9 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study is to examine the self-confidence relevance of the individuals who mountaineer and individuals who are part of search and rescue operations. Two hundred seventy nine persons voluntarily participated in the research. The research data was collected using the self-confidence scale developed by Akın (2007). There are a total of 33 articles in the scale. The scale is composed of two factors. These are the two sub dimensions being interior self-confidence and exterior self-confidence. The data collected was analyzed through the statistical package program (SPSS 16.0) and the results were interpreted. In our study, the Cronbach’s Alpha Value of the scale was calculated as 0.89. The One Way ANOVA and T-test were used in the evaluation of the research data. In the research, as regards the gender, branch, experience, age and marital status, meaningful correlations were identified. As a result, athletes who performed search and rescue have higher self-confidence than those who mountaineer. Since both fields involve risky activities, it is recommended for the athletes who are involved in outdoor sports to be encouraged to get into search and rescue operations. Regular activities and training would improve self-confidence.  Article visualizations


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    This study aimed to determine the aggression levels of the students studying at schools who admit the students with the Special Talent Exam and evaluate the changes. The universe of the study consisted of the schools who admit the students with the special talent exam, the sample group also consisted of total 413 students including 226 males, 187 females studying at the Faculty of Sport Sciences (SBF) (n=148), the Dilek Sabancı Conservatory (DSK) (n=112) and the Faculty of Fine Arts  (GSF) (n=153). In collection of data, the 7 point Likert Aggression questionnaire by Kiper (1984), for socio-demographical information, personal information forms were used. In our study, the Cronbach alpha value of aggression scale was found to be 0.79. By testing homogeneity and variances of data, the One Way ANOVA for multi comparisons and the Tukey test for the determination of difference resources were utilized while the Independent Sample t test was used for the gender factor in the determination of relevant data changes. The statistically significant differences were found out in the sub-dimensions of Impulsive, Destructive and Passive Aggressions among the students at the Faculty of Sport Sciences and the Dilek Sabancı Conservatory and the Faculty of Fine Arts (P<0.05). In accordance with gender, age and accommodation situations, there were meaningful differences in the aggression sub-dimensions between the schools (P<0.05). Gender-based passive aggression and general aggression differences may be explained with the roles attributed to male and female individuals by society, furthermore, the students at the Faculty of Sport Sciences had higher averages in the aggression sub-dimensions rather than the other school students, which may be related.   Article visualizations


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    The purpose of the research was to determine the styles of coping with stress among the students studying at the schools which admit the students with a special talent exam. The scope of the research involved the schools which admit the students with a special talent exam, the sample group included total 413 students; 226 males, 187 females, having education at the Faculty of Sport Sciences (SBF), the Dilek Sabancı Conservatory (DSK) and the Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF) in Selçuk University. Firstly, a personal information form and the Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WCQ) developed by Folkman and Lazarus (1980) and created as a short form by Şahin and Durak (1995) were used. By testing the homogeneity and variance of data, the Independent Sample t-test for the gender factor, the One Way Anova for multiple comparisons, the Tukey test for the resources of differences were applied. The Cronbach alpha value was determined to be 0,76 for the Coping Questionnaire. Depending on the gender factor; statistically significant differences were observed in all of sub-dimensions to cope with stress among the SBF, DSK and GSF students (P<0.05). Given the school types, there was a lower point in the SBF student averages concerning the desperation dimension rather than the other two schools as there was a higher average in the Conservatory students’ optimism dimension rather than the other two schools, a lower average in their social support points, these differences were regarded to be statistically significant (P<0.05). In accordance with the school type, differences between active and passive coping strategies did not have stable changes and any specific situation was not observed in the school type. This situation can result from the specific exam criteria and the ability and measurement techniques of the schools which admit the students with a special talent exam.  Article visualizations


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    This paper aimed to compare the levels of violence tendency in three different types of high schools. The universe of the research consisted of the high school students in the province Konya, the sample group involved 280 male, 224 female students studying at the Vocational, Anatolian and Sport High Schools. In obtaining data, a personal information form and the Violence Tendency Scale (VTS) developed by Göka et al. (1995) were used. The scale was made up of a four-point Likert type with 20 questions, varying from (1) “absolutely inappropriate” to (4) “absolutely appropriate”. The highest point from the scale was “80”, the lowest point was “1”. A high point shows that the students’ aggressiveness and violence tendencies are more. In accordance with the students’ points from the scale, the point between 1-20 as “very poor”, the point between 21-40 as “poor”, the point between 41-60 as “good” and the point between 61-80 as “very good” were regarded in terms of violence tendency, the “Cronbach Alpha” reliability coefficient of the scale was found to be .88. By testing the homogenity and variance of data, in the determination of statistical differences Independent t-test, One Way Anowa, Tukey-HSD tests were utilised. In this paper, the male students’ violence tendency averages were higher rather than the female students and this difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The values regarding the students doing sportive activities were lower than the students not doing sport and this difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Depending on the factors of father and mother’s education level, income level and class, any statistical differences were not observed. The Sport High School students’ violence tendency averages were lower than two other school types, the difference between the sport high school and the vocational high school was statistically significant (P<0.05). In conclusion, the students who give importance to sportive activities in their lives and have sportive education, are considered to have lower violence tendency rather than the students at other schools.   Article visualizations


