37 research outputs found

    Recomendaciones docentes para una Educación Física escolar segura y responsable ante la “nueva normalidad”: minimización de riesgos de contagio de la COVID-19 en las clases de EF para el curso 2020-2021 = Teaching recommendations for a safe and responsible Physical School Education in the face of the “new normality": minimization of risks of contagion of COVID-19 in PE classes for the academic year 2020- 2021

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    p. 81-93Este documento, elaborado por el Comité asesor de enseñanza de la Educación Física y el área de Educación Física y Deportiva para la Salud del Consejo COLEF, parte de la premisa de que las clases de EF no serán como antes, pero una adecuada planificación, contemplando las medidas preventivas y de higiene, puede hacer que la “nueva normalidad” sea lo más segura posible, tanto para el alumnado como para el personal docente de la materia. Lo que aquí se expone también pretende poner en valor la materia de EF por su relación con la salud y los hábitos de vida, ofreciendo una oportunidad de aprendizaje para niños/as y adolescentes que necesitan re-socializarse y adaptarse después del entorno de aprendizaje online que hemos vivido. Específicamente, las recomendaciones que aquí se presentan ayudarán al personal docente con la toma de decisiones y la implementación de la EF, dando la oportunidad de trabajar la promoción y cuidado de la salud durante el tiempo de clase, así como antes, durante y después del día escolar, generando hábitos saludables y adherencia al ejercicio.S

    Proyecto Hábitos Saludables en Ejercicio y Nutrición (HaSEN)

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    40 alumnos del doble grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte y Fisioterapia han participado en el Proyecto de Hábitos Saludables en Ejercicio y Nutrición (HaSEN), a través de su asignatura de Actividad Física y Salud de cuarto curso. Durante la asignatura han sido los encargados de diseñar, ejecutar y supervisar el programa de ejercicio físico desarrollado en dicho proyecto para 20 empleados de la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Para ello, se ha realizado toda la asignatura de manera experiencial adquiriendo los resultados de aprendizaje pretendidos y tomando conciencia de la realidad de lo que van a afrontar en su carrera profesional. Los alumnos han realizado, siempre con el participante asignado, un consentimiento informado, una valoración de factores de riesgo cardiovascular (gracias a las analíticas realizadas a los participantes en el Servicio Médico), una valoración de la composición corporal a través de antropometría, han buscado las recomendaciones de ejercicio físico para el perfil poblacional de su participante, así como los test de condición física más idóneos y en base a todo ello han desarrollado un programa de ejercicio físico de seis semanas de duración. Los estudiantes han expuesto que este proyecto y la metodología de la asignatura les ha servido para estar mejor preparados de cara a la realidad de utilizar la herramienta del ejercicio físico en personas sedentarias, consiguiendo así un aprendizaje muy significativo. Los participantes del proyecto han evaluado de forma muy satisfactoria a los alumnos, a través de las rúbricas diseñadas para ello.SIN FINANCIACIÓNNo data 2018UE

    Análisis de patrones de ejercicio físico en pacientes en tratamiento y supervivientes de cáncer

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    Tesis inédita presentada en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. Programa de Doctorado en Actividad Física y DeporteLa tesis doctoral es un compendio de cuatro artículos publicados en revistas internacionales indexadas en el Journal Citation Report: Ruiz-Casado A, Verdugo A, Solano M, Pagola 1, Fiuza-Luces C, Lucia A, et al. Objectively assessed physical activity levels in Spanish cancersurvivors. OncolNurs Forum. 2014; 41(1): E12-E20. PubMed PMID: 24368248. Ruiz-Casado A, Alejo L, Santos-Lozano A, Soria A, Ortega M, Lucia A, et al. Validity of the Physical Activity Questionnaires IPAQ-SF and GPAQ for Cancer Survivors: lnsights from a Spanish Cohort. lnt J Sports Med. 2016; 37(12): 979-985. PubMed PMID: 27557405. Alejo L, Pagola 1, Fiuza-Luces C, Huerga D, Torres M, Soria A, et al. Exercise prehabilitation program for patients under neoadjuvant treatment for rectal cancer: a pilot study. J. Cancer Res. Ther. 2018. Santos-Lozano A, Ramos J, Alvarez-Bustos A, Cantos B, Alejo L, Pagola 1, et al. Cardiorespiratory fitness and adiposity in breast cancer survivors: Is meeting current physical activity recommendations really enough? Support Care Cancer. 2018; 26(7): 2293-2301. PubMed PMID: 29404842. Los dos primeros artículos, así como el cuarto, se publicaron como difusión del "Estudio descriptivo transversal para la evaluación objetiva de la actividad física realizada por personas con antecedentes de cáncer'', financiado por los Fondos de Cohesión del Consejo lnterterritorial para las Comunidades Autónomas. El tercer artículo se basa en el estudio "Programa de prescripción de actividad física a pacientes con cáncer de recto durante el tratamiento preoperatorio", financiado por la Cátedra Real Madrid-Universidad Europea de Madrid (código del proyecto: 2009/07RM).UE

