955 research outputs found

    The on-farm conservation of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) landraces assures the habitat diversity in the viticultural agro-ecosystem

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    A sustainable maintenance of grapevine biodiversity at risk of genetic erosion should involve farmers in the conservation process. Many local varieties of high biological significance are residually cultivated in traditional and marginal agricultural areas or in rural contests endangered by different factor of biodiversity erosion. The landrace-based orchards in the innate areas, i.e. the in situ conservation on farm, represent hotspots of biodiversity, while preserving at the same time natural resources like soil fertility, air and landscape quality owing to the optimal relationship genotype-environment that allows environmentally friendly agronomical practices. The study aims at highlighting the importance of grapevine on-farm conservation with special attention to the ecological and environmental implications derived from the maintenance of habitat diversity and complexity in the viticultural agro-ecosystem. To the aim, data on landscape pattern, configuration and composition at large and detailed scale were measured according to the methodology of landscape ecology in a landrace-based viticultural area in central Italy, and the landrace-based vineyard’s patch structure, as well the surrounding vineyard landscape, were analysed for shape, complexity, heterogeneity of the margins. The results prove the ecosystem services provided by the landrace-based vineyards in their innate growing area. These services can be attributable to the conservation of a high natural capital within the vineyard agro-ecosystem. The re-functionalization of these productive spaces, particularly when relictual or abandoned, and the involvement of farmers in the conservation strategy by strengthening the perception of the multifunctional value of their productive contests could provide a valuable example of strategy for the on farm conservation of local germplasm, together with the preservation of environmental benefits

    Sustainable use of genetic resources: the characterization of an Italian local grapevine variety (‚Grechetto rosso') and its own landscape

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    Biodiversity and landscape are two tightly liked environmental traits, so that the loss in traditional agricultural landscapes imply the erosion of precious  local germplasm. The on-farm conservation of local cultivars assure the preservation of optimized environment-genotype interactions, unique multifunctional agro-ecosystems and landscapes. Therefore, the safeguard of endangered genetic resources has to consider genotyping, phenotyping, but also the characterization  of the related landscapes. The objective of this study was to provide the characterization of a local Italian grapevine, i.e. 'Grechetto rosso' through an integrated approach based on conventional ampelographic and molecular determinations and on the characterization of the landscape in the innate environment. 'Grechetto rosso' has affinity with 'Sangiovese', of which keeps the main ampelographic characters. Nonetheless, its diversity is prevalently expressed in berry characters, like the occasional presence of a not uniformly pigmented pulp, week epicuticular waxes and a red-coloured skin. This berry characters appeared to be related to the micro-environmental variables, i.e. the occurrence of cold-temperate nights during the ripening period and a rather temperate climate of the innate area. The 'Grechetto rosso' wine-grape-growing area is characterized by high naturality, and the 47 % of the 'Grechetto rosso' vineyards are still mixed with olive groves (traditional arrangement), while the remaining surface is represented by either specialized (46 %) or neglect (residual/relict) (7 %) vineyards. 'Grechetto Rosso' vineyards are distributed even in steep and extremely steep slope areas. The resulting description represents an example of useful information for promoting a sustainable use of grapevine genetic resources based on the in situ conservation on farm

    Worrying about 'vertical landscapes'. Terraced olive groves and ecosystem services in marginal land in central Italy

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    Terraced Mediterranean areas are distinctive man-made landscapes with historical and cultural relevance. Terraced land abandonment driven by physical and economic constraints had important ecological consequences. This study focuses on a marginal agricultural district in southern Latium, central Italy, where terracing dated back to the Roman period and olive groves are the main agricultural use. A diachronic assessment of land-use transformations was carried out to identify landscape dynamics and drivers of change around terraced land. Terraced landscape systems (TLS), derived from spatial aggregation of neighboring terraced patches, have been analyzed for landscape transformations considering slope as the main stratification variable. Structural and functional characteristics of TLS were analyzed using a landscape ecology approach. Soil bio-chemical indicators were finally assessed to study the impact of terraced olive agro-ecosystems on soil-related ecosystems services. The empirical findings outlined that TLS in central Italy are sensitive to urbanization and land abandonment. Cultivated terraces prevailed up to gentle-medium slope land, uncultivated and wooded areas dominated terraces on steep slopes. In this context, poly-cultural olive groves proved to be a cropping system particularly resilient to global change, irrespective of land slope. Terraced systems and extensive poly-cultural olive groves play a role in preserving ecosystem integrity, landscape quality, soil functionality and, therefore, environmental sustainability

