4 research outputs found

    Planificación multinúcleo en sistemas particionados

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    [Resumen] Actualmente, las aplicaciones embebidas se consideran de complejidad creciente y, como consecuencia, de mayor dificultad para su desarrollo y validación. Debido a estas características, existe un gran interés en ejecutar múltiples aplicaciones sobre una única plataforma (mono o multinúcleo). En los sistemas de tiempo real, cada vez más se ejecutan aplicaciones con diferentes niveles de criticidad donde múltiples componentes con diferentes restricciones de tiempo real se integran en una misma plataforma computacional. Al mismo tiempo en el que proliferan los sistemas de criticidad mixta, la plataforma computacional está migrando de mono núcleo a multinúcleo. El presente trabajo describe la planificación de sistemas particionados multinúcleo, desde la asignación de tareas a núcleos hasta la generación de la planificación para cada procesador.Este articulo ha sido subvencionado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad bajo los proyectos TIN2014-56158-C4-1-P y TIN2014-56158-C4-4-Phttps://doi.org/10.17979/spudc.978849749808

    Xoncrete: a scheduling tool for partitioned real-time systems

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    International audienceARINC 653 defines a partitioned framework where the partitions are scheduled according to a predefined cyclic plan and the processes of each partition are scheduled with a fixed priority policy. The timing characteristics defined in ARINC (period and duration) can hardly be used to precisely represent the timing requirements of the applications. We extend the timing model of ARINC 653 to consider deadlines and the periodic behaviour of the individual processes. A novel definition of how to model periodic activities and how this new model is specially useful in an heterogeneous partitioned system is also presented. The new model and the set of scheduling algorithms have been implemented in a scheduling tool (called Xoncrete) to assist the designer to generate the cyclic plan table. Although founded on solid theoretical results, Xoncrete is not a general purpose tool, it is a tool designed to provide real help to the system designer

    DREAMS: Cross-Domain Mixed-Criticality Patterns

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    International audienceThe transition from conventional federated architectures to integrated architectures enables the integration of functionalities with different criticality (such as safety, security and real-time) on a single embedded computing platform. Many embedded mixed-criticality systems require distributed subsystems with networks to satisfy computational resource demands and installation requirements and ensure fault-tolerance. The broad trend of the integration of functionalities with different criticality on a multi-core embedded computing platform increases the complexity and challenges to certification, which is supported by the fact that today's safety-related standards on single computer systems where a resource is not shared between more than one component at the same time. This paper analyses remarkable occurring problems in today's mixed-criticality systems and presents reusable generic solutions to tackle them, including solutions for hypervisors, commercial-off-the-self multi-core devices and mixed-criticality networks

    LVCUGEN (TSP-based solution) and first porting feedback

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    International audienceIn a context of complexification of embedded systems within satellites, CNES is an actor in the will to promote standardization and reuse from a mission to another.By definition, in the frame of satellites payloads, the flight software is mission specific and therefore developed from scratch for each instrument. This is due to the fact that most of the payload developments in the scope of scientific missions are contracted to national institutes (each time a different one), those have generally poor background in embedded real time software engineering. But even in this case, a certain number of subsets can be considered as generic and would benefit in not being redeveloped for each mission