37 research outputs found

    34. Provenance and Deposition of Lower Cretaceous Turbidite Sands at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603, Lower Continental Rise Off North Carolina

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    During the drilling of Hole 603B on Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 93, an unexpected series of sand-, silt-, and claystone turbidites was encountered from Cores 603B-45 through -76 (1224-1512 m sub-bottom depth). Complete and truncated Bouma sequences were observed, some indicating deposition by debris flows. Sand emplacement culminated with the deposition of a 30-m-thick, unconsolidated sand unit (Cores 603B-48 through -45). The purpose of this preliminary study is to determine the nature of the heavy mineral suites of this sediment in order to make tentative correlations with onshore equivalents. The heavy mineralogy of Lower Cretaceous North American mid-Atlantic coastal plain sediment has been extensively studied. This sediment is classified as the Potomac Group, which has a varied heavy mineral suite in its lower part (Patuxent Formation), and a limited suite in its upper part (Patapsco Formation). The results of this study reveal a similar trend in the heavy mineral suites of sediment in Hole 6038. Hauterivian through lower Barremian sediment has a heavy mineral suite that is dominated by zircon, apatite, and garnet, with minor amounts of staurolite and kyanite. Beginning in the mid-Barremian, a new source of sediment becomes dominant, one which supplies an epidote-rich heavy mineral suite. The results of the textural analyses show that average grain size of the light mineral fraction increases upsection, whereas sorting decreases. The epidote-rich source may have delivered sediment with a slightly coarser mean grain size. This sediment may represent a more direct continental input at times of maximum turbidite activity (mid-Barremian) and during deposition of the upper, unconsolidated sand unit

    Neogene ice-rafted debris record of ODP Hole 120-751A

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    One of the primary objectives of Leg 120 was to obtain a high-resolution Neogene stratigraphic section from the Kerguelen Plateau. Site 751, located in the central part of the Raggatt Basin on the Southern Kerguelen Plateau in 1633.8 m of water (57°43.56'S; 79°48.89'E), was selected as the dedicated Neogene site for this objective. High-resolution sampling at Site 751 was used to delineate in detail the Neogene ice-rafted debris (IRD) occurrences on the Kerguelen Plateau. The oldest IRD found at Site 751 was approximately 9.9 Ma, and it was not until approximately 8.5 Ma that significant concentrations of IRD were detected. The first major IRD event at this site occurred in the uppermost Miocene between 6.0 and 5.5 Ma. During this time period, a general climatic cooling and glacial expansion occurred on Antarctica. The late Miocene IRD event was followed by a continuous episode of elevated IRD deposition in the lowermost Pliocene between 4.5 and 4.1 Ma. The 0.4-m.y. duration and the timing of the early Pliocene IRD event on the Kerguelen Plateau corresponds with IRD fluxes observed on the Falkland Plateau and in the Weddell Abyssal Plain. This correspondence of data indicates that a major global climatic event occurred during the early Pliocene. The East Antarctic Ice Sheet may have experienced deglaciation between 4.5 and 4.1 Ma and, as a result, released large volumes of sediment-laden ice into the Southern Ocean