19 research outputs found

    Modern technologies for rendering information support to cogeneration steam turbine units in their design and operation stages

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    Application of modern information technologies in different stages of the lifecycle of cogeneration turbines is considered as one of possible ways for improving their competitiveness. Specific features relating to rendering information support for steam turbine units during the periods of their design and operation, which are the main stages of their life cycle, are presented. Three-dimension modeling, adaptive, and parametric design technologies are applied in the equipment design stages. Information support technologies developed by the authors are applied during the operation stage. Information is integrated by using a product lifecycle management (PLM) system. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Results of the measurement of the vertical profile of ozone up to a height of 70 km by means of the MR-12 and M-100 sounding rockets

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    The photometers used and methods of calculation of the vertical ozone concentration profile are described. The results obtained in several series of MR-12 and M-100 sounding rocket launchings are presented and discussed

    Simulation of the gas turbine rotor MS5002E produced by General Electric in Creo Parametric environment with a demonstration of the rotation mechanism

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    Рассматривается методика и важность создания моделей в САПР высшего уровня CREO PARAMETRIC, а также возможности и актуальность использования программы в турбостроении.The technique and the importance of creating CAD models in top-level CREO PARAMETRIC, as well as the opportunities and relevance of the use of the program in the turbine construction

    Development and analysis of functional model of business process design of steam turbine plants on the example of the steam turbine department SBTt CJSC "The Ural Turbine Works"

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    Статья представляет собой анализ производственных и бизнес процессов ОПТ (отдела паровых турбин) ЗАО «Уральский турбинный завод». Целью анализа является создании функциональной модели типа «As-Is» и информационных связей системы проектирования паротурбинных установок.This article is an analysis of production and business processes of the DST (department of steam turbine), CJSC "The Ural Turbine Works". The purpose of the analysis is to create a functional model of the type "As-is" and information links system design of steam turbine plants

    Parametric modeling of steam turbines parts

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    В статье рассматриваются вопросы параметрического моделирования в области энергетического машиностроения при помощи программного комплекса Creo Parametric 3.0.The article deals with the parametric modeling in the field of power engineering using Creo Parametric 3.0 software

    The blade modernization of the 25 LPS stage of the turbine PT-135/165-130/15

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    Статья представляет собой исследование течения рабочего тела через ступень турбины ПТ-135/165-130/15. Целью анализа является определение необходимости и/или целесообразности совершенствования ступени с обрезанной лопаткой.The article presents a study of flow through the stage of turbine PT-135/165-130/15. The purpose of the analysis is to determine the need and/or feasibility of improvement of the stage with the cut blade

    The Use of Modern Methods of Computer Analysis in the Development of Parts of the Steam Turbine Flow Part on the Example of T-295/335-23.5 JSC «The Ural Turbine Works»

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    The article presents an analysis of the t-295/335-23.5 finite element calculations carried out during the development of the turbine. In particular, the analysis of gas-dynamic processes in the flow part of the cylinders, inlet and exhaust pipes.Статья представляет анализ проведенных в ходе разработки турбины Т-295/335-23,5 расчетов методом конечных элементов. В частности, анализ газодинамических процессов в проточной части цилиндров, входных и выхлопных патрубков

    Association of Calculation and Designing Subsystems for Engineering of Steam Turbine Equipment

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    The article describes the integration of the calculation subsystem implemented in PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 and the design subsystem implemented in the PTC Creo Parametric 3.0 environment when creating design documentation for steam turbine seals.Статья представляет описание интеграции расчетной подсистемы, реализованной в PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 и проектирующей подсистемы, реализованной в среде PTC Creo Parametric 3.0 при создании конструкторской документации на уплотнения паровой турбины