15 research outputs found

    Analisis Prospek Bisnis Penangkaran Benih Kentang di Kabupaten Solok, Sumatera Barat

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    Analysis of Seed Potato Breeding Prospect in Solok District, West Sumatra. Horticulture agriculturevision of Solok District become potato seedling producer has not appears. Developing of seedling institution,guidance seed producer, and subsidies input have note optimal condition. Analysis of prospect seedling wasconducted identification seedling producer, the farmers whose produce potato seed, the farmer activities,problems, and marketing aspect. The data collected include input, output from potato farm so secondarydata from Agricultural Extension Solok District. The result form BBI high elevation horticulture centre canproduce 9-12 t/yearG3potato seed. However this seed was sold to other province. On other hand local seedlingproducer have to byG3seed from out side region with more expensive. ProduceG3seed is profitable business.Baringin Mudo farmers group produce 9,722 kg potato for consumption and can used for seed about 4,489 kg/ha. However only 75 percent becomeG4about 3,823.2 kg,G4seed consumption is about 1,023-1,535 t/year.On other hand five seed producer can produce only 16 t/year. Potato is more profitable than cabbage but undershallot. If the farmers use good potato seed potato farm can more profitable than others crops. Potato pricemore stable than other horticultural farm gate price with coefficient variation in 2006 and 2007 are 16.5 and15.6 percent. On other hand coefficient variation cabbage, chilly, shallot, and tomato about 17.2-63.9 percent.Optimum and improve function of seed institution can accelerate self sufficient potato seed in Solok District.Key words: Seedling institute, seed potato, produce potato seedVisi pertanian hortikultura Kabupaten Solok menjadi penghasil bibit kentang selama ini belum terwujud.Pembangunan balai benih, pembinaan penangkar, dan bantuan sarana produksi belum optimal. Analisis prospekbisnis penangkaran benih kentang Kabupaten Solok, dilakukan dengan cakupan identifikasi keberadaan balaibenih dan penangkar, upaya yang dilakukan, permasalahan, dan aspek pasar. Data yang dianalisis berupamasukan-hasil USAhatani sayuran kegiatan Prima Tani Kabupaten Solok dan data sekunder dari Dinas Pertaniandan Perikanan Kabupaten Solok. Data primer didapatkan dari unit USAha penangkar benih kentang di sentraproduksi utama. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa BBI Hortikultura Dataran Tinggi dengan lahan kebun 6ha yang ditanami secara bergilir mampu menghasilkan 9-12 t benihG3per-tahun, tetapi sebagian besar dijualkeluar daerah. Sebaliknya, penangkar benih lokal cenderung menggunakan benihG3asal luar daerah yanglebih mahal. Usaha penangkaran benih kentangG3merupakan bisnis yang menguntungkan. Kelompok TaniBaringin Mudo sebagai penangkar benih menghasilkan kentang konsumsi 9.772 kg dan kentang calon benihG4sebanyak 4.489 kg/ha. Dengan rendemen pengolahan benih 75%, harga pokok benihG4Rp.3.823,2/kg. Potensi pasar benihG4sebanyak 1.023-1.535 t/th, sementara produksi oleh lima penangkar benih sekitar16 t/th. Daya saing kentang terhadap kubis lebih tinggi, dan berada dibawah bawang merah. Peluang untukAnalisis Prospek Bisnis Penangkaran Benih Kentang di Kabupaten Solok, Sumatera Barat (Buharman B. dan Harnel)149meningkatkan daya saing kentang terhadap bawang merah dan tomat sangat besar, terutama dalam penggunaanbenih bermutu. Di tingkat produsen, harga kentang relatif stabil, dengan nilai koefisien variasi harga tahun 2006dan 2007 berturut-turut 16,5% dan 15,6%, sementara kubis, cabe merah, bawang merah, dan tomat berkisar17,2-63,9%. Penataan sistem dan fungsionalisasi fasilitas Balai Benih dan penguatan kelembagaan penangkarbenih merupakan faktor pendorong mempercepat terwujudnya swasembada benih kentang di Kabupaten Solok

