilitated exploration of context across the geographical region of Europe with national variations in CPD governance. The seven phases of the meta-ethnographic approach were followed by two independent experienced researchers. A third researcher mediated the findings which were then explored collaboratively with the EFRS CPD working group for concordance. Key Findings: Phase seven of the meta-ethnography involved interpreting an expression of the synthesis from the previous stages. Six main corroborating themes emerged in this process and following mediation were expressed as themes; knowledge, skills & competency, needs/gap analysis, multi-layered/multi-modal, barriers and drivers; regulation vs autonomy; fostering collaboration - harnessing technology. Conclusion: The primary feature of CPD activity should be the resulting impact - to patients, the service, the profession and the individual; with all stakeholders working in partnership. CPD activity must be flexible/multi-modal to support the changing growth/dynamic workforce. All stakeholders should utilise communication and technology resources and make efforts to improve collaboration between the management, regulators and educators to support Radiographers to develop meaningful CPD. Health services across Europe are under increasing stress and a principal factor going forwards will be managing increasing demands on healthcare staff whilst supporting enhancement of the knowledge, skills and competency base

    Religious socialisation and fertility: transition to third birth in the Netherlands

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    Although previous studies have demonstrated that religious people in Europe have larger families, the role played by religious socialisation in the context of contemporary fertility behaviour has not yet been analysed in detail. This contribution specifically looks at the interrelation between religious socialisation and current religiosity and their impact on the transition to the third child for Dutch women. It is based on data of the first wave of the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study (2002–2004) and uses event history analysis. The transitions to first, second and third birth are modelled jointly with a control for unobserved heterogeneity. The findings provide evidence for an impact of women’s current church attendance as well as religious socialisation measured by their fathers’ religious affiliation, when they were teenagers. A religious family background remains influential even when a woman has stopped attending church. The effects of religious indicators strengthen over cohorts. Moreover, the combined religious make-up of the respondent’s parents also significantly determines the progression to the third child.S’il est bien Ă©tabli que les croyants en Europe ont plus d’enfants que les autres, le rĂŽle de la socialisation religieuse dans le contexte de la fĂ©conditĂ© contemporaine n’a pas encore Ă©tĂ© analysĂ© Ă  ce jour. Cette Ă©tude s’intĂ©resse au lien entre la socialisation religieuse et la religiositĂ© actuelle, et Ă  leur impact sur la probabilitĂ© d’agrandissement de deux Ă  trois enfants de la descendance des femmes nĂ©erlandaises. Les donnĂ©es exploitĂ©es sont celles de la premiĂšre vague du Panel NĂ©erlandais d’Etude de la ParentĂ© (the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study, 2002–2004). A l’aide des techniques de l’analyse des biographies, les probabilitĂ©s d’agrandissement de rang 1, rang 2 et rang 3 ont Ă©tĂ© modĂ©lisĂ©es de façon conjointe, en contrĂŽlant l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© non observĂ©e. Les rĂ©sultats mettent en Ă©vidence l’impact de la frĂ©quentation actuelle de l’église par les femmes et de leur socialisation religieuse, mesurĂ©e par l’appartenance religieuse de leur pĂšre quand elles Ă©taient adolescentes. Il apparaĂźt que la religiositĂ© du contexte familial exerce une influence, mĂȘme quand la femme ne frĂ©quente plus l’église, et que les effets des indicateurs de pratique religieuse se renforcent d’une gĂ©nĂ©ration Ă  l’autre. Enfin, l’appartenance religieuse conjointe des parents de la femme dĂ©termine significativement la probabilitĂ© d’avoir un troisiĂšme enfant

    Challenges for IT-Enabled Formative Assessment of Complex 21st Century Skills

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    In this article, we identify and examine opportunities for formative assessment provided by information technologies (IT) and the challenges which these opportunities present. We address some of these challenges by examining key aspects of assessment processes that can be facilitated by IT: datafication of learning; feedback and scaffolding; peer assessment and peer feedback. We then consider how these processes may be applied in relation to the assessment of horizontal, general complex 21st century skills (21st CS), which are still proving challenging to incorporate into curricula as well as to assess. 21st CS such as creativity, complex problem solving, communication, collaboration and self-regulated learning contain complex constructs incorporating motivational and affective components. Our analysis has enabled us to make recommendations for policy, practice and further research. While there is currently much interest in and some progress towards the development of learning/assessment analytics for assessing 21st CS, the complexity of assessing such skills, together with the need to include affective aspects means that using IT-enabled techniques will need to be combined with more traditional methods of teacher assessment as well as peer assessment for some time to come. Therefore learners, teachers and school leaders must learn how to manage the greater variety of sorts and sources of feedback including resolving tensions of inconsistent feedback from different sources

    OPTIMAX 2017 : radiation dose, image quality optimisation,the use of new technology in medical imaging

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    This year OPTIMAX settled in Oslo. After the successof previous years, we are proud to present the fourthEbook. As in previous years, the group was madeup of PhD-, MSc- and BSc students as well astutors from the seven European partner universities.Professional mix was drawn from medical physics/physics and radiography. OPTIMAX 2017 was partlyfunded by the partner universities and partly by theparticipants. Two students from South Africa and twofrom Brazil were invited by Hanze UAS (Groningen)and ESTeSL (Lisbon) summer school includedlectures and group projects in which experimentalresearch was conducted in four teams. Four research projects were performed with a focuson radiation dose optimization and image quality,namely: Possible dose reduction for pediatric patientsfor conventional radiology; Can the tube voltage belowered with the use of direct-conversion flat paneldetector system?; Impact of body size and kV in chestradiography; Quantity assessment on Image quality ofCBCT images of head phantom with implants of metaland ceramic objects.The last day of OPTIMAX 2017there was a poster session and a conference, in whichthe research teams presented their posters and oralpresentations. This book comprises of two sections, the first twochapters concern generic background informationabout international teamwork during the OPTIMAXsummerschool. The next chapters with theory on which the researchprojects were built. The second section containsthe research papers of the four research projects.Two research papers, Can the tube voltage belowered with the use of direct-conversion flat-paneldetector system? And Impact of body size and kV inchest radiography: Experimental receiver operatingcharacteristic analysis using a Multipurpose ChestPhantom “Lungman” have been accepted for the ECRconference, Vienna, 2018 as oral presentations

    Hoe zetten we ze ‘t betaald? Onderzoek naar sanctionering van zwartrijden in het openbaar vervoer

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    Het onderzoek, uitgevoerd in opdracht van het WODC, voor het ministerie van Justitie en V&W, gaat in op de gevolgen van invoering van het gesloten instapsysteem in het openbaar vervoer vanaf 2008 voor de sanctionering van zwartrijden. De afweging tussen diverse mogelijke manieren van sanctionering, langs strafrechtelijke, bestuursrechterlijke en privaatrechtelijke weg wordt geanalyseerd. Aanbevolen wordt zwartrijden in het openbaar vervoer voortaan civielrechtelijk aan te pakken, via door vervoerders in algemene voorwaarden vast te stellen sancties en het strafrecht als ultimum remedium te hanteren voor notoire zwartrijders en voor zwartrijders die bijkomende delicten plegen.