9 research outputs found

    Maßnahmen zur Reduktion von MRSA in Schweinebeständen: ein Literaturreview

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    Since the first discovery of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Dutch swine herds in 2005, the healthcare system faced a new challenge. Livestock-associated MRSA (LA-MRSA) did not turn out to be a health threat to pigs, but for this very reason, a reservoir of concern for various LA-MRSA strains has emerged in pig populations worldwide. Because LA-MRSA are not only transmissible to humans, but may even have originated in humans, this reservoir could become a serious public health threat. Direct contact with MRSA-positive pigs represents a major risk factor for human colonization with this pathogen. Various strategies are being discussed to combat the spread of MRSA in swine herds. The importance of cleaning and disinfecting the environment is not in question. But this measure does not seem to reduce prevalence in swine herds when it is performed as a single action. Another approach, sow washing, is also being investigated but can only serve as a supportive measure. The application of bacteriophages also does not seem to be a promising solution so far. Retrospectively, a strict limitation of antibiotic use shows no sufficient effect. At least various forms of exhaust air purification systems have shown a promising performance in reducing the contamination of the environment of pig farms via airborne MRSA. However, to effectively reduce the prevalence of MRSA in pig farms, a wide-ranging combination of measures and stringent biosecurity concepts are required. It has been shown in Norway that elimination of MRSA from pig herds by slaughter or culling in combination with hygiene measures is possible in low prevalence scenarios. But since this strategy is difficult to implement and mostly not sustainable in regions with a high prevalence and a large pig population for, a nationwide application of this strategy is not practical in this context. In addition, cost accounting models show that this strategy (at high prevalence) would not be cost-effective due to the high level of effort and financial losses from a weakening pig production. It is necessary that future studies continue to investigate solutions to reduce MRSA in swine herds due to the magnitude of the concern regarding MRSA in swine herds.Diplomarbeit - Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien - 2022Die erste Entdeckung von Methicillin-resistenten Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in niederländischen Schweinebeständen im Jahr 2005 stellte das Gesundheitssystem vor eine neue Herausforderung. Nutztierassoziierte-MRSA (LA-MRSA) haben sich zwar für Schweine nicht als gesundheitliche Gefährdung erwiesen, jedoch hat sich gerade deshalb in Schweinepopulationen weltweit ein besorgniserregendes Reservoir für verschiedene LA-MRSA Stämme gebildet. Da LA-MRSA nicht nur auf den Menschen übertragbar sind, sondern möglicherweise sogar ursprünglich vom Menschen stammen, kann dieses Reservoir für die öffentliche Gesundheit zur ernstzunehmenden Bedrohung werden. Der direkte Kontakt zu MRSA-positiven Schweinen stellt hierbei einen besonderen Risikofaktor für die Besiedelung des Menschen mit diesem Erreger dar. Um die Ausbreitung von MRSA in den Schweinebeständen zu bekämpfen, werden verschiedene Strategien diskutiert. Die Bedeutung von Reinigung und Desinfektion der Umgebung ist unumstritten. Doch diese Maßnahme allein kann die Prävalenz in Schweinebeständen offenbar nicht senken. Ein weiterer Ansatz, das Waschen von Sauen, wird ebenfalls untersucht, kann jedoch nur als unterstützende Maßnahme dienen. Auch die Anwendung von Bakteriophagen scheint bisher keine erfolgversprechende Lösung zu sein. Retrospektiv gesehen zeigt eine strenge Limitierung des Antibiotikagebrauchs ebenfalls keinen zufriedenstellenden Effekt. Zumindest was die Kontamination der Umgebung von Schweinebetrieben über luftgetragene MRSA angeht, konnten verschiedene Formen von Abluftreinigungssystemen eine erfolgsversprechende Leistung zeigen. Zur effektiven Senkung der Prävalenz sind jedoch weitreichende Maßnahmenpakete und strenge Biosicherheitsmaßnahmen erforderlich. Es hat sich in Norwegen gezeigt, dass bei einer geringen Prävalenz von MRSA eine Eliminierung aus den Schweinebeständen durch Schlachtung bzw. Keulung in Kombination mit Hygiene-Maßnahmen möglich ist. Da diese Strategie in Regionen mit einer hohen Prävalenz und einem großen Schweinebestand aber nur schwer umsetzbar ist und zumeist auch nicht nachhaltig wirkt, ist eine flächendeckende Anwendung dieser Strategie nicht praktikabel. Außerdem zeigen Kostenrechnungsmodelle, dass diese Strategie (bei hoher Prävalenz) aufgrund des hohen Aufwands und finanzieller Verluste durch die Schwächung der Schweineproduktion nicht kosteneffektiv wäre. Es ist aufgrund der Tragweite der geschilderten Problematik um MRSA in Schweinebeständen unerlässlich, dass sich in Zukunft weiterhin Studien mit Lösungsansätzen zur Reduktion von MRSA in Schweinebeständen auseinandersetzen