    Analisis USAhatani Kakao Rakyat di Kabupaten Solok Sumatera Barat

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    Analysis of Cocoa Small-Farming in Solok District, West Sumatera Province. Solok District is one of the districts that promote the development of cacao plantation in West Sumatera. The development of cacao plantation is physically conducive, however economically is questionable because the existence of other competitive commodities. The objective of the assessment was to analyze the farming systems feasibility as the basis for further development of cacao plantation in West Sumatera. A survey was conducted with 30 farmer's respondents by purposive method in Solok District West Sumatra 2012. The data collection consisted of quantity and value of input-output of cacao farming and cost and revenue components. Data was analyzed using the criteria of financially feasible infestation with parameters Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C); Net Present Value (NPV); internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Pay Back Period (PBP). The financial analysis gather in 20 year, at discount factor (DF) 12% indicated the B/C 1.649; NPV IDR37,889,134; IRR 30.16%; and PBP at year 5th to 6th. The results from sensitivity analysis, with the cost of production increased by 25%, and the benefit increased by 10% cocoa farming was financially feasible, that shown by the indicator of B/C value for 1.452; NPV IDR32,930,170; IRR 26.10% which was more than the rate for commercial level. To improve the competitive of cacao in West Sumatera, there is a need the application of good farming practice which includes the use of high yield varieties, integrated pest and disease protection, fertilizer, and topping technologies. In addition, the efforts should be followed by the improvement of skill and knowledge of farmers involved in cacao farming


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    ABSTRACT Analysis of Cocoa Small-Farming in Solok District, West Sumatera Province. Solok District is one of the districts that promote the development of cacao plantation in West Sumatera. The development of cacao plantation is physically conducive, however economically is questionable because the existence of other competitive commodities. The objective of the assessment was to analyze the farming systems feasibility as the basis for further development of cacao plantation in West Sumatera. A survey was conducted with 30 farmer’s respondents by purposive method in Solok District West Sumatra 2012. The data collection consisted of quantity and value of input-output of cacao farming and cost and revenue components. Data was analyzed using the criteria of financially feasible infestation with parameters Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C); Net Present Value (NPV); internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Pay Back Period (PBP). The financial analysis gather in 20 year, at discount factor (DF) 12% indicated the  B/C 1.649; NPV IDR37,889,134;  IRR 30.16%; and PBP at year 5th to 6th. The results from sensitivity analysis, with the cost of production increased by 25%, and the benefit increased by 10% cocoa farming was financially feasible, that shown by the indicator of B/C value for 1.452; NPV IDR32,930,170; IRR 26.10% which was more than the rate  for commercial level. To improve the competitive of cacao in West Sumatera, there is a need the application of good farming practice which includes the use of high yield varieties, integrated pest and disease protection, fertilizer, and topping technologies. In addition, the efforts should be followed by the improvement of skill and knowledge of farmers involved in cacao farming.Keywords: Cacao, cultural practices, financial analysisABSTRAK Kabupaten Solok merupakan salah satu daerah penghasil kakao di Sumatera Barat. Secara fisik perkembangan kakao di Sumatera Barat menunjukkan keragaan yang relatif baik, namun dari sisi ekonomi masih dipertanyakan karena adanya komoditi alternatif yang menjadi pesaing. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelayakan finansial usahatani kakao, sebagai dasar pertimbangan untuk pengembangan lebih lanjut di Sumatera Barat. Survai dilakukan terhadap 30 orang petani kakao yang ditentukan secara sengaja sebagai responden. Pengkajian dilakukan di Kabupaten Solok, Sumatera Barat tahun 2012. Data yang dikumpulkan mencakup komponen budidaya, kuantitas dan nilai masukan-hasil usahatani kakao, serta komponen biaya dan penerimaan. Analisis data menggunakan kriteria kelayakan investasi secara finansial, dengan parameter B/C; NPV; IRR dan PBP. Hasil analisis selama 20 tahun pada tingkat discound factor 12% menunjukkan bahwa investasi dinilai layak secara finansial yang ditunjukkan nilai B/C sebesar 1.649; NPV Rp37.889.133,72; IRR 30,16%; dan PBP jatuh pada tahun ke 5-6. Hasil analisis sensitivitas, dengan kenaikan biaya produksi 25% dan penerimaan naik 10% usahatani kakao secara finansial masih layak, ditunjukkan oleh indikator B/C 1,452; NPV Rp32.930.169,58; IRR 26,10% lebih besar dari suku bunga komersial (12%). Untuk meningkatkan daya saing kakao di Sumatera Barat diperlukan perbaikan teknologi budidaya yang tepat, meliputi penggunaan klon unggul, pengendalian hama terpadu (PHT), pemupukan, dan pemangkasan. Disamping itu, upaya tersebut perlu diikuti dengan peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan petani sebagai pengelola usahatani kakao.Kata kunci: Kakao, keragaan budidaya, analisis finansia

    Tataniaga Kentang Sumatera Barat Keluar Daerah: Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Banuhampu Sungai Puar Kabupaten Agam ke Pakan Baru