    The Use of Instagram in the Sports Biomechanics Classroom

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    Students in higher education habitually use mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, specifically using social networks on them for staying updated on current affairs, communication between one another, and entertainment. However, its use as a potential medium for learning especially in times of distance learning has not been studied in depth. Instagram is the fastest growing social network in the world and its graphical interface makes it a useful learning tool for a theoretical-practical subject such as biomechanics, where movement is analyzed. The main objective was to evaluate the change in perception of students in the use of Instagram as a learning medium for qualitative biomechanical analysis as a part of their undergraduate sports science program. 171 students filled out a questionnaire on the use of smartphones, social networks, and specifically Instagram, before and after doing an assignment of qualitative analysis that was carried. The results indicated a positive change in the perspective of the students when asked if class assignments can be done on mobile devices (p = 0.002) and social media (p < 0.001). The students also indicated a greater interest in doing assignments via social networks (p < 0.001), especially in the subject of biomechanics (p < 0.001). They also cited that Instagram is a useful source for information on sports biomechanics (p = 0.015) and could be used to make observations of sporting movements (p = 0.043). The results indicated that an introduction of familiar devices in undergraduate teaching could produce a positive change in perception of using such methodologies and facilitate learning. The students, who use smartphones very frequently in their daily lives, and specifically, many use them for browsing social networks, find the platform to be very useful in finding and sharing information related to sports and specifically in sports biomechanics. The visual aspect of social networks like Instagram can help engage them with learning strategies in a subject like biomechanics.Sin financiación2.988 JCR (2020) Q2, 43/140 Psychology, Multidisciplinary0.947 SJR (2020) Q2, 68/263 Psychology (miscellaneous)No data IDR 2020UE

    What Does It Take to Become a Professional Cyclist? A Laboratory-Based Longitudinal Analysis in Competitive Young Riders

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    Purpose: Laboratory-based indicators are commonly used for performance assessment in young cyclists. However, evidence supporting the use of these indicators mostly comes from cross-sectional research, and their validity as predictors of potential future performance remains unclear. We aimed to assess the role of laboratory variables for predicting transition from U23 (under 23 y) to professional category in young cyclists. Methods: Sixty-five U23 male road cyclists (19.6 [1.5] y) were studied. Endurance (maximal graded test and simulated 8-min time trial [TT]), muscle strength/power (squat, lunge, and hip thrust), and body composition (assessed with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) indicators were determined. Participants were subsequently followed and categorized attending to whether they had transitioned ("Pro") or not ("Non-Pro") to the professional category during the study period. Results: The median follow-up period was 3 years. Pro cyclists (n = 16) showed significantly higher values than Non-Pro riders (n = 49) for ventilatory thresholds, peak power output, peak oxygen uptake, and TT performance (all P 0.69) and lower levels of fat mass and bone mineral content/density (P 0.63). However, no significant differences were found for muscle strength/power indicators (P > .05, effect size < 49). The most accurate individual predictor was TT performance (overall predictive value = 76% for a cutoff value of 5.6 W·kg-1). However, some variables that did not reach statistical significance in univariate analyses contributed significantly to a multivariate model (R2 = .79, overall predictive value = 94%). Conclusions: Although different "classic" laboratory-based endurance indicators can predict the potential of reaching the professional category in U23 cyclists, a practical indicator such as 8-minute TT performance showed the highest prediction accuracy.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CD21/00138)Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Fondos Feder (CD21/00138)3.3 Q2 JCR 20221.388 Q1 SJR 2023No data IDR 2022UE

    Propuesta de un programa de mentoría basado en las necesidades de apoyo y seguimiento del estudiante de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte de la UEM

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    La mentoría, en el marco de la educación superior, implica trabajar con estudiantes que desean aprender de una persona con reconocida experiencia profesional y social, estrategias y procedimientos propios de un contexto determinado. Para ello, es necesario conocer cuáles son las necesidades de apoyo y seguimiento que los estudiantes reclaman en el contexto de sus facultades. Tras una evaluación de dichas necesidades en el alumnado de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte (CAFYD) de la Universidad Europea de Madrid, se propone un nuevo plan de mentoría, basado en tres pilares fundamentales: voluntariedad de participación tanto para estudiantes como para docentes, existencia de la figura de mentores especialistas por áreas y propuesta de descarga docente para los docentes que participen en el plan. Con este diseño se pretende que los estudiantes puedan elegir si participan o no en todo el proceso, el área en la que quieren formarse y el mentor con el que quieren trabajarla.SIN FINANCIACIÓNNo data 2015UE

