11 research outputs found

    Cognitive decline in Huntington's disease expansion gene carriers

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    BACKGROUND: In Huntington's Disease (HD) cognitive decline can occur before unequivocal motor signs become apparent. As cognitive decline often starts early in the course of the disease and has a progressive nature over time, cognition can be regarded as a key target for symptomatic treatment. The specific progressive profile of cognitive decline over time is unknown. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to quantify the progression of cognitive decline across all HD stages, from pre-motormanifest to advanced HD, and to investigate if CAG length mediates cognitive decline. METHODS: In the European REGISTRY study 2669 HD expansion gene carriers underwent annual cognitive assessment. General linear mixed models were used to model the cognitive decline for each cognitive task across all disease stages. Additionally, a model was developed to evaluate the cognitive decline based on CAG length and age rather than disease stage. RESULTS: There was significant cognitive decline on all administered tasks throughout pre-motormanifest (close to estimated disease onset) participants and the subsequent motormanifest participants from stage 1 to stage 4. Performance on the Stroop Word and Stroop Color tests additionally declined significantly across the two pre-motormanifest groups: far and close to estimated disease onset. The evaluation of cognition performance in relation to CAG length and age revealed a more rapid cognitive decline in participants with longer CAG length than participants with shorter CAG length over time. CONCLUSION: Cognitive performance already shows decline in pre-motormanifest HD gene expansion carriers and gradually worsens to late stage HD. HD gene expansion carriers with certain CAG length have their own cognitive profile, i.e., longer CAG length is associated with more rapid decline

    Reduced Cancer Incidence in Huntington's Disease: Analysis in the Registry Study

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    Background: People with Huntington’s disease (HD) have been observed to have lower rates of cancers. Objective: To investigate the relationship between age of onset of HD, CAG repeat length, and cancer diagnosis. Methods: Data were obtained from the European Huntington’s disease network REGISTRY study for 6540 subjects. Population cancer incidence was ascertained from the GLOBOCAN database to obtain standardised incidence ratios of cancers in the REGISTRY subjects. Results: 173/6528 HD REGISTRY subjects had had a cancer diagnosis. The age-standardised incidence rate of all cancers in the REGISTRY HD population was 0.26 (CI 0.22–0.30). Individual cancers showed a lower age-standardised incidence rate compared with the control population with prostate and colorectal cancers showing the lowest rates. There was no effect of CAG length on the likelihood of cancer, but a cancer diagnosis within the last year was associated with a greatly increased rate of HD onset (Hazard Ratio 18.94, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Cancer is less common than expected in the HD population, confirming previous reports. However, this does not appear to be related to CAG length in HTT. A recent diagnosis of cancer increases the risk of HD onset at any age, likely due to increased investigation following a cancer diagnosis

    Discrepancies in reporting the CAG repeat lengths for Huntington's disease.

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    Huntington's disease results from a CAG repeat expansion within the Huntingtin gene; this is measured routinely in diagnostic laboratories. The European Huntington's Disease Network REGISTRY project centrally measures CAG repeat lengths on fresh samples; these were compared with the original results from 121 laboratories across 15 countries. We report on 1326 duplicate results; a discrepancy in reporting the upper allele occurred in 51% of cases, this reduced to 13.3% and 9.7% when we applied acceptable measurement errors proposed by the American College of Medical Genetics and the Draft European Best Practice Guidelines, respectively. Duplicate results were available for 1250 lower alleles; discrepancies occurred in 40% of cases. Clinically significant discrepancies occurred in 4.0% of cases with a potential unexplained misdiagnosis rate of 0.3%. There was considerable variation in the discrepancy rate among 10 of the countries participating in this study. Out of 1326 samples, 348 were re-analysed by an accredited diagnostic laboratory, based in Germany, with concordance rates of 93% and 94% for the upper and lower alleles, respectively. This became 100% if the acceptable measurement errors were applied. The central laboratory correctly reported allele sizes for six standard reference samples, blind to the known result. Our study differs from external quality assessment (EQA) schemes in that these are duplicate results obtained from a large sample of patients across the whole diagnostic range. We strongly recommend that laboratories state an error rate for their measurement on the report, participate in EQA schemes and use reference materials regularly to adjust their own internal standards

    Discrepancies in reporting the CAG repeat lengths for Huntington's disease.