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    IndonesianKentang termasuk komoditi pangan yang cukup penting karena merupakan sumber protein dan karbohidrat yang tinggi. Konsumsi kentang Indonesia relatif rendah (1 gk/kapita/tahun) dibanding negara lain. Perkembangan penduduk dan perbaikan pendapatan merupakan faktor penunjang dalam meningkatkan produksi, tetapi sebaliknya produksi kentang di Sumatera Barat dalam 5 tahun terakhir tidak menunjukkan peningkatan yang berarti. Rendahnya harga dan meningkatnya biaya masukan dianggap sebagai penyebab tidak meningkatnya produksi. Pembuktian lebih lanjut dari anggapan ini dilihat dengan melakukan analisa biaya produksi serta analisa penyebaran harga dari produsen hingga konsumen. Dari biaya korbanan langsung sebesar Rp 844.650 diperoleh keuntungan Rp 594.190 (B/C=1,7) pada tingkat produksi rata-rata 8,39 ton/ha. Saluran utama dalam tataniaga kentang terdiri atas 4 mata rantai. Analisa penyebaran hanya menunjukkan bahwa besarnya margin petani adalah 64,15 persen pada level harga Rp 170/kg margin biaya 19,73 persen dan margin keuntungan 16,12 persen. Biaya tataniaga sebagian besar diserap untuk transport cost disamping ini selama pemasaran terjadi penyusunan sebesar 8,5 persen

    Perspektif Pengembangan Agribisnis Markisa di Kabupaten Solok, Sumatra Barat

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    Sweet passion fruit (Passiflora liguralis) plants grow well in Solok district highland. Productive area of theplantation is 3,825 ha with total production of 49,577 tons or equal to Rp 81,802 billions. Passion fruit agribusinessdevelopment in the future considers four aspects of (1) production technology, (2) post harvest, (3) financialfeasibility, and (4) land potential for development. First, two high-yielding varieties of Gumanti and Super Solindahave better characteristics of higher yields, size and quality of fruits, shelf life, and higher selling prices compared tothe variety of ordinary violet flower commonly planted by the farmers. Second, the fruits not qualified for fresh fruitsat household scale could be processed into juice and syrup. Both varieties with certain harvested maturity level andpackaging have longer shelf life for long distance transportation. Third, the farm business was financially feasible asshown by NPV of Rp 26,977,900, B/C ratio of 3.46, and IRR of 40 percent with economic plantation period of 10years. Fourth, there are 10,218 ha of land available for expansion of the plantation in the two main producing subdistricts. In addition, the farmers have planted passion fruit plants in some sub districts in the other highland areas. Allof those aspects are promising, but the policy makers have to pay attention to the aspects of competitive advantageand land conservation. Integrating farm practice improvement, product processing, market enhancement, and landexpansion becomes very strategic in passion fruit agribusiness development as part of regional development.Key words: passion fruit, agribusiness development Markisa manis berkembang baik di wilayah dataran tinggi Kabupaten Solok. Secara ekonomis dari luasareal produktif 3.825 ha dengan produksi 49.577 ton, setara Rp 81.802 milyar/tahun. Perspektif peluangpengembangan agribisnis markisa ke depan, dapat ditinjau dari empat aspek, yaitu: (1) teknologi produksi (2) pascapanen, (3) kelayakan finansial, dan (4) potensi lahan untuk pengembangan. Pertama, dua varietas unggul Gumantidan Super Solinda mempunyai keunggulan berupa daya hasil, ukuran dan mutu buah, daya simpan, serta harga juallebih tinggi dibanding varietas bunga ungu biasa yang banyak diusahakan petani. Selain varietas, teknik pembibitan,dan perbaikan budidaya telah dilakukan. Kedua, untuk buah yang tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai buah meja, dalamskala rumah tangga dapat diolah menjadi jus dan sirup, sedangkan untuk transportasi jarak jauh pada tingkatkematangan panen dan kemasan tertentu daya tahan bisa lebih lama. Ketiga, dari aspek USAhatani, budidaya yangdilakukan petani layak secara finansial dengan kriteria NVP=Rp 26.977.900; B/C=3,46; dan IRR>40% dengan umurekonomis 10 tahun. Keempat, pada dua kecamatan sentra produksi utama, terdapat potensi lahan untuk pengembanganseluas 10.218 ha. Selain itu, markisa juga telah dikembangkan oleh masyarakat pada beberapa kecamatan wilayahdataran tinggi lainnya. Semua aspek tersebut sangat mendukung, namun demikian tingkat keunggulan kompetitif sertaaspek konservasi lahan untuk pengembangan perlu mendapat perhatian. Keterpaduan dalam perbaikan budidaya,pengolahan produk, perluasan pasar dan areal menjadi sangat strategis untuk pengembangan agribisnis markisasebagai bagian dari pengembangan wilayah


