1,186 research outputs found

    Pseudo resonance induced quasi-periodic behavior in stochastic threshold dynamics

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    Here we present a simple stochastic threshold model consisting of a deterministic slowly decaying term and a fast stochastic noise term. The process shows a pseudo-resonance, in the sense that for small and large intensities of the noise the signal is irregular and the distribution of threshold crossings is broad, while for a tuned intermediate value of noise intensity the signal becomes quasi-periodic and the distribution of threshold crossings is narrow. The mechanism captured by the model might be relevant for explaining apparent quasi-periodicity of observed climatic variations where no internal or external periodicities can be identified.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Stochastics and Dynamic

    The little walking leaves from Iguazú National Park (Ne Argentina) - Comparisons between subtropical and tropical <i>Typophyllum</i> species (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Pterochrozinae)

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    In the woods around the famous Iguazú Waterfalls were discovered numerous individuals of a little walking leaf identified as Typophyllum inflatum, a species long ago described from Bolivia, and apparently never reported again. So far this population represents the southernmost known record of katydids comprising the leaf-mimicking family group Pterochrozinae or Pterochrozini. Males of T. inflatum produce a continuous low-ultrasound pure-tone song, which could reveal the presence of this species in other areas with suitable habitat. This song is astonishingly similar to that of T. erosifolium, an allopatric species distributed in northwestern South America. Typophyllum inflatum shares with other Typophyllum species the pre-copulatory riding of the tiny male on the much bigger female, but this occupies only a few hours compared to up to several days in a species from Ecuador. This could be related to a possibly lower predation pressure in the subtropical region. The same may be true of the lower variability of body color, unless this only reflects adaptation to a drier environment. In contrast to tropical species, T. inflatum in northeastern Argentina most likely is seasonal, with adults probably appearing during the south-hemispherical summer.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis: classification and clinical and therapeutic aspects

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    Cryoglobulinaemia may cause cutaneous vasculitis and glomerulonephritis, potentially leading to end stage renal failure. An important proportion of cryoglobulinaemias are secondary to hepatitis C virus infection. Emerging antiviral treatment options offer a chance for causal therapy of these cases of cryoglobulinaemia. This review summarises the classification and clinical and therapeutic aspects of cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis and glomerulonephritis

    Formen und Verfahren der Interaktivität: soziologische Analysen einer Technik im Entwicklungsstadium

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht Formen und Verfahren der Interaktion. Der Aufsatz ist von der Idee motiviert, die Interaktionssoziologie auf den Bereich solcher Wechselwirkungen auszudehnen, die sich zwischen dem technischen Artefakt und den Teilnehmern ereignen. Dieser Bereich heißt hier in terminologischer Abgrenzung zur sozialen Interaktion "Interaktivität". Die traditionelle Interaktionssoziologie arbeitet mit der Annahme, dass ausschließlich Menschen an sozialen Situationen als Teilnehmer partizipieren. Betrachtet man aber die Wirkungsweise von technischen Artefakten, so kann diese Annahme hinterfragt werden. Der Autor versucht zu zeigen, in welchem Maße technische Artefakte die Möglichkeit besitzen, situative Situiertheit herzustellen. Am empirischen Fall eines "Agenten" wird vorgeführt, welche Möglichkeiten dieser besitzt, eine Situationder interaktiven Kopräsenz zu erzeugen und mit welchem vom Agentensystem bereitgestellten Verfahren ein potentieller Nutzer in ein Interaktivitätsverhältnis integriert wird. Drei Teilaspekte verdienen besondere Beachtung: der Raum in Form der Virtual Reality, der Agent und die Interaktivität selbst. Der Aufsatz ist folgendermaßen aufgebaut: Zu Anfang stellt der Autor den Gegenstand vor, der dieser empirischen Studie zugrunde liegt. Schritt für Schritt wird im Weiteren das Artefakt analysiert. Zunächst wird die soziale Funktion von Virtual Reality, ein wichtiges Element des empirischen Gegenstandes, bestimmt. Diese liefert die "Umwelt" für den Agenten, der als kommunikative Adresse portraitiert wird. Den Hauptteil bildet die Beschreibung und Analyse der Interaktivität zwischen Agent und Nutzer. Der Schluss fasst die wichtigsten Punkte zusammen und problematisiert das Konzept des empirischen Gegenstandes. (ICD

    The little walking leaves from Iguazú National Park (Ne Argentina) - Comparisons between subtropical and tropical <i>Typophyllum</i> species (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Pterochrozinae)

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    In the woods around the famous Iguazú Waterfalls were discovered numerous individuals of a little walking leaf identified as Typophyllum inflatum, a species long ago described from Bolivia, and apparently never reported again. So far this population represents the southernmost known record of katydids comprising the leaf-mimicking family group Pterochrozinae or Pterochrozini. Males of T. inflatum produce a continuous low-ultrasound pure-tone song, which could reveal the presence of this species in other areas with suitable habitat. This song is astonishingly similar to that of T. erosifolium, an allopatric species distributed in northwestern South America. Typophyllum inflatum shares with other Typophyllum species the pre-copulatory riding of the tiny male on the much bigger female, but this occupies only a few hours compared to up to several days in a species from Ecuador. This could be related to a possibly lower predation pressure in the subtropical region. The same may be true of the lower variability of body color, unless this only reflects adaptation to a drier environment. In contrast to tropical species, T. inflatum in northeastern Argentina most likely is seasonal, with adults probably appearing during the south-hemispherical summer.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Two Mysterious Tiny Katydids from the Ecuadorian Andes (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Hexacentrinae)

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    Two very small katydids living in upper montane rainforest and elfin forest at 2500–3200 m on the eastern Andean cordillera of south Ecuador are described: Nubimystrix consuelo gen. et sp. nov. and N. amarui sp. nov. They have strongly reduced wings and feature a confusing mixture of morphological characteristics, such as spiny fore tibiae, unconcealed tympana, and tiny auditory spiracles. Apparently these katydids represent a third South American genus of the small subfamily Hexacentrinae. Males of both species produce at night ultrasound calling songs with carrier frequency ranges from about 23 to 31 kHz. While the song of the first species consists of brief calls, males of the other call very continuously, so that especially the presence of the latter can easily be assessed using an ultrasound detector. With an acoustic record at 3210 m, N. amarui is also the highest-occurring katydid species in the investigated area. Some interrelated aspects of biogeography, ecology, and bioacoustics are discussed.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse