307 research outputs found

    Surface disinfections: present and future

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    The propagation of antibiotic resistance increases the chances of major infections for patients during hospitalization and the spread of health related diseases. Therefore finding new and effective solutions to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms is critical, in order to protect hospital environment, such as the surfaces of biomedical devices. Modern nanotechnology has proven to be an effective countermeasure to tackle the threat of infections. On this note, recent scientific breakthroughs have demonstrated that antimicrobial nanomaterials are effective in preventing pathogens from developing resistance. Despite the ability to destroy a great deal of bacteria and control the outbreak of infections, nanomaterials present many other advantages. Moreover, it is unlikely for nanomaterials to develop resistance due to their multiple and simultaneous bactericidal mechanisms. In recent years, science has explored more complex antimicrobial coatings and nanomaterials based on graphene have shown great potential in antibacterial treatment. The purpose of this article is to deepen the discussion on the threat of infections related to surface disinfection and to assess the state of the art and potential solutions, with specific focus on disinfection procedures using nanomaterials

    Quantum sensors for dynamical tracking of chemical processes

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    Quantum photonics has demonstrated its potential for enhanced sensing. Current sources of quantum light states tailored to measuring, allow to monitor phenomena evolving on time scales of the order of the second. These are characteristic of product accumulation in chemical reactions of technologically interest, in particular those involving chiral compounds. Here we adopt a quantum multiparameter approach to investigate the dynamic process of sucrose acid hydrolysis as a test bed for such applications. The estimation is made robust by monitoring different parameters at once

    Enamel remineralization and repair results of Biomimetic Hydroxyapatite toothpaste on deciduous teeth: an effective option to fluoride toothpaste

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    Background: Dental caries is a recognized worldwide public health problem. Despite being one of the most efective strategies against dental caries, the excessive use of fuorine may result in a potential risk of developing dental fuorosis especially in children under age of six. The purpose of this work is to analyze a fuorine-free toothpaste containing Biomimetic Hydroxyapatite to assess enamel re-mineralizing and repairing properties. Results: The study was performed in vitro and in vivo, comparing the hydroxyapatite toothpaste with two others toothpaste containing diferent fuorine concentrations. The coating efect of the micro-structured Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles reintegrates the enamel with a biomimetic flm reproducing the structure and the morphology of the biologic Hydroxyapatite of the enamel. As demonstrated, the coating is due to the deposit of a new layer of apatite, which presents fewer particles than the natural enamel, not based on the chemical—physical changes occurring in fuorinated toothpastes. Moreover, it shows resistance to brushing as a consequence of chemical bonds between the synthetic and natural crystals of the enamel. Conclusions: The use of Biomimetic Hydroxyapatite toothpastes has proven to be a valuable prevention measure against dental caries in primary dentition since it prevents the risk of fuorosis

    A Novel IRAK1–IKKԑ Signaling Axis Limits the Activation of TAK1–IKKb Downstream of TLR3

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    IRAK1 is involved in the regulation of type I IFN production downstream of TLR3. Previous work indicated that IRAK1 negatively regulates TRIF-mediated activation of IRF3 and IRF7. We report that IRAK1 limits the activation of the TLR3–NF-кB pathway. Following TLR3 stimulation, IRAK1-deficient macrophages produced increased levels of IL-6 and IFN-β compared with wild type macrophages. Pharmacological inhibition of TAK1 reduced this increase in IFN-β, together with the heightened activation of IRF3 and p65 found in TLR3-ligand stimulated IRAK1-deficient macrophages. Recently, IKKԑ and TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK1) were reported to limit activation of the NF-kB pathway downstream of IL-1R, TNFR1, and TLRs. We show that TBK1 has a positive role in the TLR3–NF-кB pathway, because we detected reduced levels of IL-6 and reduced activation of p65 in TBK1-deficient macrophages. In contrast, we show that IKK limits the activation of the TLR3–NF-кB pathway. Furthermore, we show that IRAK1 is required for the activation of IKK« downstream of TLR3. We report impaired activation of ERK1/2 in IRAK1– and IKKԑ-deficient macrophages, a novel finding for both kinases. Importantly, this work provides novel mechanistic insight into the regulation of the TLR3-signaling pathway, providing strong evidence that an IRAK1-IKKԑ–signaling axis acts to limit the production of both type I IFNs and proinflammatory cytokines by regulating TAK1 activity

    Nanostructured delivery systems with improved leishmanicidal activity: a critical review

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    Natascia Bruni,1 Barbara Stella,2 Leonardo Giraudo,1 Carlo Della Pepa,2 Daniela Gastaldi,3 Franco Dosio2 1Candioli Pharmaceutical Institute Srl, Beinasco, Italy; 2Department of Drug Science and Technology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy; 3Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences, University of Turin, Turin, Italy Abstract: Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne zoonotic disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania, which are responsible for numerous clinical manifestations, such as cutaneous, visceral, and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, depending on the site of infection for particular species. These complexities threaten 350 million people in 98 countries worldwide. Amastigotes living within macrophage phagolysosomes are the principal target of antileishmanial treatment, but these are not an easy target as drugs must overcome major structural barriers. Furthermore, limitations on current therapy are related to efficacy, toxicity, and cost, as well as the length of treatment, which can increase parasitic resistance. Nanotechnology has emerged as an attractive alternative as conventional drugs delivered by nanosized carriers have improved bioavailability and reduced toxicity, together with other characteristics that help to relieve the burden of this disease. The significance of using colloidal carriers loaded with active agents derives from the physiological uptake route of intravenous administered nanosystems (the phagocyte system). Nanosystems are thus able to promote a high drug concentration in intracellular mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS)-infected cells. Moreover, the versatility of nanometric drug delivery systems for the deliberate transport of a range of molecules plays a pivotal role in the design of therapeutic strategies against leishmaniasis. This review discusses studies on nanocarriers that have greatly contributed to improving the efficacy of antileishmaniasis drugs, presenting a critical review and some suggestions for improving drug delivery. Keywords: amphotericin B, drug delivery systems, drug targeting, human leishmaniasis, polymeric nanoparticl

    Role of the small GTPase Rab7 in the late endocytic pathway.