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    Huntington's disease results from a CAG repeat expansion within the Huntingtin gene; this is measured routinely in diagnostic laboratories. The European Huntington's Disease Network REGISTRY project centrally measures CAG repeat lengths on fresh samples; these were compared with the original results from 121 laboratories across 15 countries. We report on 1326 duplicate results; a discrepancy in reporting the upper allele occurred in 51% of cases, this reduced to 13.3% and 9.7% when we applied acceptable measurement errors proposed by the American College of Medical Genetics and the Draft European Best Practice Guidelines, respectively. Duplicate results were available for 1250 lower alleles; discrepancies occurred in 40% of cases. Clinically significant discrepancies occurred in 4.0% of cases with a potential unexplained misdiagnosis rate of 0.3%. There was considerable variation in the discrepancy rate among 10 of the countries participating in this study. Out of 1326 samples, 348 were re-analysed by an accredited diagnostic laboratory, based in Germany, with concordance rates of 93% and 94% for the upper and lower alleles, respectively. This became 100% if the acceptable measurement errors were applied. The central laboratory correctly reported allele sizes for six standard reference samples, blind to the known result. Our study differs from external quality assessment (EQA) schemes in that these are duplicate results obtained from a large sample of patients across the whole diagnostic range. We strongly recommend that laboratories state an error rate for their measurement on the report, participate in EQA schemes and use reference materials regularly to adjust their own internal standards

    Observing Huntington's disease: the European Huntington's Disease Network's REGISTRY.

