7 research outputs found

    Selected physical abilites and golf skills in relation to the performance in elite junior golf players

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    Název: Vybrané kondiční předpoklady a golfové dovednosti ve vztahu k výkonnosti u elitních hráčů golfu juniorského věku Cíle: Cílem práce bylo objektivizovat úroveň golfových dovedností a kondičních předpokladů a identifikovat vzájemné vztahy mezi jednotlivými determinanty výkonu v průběhu víceletého vývoje elitních juniorských hráčů golfu. Dílčími cíli práce bylo vytvořit validní a reliabilní testovou baterii golfových dovedností, objektivizovat úroveň kondičních předpokladů ve vztahu k produkci energie v průběhu golfového švihu, objektivizovat úroveň jednotlivých golfových dovedností ve vztahu k výkonu na hřišti a identifikovat klíčové determinanty výkonu v průběhu víceletého vývoje elitních juniorských hráčů golfu. Metody: Práce se skládá z jedné standardizační studie a ze dvou longitudinálně-observačních studií, kterých se celkem zúčastnilo 30 elitních hráčů golfu juniorského věku (13 - 18 let). Víceleté testování probíhalo v laboratorních a terénních podmínkách. Obsahem terénního testování bylo měření úrovně jednotlivých golfových dovedností pomocí vytvořené testové baterie. Obsahem laboratorního testování bylo měření antropometrický parametrů, parametrů tělesného složení a kondičních schopností, přesněji svalové síly extenzorů a flexorů kolene a explozivní svalové síly při vertikálních...Title: Selected physical abilities and golf skills in relation to the performance in elite junior golf players Objectives: The aim of the study was to objectify the level of golf skills and physical abilities and to identify the inter-relationships between the individual determinants of performance during the long-term development of elite junior golf players. The sub-objectives of the thesis were to: develop a valid and reliable golf skills test battery; objectify the level of physical abilities in relation to energy generation during the golf swing; objectify the level of individual golf skills in relation to game performance; and identify key determinants of performance over the long-term development of elite junior golf players. Methods: The thesis consists of one standardization study and two longitudinal-survey studies involving a total of 30 elite junior golfers (13-18 years old). Perennial year testing was conducted in laboratory and field conditions. Participants were measured in the level of individual golf skills using a developed golf skills test battery and also underwent measurements of anthropometric parameters, body composition parameters and physical abilities, more specifically muscle strength of the extensors and flexors of the knee and explosive muscle strength during vertical...Laboratoř sportovní motorikyLaboratory of Sport MotoricsFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor


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    The aim of the study was to determine the variability of golf swing execution in lower and upper body parameters for two golf clubs. Eleven elite female golfers of junior age volunteered in the study and performed 10 trials with mid-iron and with driver at laboratory conditions. A 3D motion capture system was used to measure the lower and upper body movement parameters and club head speed. To assess variability, the coefficient of variation (CV%) and biological coefficient of variation (BCV%) were calculated. Two-tailed t test was used to identify differences between mid-iron and driver variability for each selected kinematic parameter. Any significant difference in variability of kinematics parameters was found between mid-iron club and driver club. However, for both clubs, we found high stability of performance in timing parameters and of lower limbs kinematic parameters at three selected moments of the golf swing. We conclude that timing stability may be the key to achieve the effective and repeatable golf swing in both golf clubs types and that high intra-individual variability of performance may be due to large age range in the study group

    Selected physical abilites and golf skills in relation to the performance in elite junior golf players

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    Title: Selected physical abilities and golf skills in relation to the performance in elite junior golf players Objectives: The aim of the study was to objectify the level of golf skills and physical abilities and to identify the inter-relationships between the individual determinants of performance during the long-term development of elite junior golf players. The sub-objectives of the thesis were to: develop a valid and reliable golf skills test battery; objectify the level of physical abilities in relation to energy generation during the golf swing; objectify the level of individual golf skills in relation to game performance; and identify key determinants of performance over the long-term development of elite junior golf players. Methods: The thesis consists of one standardization study and two longitudinal-survey studies involving a total of 30 elite junior golfers (13-18 years old). Perennial year testing was conducted in laboratory and field conditions. Participants were measured in the level of individual golf skills using a developed golf skills test battery and also underwent measurements of anthropometric parameters, body composition parameters and physical abilities, more specifically muscle strength of the extensors and flexors of the knee and explosive muscle strength during vertical..

