18 research outputs found

    Gramsci reconsidered : hegemony in global law

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    "Entre direitos iguais, a força decide", proferiu karl marx ao descrever a antinomia do direito em situações antagônicas das relações de produção capitalistas, em que "o direito [oferece resistência] ao direito" nesse ponto, marx aborda uma questão que se situa no centro de todas as teorias jurídicas críticas: que tipo de violência é velada por meio do mecanismo de ocultação denominado "direito"? Para responder a esta questão, tentar-se-á, a seguir, tornar a teoria da hegemonia de antonio gramsci e seu modelo de direito hegemônico produtivos para o campo da teoria do direito. Tal tarefa tem de lidar com a dupla dificuldade de que, por um lado, gramsci não foi um teórico do direito no sentido mais estrito, razão pela qual o potencial de sua teoria para uma análise do direito raramente foi utilizada. Por outro lado, sua abordagem só pode ser empregada por meio de uma crítica às restrições relacionadas a seu tempo. isso se aplica especialmente à sua concepção de economia como a base e a núcleo essencialista oculto (laclau; mouffe, 2001:69), assim como à sua ideia de 'classismo' sob a forma de um enfoque unilateral das classes, em que há preferencialmente mais de um "pluralismo de poder" e inúmeras lutas (litowitz, 2000: 536). Recuperar-se-á, consequentemente, argumentos-chave, ampliando-os pela utilização das recentes descobertas feitas pelas abordagens feminista e neomaterialista da teoria jurídica, bem como as análises de foucault acerca das tecnologias de poder. por fim, uma interpretação da teoria sistêmica das autonomizações comunicativas."Between equal rights, force decides," said karl marx, describing the antinomy of law in antagonistic situations of capitalist production relations, in which "law [stands] against law". he here addresses a question that lies at the centre of all critical legal theories: what violence is blurred in the medium of the concealment mechanism called 'law'? To answer this question, we shall attempt below to make antonio gramsci's hegemony theory and his model of a hegemonic law fertile for the theory of law. This task has to cope with the twofold difficulty that on the one hand gramsci was no theoretician of law in the narrower sense, which is why the potential of his theory for an analysis of law has only seldom been made use of. On the other, his approach can only be taken up through a critique of restrictions associated with his times. This applies particularly to his conception of the economy as the basis and as the concealed essentialist core (laclau/mouffe 2001: 69), as well as to his 'classism' in the form of a one-sided focusing on classes, where there is instead more of a "pluralism of power" and a multiplicity of struggles (litowitz 2000: 536). We shall accordingly regain key arguments by extending them using current findings of feminist and neo-materialist approaches to legal theory, as well as foucault's analyses of power technologies and finally a systems-theory interpretation of communicative autonomizations

    "Welcome to Europe" - Die Grenzen des europäischen Migrationsrechts: Juridische Auseinandersetzungen um das "Staatsprojekt Europa"

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    Das Terrain des europäischen Migrationsrechts ist von Kämpfen um Hegemonie geprägt. Den damit einhergehenden Prozessen des Re-Borderings - die Schaffung eines Bereichs unbeschränkter innerer Mobilität, die zugleich an massive Außengrenzen gekoppelt ist - widmet die Autorin zwei Fallstudien. Sie zeigen, dass in diesen Auseinandersetzungen wesentliche Elemente eines europäischen Staatsprojekts verhandelt werden. Während die erste Fallstudie die Herausbildung transnationaler sozialer Rechte untersucht, fokussiert die zweite die juridischen Kämpfe um die südliche europäische Seegrenze und um die Aufrechterhaltung einer imperialen Lebensweise