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    none642sinoneOrth M, Handley OJ, Schwenke C, Dunnett S, Wild EJ, Tabrizi SJ, Landwehrmeyer GB, Bachoud-Lévi AC, Bentivoglio AR, Biunno I, Bonelli R, Burgunder JM, Dunnett SB, Ferreira JJ, Giuliano J, Handley OJ, Heiberg A, Illmann T, van Kammen D, Landwehrmeye GB, Levey J, Nielsen JE, Päivärinta M, Roos RA, Sebastián AR, Tabrizi SJ, Vandenberghe W, Verellen-Dumoulin C, Zaremba J, Uhrova T, Wahlström J, Schwenke C, Orth M, Illmann T, Wallner M, Barth K, Guedes LC, Finisterra AM, Garde MB, Bos R, Burg S, Ecker D, Handley OJ, Held C, Koppers K, Laurà M, Descals AM, McLean T, Mestre T, Minster S, Monza D, Townhill J, Orth M, Padieu H, Paterski L, Peppa N, Koivisto SP, Rialland A, Røren N, Sasinková P, Cubillo PT, Tritsch C, van Walsem MR, Witjes-Ané MN, Yudina E, Zielonka D, Zielonka E, Zinzi P, Bonelli RM, Herranhof B, Holl A, Kapfhammer HP, Koppitz M, Magnet M, Otti D, Painold A, Reisinger K, Scheibl M, Hecht K, Lilek S, Müller N, Schöggl H, Ullah J, Brugger F, Hepperger C, Hotter A, Mahlknecht P, Nocker M, Seppi K, Wenning G, Buratti L, Hametner EM, Holas C, Hussl A, Mair K, Poewe W, Wolf E, Zangerl A, Braunwarth EM, Lilek S, Sinadinosa D, Walleczek AM, Bonelli RM, Ladurner G, Staffen W, Ribaï P, Verellen-Dumoulin C, Flamez A, Morez V, de Raedt S, Boogaerts A, Vandenberghe W, van Reijen D, Klempíř J, Kucharík M, Roth J, Šenkárová Z, Hasholt L, Hjermind LE, Jakobsen O, Nørremølle A, Sørensen SA, Stokholm J, Nielsen J, Hiivola H, Martikainen K, Tuuha K, Peippo M, Sipponen M, Ignatius J, Kärppä M, Åman J, Santala M, Allain P, Guérid MA, Gohier B, Olivier A, Prundean A, Scherer-Gagou C, Verny C, Babiloni B, Debruxelles S, Goizet C, Lafoucrière D, De Bruycker C, Carette AS, Decorte E, Delval A, Delliaux M, Dujardin K, Peter M, Plomhouse L, Simonin C, Thibault-Tanchou S, Bellonet M, Duru C, Krystkowiak P, Roussel M, Wannepain S, Azulay JP, Chabot C, Delphini M, Eusebio A, Grosjean H, Mundler L, Nowak M, Rudolf G, Steinmetz G, Tranchant C, Wagner C, Zimmermann MA, Calvas F, Cheriet S, Démonet JF, Galitzky M, Kosinski CM, Milkereit E, Probst D, Sass C, Schiefer J, Schlangen C, Werner CJ, Gelderblom H, Priller J, Prüss H, Spruth EJ, Andrich J, Hoffmann R, Kraus PH, Muth S, Prehn C, Saft C, Salmen S, Stamm C, Steiner T, Strassburger K, Lange H, Friedrich A, Hunger U, Löhle M, Schmidt S, Storch A, Wolz A, Wolz M, Lambeck J, Zucker B, Boelmans K, Ganos C, Hidding U, Lewerenz J, Münchau A, Orth M, Schmalfeld J, Stubbe L, Zittel S, Diercks G, Gorzolla H, Schrader C, Heinicke W, Ribbat M, Longinus B, Bürk K, Möller JC, Rissling I, Peinemann A, Städtler M, Weindl A, Bechtel N, Beckmann H, Bohlen S, Hölzner E, Lange H, Reilmann R, Rohm S, Rumpf S, Schepers S, Beister A, Dose M, Hammer K, Kieni J, Leythaeuser G, Marquard R, Raab T, Richter S, Selimbegovic-Turkovic A, Schrenk C, Schuierer M, Wiedemann A, Barth K, Buck A, Connemann J, Ecker D, Eschenbach C, Held C, Landwehrmeyer B, Lezius F, Nepper S, Niess A, Orth M, Süssmuth S, Trautmann S, Weydt P, Cormio C, Difruscolo O, Sciruicchio V, Serpino C, de Tommaso M, Capellari S, Cortelli P, Gallassi R, Poda R, Rizzo G, Scaglione C, Bertini E, Ghelli E, Ginestroni A, Massaro F, Mechi C, Paganini M, Piacentini S, Pradella S, Romoli AM, Sorbi S, Abbruzzese G, di Poggio MB, Di Maria E, Ferrandes G, Mandich P, Marchese R, Albanese A, Di Bella D, Di Donato S, Gellera C, Genitrini S, Mariotti C, Monza D, Nanetti L, Paridi D, Soliveri P, Tomasello C, De Michele G, Di Maio L, Rinaldi C, Russo CV, Salvatore E, Tucci T, Cannella M, Codella V, De Gregorio F, De Nicola N, Martino T, Simonelli M, Squitieri F, Bentivoglio AR, Catalli C, Di Giacopo R, Fasano A, Frontali M, Guidubaldi A, Ialongo T, Jacopini G, Loria G, Modoni A, Piano C, Chiara P, Quaranta D, Romano S, Soleti F, Spadaro M, Zinzi P, van Hout