1,465 research outputs found

    France\u27s Financial Crisis: Analyzing the Role of the Finance Minister

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    The downfall of France\u27s Old Regime and the beginning of the French Revolution were largely caused by the financial crisis plaguing France. Since the Seven Year\u27s War, France\u27s finances had suffered and were spiraling out of control. The finances were kept largely by the country\u27s appointed finance minister. France would go through a host of these finance ministers up to the Revolution. The most notable was Jacques Necker who receives more detailed analysis. Tracing the administrations of these finance ministers helps explain an important factor leading to the French Revolution

    Engineering robust polar chiral clathrate crystals

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ Royal Society of Chemistry 2013.The R-(+)-enantiomeric form of Dianin's compound and the S-(+)-enantiomeric form of its direct thiachroman analogue both obtained chromatographically employing a cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) column, are shown to undergo supramolecular assembly to form a polar clathrate lattice which is stable even in the absence of a consolidating guest component


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    Το άρθρο αναφέρεται στις σχέσεις των Καταλανών του Δουκάτου των Αθηνώνμε τους Φράγκους της Πελοποννήσου κατά τη διάρκεια του 14ου αιώνα. ΟιBrienne, κάτοχοι του Άργους και Ναυπλίου και νόμιμοι διεκδικητές του δουκάτουτων Αθηνών μετά την απώλεια του το 1311, επιχειρούσαν από το 1330 — με τη βοήθειατου Πάπα— να εκδιώξουν τους Καταλανούς. Οι Ανδεγαυοί επίσης αναγνώριζαντην καταλανική απειλή και προσπαθούσαν να ανασυγκροτήσουν τις δυνάμειςτους, αλλά η κυριαρχία τους στην Πελοπόννησο συνεχώς μειωνόταν. Οι Καταλα-νοί, λόγω της συμμαχίας τους με τους Βενετούς από το 1319, του εντεινόμενουτουρκικού κινδύνου και της βαθμιαίας εξασθένησης των λατινικών ηγεμονιών στηΡωμανία, κατόρθωσαν να διατηρηθούν στο δουκάτο ως το 1388

    French Policy Toward NATO: Enhanced Selectivity, Vice Rapprochement

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    The authors of this report explain how French policy toward NATO has changed since 1992. Importantly, they discuss how these changes have been effected. However, certain key elements of French external policy have not changed. In effect, therefore, the authors argue that while France may wish to cooperate with NATO, this does not imply that there will be a more cooperative French attitude toward the Alliance.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1890/thumbnail.jp


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    Το άρθρο αναφέρεται στις σχέσεις των Καταλανών του Δουκάτου των Αθηνώνμε τους Φράγκους της Πελοποννήσου κατά τη διάρκεια του 14ου αιώνα. ΟιBrienne, κάτοχοι του Άργους και Ναυπλίου και νόμιμοι διεκδικητές του δουκάτουτων Αθηνών μετά την απώλεια του το 1311, επιχειρούσαν από το 1330 — με τη βοήθειατου Πάπα— να εκδιώξουν τους Καταλανούς. Οι Ανδεγαυοί επίσης αναγνώριζαντην καταλανική απειλή και προσπαθούσαν να ανασυγκροτήσουν τις δυνάμειςτους, αλλά η κυριαρχία τους στην Πελοπόννησο συνεχώς μειωνόταν. Οι Καταλα-νοί, λόγω της συμμαχίας τους με τους Βενετούς από το 1319, του εντεινόμενουτουρκικού κινδύνου και της βαθμιαίας εξασθένησης των λατινικών ηγεμονιών στηΡωμανία, κατόρθωσαν να διατηρηθούν στο δουκάτο ως το 1388

    Characterization of the conglomerate form of acetyl-dl-leucine by thermal analysis and solubility measurements

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    Starting from a mixture of enantiomers in solution, crystallization can generate different types of crystals. In order to determine which type of crystal is obtained in the case of acetylleucine, an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), analytical methods have been used to partially elucidate the binary and ternary phase diagrams of the system composed of the two enantiomers and water.The melting temperature phase diagram of this compound has been obtained by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analyzes. The results show that it is characteristic of a conglomerate. This mode of crystallization has also been confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction analysis. Solubility measurements of enantiomerical mixtures in water enabled the determination of the ternary diagram of solubility. The empiric Meyerhoffer double solubility rule has been modified, due to the characterization of interactions between enantiomers

    Dorothy Moser Medlin Papers - Accession 1049

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    (The Dorothy Moser Medlin Papers are currently in processing.) This collection contains most of the records of Dorothy Medlin’s work and correspondence and also includes reference materials, notes, microfilm, photographic negatives related both to her professional and personal life. Additions include a FLES Handbook, co-authored by Dorothy Medlin and a decorative mirror belonging to Dorothy Medlin. Major series in this collection include: some original 18th century writings and ephemera and primary source material of André Morellet, extensive collection of secondary material on André Morellet\u27s writings and translations, Winthrop related files, literary manuscripts and notes by Dorothy Medlin (1966-2011), copies of historical manuscripts and original research on various enlightenment figures, including Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, information on the French Revolution and specifically le Terreur (1793-1794).https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/manuscriptcollection_findingaids/1988/thumbnail.jp

    Consistent Density Deconvolution under Partially Known Error Distribution

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    We estimate the distribution of a real-valued random variable from contaminated observations. The additive error is supposed to be normally distributed, but with unknown variance. The distribution is identifiable from the observations if we restrict the class of considered distributions by a simple condition in the time domain. A minimum distance estimator is shown to be consistent imposing only a slightly stronger assumption than the identification condition.deconvolution, error measurement, density estimation

    Letters: 1652

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    Does the EU Sugar Policy Reform Increase Added Sugar Consumption? An Empirical Evidence on the Soft Drink Market

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    National Health authorities recommend a decrease in the consumption of ‘added’ sugar. At the same moment, a reform of the Common Organisation of the Sugar Market will lead to a decrease by more than 30% of the sugar price in the EU. Using French data on the soft drinks purchases, this paper investigates the impact of this reform on the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages and on added sugar consumption. The soft drink market is composed of highly differentiated products with different sugar content. Hence the reform of the EU sugar policy leads to a decrease in regular soft drink prices by more than 3% in average and varies from 1.7% to 6.5% according to the brand. To assess substitution within the food category of sugar sweetened beverages, we use a structural econometric model, the random-coefficients logit model. Our model also takes into account observed and unobserved heterogeneity in the consumers’ behavior and then allows to estimate the impact of the sugar price decrease on the soft drink consumption according to the type of consumers. Results suggest that price changes would lead to an increase in market shares of regular products by 7.5% and a decrease in market share of diet products by 3.5%. On the whole, it would rise the consumption of regular soft drinks by more that 1 liter per year and per person and the consumption of added sugar by 124 grams per year and per person. Moreover, the reform leads to substitution between brands at the bene…t of products with the highest sugar content. The increase in per person consumption is larger in households composed of overweight and obese individuals.