    Welcome to Europe - Die Grenzen des europäischen Migrationsrechts

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    Das Terrain des europäischen Migrationsrechts ist von Kämpfen um Hegemonie geprägt. Den damit einhergehenden Prozessen des Re-Borderings - die Schaffung eines Bereichs unbeschränkter innerer Mobilität, die zugleich an massive Außengrenzen gekoppelt ist - widmet Sonja Buckel zwei Fallstudien. Sie zeigen, dass in diesen Auseinandersetzungen wesentliche Elemente eines europäischen Staatsprojekts verhandelt werden. Während die erste Fallstudie die Herausbildung transnationaler sozialer Rechte untersucht, fokussiert die zweite die juridischen Kämpfe um die südliche europäische Seegrenze und um die Aufrechterhaltung einer imperialen Lebensweise

    Winter is coming: Reconstruction of the European border regime after the „Summer of Migration“.

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    Grenzregimes nach dem „Sommer der Migration“. Seit etwa 20 Jahren gibt es jetzt eine genuin europäische Migrationspolitik. Der sogenannte Sommer der Migration 2015 hat die Grundlagen dieser Politik sichtbar gemacht: Die Grenzkontrollen ließen sich nur so lange aufrechterhalten, wie die Externalisierungsstrategie funktionierte. Solange also die südeuropäischen und vor allem nord- und westafrikanischen Staaten die Grenzen der EU „sicherten“. Dies endete mit dem „Arabischen Frühling“ und allem, was darauf folgte. Es kam zu einer Politisierung der Grenze und ihrer sozialen Grundlagen: der imperialen Lebensweise und der ungleichen Entwicklung in Europa. Der Artikel zeichnet die Kämpfe um die politische Neuausrichtung nach, die seitdem im Gange sind, und beleuchtet diese insbesondere anhand der neuen Europäischen Grenz- und Küstenwache (ehemals Frontex).For about 20 years now there has been a genuinely European migration policy. The so-called Summer of Migration 2015 has brought the foundations of this policy to the surface: border controls can only be maintained as long as the externalisation strategy works; which means as long as the southern European countries and above all the North and West African countries "secure" the borders of the EU. This ended with the "Arab Spring" and what followed. The border and its social foundations were politicised: the imperial way of life and the unequal development in Europe. The article traces the struggles for political reorientation that have been underway since then and highlights them, in particular with regard to the new European Border and Coast Guard (formerly Frontex)

    Welcome to Europe - Die Grenzen des europäischen Migrationsrechts

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    Das Terrain des europäischen Migrationsrechts ist von Kämpfen um Hegemonie geprägt. Den damit einhergehenden Prozessen des Re-Borderings - die Schaffung eines Bereichs unbeschränkter innerer Mobilität, die zugleich an massive Außengrenzen gekoppelt ist - widmet Sonja Buckel zwei Fallstudien. Sie zeigen, dass in diesen Auseinandersetzungen wesentliche Elemente eines europäischen Staatsprojekts verhandelt werden. Während die erste Fallstudie die Herausbildung transnationaler sozialer Rechte untersucht, fokussiert die zweite die juridischen Kämpfe um die südliche europäische Seegrenze und um die Aufrechterhaltung einer imperialen Lebensweise

    Globalverfassung. Die Geltungsbegründung der Menschenrechte

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    the transnationalization of the state in the process of an emerging eu migration control policy

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    As a regional response to transnationalization the European integration has led to supranational institutions whose functions and competences had been core elements of nation statestill then. The development since 1999 has in particular brought about European politics of migration control which challenge classical approaches of (nation-) state theory. This is because these developments imply the emergence of a territory overlapping national boundaries, as they involve transnational population control and shifts in the state’s monopoly on the use of violence and citizenship legislation. Against this background, the aim of this article is to empirically analyse the new ensemble of institutions that is emerging with in this process. On the basis of the premise that the concreteform of the political is always the result of social struggles, we assume that the unity of the national territorial state is disintegrating in the processes described above. In fact, the state’s apparatuses re-groupwith European ones and form a reterritorialised and increasingly differentiated control apparatus which governs people alongside the constitution of zones of stratifi ed legal titles

    Neue Theorien des Rechts

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