48 research outputs found

    Osteocytes as a record of bone formation dynamics: A mathematical model of osteocyte generation in bone matrix

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    The formation of new bone involves both the deposition of bone matrix, and the formation of a network of cells embedded within the bone matrix, called osteocytes. Osteocytes derive from bone-synthesising cells (osteoblasts) that become buried in bone matrix during bone deposition. The generation of osteocytes is a complex process that remains incompletely understood. Whilst osteoblast burial determines the density of osteocytes, the expanding network of osteocytes regulates in turn osteoblast activity and osteoblast burial. In this paper, a spatiotemporal continuous model is proposed to investigate the osteoblast-to-osteocyte transition. The aims of the model are (i) to link dynamic properties of osteocyte generation with properties of the osteocyte network imprinted in bone, and (ii) to investigate Marotti's hypothesis that osteocytes prompt the burial of osteoblasts when they become covered with sufficient bone matrix. Osteocyte density is assumed in the model to be generated at the moving bone surface by a combination of osteoblast density, matrix secretory rate, rate of entrapment, and curvature of the bone substrate, but is found to be determined solely by the ratio of the instantaneous burial rate and matrix secretory rate. Osteocyte density does not explicitly depend on osteoblast density nor curvature. Osteocyte apoptosis is also included to distinguish between the density of osteocyte lacuna and the density of live osteocytes. Experimental measurements of osteocyte lacuna densities are used to estimate the rate of burial of osteoblasts in bone matrix. These results suggest that: (i) burial rate decreases during osteonal infilling, and (ii) the control of osteoblast burial by osteocytes is likely to emanate as a collective signal from a large group of osteocytes, rather than from the osteocytes closest to the bone deposition front.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. V2: substantially augmented version. Addition of Section 4 (osteocyte apoptosis

    Governing equations of tissue modelling and remodelling: A unified generalised description of surface and bulk balance

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    Several biological tissues undergo changes in their geometry and in their bulk material properties by modelling and remodelling processes. Modelling synthesises tissue in some regions and removes tissue in others. Remodelling overwrites old tissue material properties with newly formed, immature tissue properties. As a result, tissues are made up of different "patches", i.e., adjacent tissue regions of different ages and different material properties, within evolving boundaries. In this paper, generalised equations governing the spatio-temporal evolution of such tissues are developed within the continuum model. These equations take into account nonconservative, discontinuous surface mass balance due to creation and destruction of material at moving interfaces, and bulk balance due to tissue maturation. These equations make it possible to model patchy tissue states and their evolution without explicitly maintaining a record of when/where resorption and formation processes occurred. The time evolution of spatially averaged tissue properties is derived systematically by integration. These spatially-averaged equations cannot be written in closed form as they retain traces that tissue destruction is localised at tissue boundaries. The formalism developed in this paper is applied to bone tissues, which exhibit strong material heterogeneities due to their slow mineralisation and remodelling processes. Evolution equations are proposed in particular for osteocyte density and bone mineral density. Effective average equations for bone mineral density (BMD) and tissue mineral density (TMD) are derived using a mean-field approximation. The error made by this approximation when remodelling patchy tissue is investigated. The specific time signatures of BMD or TMD during remodelling events may provide a way to detect these events occurring at lower, unseen spatial resolutions from microCT scans.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. V2: minor stylistic changes, more detailed derivation of Eqs (30)-(31), additional comments on implication of BMD and TMD signatures for microCT scan

    Osteoblasts infill irregular pores under curvature and porosity controls: A hypothesis-testing analysis of cell behaviours