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    The purpose of the present research is defining state and trait anxiety levels before and after matches among hockey referees. The sample of the research consists of 16 referees who refereed in hockey super league in 2014-2015 seasons. Data of the research were collected with Trait-State Anxiety Inventory, which was developed by Spielberger et al. (1970) and adapted to Turkish by Öner and Le Compte (1985). Collected data were analysed on SPSS 22.0 packaged software. Before and after matches data were compared with paired samples t-test. According to the analyses, state anxiety scores were higher than trait anxiety scores among hockey referees before matches. Additionally, state anxiety levels were higher among referees, who were 31 and older, married, and had a medium or low level of income. Consequently, there is a negative and strong correlation between income and state anxiety

    The Examination of Communication Skills and Self-Efficacy of Coaches

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    This study was conducted to examine the communication skills and self-efficacy levels of individuals working as coaches. The population of this study, which was conducted using a descriptive research model, consisted of coaches working actively in Turkey, while the sample group consisted of a total of 697 coaches, 203 women and 494 men, on a voluntary basis. The data were obtained by using "Personal Information Form", "General Self-Efficacy Scale" and "Communication Skills Assessment Scale". Independent Samples t test, One Way ANOVA test, Person correlation analysis were used to reach statistical results. It was concluded that the self-efficacy score averages of the coaches participating in the study were higher than the averages of communication skills sub-dimensions. While there was a statistical difference between the education level of the male coaches participating in the study and the communication principles and basic skills sub-dimensions of communication skills, no difference was found in other sub-dimensions. While there was no statistical difference in the communication skills sub-dimensions and the education level of female coaches, a significant difference was found in general self-efficacy scores. Significant differences were found in the coaching levels of male coaches participating in the study and in the sub-dimension of general self-efficacy and communication. In addition, significant differences were found in the coaching levels of female coaches and in the sub-dimensions of self-expression, active listening and non-verbal communication and willingness to communicate. As a result, there is a parallelism between the self-efficacy and communication skills of the coaches participating in the study. In other words, it can be said that as the competence of male and female coaches in their jobs increases, their communication skills also increase

    Recycling of Alkaline Batteries via a Carbothermal Reduction Process

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    Primary battery recycling has important environmental and economic benefits. According to battery sales worldwide, the most used battery type is alkaline batteries with 75% of market share due to having a higher performance than other primary batteries such as Zn–MnO2. In this study, carbothermal reduction for zinc oxide from battery waste was completed for both vacuum and Ar atmospheres. Thermodynamic data are evaluated for vacuum and Ar atmosphere reduction reactions and results for Zn reduction/evaporation are compared via the FactSage program. Zn vapor and manganese oxide were obtained as products. Zn vapor was re-oxidized in end products; manganese monoxide and steel container of batteries are evaluated as ferromanganese raw material. Effects of carbon source, vacuum, temperature and time were studied. The results show a recovery of 95.1% Zn by implementing a product at 1150 °C for 1 h without using the vacuum. The residues were characterized by Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) methods

    Effects of reductant type on the combustion synthesis of NiB

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    Ni-B intermetallic alloys are important filler materials which are used in brazing applications. Carbothermic and aluminothermic synthesis routes are main methods to produce NiB. Carbothermic synthesis is carried out in electric arc furnaces and consumes high amount of energy whereas aluminothermic synthesis mainly uses its own reaction energy. Thus, via aluminothermic synthesis, the consumption of energy drops. Aluminothermic synthesis is a sub-group of combustion synthesis methods and, its name is based on the Al which is used as reductant in reactions. In the present study, aluminothermic synthesis conditions of NiB (mainly containing 15% B by wt.) were investigated for increasing B2O3 stoichiometry in reactants. Moreover, some experiments were conducted to understand the magnesiothermic synthesis conditions, as an alternative reductant. Results were compared to each other and to thermochemical simulations which were carried out by using HSC Chemistry 6.12 and FactSage 7.1 softwares. Chemical analysis, SEM-EDS and XRD were the main techniques to characterize raw materials and the products. Increasing B2O3 stoichiometry and the use of the Mg as reductant positively affected the chemical content of obtained NiB phases although metal recovery yields were lower for magnesiothermic experiments than that of aluminothermic experiments. For instance, in the magnesiothermic experiment carried out with 100% B2O3 stoichiometry, the obtained metallic fraction consisted of 84.2% Ni, 15.1% B and 0.1% Mg