    Influencing the success and accuracy of putting stroke using drill exercises

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    Název: Ovlivňování úspěšnosti a přesnosti patovacího úderu pomocí drilových cvičení Cíle práce: Cílem práce bylo zjistit vliv specifických tréninkových podmínek (drilů z krátké a dlouhé vzdálenosti) na úspěšnost a přesnost patování u amatérských hráčů golfu. Metody: Deset amatérských hráčů golfu se účastnilo této studie (věk = 35,0 ± 12,9 let; výška = 176,7 ± 10,1 cm; hmotnost = 73,9 ± 17,7 kg; hcp = 27,7 ± 13,4; herní zkušenosti = 4,2 ± 2,6 let). Design této studie se skládal ze sběru dat před tréninkem, tréninkového úseku, a sběru dat po tréninku. Při sběru dat odehrál každý hráč 10 patů ze vzdálenosti 0,9 m, 1,5 m, 3 m, 8 m, 10 m a 12 m. V rámci 4 týdenní intervence byl výzkumný soubor rozdělen na dvě skupiny (krátké a dlouhé drily). Pro zjištění vztahu mezi parametry úspěšnost a přesnost patů, herní úrovní (hcp), herními zkušenostmi a frekvencí trénování jsme použili Pearsonův korelační koeficient (p < 0,05). Pro zjištění statisticky významného rozdílu mezi úvodním a závěrečným testováním jsme použili párový t-test. Výsledky: Při hodnocení všech hráčů dohromady před a po intervenci jsme zjistili vyšší úspěšnost krátkých patů (o 11 %, p < 0,001) a vyšší přesnost dlouhých patů (o 15,8 %, p < 0,001). Skupina krátkých drilů se zlepšila více v úspěšnosti krátkých patů (o 15,3 % resp. 6,7 %) a...Title: Influencing the success and accuracy of putting stroke using drill exercises Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the influence of specific training conditions (short and long drills) on the success and accuracy of putting stroke of amateur golfers. Methods: Ten amateur golfers participated in this study (age = 35,0 ± 12,9 years; height = 176,7 ± 10,1 cm; weigth = 73,9 ± 17,7 kg; Hcp = 27,7 ± 13,4; game experiance = 4,2 ± 2,6 years). The design of this study consisted of data collection before training, a training session, and data collection after training. Before and after intervention each player made 10 putts from distance of 0,9 m, 1,5 m, 3 m, 8 m, 10 m a 12 m. During 4 weeks of intervention, the research file was divided into two grups (short and long drills). To determine the relationship between parameters success and accuracy, game level (hcp), game experience and training frequency was used Pearson's correlation coefficient (p < 0,05). To determine the statistically significant difference between the pre and post intervention test was used a paired t-test. Results: When evaluating all players together before and after intervention, we found higher success of short putts (by 11 %, p < 0,001) and higher accuracy of long putts (by 15,8 %, p < 0,001). A group of short...Laboratoř sportovní motorikyFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    Influencing the success and accuracy of putting stroke using drill exercises

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    Title: Influencing the success and accuracy of putting stroke using drill exercises Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the influence of specific training conditions (short and long drills) on the success and accuracy of putting stroke of amateur golfers. Methods: Ten amateur golfers participated in this study (age = 35,0 ± 12,9 years; height = 176,7 ± 10,1 cm; weigth = 73,9 ± 17,7 kg; Hcp = 27,7 ± 13,4; game experiance = 4,2 ± 2,6 years). The design of this study consisted of data collection before training, a training session, and data collection after training. Before and after intervention each player made 10 putts from distance of 0,9 m, 1,5 m, 3 m, 8 m, 10 m a 12 m. During 4 weeks of intervention, the research file was divided into two grups (short and long drills). To determine the relationship between parameters success and accuracy, game level (hcp), game experience and training frequency was used Pearson's correlation coefficient (p < 0,05). To determine the statistically significant difference between the pre and post intervention test was used a paired t-test. Results: When evaluating all players together before and after intervention, we found higher success of short putts (by 11 %, p < 0,001) and higher accuracy of long putts (by 15,8 %, p < 0,001). A group of short..

    The influence of variable conditions on golf putting

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    Title The influence of variable conditions on golf putting Objectives The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of putting stroke in variable conditions. The main objective was to determine if the result of putting stroke influenced by the lenght and slope of the green. Another aim was to determine the effect of the performance of players by golf handicap to result of putting stroke in variable conditions. Methods The sample consisted of 34 golfers (age = 33,8±11,6 years) in the tournament at the Golf Club Český Krumlov. Probands were asked to make 24 putts from different distances and directions. Aftere every putt the position of the ball was recorded on a video camera. Record from each camera was copied to a software TEMA. I evaluated the data in software Excel using the functions of frequency, average, standart deviation, the range. Results Research has found that the result of putting stroke affects the distance from where the ball was played and direction. The highest frequency of made putts was from most shortest putt to the longest and from downhills putts. The smallest average distance from the ball to the hole was from uphills putts, but ball often ended in front of the hole. Keywords Golf, putt, stroke result, distanc