MS, van Vugt JP, de Weert AM, Bolwijn JJ, Dekker M, Leenders KL, van Oostrom JC, Bos R, Dumas EM, Jurgens CK, van den Bogaard SJ, Roos RA, 't Hart EP, Witjes-Ané MN, Kremer B, Verstappen CC, Heiberg A, van Walsem MR, Frich J, Wehus R, Aaserud O, Borgerød N, Bjørgo K, Fannemel M, Gørvell P, Pro Koivisto S, Retterstøl L, Overland T, Stokke B, Bjørnevoll I, Sando SB, Blinkenberg EØ, Hauge E, Tyvoll H, Sitek E, Slawek J, Soltan W, Boczarska-Jedynak M, Jasinska-Myga B, Opala G, Kłodowska-Duda G, Banaszkiewicz K, Szczudlik A, Rudzińska M, Wójcik M, Dec M, Krawczyk M, Bryl A, Ciesielska A, Klimberg A, Marcinkowski J, Sempołowicz J, Zielonka D, Samara H, Janik P, Kalbarczyk A, Kwiecinski H, Jamrozik Z, Antczak J, Jachinska K, Rakowicz M, Richter P, Ryglewicz D, Witkowski G, Zdzienicka E, Zaremba J, Sułek A, Krysa W, Júlio F, Januário C, Mestre T, Guedes L, Coelho M, Mendes T, Valadas A, Ferreira JJ, Timóteo Â, Costa C, Vale J, Cavaco S, Damásio J, Magalhães M, Gago M, Garrett C, Guerra MR, Solis P, Herrera CD, Garcia PM, Barrero F, Morales B, Cubo E, Mariscal N, Alonso-Frech F, Perez MR, Fenollar M, García RG, Quiroga PP, Rivera SV, Villanueva C, Bascuñana M, Ventura MF, Ribas GG, de Yébenes JG, Moreno JL, Cubillo PT, Ruíz PJ, Martínez-Descals A, Artiga MJ, Sánchez V, Perea MF, Lorenza F, Torres MM, Reinante G, Moreau LV, Barbera MA, Guia DB, Hernanz LC, Catena JL, Sebastián AR, Ferrer PQ, Carruesco GT, Bas J, Busquets N, Calopa M, Buongiorno MT, Muñoz E, Elorza MD, López CD, Terol SD, Robert MF, Ruíz BG, Casado AG, Martínez IH, Viladrich CM, Pons i Càrdenas R, Roca E, Llesoy JR, Idiago JM, Vergara MR, García SS, Villa Riballo A, González SG, Guisasola LM, Salvador C, San Martín ES, Gorospe A, Legarda I, Arques PN, Rodríguez MJ, Vives B, Gaston I, Ramos-Arroyo MA, Moreno JM, Peña JC, Avarvarei LD, Bastida AM, Recio MF, Vergé LR, Sánchez VS, Carrillo F, Cáceres MT, Mir P, Suarez MJ, Bosca M, Burguera JA, Garcia AC, Martínez LM, del Val JL, Loutfi G, Olofsson C, Stattin EL, Westman L, Wikström B, Höglund A, Pålhagen SE, Paucar M, Sandström B, Soltani R, Svenningsson P, Reza-Soltani TW, Constantinescu R, Fredlund G, Høsterey-Ugander U, Neleborn-Lingefjärd L, Wahlström J, Esmaeilzadeh M, Tedroff J, Winnberg E, Björn Y, Ekwall C, Gøller ML, Johansson A, Wiklund L, Petersen Å, Reimer J, Widner H, Burgunder JM, Burgunder Y, Stebler Y, Kaelin A, Romero I, Schüpbach M, Zaugg SW, Jack R, Matheson K, Miedzybrodzka Z, Rae D, Simpson S, Summers F, Ure A, Crooks J, Curtis A, de Souza Keylock J, Rickards H, Wright J, Hayward B, Sieradzan K, Wright A, Barker RA, Di Pietro A, Fisher K, Goodman A, Hill S, Kershaw A, Mason S, Paterson N, Raymond L, Bisson J, Busse M, Clenaghan C, Ellison-Rose L, Handley O, Hunt S, Townhill J, Price K, Rosser A, Edwards M, Hughes T, McGill M, Pearson P, Porteous M, Smith P, Zeman A, Causley A, Harrower T, Howcroft D, Lambord N, Rankin J, Brockie P, Foster J, Johns N, McKenzie S, Rothery J, Thomas G, Yates S, Miller J, Ritchie S, Burrows L, Fletcher A, Harding A, Laver F, Silva M, Thomson A, Burns P, Chu C, Evans C, Hamer S, Markova I, Miller J, Raman A, Barnes K, Chu C, Hobson E, Jamieson S, Markova I, Thomson J, Toscano J, Wild S, Yardumian P, Bourne C, Clayton C, Dipple H, Clapton J, Grant D, Hallam C, Middleton J, Murch A, Patino D, Bate L, Pate L, Andrews T, Dougherty A, Kavalier F, Golding C, Lashwood A, Robertson D, Ruddy D, Whaite A, Patton M, Peterson M, Rose S, Andrews T, Bruno S, Chu E, Doherty K, Golding, Fillingham K, Foustanos I, O'Donovan K, Peppa N, Tidswell K, Quarrell O.Orth, M; Handley, Oj; Schwenke, C; Dunnett, S; Wild, Ej; Tabrizi, Sj; Landwehrmeyer, Gb; Bachoud-Lévi, Ac; Bentivoglio, Ar; Biunno, I; Bonelli, R; Burgunder, Jm; Dunnett, Sb; Ferreira, Jj; Giuliano, J; Handley, Oj; Heiberg, A; Illmann, T; van