    Performance Parameters in Competitive Alpine Skiing Disciplines of Slalom, Giant Slalom and Super-Giant Slalom

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    The objective of this study was to describe the kinematic patterns and impacts in male and female skiers in the super-giant slalom, giant slalom and slalom disciplines of an international alpine skiing competition using a portable Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) technology device. Fifteen skiers (males, n = 9, females, n = 6) volunteered to participate in this study. Data acquisition was carried out using a wireless inertial measurement device (WIMUTM PRO: hybrid location system GNSS at 18 Hz with a precision locator UltraWideband UWD ( 7 g: p = 0.013; impacts 6.1-7 g: p = 0.002; impacts 5.1-6 g: p = 0.006). In male skiers, the distances traveled at different speed thresholds have a direct relation to the ranking of skiers, but this ideal threshold decreased as the technicality of the discipline increased. In the case of female skiers, although no relation was seen with the speed thresholds, greater distances covered at medium accelerations improved skiing performance. The external load in alpine skiing varied based on sex and discipline. This information could be essential to develop sex-specific and discipline-specific training programs in alpine skiing.Sin financiación3.390 JCR (2020) Q1, 42/176 Public, Environmental & Occupational Health0.747 SJR (2020) Q2, 50/136 Health, Toxicology and MutagenesisNo data IDR 2020UE

    Obesity can offset the cardiometabolic benefits of gestational exercise

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    Sin financiación5.095 JCR (2020) Q2, 38/145 Endocrinology & Metabolism1.663 SJR (2020) Q1, 25/232 Endocrinology, Diabetes and MetabolismNo data IDR 2020UE

    Durability in Professional Cyclists: A Field Study

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    Purpose: To assess durability in professional cyclists, as well as potential associated indicators. Methods: Twelve male professional cyclists participated in the study (age: 26 [5] y, VO2max: 83.0 [3.6] mL·kg−1·min−1). They performed a 20-minute time trial (TT) on 2 different sessions separated by a 48-hour period: (1) with no previous fatigue (TTFresh) and (2) immediately after a long submaximal ride (approximately 4 h, 40 kJ/kg) (TTFatigue). We then assessed the decay (in percentage) in mean power output (PO) from TTFresh to TTFatigue and its association with different laboratory-based endurance indicators (ventilatory threshold, peak PO, and VO2max) determined through a previous maximal incremental cycling test, as well as with training loads during the 4 weeks preceding the TTs. Results: While no differences were noted in the average heart rate (177 [7] vs 176 [6] beats·min–1, P = .118), there was a significant decay in PO between TTFresh and TTFatigue (386 [29] W vs 375 [28] W [−2.9%], respectively; P = .007), albeit with signs of interindividual variability (range = −8.5% to 1.1%; coefficient of variation = 105%). No significant associations were found between the PO decay and any of the analyzed indicators (all P > .05). Conclusions: Performance is significantly impaired after a certain amount of work completed (approximately 40 kJ·kg–1) in professional cyclists, and the magnitude of this impairment seems to be not related to “traditional” laboratory-based endurance indicators or to markers of training load. These findings might support the need for specifically assessing durability in cyclists and confirming potential determinants of this parameter.Sin financiación4.211 JCR (2021) Q1, 20/88 Sport Sciences1.623 SJR (2021) Q1, 11/294 Orthopedics and Sports MedicineNo data IDR 2021UE

    Traditional Versus Velocity-Based Resistance Training in Competitive Female Cyclists: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    We assessed the effects of a short-term velocity-based resistance training (VBRT, where exercise intensity is individualized based on the loads and repetitions that maximize power output) program compared with traditional resistance training (TRT, where the same number of repetitions and relative load are used for every individual) on body composition, muscle strength/power, and endurance performance in competitive female cyclists. Seventeen participants were randomly assigned to 6 weeks (two sessions/week) of TRT (n = 8) or VBRT (n = 9), during which they maintained their usual endurance program. Both interventions included squat, hip thrust, and split squat exercises. Training loads were continuously registered, and outcomes were measures of muscle strength/power, body composition, and endurance performance (incremental test and 8-min time trial). No differences between TRT and VBRT groups were found for overall internal training loads during resistance training or cycling sessions (p > 0.05). Both interventions led to significant improvements in all strength/power-related outcomes, but VBRT induced greater improvements than TRT in maximum muscle strength and power as assessed with the hip thrust exercise (p < 0.05 for the group by time interaction effect). However, no significant group by time interaction effect was found for body composition or endurance performance-related outcomes. In conclusion, the addition of a short-term intervention of VBRT or TRT to the usual training regimen of competitive female cyclists improves muscle strength/power, albeit VBRT might induce superior gains on maximum strength/power for the hip thrust exercise.Sin financiación4.566 JCR (2020) Q1, 14/81 Physiology1.320 SJR (2020) Q2, 45/178 PhysiologyNo data IDR 2019UE