    Assessing impacts of climate change on phenology and quality traits of Vitis vinifera L. The contribution of local knowledge

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    Developing adaptation strategies in Vitis vinifera, a crop sensitive to climate change, is crucial for resilience of traditional viticultural systems, especially in climate-vulnerable areas like the Mediterranean basin. A progressive warming is demonstrated to alter the geographical distribution of grapevine, reducing land capability for typical grapes and vine productions in most Southern European districts traditionally specialized in tree crops. Grapevine growth and reproduction under climate change require a continuous monitoring to adapt agronomic practices and strategies to global change. The present study illustrates an empirical approach grounded on a set of bio-physical indicators assessing the genotype-related response to climate variation. This approach was tested in Umbria, central Italy, to verify the response of some major international and local grapevine varieties to climate variation during a relatively long time interval (1995-2015). Long-term data for ripening time and berry quality collected in the study area were correlated to representative bioclimatic indices including Winkler, Huglin, and Cool night indicators. Results of this study highlighted the increase of air temperature (reflecting the inherent growth in thermal availability for maturation) and the alteration of precipitation patterns toward more intense precipitation. Climate variability exerted distinctive impacts on grapevine phenology depending on the related genotype. Empirical findings underline the usefulness of a permanent field monitoring of the relationship between selected climate variables and grape ripening with the aim to develop adaptive viticultural practices at farm\u2019s scale

    Prevalence and clinical features of celiac disease in a cohort of italian children with autism spectrum disorders

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    Background: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a heterogeneous group of neurodevelopmental conditions whose etiopathogenesis derives from a complex interaction between genetic liability and environmental factors. In this framework, mounting evidence suggests that immune system dysfunction could be a risk factor contributing to the development of ASD in at least a subpopulation of individuals. In particular, some studies suggest an association between celiac disease (CD)—a long‐term autoimmune disorder that primarily affects the small intestine triggered by the ingestion of gluten—and ASD, while others hypothesized a random link. This investigation aimed to evaluate the prevalence of CD in a large sample of school‐aged children with ASD and to characterize their clinical profile. Methods: Medical records of 405 children with ASD aged 5–11 years (mean age: 7.2 years; SD: 1.8 years) consecutively referred to a tertiary‐care university hospital between January 2014 and December 2018 were reviewed; among them, 362 had carried out serological testing for CD. Results: Nine patients with positive CD serology were identified, eight of which satisfied the criteria for CD diagnosis. The estimated CD prevalence in ASD children was 2.18% (95% CI, 0.8–3.7), which was not statistically different (1.58%; p = 0.36) from that of an Italian population, matched for age range, considered as a control group (95% CI, 1.26–1.90). Three out of the eight ASD patients with CD did not have any symptoms suggestive of CD. Conclusions: Our findings did not show a higher prevalence of CD in ASD children than in the control population, but could suggest the utility of routine CD screening, given its frequent atypical clinical presentation in this population

    Towards a Geological Information System: the CARGeo System and the Regione Lombardia Geological Database.