Kammen, D; Landwehrmeye, Gb; Levey, J; Nielsen, Je; Päivärinta, M; Roos, Ra; Sebastián, Ar; Tabrizi, Sj; Vandenberghe, W; Verellen-Dumoulin, C; Zaremba, J; Uhrova, T; Wahlström, J; Schwenke, C; Orth, M; Illmann, T; Wallner, M; Barth, K; Guedes, Lc; Finisterra, Am; Garde, Mb; Bos, R; Burg, S; Ecker, D; Handley, Oj; Held, C; Koppers, K; Laurà, M; Descals, Am; Mclean, T; Mestre, T; Minster, S; Monza, D; Townhill, J; Orth, M; Padieu, H; Paterski, L; Peppa, N; Koivisto, Sp; Rialland, A; Røren, N; Sasinková, P; Cubillo, Pt; Tritsch, C; van Walsem, Mr; Witjes-Ané, Mn; Yudina, E; Zielonka, D; Zielonka, E; Zinzi, P; Bonelli, Rm; Herranhof, B; Holl, A; Kapfhammer, Hp; Koppitz, M; Magnet, M; Otti, D; Painold, A; Reisinger, K; Scheibl, M; Hecht, K; Lilek, S; Müller, N; Schöggl, H; Ullah, J; Brugger, F; Hepperger, C; Hotter, A; Mahlknecht, P; Nocker, M; Seppi, K; Wenning, G; Buratti, L; Hametner, Em; Holas, C; Hussl, A; Mair, K; Poewe, W; Wolf, E; Zangerl, A; Braunwarth, Em; Lilek, S; Sinadinosa, D; Walleczek, Am; Bonelli, Rm; Ladurner, G; Staffen, W; Ribaï, P; Verellen-Dumoulin, C; Flamez, A; Morez, V; de Raedt, S; Boogaerts, A; Vandenberghe, W; van Reijen, D; Klempíř, J; Kucharík, M; Roth, J; Šenkárová, Z; Hasholt, L; Hjermind, Le; Jakobsen, O; Nørremølle, A; Sørensen, Sa; Stokholm, J; Nielsen, J; Hiivola, H; Martikainen, K; Tuuha, K; Peippo, M; Sipponen, M; Ignatius, J; Kärppä, M; Åman, J; Santala, M; Allain, P; Guérid, Ma; Gohier, B; Olivier, A; Prundean, A; Scherer-Gagou, C; Verny, C; Babiloni, B; Debruxelles, S; Goizet, C; Lafoucrière, D; De Bruycker, C; Carette, As; Decorte, E; Delval, A; Delliaux, M; Dujardin, K; Peter, M; Plomhouse, L; Simonin, C; Thibault-Tanchou, S; Bellonet, M; Duru, C; Krystkowiak, P; Roussel, M; Wannepain, S; Azulay, Jp; Chabot, C; Delphini, M; Eusebio, A; Grosjean, H; Mundler, L; Nowak, M; Rudolf, G; Steinmetz, G; Tranchant, C; Wagner, C; Zimmermann, Ma; Calvas, F; Cheriet, S; Démonet, Jf; Galitzky, M; Kosinski, Cm; Milkereit, E; Probst, D; Sass, C; Schiefer, J; Schlangen, C; Werner, Cj; Gelderblom, H; Priller, J; Prüss, H; Spruth, Ej; Andrich, J; Hoffmann, R; Kraus, Ph; Muth, S; Prehn, C; Saft, C; Salmen, S; Stamm, C; Steiner, T; Strassburger, K; Lange, H; Friedrich, A; Hunger, U; Löhle, M; Schmidt, S; Storch, A; Wolz, A; Wolz, M; Lambeck, J; Zucker, B; Boelmans, K; Ganos, C; Hidding, U; Lewerenz, J; Münchau, A; Orth, M; Schmalfeld, J; Stubbe, L; Zittel, S; Diercks, G; Gorzolla, H; Schrader, C; Heinicke, W; Ribbat, M; Longinus, B; Bürk, K; Möller, Jc; Rissling, I; Peinemann, A; Städtler, M; Weindl, A; Bechtel, N; Beckmann, H; Bohlen, S; Hölzner, E; Lange, H; Reilmann, R; Rohm, S; Rumpf, S; Schepers, S; Beister, A; Dose, M; Hammer, K; Kieni, J; Leythaeuser, G; Marquard, R; Raab, T; Richter, S; Selimbegovic-Turkovic, A; Schrenk, C; Schuierer, M; Wiedemann, A; Barth, K; Buck, A; Connemann, J; Ecker, D; Eschenbach, C; Held, C; Landwehrmeyer, B; Lezius, F; Nepper, S; Niess, A; Orth, M; Süssmuth, S; Trautmann, S; Weydt, P; Cormio, C; Difruscolo, O; Sciruicchio, V; Serpino, C; de Tommaso, M; Capellari, S; Cortelli, P; Gallassi, R; Poda, R; Rizzo, G; Scaglione, C; Bertini, E; Ghelli, E; Ginestroni, A; Massaro, F; Mechi, C; Paganini, M; Piacentini, S; Pradella, S; Romoli, Am; Sorbi, S; Abbruzzese, G; di Poggio, Mb; Di Maria, E; Ferrandes, G; Mandich, P; Marchese, R; Albanese, A; Di Bella, D; Di Donato, S; Gellera, C; Genitrini, S; Mariotti, C; Monza, D; Nanetti, L; Paridi, D; Soliveri, P; Tomasello, C; De Michele, G; Di Maio, L; Rinaldi, C; Russo, Cv; Salvatore, E; Tucci, T; Cannella, M; Codella, V; De Gregorio, F; De Nicola, N; Martino, T; Simonelli, M; Squitieri, F; Bentivoglio, Ar; Catalli, C; Di Giacopo, R; Fasano, A; Frontali, M; Guidubaldi, A; Ialongo, T; Jacopini, G; Loria, G; Modoni, A; Piano, C; Chiara, P; Quaranta, D; Romano, S; Soleti, F; Spadaro, M; Zinzi, P; van Hout, Ms; van Vugt, Jp; de