199 research outputs found

    Teachers' Training, Class Size and Students' Outcomes: Learning from Administrative Forecasting Mistakes

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    This paper studies the impact of different teacher and class characteristics on third graders' outcomes. It uses a feature of the French system in which some novice teachers start their jobs before receiving any training. Three categories of teachers are included in the sample: experienced teachers, trained novice teachers and untrained novice teachers. To identify the effects, we use administrative mistakes in forecasting the number of teachers. We find that trained and untrained novice teachers are assigned to similar classes, whereas experienced teachers have better students located in better environments. Hence, in order to match similar students and classes, we focus on pupils with novice teachers and discard those with experienced teachers. In addition, we show that the same sample can be used to estimate the causal effect of class size on students' outcomes. Our findings are: (1) teachers' training substantially improves students' test scores in mathematics; (2) this training effect does not rely on different teaching practices, but mainly on subject matter competence; untrained teachers who majored in sciences at university improve their students' achievement as much as trained teachers do; (3) the class size effect is substantial and significant; class size does not seem to be correlated with instructional practices; (4) teachers' training does not improve the scores of initially low-achieving students and classes; on the contrary, a smaller class is more beneficial to low-achieving students within classes and to all students in low-achieving classes.teachers' training, class size

    L’apport des modèles multiniveaux à la recherche en éducation

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    La modélisation des effets de l’environnement sur les individus pose des problèmes statistiques qui sont tout à fait redoutables. A cet égard, les modèles classiques par les moindres carrés ordinaires souffrent d’évidentes limites. Les modèles multiniveaux, plus récents, offrent quant à eux des solutions adéquates à ces problèmes et ouvrent des possibilités d’analyse très importantes en ce domaine. Cet article fait le point sur ces questions de modélisation statistique des effets de l’environnement sur les individus et montre, sur la base d’un exemple empirique précis, les avantages que procure la modélisation statistique multiniveauModelling the effects of the environment on the individuals is a source of major statistical problems. Concerning this point, ordinary least squares models possess clear limits. More recently created models, which are called multilevel models, offer adequate solutions to these problems and offer very good opportunities of analysis in this domain. This article focuses on the question of how to model statistically the effects of the environment on the individuals and shows, on the basis of an empirical example, the advantages of using multilevel statistical modellin

    Effet de contexte, valeur d'internalité et jugement scolaire

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    La présente étude examine comment les enseignants de C.E.2 construisent le jugement qu'ils portent sur la valeur scolaire de leurs élèves (8-9 ans). Il était demandé, d'une part, aux enseignants de porter des jugements concernant la valeur scolaire de leurs élèves (en mathématiques et en français) et, d'autre part, aux élèves de répondre à un questionnaire d'intemalité selon trois consignes (spontanée, de manière à se faire bien voir, de manière à se faire mal voir). Les résultats montrent premièrement un effet de contexte : plus le niveau global de la classe est élevé, plus le jugement est sévère. Ce résultat confirme l'idée selon laquelle le jugement que l'enseignant porte sur un élève ne se fonde pas uniquement sur le niveau individuel des perfor­mances de cet élève, mais également sur le niveau des autres élèves de la classe. Deuxièmement, les résultats montrent que les jugements des enseignants sont influencés par des valeurs normatives comme l'intemalité. Plus précisément, les jugements des enseignants sont influencés par la connaissance que les élèves ont de la norme d'internalité (i.e., lorsqu'il s'agit de se faire bien voir). Ces résultats nous conduisent à discuter la notion de clairvoyance normative.The present study examines how teachers of CE2 (US third grade and British Junior 2 classes) assess their pupils (8-9 years old). On the one hand, teachers had to assess the mastering of their pupils in two disciplines : mathematics and French. On the other hand, pupils were asked to reply to a questionnaire according to three different instructions : Io reply spontaneously, in a way w be favourably considered (internai) in a way not w be favourably considered (external). The results show, first, a contextual effect ; the higher the Level of achievement of a class is, the more severely the scholastic work is gracled. These results support the view that such an evaluation is not only based upon individual qualifications of a pupil but is in conjonction with the entire class. Second, the restais show that the teachers' assessments are influenced by standards of references such as the internai pattern. More specifically, teaclzers' evaluations are infiuenced by the pupils' knowledge of this internai pattern: to be lavourably considered). These results lead us to discuss the knowledge of the norm of perspicacity

