418 research outputs found

    Progetti di paesaggio nel piano stralcio del commercio e nel Ptc Alta Valsugana e Bersntol per la promozione territoriale dei piccoli comuni (Provincia di Trento)

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    La Comunità dell’Alta Valsugana e Bersntol è una delle sedici Comunità di Valle della Provincia Autonoma di Trento, il cui territorio coincide con la parte occidentale della Valsugana e comprende le aree turistiche dei Laghi di Levico e Caldonazzo, la Valle dei Mocheni (Bersntol in lingua mochena) e la parte meridionale della catena del Lagorai. Il Piano Urbanistico Provinciale (2008) descrive il territorio dell'Alta Valsugana come un’area che, di recente, si è distinta per l'offerta di lavoro e di residenza, attirando popolazione rispetto ai piccoli comuni circostanti e raccogliendo dal capoluogo provinciale flussi di decentramento. Il territorio è stato suddiviso in cinque ambiti istituzionali, aree a cui viene riconosciuto carattere di omogeneità e identità territoriale. La Valutazione Integrata Territoriale, il Piano stralcio e il Piano Territoriale di Comunità sono stati tutti impostati sui cinque sistemi di ambiti di paesaggio. La Vit ha individuato uno scenario evolutivo di marketing territoriale, coerente alle linee di indirizzo definite dal Piano Urbanistico Provinciale (2008), precisandone le strategie, gli obiettivi e le azioni da avviare, che fanno parte integrante del quadro normativo del PTC – Stralcio del commercio. Si è inteso dare avvio ad azioni territoriali che rafforzano e integrano i processi virtuosi in atto, promuovendo uno sviluppo territoriale sostenibile, in cui ogni parte della rete concorre attivamente al rilancio e alla promozione dei singoli ambiti della Comunità dell’Alta Valsugana costituiti da azioni integrate tra piccoli comuni

    On the relaxation of the Maxwell-Stefan system to linear diffusion

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    Versão dos autores para esta publicação.In this note, we rigorously prove the relaxation limit of the Maxwell–Stefan system to a system of heat equations when all binary diffusion coefficients tend to the same positive value.ANR project Kimega (ANR-14-ACHN-0030-01). PHC/FCT Pessoa project 7854WM, Ref. 406/4/4/2017/Sinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Nuovi formati commerciali e polarità interregionali: Lombardia, Piemonte, Emilia Romagna

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    En este artículo presentamos la investigación "Evaluación del impacto territorial de los polos comerciales: factoty outlets, multicines, centros comerciales. Una aproximación interregional", realizada entre 2005 y 2007 por los Departamentos de Architettura e Pianificazione del Politécnico de Milán, el Interateneo del Territorio del Politécnico de Turín y el Departamento de Economía de la Universidad de Parma. La investigación ha sido promovida por las Regiones de Lombardía, Piamonte y Emilia Romagna, con el fin de desarrollar un enfoque común tanto para el estudio de los fenómenos como para el desarrollo de directrices de gestión. A partir de la observación de la innovación en formatos comerciales y de las vías de su regulación por las Regiones, se ha prestado especial atención a la formación de "polos comerciales interregionales"

    Etravirine with 2 NRTIs: an effective switch option for ARV simplification and side effect management

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    Etravirine (ETV) has been approved for use in treatment-experienced patients based on results of the Duet clinical trials [1]. Less experience exists with ETV in earlier stages of treatment. ETV has a favorable genetic barrier, lipid profile, and little associated CNS toxicity. These characteristics make ETV attractive as a switch strategy for simplification and/or management of side effects. A retrospective chart review was conducted at a large urban HIV clinic in Toronto. All patients who were switched to ETV plus 2 nucleosides and whose viral load (VL) was <200 copies/ml at the time of switch were included. Maintenance of viral suppression, CD4 and lipid changes at 24 weeks and reason for switch to ETV are reported. Seventy-three patients (67 male) were identified. Mean age was 46±10 and mean duration of HIV infection was 11.7±7.4 years. Switches were from efavirenz=29, atazanavir=23, lopinavir=16, other=5. Duration of prior regimen was long; median 195 weeks. CNS and GI intolerance were the most common reasons for switches. At the time of analysis, 63 patients had reached week 24. Three patients had discontinued ETV prior to week 24, 3 LTF/U, 4 had <24 weeks follow-up. 92% (67/73) maintained VL suppression (ITT); failures were 6 patients who stopped/lost-to-follow-up prior to week 24. On treatment, CD4 increased and lipid decreased changes as seen below. All patients who switched due to CNS side effects had subjective improvement.Switch to ETV plus 2 nucleosides maintained viral suppression, improved lipid profiles and improved side effect profile in this selected group of patients. 48 week f/u will be presented

    Autonomic abnormalities in patients with primary Sjogren’s syndrome – Preliminary results

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    Primary Sjogren's syndrome (pSS) is an autoimmune disease affecting exocrine glands and extra-glandular organs. There are conflicting reports on the presence of autonomic dysfunction in pSS and no data are available on the functional status of sympathetic outflow to the vessels and baroreceptor [baroreflex sensitivity (BRS)] control mechanisms. We investigated the cardiac (cBRS) and sympathetic (sBRS) baroreceptor modulation in both time and frequency domains and the cardiovascular autonomic profile in pSS patients compared to healthy controls. Autonomic symptoms were quantified by the Composite Autonomic Symptom Scale (COMPASS31) three-item questionnaire. The EULAR Sjogren's syndrome patient reported index (ESSPRI) questionnaire evaluated the magnitude of pSS clinical symptoms, i.e., fatigue, pain, and sicca symptoms. Electrocardiogram, beat-by-beat arterial pressure (AP) and respiratory activity were continuously recorded in 17 pSS patients and 16 healthy controls, while supine and during 75 degrees head-up tilt. In seven patients and seven controls, muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) was measured. Spectrum analysis of RR variability provided markers of cardiac vagal modulation (HFRR nu) and sympatho-vagal balance [low frequency (LF)/high frequency (HF)]. The power of LF (0.1 Hz) oscillations of systolic arterial pressure (SAP) variability (LFSAP) evaluated the vasomotor response to sympathetic stimulation. Compared to controls, pSS patients scored higher in total COMPASS31 (p < 0.0001) and all ESSPRI subdomains (fatigue, p = 0.005; pain, p = 0.0057; dryness, p < 0.0001). Abnormal scialometry (<1.5 ml/15 min) and Schirmer tests (<5 mm/5 min) were found in pSS patients and salivary flow rate was negatively associated with ESSPRI dryness (p = 0.0014). While supine, pSS patients had lower SEQ(cBRs) index of cardiac baroreceptor sensitivity, higher HFRRnu (p = 0.021), lower LF/HF (p = 0.007), and greater MSNA (p = 0.038) than controls. No differences were observed in LFSAP between groups. During orthostatic challenge, although LFSAP increased similarly in both groups, MSNA was greater in pSS patients (p = 0.003). At rest pSS patients showed lower cBR control and greater parasympathetic modulation. Furthermore, greater sympathetic nerve activity was observed in pSS patients while supine and in response to gravitational challenge. We hypothesized that such enhanced sympathetic vasoconstrictor activity might reflect an attempt to maintain blood pressure in a setting of likely reduced vascular responsiveness
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