4 research outputs found

    For whose sake do couples relocate? Gender, career opportunities and couples’ internal migration in Sweden

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    The aim with this study is to examine how career possibilities in the man’s and the woman’s occupations – in the country as a whole, as well as in the region where the couple resides – affect heterosexual couples’ regional mobility. The context is Sweden –a country with a strong dual earner norm combined with a very sex segregated labor market. In the analyses we perform logistic regressions on Swedish register data, 1998–2007. We study how four dimensions of career possibilities affect couples’ geographical mobility and are interested in if their effect varies by gender. The dimensions are geographical wage differences, current career, occupational level and wage compression in occupations. In summary, our findings indicate that male and female career opportunities affect the couple in different ways when one moves beyond focusing on the level of their occupations. In particular the effect from wage compression in occupations seems to be dependent on gender, with a clear effect for men and no effect for women. Even when including measures of career opportunities within professions, there exist some non-egalitarian patterns in whose career couples adjust to. It hence seems as if couples adapt somewhat more to the man's career possibilities than the woman’s, even when we adjust for the underlying gender differences in career possi-bilities.Regional mobility; internal migration; sex segregation; career; gender

    Det moderna skogsbruket

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    Skogen har lĂ€nge varit en viktig del i mĂ€nniskans utveckling. Skogen har bland annat bidragit till föda och skydd, den har fungerat som basresurs för mĂ€nniskan under mycket lĂ„ng tid och utnyttjandet och anvĂ€ndandet av skogen har förĂ€ndrats. NĂ€r mĂ€nniskan ökade i antal ökades brukandet av skogen och det utvecklades ett mer specifikt nyttjande. I och med den industriella revolutionen ökade nyttjandet och brukandet av skogsresursen nĂ€stan explosionsartat. I takt med att industrierna krĂ€vde allt mer timmer och sĂ„gverksindustrin vĂ€xte fram, avverkades allt mer skog och under tidigt 1900-tal insĂ„g skogsindustrin att nĂ„got behöver göras för att inte skogsresursen ska försvinna. År 1903 stiftades den första skogsvĂ„rdslagen, som bland annat innebar att Ă„terplantering efter avverkning nu blev en skyldighet, för att lĂ„ngsiktigt sĂ€kerstĂ€lla virkestillgĂ„ngen. Avverkningar och ingrepp i skogen leder till fragmentering i skogslandskapet. Detta medför förĂ€ndringar i sĂ„vĂ€l habitatstrukturer som arttĂ€thet och biodiversitet. I denna studie görs analyser pĂ„ en del av riksskogstaxeringens enorma datamaterial för att undersöka huruvida slutavverkning och gallring pĂ„verkar biodiversiteten och tĂ€ckningsgraden av vissa arter av lavar och mossor. Resultatet av denna studie visar att det för dessa arter finns skillnader i arternas tĂ€ckningsgrad mellan de tvĂ„ inventeringstillfĂ€llena och att dessa skillnader i nĂ„gra av fallen kan kopplas till slutavverkning och gallring. För tvĂ„ av arterna, björnmossa och husmossa, skiljer sig pĂ„verkan av gallring signifikant Ă„t mellan landets södra- och norra delar. Generellt tycks tĂ€ckningsgraden av arterna pĂ„verkas mer i norra Sverige, men för detta finns svag evidens i de utförda statistiska testerna.During a long time, forest has been an important part of human development. Among other things, forest has contributed as food and shelter, it has for a very long time been served as a basic resource for us and the use of it has changed over time. As humans increased in number, the use of forests increased and a more specific use was introduced. Due to the industrial revolution, the use increased almost explosively. As the industries demanded more timber and the sawmill industry grew, the deforestation increased. In the beginning of the 20th century, something had to be done to ensure the resource and biodiversity. Year 1903, the first forest management act was established which meant, among other things, that reforesting became an obligation, to ensure long-term availability of timber. Clearcuttings and interventions in forest leads to fragmentation of the landscape. This entails changes in the structure of habitats as well as occurrence of species and biodiversity. In this study , analyzes is made of data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory to investigate whether clear cutting and thinning affect biodiversity and the presence of certain species of lichens and mosses. The result of this study shows that for these species there is differences in occurrence between the first time of inventory (T1) and the second inventory (T2), in some of the cases these differences can be linked to final harvesting and thinning. For two of the species, Polytrichum commune and Hylocomnium splendens, the influence of thinning differs significantly between the southern and northern parts of the country. Generally, the occurrence of species appears to be affected more in northern Sweden, but for this there is little evidence in the statistical tests performed