    Teachers' training, class size and students' outcomes: learning from administrative forecasting mistakes

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    This paper studies the impact of different teacher and class characteristics on third graders' outcomes. It uses a feature of the French system in which some novice teachers start their jobs before receiving any training. Three categories of teachers are included in the sample: experienced teachers, trained novice teachers and untrained novice teachers. To identify the effects, we use administrative mistakes in forecasting the number of teachers. We find that trained and untrained novice teachers are assigned to similar classes, whereas experienced teachers have better students located in better environments. Hence, in order to match similar students and classes, we focus on pupils with novice teachers and discard those with experienced teachers. In addition, we show that the same sample can be used to estimate the causal effect of class size on students' outcomes. Our findings are: (1) teachers' training substantially improves students' test scores in mathematics; (2) this training effect does not rely on different teaching practices, but mainly on subject matter competence; untrained teachers who majored in sciences at university improve their students' achievement as much as trained teachers do; (3) the class size effect is substantial and significant; class size does not seem to be correlated with instructional practices; (4) teachers' training does not improve the scores of initially low-achieving students and classes; on the contrary, a smaller class is more beneficial to low-achieving students within classes and to all students in low-achieving classes

    Utjecaj superstrukturiranja na optička i transportna svojstva odabranih slojevitih materijala

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    Very special electronic phases brought upon by the superstructuring in layered materials have held the interest of researchers for decades. This thesis deals with the effects of the lattice superstructuring on optical and transport properties of pure and doped samples of 1T-TaS2 and 1T-TiSe2. This work brings the first ever analysis of the optical properties of the nearly-commensurate charge density wave (NCCDW) phase of 1T-TaS2 at temperatures below 200 K. Optical response of the NCCDW phase is for the first time analyzed with the nano-composite-like nature of the phase in mind. Modeling of the optical response using the Bruggeman effective medium theory is suggested and demonstrated. As a result, localized surface plasmon feature is identified in the optical spectrum, as well as the asymmetry of the optical phonon modes brought upon by the coupling of spatially distinct nano-sized domains which comprise the material. A novel analysis of the superstructure-related phonon peaks which allows the determination of the charge redistribution over the star-like superstructure is presented. Lastly, this work also presents the study of the 1T-TiSe2 compound, where the analysis is focused on the properties of the high temperature phase of the material. The contributions of electron and hole pockets are resolved for the first time, as well as the spectral weights and the scattering rates for each channel. Calculated energy ranges of the quasi-2D hole band settle the ongoing debate and determine that 1T-TiSe2 in the high-temperature phase is a semimetal, with scattering which gets stronger over a wide interval as the temperature approaches the phase transition.Vrlo posebne elektronske faze koje nastaju superstrukturiranjem slojastih materijala već desetljećima zaokupljaju pažnju istraživača. Ovaj doktorski rad proučava efekte superstrukturiranja kristalne rešetke na optička i transportna svojstva čistih i dopiranih uzoraka 1T-TaS2 i 1T-TiSe2. Rad donosi prvu analizu optičkih svojstava faze približno sumjerljivog vala gustoće naboja (engl. NCCDW) 1T-TaS2 na temperaturama ispod 200 K. Po prvi put je optički odziv NCCDW faze analiziran uzimajući u obzir njenu nanokompozitnu prirodu, te je predloženo i provedeno modeliranje optičkog odziva pomoću Bruggemanove teorije efektivnog medija. Kao rezultat, u optičkom spektru je identificiran učinak lokalnog površinskog plazmona, kao i asimetrija fononskih modova do koje dolazi zbog vezanja optičkog odziva prostorno razdvojenih nano-domena. Nadalje, predložena je nova analiza intenziteta super-strukturnih fononskih vrhova koja omogućava određivanje redistribucije naboja u zvjezdastoj superstrukturi. Napose, ovaj rad predstavlja i istraživanje 1T-TiSe2, gdje je analiza usredotočena na svojstva visokotemperaturne faze materijala. Po prvi put su razlučeni doprinosi elektronskih i šupljinskih pobuđenja, te njihova spektralna težina i jačina raspršenja. Proračuni energijskog raspona kvazi-dvodimenzionalne šupljinske vrpce omogućuju zaključenje dugotrajne debate u korist zaključka da je 1T-TiSe2 u visokotemperaturnoj fazi “polumetal” (engl. semimetal), s raspršenjem koje jača preko vrlo širokog intervala u kojem se temperatura približava točki prijelaza