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    The geometric control of bone tissue growth plays a significant role in bone remodelling, age-related bone loss, and tissue engineering. However, how exactly geometry influences the behaviour of bone-forming cells remains elusive. Geometry modulates cell populations collectively through the evolving space available to the cells, but it may also modulate the individual behaviours of cells. To factor out the collective influence of geometry and gain access to the geometric regulation of individual cell behaviours, we develop a mathematical model of the infilling of cortical bone pores and use it with available experimental data on cortical infilling rates. Testing different possible modes of geometric controls of individual cell behaviours consistent with the experimental data, we find that efficient smoothing of irregular pores only occurs when cell secretory rate is controlled by porosity rather than curvature. This porosity control suggests the convergence of a large scale of intercellular signalling to single bone-forming cells, consistent with that provided by the osteocyte network in response to mechanical stimulus. After validating the mathematical model with the histological record of a real cortical pore infilling, we explore the infilling of a population of randomly generated initial pore shapes. We find that amongst all the geometric regulations considered, the collective influence of curvature on cell crowding is a dominant factor for how fast cortical bone pores infill, and we suggest that the irregularity of cement lines thereby explains some of the variability in double labelling data as well as the overall speed of osteon infilling.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, Appendi

    Curvature dependences of wave propagation in reaction-diffusion models

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    Reaction-diffusion waves in multiple spatial dimensions advance at a rate that strongly depends on the curvature of the wave fronts. These waves have important applications in many physical, ecological, and biological systems. In this work, we analyse curvature dependences of travelling fronts in a single reaction-diffusion equation with general reaction term. We derive an exact, non-perturbative curvature dependence of the speed of travelling fronts that arises from transverse diffusion occurring parallel to the wave front. Inward-propagating waves are characterised by three phases: an establishment phase dominated by initial and boundary conditions, a travelling-wave-like phase in which normal velocity matches standard results from singular perturbation theory, and a dip-filling phase where the collision and interaction of fronts create additional curvature dependences to their progression rate. We analyse these behaviours and additional curvature dependences using a combination of asymptotic analyses and numerical simulations.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures; v3: minor changes; additional discussion of establishment and travelling phases; new figure (Fig 9) showing simulations on a larger circular por

    Pushing coarse-grained models beyond the continuum limit using equation learning

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    Mathematical modelling of biological population dynamics often involves proposing high fidelity discrete agent-based models that capture stochasticity and individual-level processes. These models are often considered in conjunction with an approximate coarse-grained differential equation that captures population-level features only. These coarse-grained models are only accurate in certain asymptotic parameter regimes, such as enforcing that the time scale of individual motility far exceeds the time scale of birth/death processes. When these coarse-grained models are accurate, the discrete model still abides by conservation laws at the microscopic level, which implies that there is some macroscopic conservation law that can describe the macroscopic dynamics. In this work, we introduce an equation learning framework to find accurate coarse-grained models when standard continuum limit approaches are inaccurate. We demonstrate our approach using a discrete mechanical model of epithelial tissues, considering a series of four case studies that illustrate how we can learn macroscopic equations describing mechanical relaxation, cell proliferation, and the equation governing the dynamics of the free boundary of the tissue. While our presentation focuses on this biological application, our approach is more broadly applicable across a range of scenarios where discrete models are approximated by approximate continuum-limit descriptions. All code and data to reproduce this work are available at https://github.com/DanielVandH/StepwiseEQL.jl.Comment: 42 pages, 18 figure

    Violation of action--reaction and self-forces induced by nonequilibrium fluctuations

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    We show that the extension of Casimir-like forces to fluctuating fluids driven out of equilibrium can exhibit two interrelated phenomena forbidden at equilibrium: self-forces can be induced on single asymmetric objects and the action--reaction principle between two objects can be violated. These effects originate in asymmetric restrictions imposed by the objects' boundaries on the fluid's fluctuations. They are not ruled out by the second law of thermodynamics since the fluid is in a nonequilibrium state. Considering a simple reaction--diffusion model for the fluid, we explicitly calculate the self-force induced on a deformed circle. We also show that the action--reaction principle does not apply for the internal Casimir forces exerting between a circle and a plate. Their sum, instead of vanishing, provides the self-force on the circle-plate assembly.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. V2: New title; Abstract partially rewritten; Largely enhanced introductory and concluding remarks (incl. new Refs.