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    In the framework of the national mapping program «CARGNew Italian Geological Map at 1:50.000 scale», Regione Lombardia is generating a detailed map (1:10.000 scale) of its territory. Surveying criteria have been carefully defined in order to produce homogeneous geological maps: geological survey has been performed at the 1:10.000 scale, and data have been stored in a GIS-oriented database. The detailed survey scale improved the geological knowledge: the new maps represent an important tool for territorial planning requirements of public administrations and engineering geologists (e.g. in hydrogeological and seismic risk evaluation). Field geologists performed data input in the geological data base by alternating field campaigns and data input throughout the year, taking advantage of periods when field activities are slackened (i.e. according to climate conditions). In this way, data entry is nearly synchronous with data collection, and field data become quickly accessible. Data entry by the field geologists on one side slows down the field activity, however, it guarantees a precise digitalization of geometric data and a correct attribute assignment, allowing to optimize working time. To allow the data entry to non-GIS-specialized users, we developed an ArcView®-VisualBasic®-MSAccess® application, enabling the simultaneous acquisition of geometric and alphanumeric data. Data base management and cartographic production are performed with ArcInfo®, through specific procedures which, after data reorganization and control (both alphanumeric and geometric), lead to the final cartographic output at different scales. The 1:10.000 geological database is migrated in the ArcSDE structure and prepared for data view, query and download (www.cartografia.regione.lombardia.it/cargweb) using ESRI (ArcIMS) tools. From the 1:10.000 geological database we derived the database for the 1:50.000 CARG maps by both automatic and manual generalization according to the CARG-APAT standards. During the different phases of the project, several problems arose, due to both project organization and data storage system (from data collection in the field to elaboration and digitalization, and, in case, to final publication). – Data collection: the survey activity was divided between «bedrock » and «quaternary» specialists. The double survey provided a high-quality geological description of the territory, but slowed the generation of the data-flow. Based on this experience, the last assigned areas are surveyed by a single geologist, under the supervision of quaternary and bedrock experts. – Users feedback: geologists are normally used to draw their maps on paper; learning how to produce electronic maps can be difficult, and the software tools have to be studied very carefully and present user friendly interfaces. Nevertheless, in our experience, a training period has to be planned, and geologists have to be supported by a GIS expert, who can understand their needs and modify the software accordingly. – System architecture: the ArcView®-VisualBasic®-MSAccess® (Windows platform) – ArcInfo® (UNIX platform) environment, revealed problems in the client-server stability of an earlier version; some unsolved troubles remain, mainly related to the network architecture. The presence in the CARG-Regione Lombardia crew of consultant geologists, experienced and trained in collection, analysis and data entry in the final database, accelerated the critical phases of: – Data base derivation from Regione Lombardia dataset to CARG-APAT standard

    Il ruolo emergente dei civic food networks nell'innovazione attorno al cibo.

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    Nell’ultima decade nuovi atteggiamenti verso la produzione e il consumo di cibo hanno portato alla ricerca di nuove forme organizzative, fondate su una cooperazione sempre più stretta tra produttori e consumatori, che in misura crescente fa riferimento ad obiettivi condivisi di sostenibilità sociale e ambientale. Queste nuove interazioni si sono mostrate in grado di dar vita a significativi processi di cambiamento nelle pratiche alimentari. All’interno di questi processi, in tempi più recenti si sono distinte le iniziative promosse da cittadini-consumatori che, riappropriandosi di un ruolo autonomo e attivo, coinvolgono i produttori in una nuova dimensione di cittadinanza alimentare. Questa nuova consapevolezza rappresenta spesso il primo passo per lo sviluppo di più complessi network. Nella letteratura più recente questi nuovi network alimentari sono riuniti sotto la denominazione di “Civic Food Networks”. Questi network ed i processi di innovazione da essi innescati sono significativi anche perché espressione di potenziali cambiamenti nei meccanismi di governance del sistema agro-alimentare. Questo articolo si propone di contribuire alla riflessione sul potenziale innovativo di questi CFN presentando i risultati di un caso di studio. In esso vengono analizzati il processo di sviluppo di uno di questi network e la sua capacità di promuovere e guidare processi di innovazione (la transizione verso modelli più sostenibili), focalizzando l'attenzione sui meccanismi di apprendimento sociale