Weert, Am; Bolwijn, Jj; Dekker, M; Leenders, Kl; van Oostrom, Jc; Bos, R; Dumas, Em; Jurgens, Ck; van den Bogaard, Sj; Roos, Ra; 't Hart, Ep; Witjes-Ané, Mn; Kremer, B; Verstappen, Cc; Heiberg, A; van Walsem, Mr; Frich, J; Wehus, R; Aaserud, O; Borgerød, N; Bjørgo, K; Fannemel, M; Gørvell, P; Pro Koivisto, S; Retterstøl, L; Overland, T; Stokke, B; Bjørnevoll, I; Sando, Sb; Blinkenberg, Eø; Hauge, E; Tyvoll, H; Sitek, E; Slawek, J; Soltan, W; Boczarska-Jedynak, M; Jasinska-Myga, B; Opala, G; Kłodowska-Duda, G; Banaszkiewicz, K; Szczudlik, A; Rudzińska, M; Wójcik, M; Dec, M; Krawczyk, M; Bryl, A; Ciesielska, A; Klimberg, A; Marcinkowski, J; Sempołowicz, J; Zielonka, D; Samara, H; Janik, P; Kalbarczyk, A; Kwiecinski, H; Jamrozik, Z; Antczak, J; Jachinska, K; Rakowicz, M; Richter, P; Ryglewicz, D; Witkowski, G; Zdzienicka, E; Zaremba, J; Sułek, A; Krysa, W; Júlio, F; Januário, C; Mestre, T; Guedes, L; Coelho, M; Mendes, T; Valadas, A; Ferreira, Jj; Timóteo, Â; Costa, C; Vale, J; Cavaco, S; Damásio, J; Magalhães, M; Gago, M; Garrett, C; Guerra, Mr; Solis, P; Herrera, Cd; Garcia, Pm; Barrero, F; Morales, B; Cubo, E; Mariscal, N; Alonso-Frech, F; Perez, Mr; Fenollar, M; García, Rg; Quiroga, Pp; Rivera, Sv; Villanueva, C; Bascuñana, M; Ventura, Mf; Ribas, Gg; de Yébenes, Jg; Moreno, Jl; Cubillo, Pt; Ruíz, Pj; Martínez-Descals, A; Artiga, Mj; Sánchez, V; Perea, Mf; Lorenza, F; Torres, Mm; Reinante, G; Moreau, Lv; Barbera, Ma; Guia, Db; Hernanz, Lc; Catena, Jl; Sebastián, Ar; Ferrer, Pq; Carruesco, Gt; Bas, J; Busquets, N; Calopa, M; Buongiorno, Mt; Muñoz, E; Elorza, Md; López, Cd; Terol, Sd; Robert, Mf; Ruíz, Bg; Casado, Ag; Martínez, Ih; Viladrich, Cm; Pons, i Càrdenas R; Roca, E; Llesoy, Jr; Idiago, Jm; Vergara, Mr; García, Ss; Villa Riballo, A; González, Sg; Guisasola, Lm; Salvador, C; San Martín, Es; Gorospe, A; Legarda, I; Arques, Pn; Rodríguez, Mj; Vives, B; Gaston, I; Ramos-Arroyo, Ma; Moreno, Jm; Peña, Jc; Avarvarei, Ld; Bastida, Am; Recio, Mf; Vergé, Lr; Sánchez, Vs; Carrillo, F; Cáceres, Mt; Mir, P; Suarez, Mj; Bosca, M; Burguera, Ja; Garcia, Ac; Martínez, Lm; del Val, Jl; Loutfi, G; Olofsson, C; Stattin, El; Westman, L; Wikström, B; Höglund, A; Pålhagen, Se; Paucar, M; Sandström, B; Soltani, R; Svenningsson, P; Reza-Soltani, Tw; Constantinescu, R; Fredlund, G; Høsterey-Ugander, U; Neleborn-Lingefjärd, L; Wahlström, J; Esmaeilzadeh, M; Tedroff, J; Winnberg, E; Björn, Y; Ekwall, C; Gøller, Ml; Johansson, A; Wiklund, L; Petersen, Å; Reimer, J; Widner, H; Burgunder, Jm; Burgunder, Y; Stebler, Y; Kaelin, A; Romero, I; Schüpbach, M; Zaugg, Sw; Jack, R; Matheson, K; Miedzybrodzka, Z; Rae, D; Simpson, S; Summers, F; Ure, A; Crooks, J; Curtis, A; de Souza Keylock, J; Rickards, H; Wright, J; Hayward, B; Sieradzan, K; Wright, A; Barker, Ra; Di Pietro, A; Fisher, K; Goodman, A; Hill, S; Kershaw, A; Mason, S; Paterson, N; Raymond, L; Bisson, J; Busse, M; Clenaghan, C; Ellison-Rose, L; Handley, O; Hunt, S; Townhill, J; Price, K; Rosser, A; Edwards, M; Hughes, T; Mcgill, M; Pearson, P; Porteous, M; Smith, P; Zeman, A; Causley, A; Harrower, T; Howcroft, D; Lambord, N; Rankin, J; Brockie, P; Foster, J; Johns, N; Mckenzie, S; Rothery, J; Thomas, G; Yates, S; Miller, J; Ritchie, S; Burrows, L; Fletcher, A; Harding, A; Laver, F; Silva, M; Thomson, A; Burns, P; Chu, C; Evans, C; Hamer, S; Markova, I; Miller, J; Raman, A; Barnes, K; Chu, C; Hobson, E; Jamieson, S; Markova, I; Thomson, J; Toscano, J; Wild, S; Yardumian, P; Bourne, C; Clayton, C; Dipple, H; Clapton, J; Grant, D; Hallam, C; Middleton, J; Murch, A; Patino, D; Bate, L; Pate, L; Andrews, T; Dougherty, A; Kavalier, F; Golding, C; Lashwood, A; Robertson, D; Ruddy, D; Whaite, A; Patton, M; Peterson, M; Rose, S; Andrews, T; Bruno, S; Chu, E; Doherty, K; Golding, ; Fillingham, K; Foustanos, I; O'Donovan, K; Peppa, N; Tidswell, K; Quarrell, O