    Computational Modeling of Interactions between Multiple Myeloma and the Bone Microenvironment

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    Multiple Myeloma (MM) is a B-cell malignancy that is characterized by osteolytic bone lesions. It has been postulated that positive feedback loops in the interactions between MM cells and the bone microenvironment form reinforcing ‘vicious cycles’, resulting in more bone resorption and MM cell population growth in the bone microenvironment. Despite many identified MM-bone interactions, the combined effect of these interactions and their relative importance are unknown. In this paper, we develop a computational model of MM-bone interactions and clarify whether the intercellular signaling mechanisms implemented in this model appropriately drive MM disease progression. This new computational model is based on the previous bone remodeling model of Pivonka et al. [1], and explicitly considers IL-6 and MM-BMSC (bone marrow stromal cell) adhesion related pathways, leading to formation of two positive feedback cycles in this model. The progression of MM disease is simulated numerically, from normal bone physiology to a well established MM disease state. Our simulations are consistent with known behaviors and data reported for both normal bone physiology and for MM disease. The model results suggest that the two positive feedback cycles identified for this model are sufficient to jointly drive the MM disease progression. Furthermore, quantitative analysis performed on the two positive feedback cycles clarifies the relative importance of the two positive feedback cycles, and identifies the dominant processes that govern the behavior of the two positive feedback cycles. Using our proposed quantitative criteria, we identify which of the positive feedback cycles in this model may be considered to be ‘vicious cycles’. Finally, key points at which to block the positive feedback cycles in MM-bone interactions are identified, suggesting potential drug targets

    Discrete and continuous mathematical models of sharp-fronted collective cell migration and invasion

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    Mathematical models describing the spatial spreading and invasion of populations of biological cells are often developed in a continuum modelling framework using reaction-diffusion equations. While continuum models based on linear diffusion are routinely employed and known to capture key experimental observations, linear diffusion fails to predict well-defined sharp fronts that are often observed experimentally. This observation has motivated the use of nonlinear degenerate diffusion, however these nonlinear models and the associated parameters lack a clear biological motivation and interpretation. Here we take a different approach by developing a stochastic discrete lattice-based model incorporating biologically-inspired mechanisms and then deriving the reaction-diffusion continuum limit. Inspired by experimental observations, agents in the simulation deposit extracellular material, that we call a substrate, locally onto the lattice, and the motility of agents is taken to be proportional to the substrate density. Discrete simulations that mimic a two--dimensional circular barrier assay illustrate how the discrete model supports both smooth and sharp-fronted density profiles depending on the rate of substrate deposition. Coarse-graining the discrete model leads to a novel partial differential equation (PDE) model whose solution accurately approximates averaged data from the discrete model. The new discrete model and PDE approximation provides a simple, biologically motivated framework for modelling the spreading, growth and invasion of cell populations with well-defined sharp frontsComment: 47 Pages, 8 Figure

    Thermal quantum electrodynamics of nonrelativistic charged fluids

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    The theory relevant to the study of matter in equilibrium with the radiation field is thermal quantum electrodynamics (TQED). We present a formulation of the theory, suitable for non relativistic fluids, based on a joint functional integral representation of matter and field variables. In this formalism cluster expansion techniques of classical statistical mechanics become operative. They provide an alternative to the usual Feynman diagrammatics in many-body problems which is not perturbative with respect to the coupling constant. As an application we show that the effective Coulomb interaction between quantum charges is partially screened by thermalized photons at large distances. More precisely one observes an exact cancellation of the dipolar electric part of the interaction, so that the asymptotic particle density correlation is now determined by relativistic effects. It has still the r−6r^{-6} decay typical for quantum charges, but with an amplitude strongly reduced by a relativistic factor.Comment: 32 pages, 0 figures. 2nd versio