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    Sweet passion fruit (Passiflora liguralis) plants grow well in Solok district highland. Productive area of theplantation is 3,825 ha with total production of 49,577 tons or equal to Rp 81,802 billions. Passion fruit agribusinessdevelopment in the future considers four aspects of (1) production technology, (2) post harvest, (3) financialfeasibility, and (4) land potential for development. First, two high-yielding varieties of Gumanti and Super Solindahave better characteristics of higher yields, size and quality of fruits, shelf life, and higher selling prices compared tothe variety of ordinary violet flower commonly planted by the farmers. Second, the fruits not qualified for fresh fruitsat household scale could be processed into juice and syrup. Both varieties with certain harvested maturity level andpackaging have longer shelf life for long distance transportation. Third, the farm business was financially feasible asshown by NPV of Rp 26,977,900, B/C ratio of 3.46, and IRR of 40 percent with economic plantation period of 10years. Fourth, there are 10,218 ha of land available for expansion of the plantation in the two main producing subdistricts. In addition, the farmers have planted passion fruit plants in some sub districts in the other highland areas. Allof those aspects are promising, but the policy makers have to pay attention to the aspects of competitive advantageand land conservation. Integrating farm practice improvement, product processing, market enhancement, and landexpansion becomes very strategic in passion fruit agribusiness development as part of regional development.Key words: passion fruit, agribusiness development Markisa manis berkembang baik di wilayah dataran tinggi Kabupaten Solok. Secara ekonomis dari luasareal produktif 3.825 ha dengan produksi 49.577 ton, setara Rp 81.802 milyar/tahun. Perspektif peluangpengembangan agribisnis markisa ke depan, dapat ditinjau dari empat aspek, yaitu: (1) teknologi produksi (2) pascapanen, (3) kelayakan finansial, dan (4) potensi lahan untuk pengembangan. Pertama, dua varietas unggul Gumantidan Super Solinda mempunyai keunggulan berupa daya hasil, ukuran dan mutu buah, daya simpan, serta harga juallebih tinggi dibanding varietas bunga ungu biasa yang banyak diusahakan petani. Selain varietas, teknik pembibitan,dan perbaikan budidaya telah dilakukan. Kedua, untuk buah yang tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai buah meja, dalamskala rumah tangga dapat diolah menjadi jus dan sirup, sedangkan untuk transportasi jarak jauh pada tingkatkematangan panen dan kemasan tertentu daya tahan bisa lebih lama. Ketiga, dari aspek usahatani, budidaya yangdilakukan petani layak secara finansial dengan kriteria NVP=Rp 26.977.900; B/C=3,46; dan IRR>40% dengan umurekonomis 10 tahun. Keempat, pada dua kecamatan sentra produksi utama, terdapat potensi lahan untuk pengembanganseluas 10.218 ha. Selain itu, markisa juga telah dikembangkan oleh masyarakat pada beberapa kecamatan wilayahdataran tinggi lainnya. Semua aspek tersebut sangat mendukung, namun demikian tingkat keunggulan kompetitif sertaaspek konservasi lahan untuk pengembangan perlu mendapat perhatian. Keterpaduan dalam perbaikan budidaya,pengolahan produk, perluasan pasar dan areal menjadi sangat strategis untuk pengembangan agribisnis markisasebagai bagian dari pengembangan wilayah.Kata kunci : markisa, pengembangan, agribisni

    Menduga Potensi Produksi Kayu Bulat dari Hutan Kalimantan Timur Menggunakan Metode Pendugaan Nisbah dan Pendugaan Regresi

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    For predicting the roundwood potential in the forest region of East Kalimantan, roughly two kinds of data are required. These includes sample data and population data. Sample data collected are the area or size of several selected forest region and the volume of the corresponding roundwood production, while population data include the total forest area of East Kalimantan.The prediction methods applied are ratio estimate and regression estimate. Using ratio estimate, the volume of roundwood production potential predicted was 8 093 575 cu.m (7 032 723 to 9 154 427 cu.m). On the other hand, with the application of regression estimate, the uolume of roundwood production potential was 8 505 603 cu.m. (7 889 057 to 9 122 149 cu.m.).Examination of the residuals indicated that assumption of normality of data was satisfie

    Analisis Permintaan Kayu Lapis di Jawa

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    One of the main important things for the planning of production and marketing development is the demand informations. This research was conducted to analyse the aggregate demand of plywood in the districts of Java and its determining factors. The result of this research revealed that the aggregate demand of plywood in the districts of Java ranged from 679. 731 m3 to 1741.841 m3. The number of people and the gross domestic regional income in the districts determine the aggregate demand of plywood significantly. The elasticity of the number of people is 0.12 and the gross domestic regional income is 0.16. In addition, this research found that the distribution of its consumption consisted of 60. 02% of the households, 25.22% of the building contractors, 10.97% of the furniture craft industries and 3. 79% of the car body craft industries