    Palliative care of children from a parental perspective : A literature review

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    Bakgrund: Erfarenheter av att vĂ„rda barn palliativt Ă€r begrĂ€nsade, jĂ€mfört med erfarenheter av att palliativt vĂ„rda vuxna. I pediatrisk palliativ vĂ„rd har familjen en betydande roll och att vara förĂ€lder till ett barn som fĂ„r palliativ vĂ„rd Ă€r svĂ„rt, utmanande och livet mĂ„ste anpassas till den nya livssituationen. Syfte: Att beskriva förĂ€ldrars erfarenheter av att deras barn har vĂ„rdats palliativt. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad pĂ„ Ă„tta kvalitativa artiklar som valdes ut genom sökningar i tvĂ„ databaser; PubMed och Cinahl. En tematisk analys i tre steg har genomförts. Resultat: Fyra kategorier samt tolv underkategorier identifierades. Det var viktigt för förĂ€ldrar att bibehĂ„lla förĂ€ldrarollen samt att behĂ„lla en sĂ„ normal vardag som möjligt. I samband med sitt barns palliativa vĂ„rd upplevde förĂ€ldrar finansiella svĂ„righeter. FörĂ€ldrar önskade formellt och informellt stöd frĂ„n vĂ„rdpersonalen bĂ„de innan och efter sitt barns död. Konklusion: För förĂ€ldrar Ă€r det viktigt att ha en god relation till vĂ„rdpersonal och relationen Ă€r ofta ömsesidig. Ekonomiska förutsĂ€ttningar pĂ„verkar förĂ€ldrars möjlighet att vara delaktiga i sitt barns vĂ„rd. Sjuksköterskor bör involvera bĂ„de förĂ€ldrar och barn i vĂ„rden.Background: Experiences of paediatric palliative care is limited, compared to experiences of palliative care of adults. Family has a significant role in paediatric palliative care. Being the parent of a child receiving palliative care is difficult, challenging and it requires an adaptation to the new life situation. Aim: To describe parents' experiences of their child's previously received palliative care. Methods: A literature study based on eight qualitative articles, selected through searches in two databases; PubMed and Cinahl. A thematic analysis was conducted in three steps. Results: Four categories and twelve subcategories were identified. It was important for parents to maintain the parental role and to keep the daily life as normal as possible. Parents experienced financial difficulties due to their child's palliative care. Parents wanted formal and informal support from professional caregivers, both before and after their child's death. Conclusion: It’s important for parents to have a good relationship with professional caregivers and the relationship is often mutual. Economic circumstances affect parents’ ability to participate in their child's care. Nurses should involve both parents and children in the care

    Palliative care of children from a parental perspective : A literature review

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    Bakgrund: Erfarenheter av att vĂ„rda barn palliativt Ă€r begrĂ€nsade, jĂ€mfört med erfarenheter av att palliativt vĂ„rda vuxna. I pediatrisk palliativ vĂ„rd har familjen en betydande roll och att vara förĂ€lder till ett barn som fĂ„r palliativ vĂ„rd Ă€r svĂ„rt, utmanande och livet mĂ„ste anpassas till den nya livssituationen. Syfte: Att beskriva förĂ€ldrars erfarenheter av att deras barn har vĂ„rdats palliativt. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad pĂ„ Ă„tta kvalitativa artiklar som valdes ut genom sökningar i tvĂ„ databaser; PubMed och Cinahl. En tematisk analys i tre steg har genomförts. Resultat: Fyra kategorier samt tolv underkategorier identifierades. Det var viktigt för förĂ€ldrar att bibehĂ„lla förĂ€ldrarollen samt att behĂ„lla en sĂ„ normal vardag som möjligt. I samband med sitt barns palliativa vĂ„rd upplevde förĂ€ldrar finansiella svĂ„righeter. FörĂ€ldrar önskade formellt och informellt stöd frĂ„n vĂ„rdpersonalen bĂ„de innan och efter sitt barns död. Konklusion: För förĂ€ldrar Ă€r det viktigt att ha en god relation till vĂ„rdpersonal och relationen Ă€r ofta ömsesidig. Ekonomiska förutsĂ€ttningar pĂ„verkar förĂ€ldrars möjlighet att vara delaktiga i sitt barns vĂ„rd. Sjuksköterskor bör involvera bĂ„de förĂ€ldrar och barn i vĂ„rden.Background: Experiences of paediatric palliative care is limited, compared to experiences of palliative care of adults. Family has a significant role in paediatric palliative care. Being the parent of a child receiving palliative care is difficult, challenging and it requires an adaptation to the new life situation. Aim: To describe parents' experiences of their child's previously received palliative care. Methods: A literature study based on eight qualitative articles, selected through searches in two databases; PubMed and Cinahl. A thematic analysis was conducted in three steps. Results: Four categories and twelve subcategories were identified. It was important for parents to maintain the parental role and to keep the daily life as normal as possible. Parents experienced financial difficulties due to their child's palliative care. Parents wanted formal and informal support from professional caregivers, both before and after their child's death. Conclusion: It’s important for parents to have a good relationship with professional caregivers and the relationship is often mutual. Economic circumstances affect parents’ ability to participate in their child's care. Nurses should involve both parents and children in the care