51 research outputs found

    Politivoldsaken i bergen: En sak med bare tapere?

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    Politivoldsaken i Bergen - det endelige utfall

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    Kommentar til professor Kjell Inge Bjørvik i NTfK 1990, s. 13-29

    Noen refleksjoner i anledning av Gripnes artikkel

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    8. Forhandlingsemne: Bruken av varetektsfengsel

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    Bayesian inference of protein structure from chemical shift data

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    Protein chemical shifts are routinely used to augment molecular mechanics force fields in protein structure simulations, with weights of the chemical shift restraints determined empirically. These weights, however, might not be an optimal descriptor of a given protein structure and predictive model, and a bias is introduced which might result in incorrect structures. In the inferential structure determination framework, both the unknown structure and the disagreement between experimental and back-calculated data are formulated as a joint probability distribution, thus utilizing the full information content of the data. Here, we present the formulation of such a probability distribution where the error in chemical shift prediction is described by either a Gaussian or Cauchy distribution. The methodology is demonstrated and compared to a set of empirically weighted potentials through Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations of three small proteins (ENHD, Protein G and the SMN Tudor Domain) using the PROFASI force field and the chemical shift predictor CamShift. Using a clustering-criterion for identifying the best structure, together with the addition of a solvent exposure scoring term, the simulations suggests that sampling both the structure and the uncertainties in chemical shift prediction leads more accurate structures compared to conventional methods using empirical determined weights. The Cauchy distribution, using either sampled uncertainties or predetermined weights, did, however, result in overall better convergence to the native fold, suggesting that both types of distribution might be useful in different aspects of the protein structure prediction

    FCHL revisited:Faster and more accurate quantum machine learning

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    We introduce the FCHL19 representation for atomic environments in molecules or condensed-phase systems. Machine learning models based on FCHL19 are able to yield predictions of atomic forces and energies of query compounds with chemical accuracy on the scale of milliseconds. FCHL19 is a revision of our previous work [Faber et al. 2018] where the representation is discretized and the individual features are rigorously optimized using Monte Carlo optimization. Combined with a Gaussian kernel function that incorporates elemental screening, chemical accuracy is reached for energy learning on the QM7b and QM9 datasets after training for minutes and hours, respectively. The model also shows good performance for non-bonded interactions in the condensed phase for a set of water clusters with an MAE binding energy error of less than 0.1 kcal/mol/molecule after training on 3,200 samples. For force learning on the MD17 dataset, our optimized model similarly displays state-of-the-art accuracy with a regressor based on Gaussian process regression. When the revised FCHL19 representation is combined with the operator quantum machine learning regressor, forces and energies can be predicted in only a few milliseconds per atom. The model presented herein is fast and lightweight enough for use in general chemistry problems as well as molecular dynamics simulations

    Utkast til ny straffeprosesslov

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    Straffeloven i støpeskjeen

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    Trenger vi ny straffelov? Straffelovskommisjonens forslag til alminnelig del

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    Foredrag i Den norske kriminalistforening ved 100-årsjubileet oktober 199

    Politivoldens grenser

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    Kommentar til Henning Kochs artikel