    Ergonomic theory and practice: What language learners do in a self-access room

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    Après une brève présentation de la médiathèque du centre de langues qui fut l’objet de la recherche, les auteurs détaillent les concepts ergonomiques : la genèse instrumentale (Rabardel 1995) et la redéfinition de la tâche (Leplat 1997), qui ont servi de cadre théorique aux recherches menées dans la salle en libre accès. Deux recherches empiriques sont alors présentées afin d’illustrer une démarche de type ergonomique. La première étude, descriptive et macroscopique, révèle que des modèles comportementaux spécifiques sont associés à chaque médium : le document imprimé, le poste de télévision, l’ordinateur. La deuxième étude compare les comportements déployés par les étudiants qui recevaient l’aide d’un enseignant-tuteur à ceux déployés par des étudiants qui ne recevaient pas de guidage pédagogique. Les résultats de ces deux études quantitatives ont suscité un programme de recherches qualitatives, d’abord centrées sur l’apprenant puis sur l’enseignant, et qui font l’objet d’un bref exposé dans une dernière partie.This paper aims at presenting the contribution of cognitive ergonomics to the research carried out in language centres. After a brief presentation of the self-access room of the language centre which was surveyed, the authors describe the ergonomic concepts: instrumental genesis (Rabardel 1995) and task redefinition (Leplat 1997), which served as a theoretical framework for the empirical studies carried out in the self-access room. Two empirical studies are, then, described to illustrate an ergonomic procedure. The first macroscopic descriptive study points out that specific pattern of behaviours are associated to each medium: the printed paper, the TV set or the personal computer. The second study compares the behaviours of students who received the help of a teacher-tutor to the behaviours of students whose work was not assisted. Results show an interaction between the pedagogical modes and behavioural patterns. In particular, the students whose work was tutored displayed a wider repertoire of behaviours than those whose work was not piloted. In the wake of these quantitative studies, a qualitative research program followed. This program, first focused on the learners and then on the teachers, is summed up in the final part of this paper

    Un modèle sociocognitif des apprentissages scolaires : style motivationnel de l’enseignant, soutien perçu des élèves et processus motivationnels

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    Dans le cadre de cette étude, nous proposons un modèle sociocognitif des apprentissages scolaires, basé sur la théorie de l’autodétermination et la théorie sociocognitive de Bandura (1986), qui intègre le style motivationnel de l’enseignant, la perception que les élèves en ont, trois variables motivationnelles (la motivation autodéterminée, l’amotivation et les croyances d’auto-efficacité) et le niveau scolaire des élèves évalué par des tests standardisés d’acquisitions. Les données ont été recueillies en 2003 à l’occasion de l’Évaluation-bilan-école conduite par la Direction de l’évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance du ministère de l’Éducation nationale. L’échantillon est constitué de 4402 élèves de CM2 et de leurs 326 enseignants. Des modèles multiniveaux conduits de manière séquentielle fournissent des résultats qui sont cohérents avec nos hypothèses théoriques. Dans ce qu’ils ont d’essentiel, les résultats montrent que le style motivationnel autorapporté par les enseignants est relié aux acquisitions scolaires des élèves et que cette relation transite par la perception que les élèves ont du style motivationnel autorapporté par leur enseignant, qui est reliée aux variables motivationnelles des élèves, elles-mêmes corrélées au niveau scolaire des élèves.In this paper, we provide a sociocognitive model of academic learning acquisitions based on the theory of self-determination as well as on Bandura’s sociocognitive theory (e.g. Bandura, 1986). This model integrates teachers’ motivational style, its perception by their students, three motivational variables (self-determined motivation, amotivation, and self-efficacy) and students’ academic learning acquisitions as measured by standardized tests. The data were collected in 2003 by the EBE (Evaluation Bilan Ecole) study conducted by the French Ministry of Education (Direction de l’Evaluation, de la Prospective et de la Performance). The sample is based on 4,402 fifth-grade students and their 326 teachers. Multilevel models performed sequentially show results that are congruent with our theoretical hypotheses. Basically, the results show that teachers’ self-reported motivational style is related to students’ academic learning acquisitions and that this relation is mediated by students’ perception of their teacher’s motivational style. This variable is related to students’ motivational variables which are themselves correlated with students’ academic learning acquisition

    « PARLER » : un dispositif pour prévenir les difficultés scolaires

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    Cette recherche vise à évaluer les effets sur les acquisitions des élèves de « PARLER », un dispositif mis en place de la grande section maternelle jusqu’en fin de CE1 pour favoriser le développement langagier et prévenir l’échec scolaire dans les quartiers défavorisés. En comparaison avec les élèves d’un groupe témoin (N = 106), les résultats montrent que les élèves ayant bénéficié du dispositif PARLER (N = 107) ont de meilleures acquisitions en fin de CE1 dans toutes les dimensions testées : l’effet de PARLER apparaît tout à fait fort dans le domaine du langage oral et de la lecture, en particulier pour ce qui est de la compréhension de lecture ; la logique non verbale est elle aussi positivement affectée par le programme PARLER, ce qui tend à montrer que la portée du dispositif dépasse la seule sphère des progrès en langage oral et écrit qui représentait son objectif principal.This research is designed to assess how “PARLER”, a program implemented from kindergarten through to the end of grade 2 to promote language development and prevent academic failure in disadvantaged areas, impacts pupils’ achievements. The results show that the pupils who benefited from the PARLER program (N = 107) have learnt more by the end of grade 2 in all the fields tested when compared with the pupils in the control group (N = 106). PARLER has a very strong effect on oral language and reading, in particular on reading comprehension; non-verbal logic is also positively affected by the PARLER program, which indicates that the scope of this scheme is not limited solely to progress in oral and written language, which was its main area of focus

    O ensino de didática e a atuação do professor formador na visão de licenciandos de educação artística

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    Resumo Este artigo decorre de um estudo com 52 estudantes de um curso de licenciatura em educação artística, que teve por objetivo analisar a aprendizagem da docência construída no contexto das disciplinas de didática, considerando o que se ensina, como se ensina e a influência do professor formador a partir do que ele próprio faz para ensinar. A opção por investigar esse curso se justifica porque a sua estrutura curricular, na instituição de ensino superior (IES) pesquisada, ainda se ancora na didática de cunho tecnicista, desafiando os formadores de professores que trabalham com a formação em didática na perspectiva crítica. Para a obtenção dos dados, foi utilizado um questionário, aplicado aos estudantes, conjugado com a realização de grupo de discussão. Teoricamente, a pesquisa se desenvolveu a partir da compreensão de que o ato de ensinar envolve a ação especializada do professor para promover a aprendizagem de seus alunos. Porque a ação é especializada, aquele que a realiza necessita mobilizar saberes específicos, reconhecidos academicamente como base de conhecimento profissional docente. As análises evidenciam que o objeto da didática é nuclear no ensino, mas a abordagem de metodologias sem resvalar para a perspectiva tecnicista ainda é o principal desafio do formador; o estágio é reconhecido como potente espaço/tempo de formação em didática; e a influência do formador no processo de constituição profissional docente é relevada