58 research outputs found

    Hectare natuur levert vijf keer meer op dan landbouwgrond

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    Een wilgenbos heeft nauwelijks producten die te gelde gemaakt kunnen worden. Toch levert een hectare wilgenbos minstens vijf keer meer op dan een hectare akkerland. ‘Als je de lucht in de regio Rotterdam een beetje schoner maakt, scheelt dat heel veel uitgaven aan gezondheidszorg.

    A Survey of Economic-Ecological Models

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    This paper reports on a survey of economic-ecological models conducted by a research team from the Institute for Environmental Studies, Free University, Amsterdam (IvM) in cooperation with and supported by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg Austria. The paper attempts to describe the state-of-the-art in economic-ecological modeling as derived from this survey. Various classifications have been used to this end. These are: -- Classification of economic-ecological policy issues -- Classification of phases in economic-ecological policy analysis -- Classification of mathematical models used in the interface between economics and ecology -- Classification concerning the internal structure of mathematical models -- Classification concerning the relationships between economic and ecological models. A combination of these classifications provides a framework for evaluating economic-ecological modeling. Special attention is paid to problems that economic-ecological modeling is still facing today, and some remarks are made on the perspectives of economic-ecological modeling. In an extensive Appendix a catalogue of model summaries is presented. These summaries give a non-mathematical description of the model structure, model properties and the policy issue for each of the documented survey models. References to the model documentation are included. The essence of this report will appear shortly in a state of the art book, edited by the authors of this paper. In addition, it will include introductions to economic, ecological and environmental modeling and analysis of integration techniques between economic and ecological submodels. The book will further contain a number of chapters presenting evaluations of models considered representative for those used in various fields of policy and management. The book has been designed to present a coherent picture of the origins, state and future of economic-ecological modeling

    Juridisering van besluitvorming over natuur en landschap als gevolg van EG-richtlijnen

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    In Nederland leidt de aanwezigheid van beschermde soorten tot veel procedures. In deze studie staat juridisering van de besluitvorming centraal. Geconcludeerd wordt dat juridisering nauw samenhangt met een gebrekkige wetgeving op het gebied van natuurbescherming

    The cost of policy inaction : the case of not meeting the 2010 biodiversity target

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    The COPI methodology and valuation database. Change in land use, climate, pollution, water use; change in biodiversity; change in ecosystem functions; change in ecosystem services contributes to change in economic value. The Cost of Policy Inaction (COPI) is described in monitory terms. The outcome (of this project) is the valuation database. In this project worked together: Alterra, IEEP (Brussels), Ecologic (Germany), FEEM (Italy), GHK (UK), UNEP and Witteveen+Bo

    The ecomics of ecosystems and biodiversity: scoping the scale

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    The G8 decided in March 2007 to initiate a “Review on the economics of biodiversity loss”, in the so called Potsdam Initiative: 'In a global study we will initiate the process of analysing the global economic benefit of biological diversity, the costs of the loss of biodiversity and the failure to take protective measures versus the costs of effective conservation. The study is being supported by the European Commission (together with the European Environmental Agency and in cooperation with the German Government. “The objective of the current study is to provide a coherent overview of existing scientific knowledge upon which to base the economics of the Review, and to propose a coherent global programme of scientific work, both for Phase 2 (consolidation) and to enable more robust future iterations of the Review beyond 2010.

    Economic-Ecological Modeling

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    This book is about mathematical models for environmental and resource policy and management. The authors present an overview of the theory, methods, techniques, and experience relevant to the analysis of problems of the interface of society and its natural environment. They also evaluate the scientific adequacy and policy effectiveness of a wide variety of applied economic-ecological models. Furthermore, they indicate the reasons for success and failure of these model applications and summarize options for their improvement

    Ecosysteemdiensten: nieuw anker voor omgevingsbeleid?

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    Ecosysteemdiensten krijgen in het beleid steeds meer aandacht. Éen van de redenen is dat binnen dit concept veel aandacht wordt gegeven aan de financiële waardering ervan. Ecologie en economie worden met elkaar verbonden, maar onomstreden is dat niet. Kan deze verbinding voor toepassing in het beleid geloofwaardig worden uitgewerkt en zijn daar niet grote risico's mee verbonden? Een verkennin