    Observing Huntington's disease: the European Huntington's Disease Network's REGISTRY.

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    Suicidal ideation in a European Huntington's disease population

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies indicate increased prevalences of suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and completed suicide in Huntington's disease (HD) compared with the general population. This study investigates correlates and predictors of suicidal ideation in HD. METHODS: The study cohort consisted of 2106 HD mutation carriers, all participating in the REGISTRY study of the European Huntington's Disease Network. Of the 1937 participants without suicidal ideation at baseline, 945 had one or more follow-up measurements. Participants were assessed for suicidal ideation by the behavioural subscale of the Unified Huntington's Disease Rating Scale (UHDRS). Correlates of suicidal ideation were analyzed using logistic regression analysis and predictors were analyzed using Cox regression analysis. RESULTS: At baseline, 169 (8.0%) mutation carriers endorsed suicidal ideation. Disease duration (odds ratio [OR]=0.96; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.9-1.0), anxiety (OR=2.14; 95%CI: 1.4-3.3), aggression (OR=2.41; 95%CI: 1.5-3.8), a previous suicide attempt (OR=3.95; 95%CI: 2.4-6.6), and a depressed mood (OR=13.71; 95%CI: 6.7-28.0) were independently correlated to suicidal ideation at baseline. The 4-year cumulative incidence of suicidal ideation was 9.9%. Longitudinally, the presence of a depressed mood (hazard ratio [HR]=2.05; 95%CI: 1.1-4.0) and use of benzodiazepines (HR=2.44; 95%CI: 1.2-5.0) at baseline were independent predictors of incident suicidal ideation, whereas a previous suicide attempt was not predictive. LIMITATIONS: As suicidal ideation was assessed by only one item, and participants were a selection of all HD mutation carriers, the prevalence of suicidal ideation was likely underestimated. CONCLUSIONS: Suicidal ideation in HD frequently occurs. Assessment of suicidal ideation is a priority in mutation carriers with a depressed mood and in those using benzodiazepines