    Implicit and Explicit Knowledge Both Improve Dual Task Performance in a Continuous Pursuit Tracking Task

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    The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of predictability on dual-task performance in a continuous tracking task. Participants practiced either informed (explicit group) or uninformed (implicit group) about a repeated segment in the curves they had to track. In Experiment 1 participants practices the tracking task only, dual-task performance was assessed after by combining the tracking task with an auditory reaction time task. Results showed both groups learned equally well and tracking performance on a predictable segment in the dual-task condition was better than on random segments. However, reaction times did not benefit from a predictable tracking segment. To investigate the effect of learning under dual-task situation participants in Experiment 2 practiced the tracking task while simultaneously performing the auditory reaction time task. No learning of the repeated segment could be demonstrated for either group during the training blocks, in contrast to the test-block and retention test, where participants performed better on the repeated segment in both dual-task and single-task conditions. Only the explicit group improved from test-block to retention test. As in Experiment 1, reaction times while tracking a predictable segment were no better than reaction times while tracking a random segment. We concluded that predictability has a positive effect only on the predictable task itself possibly because of a task-shielding mechanism. For dual-task training there seems to be an initial negative effect of explicit instructions, possibly because of fatigue, but the advantage of explicit instructions was demonstrated in a retention test. This might be due to the explicit memory system informing or aiding the implicit memory system

    Virtuelle (Sport-)Realität. Analyse, Feedback und Training in virtuellen Umgebungen

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    Frank C. Virtuelle (Sport-)Realität. Analyse, Feedback und Training in virtuellen Umgebungen. In: Borges U, Bröker L, Hoffmann S, et al., eds. Die Psychophysiologie der Handlung. 50. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie vom 10. bis 12. Mai in Köln. 2018: 73-75

    The Psychophysiology of Action: A Multidisciplinary Endeavor for Integrating Action and Cognition

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    There is a vast amount of literature concerning the integration of action and cognition. Although this broad research area is of great interest for many disciplines like sports, psychology and cognitive neuroscience, only a few attempts tried to bring together different perspectives so far. Our goal is to provide a perspective to spark a debate across theoretical borders and integration of different disciplines via psychophysiology. In order to boost advances in this research field it is not only necessary to become aware of the different areas that are relevant but also to consider methodological aspects and challenges. We briefly describe the most relevant theoretical accounts to the question of how internal and external information processes or factors interact and, based on this, argue that research programs should consider the three dimensions: (a) dynamics of movements; (b) multivariate measures and; (c) dynamic statistical parameters. Only with an extended perspective on theoretical and methodological accounts, one would be able to integrate the dynamics of actions into theoretical advances

    How are motor performance developments affected by exercise in extracurricular in comparison with school sports?