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    Rab7 is a small GTPase localized to the late endosomal compartment. Its function was investigated by overexpressing dominant negative or constitutively active mutants in BHK-21 cells. The effects of such overexpression on the internalization and/or degradation of different endocytic markers and on the morphology of the late endosomal compartment were analyzed. We observed a marked inhibition of the degradation of 125I-low density lipoproteins in cells transfected with the Rab7 dominant negative mutants while the rate of internalization was not affected. Moreover in these cells there was an accumulation of many small vesicles scattered throughout the cytoplasm. In contrast, overexpression of the activating mutants led to the appearance of atypically large endocytic structures and caused a dramatic change in the distribution of the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor. Our data indicate that the Rab7 protein in mammalian cells is present on a late endosomal compartment much larger than the compartment labeled by the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor. Rab7 also appears to play a fundamental role in controlling late endocytic membrane traffic

    Piexa: un programa que aborda la problemática del ingreso a la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas

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    Asumimos el “ingreso a la universidad” como un proceso amplio, complejo, que puede ser mirado desde diversas dimensiones. Es un espacio de articulación entre instituciones, en el que los estudiantes deben abandonar, complejizar y enriquecer, progresivamente, ciertas prácticas y conocimientos, para incorporarse a una nueva cultura institucional. Por lo tanto, no tiene sentido ubicar este proceso de cambio solamente en las primeras clases que el alumno recibe en la universidad, que en muchos casos son las de los cursos de ingreso. Por el contrario, creemos que se prolonga en el tiempo durante el transcurso de las primeras materias universitarias, pero también podemos ubicar este proceso de transición desde un tiempo anterior, durante los últimos años de la escuela media. El Programa de Ingreso a la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas (PIEXA) de la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Tandil) se propone abordar la problemática del ingreso a la Universidad de una manera integral, considerando la complejidad del proceso y la inclusión de los alumnos como uno de los principios rectores. Motiva la presentación de esta comunicación la intención de reflexionar sobre el PIEXA. En este caso describiremos y analizaremos fundamentalmente las características del espacio de matemática que es central, desde nuestra perspectiva, para el ingreso a esta facultad.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Piexa: un programa que aborda la problemática del ingreso a la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas

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    Asumimos el “ingreso a la universidad” como un proceso amplio, complejo, que puede ser mirado desde diversas dimensiones. Es un espacio de articulación entre instituciones, en el que los estudiantes deben abandonar, complejizar y enriquecer, progresivamente, ciertas prácticas y conocimientos, para incorporarse a una nueva cultura institucional. Por lo tanto, no tiene sentido ubicar este proceso de cambio solamente en las primeras clases que el alumno recibe en la universidad, que en muchos casos son las de los cursos de ingreso. Por el contrario, creemos que se prolonga en el tiempo durante el transcurso de las primeras materias universitarias, pero también podemos ubicar este proceso de transición desde un tiempo anterior, durante los últimos años de la escuela media. El Programa de Ingreso a la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas (PIEXA) de la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Tandil) se propone abordar la problemática del ingreso a la Universidad de una manera integral, considerando la complejidad del proceso y la inclusión de los alumnos como uno de los principios rectores. Motiva la presentación de esta comunicación la intención de reflexionar sobre el PIEXA. En este caso describiremos y analizaremos fundamentalmente las características del espacio de matemática que es central, desde nuestra perspectiva, para el ingreso a esta facultad.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Determination of the main bioaerosol components using chemical markers by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry

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    This work is part of an extensive research project aimed at the determination and characterization of bioaerosol with a multidisciplinary approach. In this context, one of the main objectives of the project has been the development of a comprehensive analytical method for the determination of different chemical biomarkers of the bioaerosol, by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. The following biomarkers have been considered, and correlated to specific components of bioaerosol as unambiguous indicators: • ergosterol fungal components • chlorophylls, phytosterols (stigmasterol and b-sitosterol), -tocoferol vegetable cells and algae • cholesterol animal cells, vegetable cells and algae. • dipicolinic acid bacterial spores • muramic and meso-2,6-diaminopimelic acid bacterial cells To verify the method, to find diagnostic ratios and to calculate the appropriate conversion factors, fungal spores, bacterial cells and spores, and algae of known species, commonly airborne, were analysed. The material was subjected to freezing and de-freezing cycles, followed by extraction, hydrolysis and purification of the biomarkers. The chromatographic separation of the bacterial biomarkers was achieved by using a polymeric column, based on Hydrophilic Liquid Interaction with the electrospray ionization mass spectrometric detection, whereas sterols and chlorophylls were separated by a reversed phase column, coupled to atmospheric pressure chemical ionization – tandem mass spectrometer. The optimized method was applied to environmental particulate matter sampled in an outdoor site. Bacterial and fungal content was compared to the results obtained from the classical direct viable counting method in the sampled particulate matte