    Identification of genetic variants associated with Huntington's disease progression: a genome-wide association study

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    Huntington's disease is caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the huntingtin gene, HTT. Age at onset has been used as a quantitative phenotype in genetic analysis looking for Huntington's disease modifiers, but is hard to define and not always available. Therefore, we aimed to generate a novel measure of disease progression and to identify genetic markers associated with this progression measure

    Suicidal ideation in a European Huntington's disease population

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    Previous studies indicate increased prevalences of suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and completed suicide in Huntington's disease (HD) compared with the general population. This study investigates correlates and predictors of suicidal ideation in HD. METHODS: The study cohort consisted of 2106 HD mutation carriers, all participating in the REGISTRY study of the European Huntington's Disease Network. Of the 1937 participants without suicidal ideation at baseline, 945 had one or more follow-up measurements. Participants were assessed for suicidal ideation by the behavioural subscale of the Unified Huntington's Disease Rating Scale (UHDRS). Correlates of suicidal ideation were analyzed using logistic regression analysis and predictors were analyzed using Cox regression analysis. RESULTS: At baseline, 169 (8.0%) mutation carriers endorsed suicidal ideation. Disease duration (odds ratio [OR]=0.96; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.9-1.0), anxiety (OR=2.14; 95%CI: 1.4-3.3), aggression (OR=2.41; 95%CI: 1.5-3.8), a previous suicide attempt (OR=3.95; 95%CI: 2.4-6.6), and a depressed mood (OR=13.71; 95%CI: 6.7-28.0) were independently correlated to suicidal ideation at baseline. The 4-year cumulative incidence of suicidal ideation was 9.9%. Longitudinally, the presence of a depressed mood (hazard ratio [HR]=2.05; 95%CI: 1.1-4.0) and use of benzodiazepines (HR=2.44; 95%CI: 1.2-5.0) at baseline were independent predictors of incident suicidal ideation, whereas a previous suicide attempt was not predictive. LIMITATIONS: As suicidal ideation was assessed by only one item, and participants were a selection of all HD mutation carriers, the prevalence of suicidal ideation was likely underestimated. CONCLUSIONS: Suicidal ideation in HD frequently occurs. Assessment of suicidal ideation is a priority in mutation carriers with a depressed mood and in those using benzodiazepines

    Clinical and genetic characteristics of late-onset Huntington's disease

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    Background: The frequency of late-onset Huntington's disease (&gt;59 years) is assumed to be low and the clinical course milder. However, previous literature on late-onset disease is scarce and inconclusive. Objective: Our aim is to study clinical characteristics of late-onset compared to common-onset HD patients in a large cohort of HD patients from the Registry database. Methods: Participants with late- and common-onset (30\u201350 years)were compared for first clinical symptoms, disease progression, CAG repeat size and family history. Participants with a missing CAG repeat size, a repeat size of 6435 or a UHDRS motor score of 645 were excluded. Results: Of 6007 eligible participants, 687 had late-onset (11.4%) and 3216 (53.5%) common-onset HD. Late-onset (n = 577) had significantly more gait and balance problems as first symptom compared to common-onset (n = 2408) (P &lt;.001). Overall motor and cognitive performance (P &lt;.001) were worse, however only disease motor progression was slower (coefficient, 120.58; SE 0.16; P &lt;.001) compared to the common-onset group. Repeat size was significantly lower in the late-onset (n = 40.8; SD 1.6) compared to common-onset (n = 44.4; SD 2.8) (P &lt;.001). Fewer late-onset patients (n = 451) had a positive family history compared to common-onset (n = 2940) (P &lt;.001). Conclusions: Late-onset patients present more frequently with gait and balance problems as first symptom, and disease progression is not milder compared to common-onset HD patients apart from motor progression. The family history is likely to be negative, which might make diagnosing HD more difficult in this population. However, the balance and gait problems might be helpful in diagnosing HD in elderly patients