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    Gromeier M, Schack T, Koester D. How are motor performance developments affected by exercise in extracurricular in comparison with school sports? In: Borges U, Bröker L, Hoffmann S, et al., eds. 50. Jahrestagung der asp "Die Psychophysiologie der Handlung" . 10. - 12. Mai 2018 : Abstractband der 50. Jahrestagung der asp. Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft; 2018: 112-113.In times of growing media consumption and demographic changes, the risk of hypokinesia increase and so does the importance of physical and sport activity. In this project we pursue the research question how are throwing performances affected by practise in club sports vs. school sports. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the overarm throw and gender differences in performance will be examined. Previously, no significant difference was reported for athletes throughout age (childhood, pubescence & adolescence) or between genders in quantitative performance. Regarding movement quality, gender differences were obtained throughout these age bands (decreasing with age numerically); with increasing age performance of all athletes improved (Gromeier et al., 2017). These findings are the paradigmatic and methodological basis for our study. To assess age and gender-related differences, 110 participants (novices with no experience in throwing sports, 6 - 16 yrs.) were divided into three age bands (childhood, pubescence & adolescence). They were asked to throw as hard and accurately as possible at a marked target on the wall (75 x 75 cm). Number of hits and movement quality video recorded and analyzed by three independent experts according to the modified component approach (Halverson & Roberton, 1984). The two-way ANOVA (age x gender) yielded no effect of age on qualitative performance, F(2,104) = 1.45, ns, but a significant effect of gender, F(1,104) = 15.181, p < .001. The interaction effect was not significant, F(2,104) < 1, ns. For hit performance, the ANOVA showed no effect of age, F(2,104) < 1, ns, but gender was significant, F(1,104) = 6.121, p = .015. The interaction was not significant, F(2,104) < 1, ns. Across the three age bands, novices stagnated on a low level of performance and gender differences were found during childhood for trunk, forearm, and backswing actions, total qualitative performance and quantitative performance. During pubescence, gender differences existed for trunk action and during adolescence for backswing action. Throwing movement characteristics did not vary among the age bands in our novices. Throwing movement quality or accuracy (quantity) did not differ among the age bands in our novices and the skills stagnate on the level of childhood. When comparing the present findings with previous results from athletes (Gromeier et al., 2017), one has to note that extracurricular and physical school education are not comparably effective. Moreover, the present results suggest a need to improve physical education if motor skill learning is not backed-up by club sport

    Neue Untersuchungs- und Trainingsmethoden für den Sportbereich durch den Einsatz von modernen multi-modalen Blickerfassungs- und Feedbacksystemen

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    Essig K, Strenge B, Frank C, Schack T. Neue Untersuchungs- und Trainingsmethoden für den Sportbereich durch den Einsatz von modernen multi-modalen Blickerfassungs- und Feedbacksystemen. In: Borges U, Bröker L, Hoffmann S, et al., eds. Die Psychophysiologie der Handlung. 50. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie vom 10. bis 12. Mai in Köln. 2018: 50

    Wie verarbeiten Basketball-Athleten Blickfinten? Eine EEG-Studie

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    Koester D, Schütz C, Güldenpenning I, Schack T. Wie verarbeiten Basketball-Athleten Blickfinten? Eine EEG-Studie. In: Borges U, Bröker L, Hoffmann S, et al., eds. 50. Jahrestagung der asp "Die Psychophysiologie der Handlung" . 10. - 12. Mai 2018 : Abstractband der 50. Jahrestagung der asp. Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft; 2018: 33-34

    Virtuelles Training: Zum Effekt nonverbaler und verbaler Feedbackstrategien beim Erlernen der Kniebeuge in Virtueller Realität

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    Frank C, Hülsmann F, de Kok I, Kopp S, Botsch M, Schack T. Virtuelles Training: Zum Effekt nonverbaler und verbaler Feedbackstrategien beim Erlernen der Kniebeuge in Virtueller Realität. In: Borges U, Bröker L, Hoffmann S, et al., eds. Die Psychophysiologie der Handlung. 50. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie vom 10. bis 12. Mai in Köln. 2018: 73-75