17 research outputs found
La llamada identidad atlética, incompatible con la realidad: estructura de identidad estática, transiciones de estado y dinámica de comportamiento de salud en estudiantes deportistas
This study was presented as oral presentation in 17th International Sport Sciences Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 2019 November and published in abstract book of the congress[Abstract] The aim of the present study is to examine the athletic identity, status transitions and health-related behavioral dynamics of student athletes. Descriptive survey model was used and 398 individuals participated in the present study. Data was collected by Athletic Identity Measurement Scale (AIMS), information form, ranking and closed-ended qualitative questions. According to findings, it was found that the students' downright transitions increased in processes. On the contrary, ANOVA analyses show no differences in athletic identity scores according to grade levels (p>.05). An increase was seen in maladaptive health behaviors (p .05). Se observó un aumento en los comportamientos de salud desadaptativos (p <.05). Además, los comportamientos de salud desadaptativos aumentan después de la finalización del deporte y el comienzo de la universidad. Se concluyó como resultado del estudio que la aceptación de la identidad atlética de los individuos se vuelve continua a pesar de los cambios en su carrera y estados de participación deportiva; sin embargo, los comportamientos de salud no son compatibles con esta continuidad
Veza između akademske motivacije i otuđenosti studenata: istraživanje provedeno na uzorku studenata dodiplomskoga studija sportskih znanosti
The aim of the study was to determine the correlation between academic motivation
and alienation of undergraduate students attending different departments in the
field of sports sciences. The 671 undergraduate students participating in the study
were receiving higher education in the field of sports sciences at Ege University,
Faculty of Sports Sciences, in Izmir. The data for the study were collected through
two different measurement instruments, namely the Student Alienation Scale and
the Academic Motivation Scale. The results of the canonical correlation analysis
show significance in the first two canonical functions for the sample groups attending
the Physical Education and Sports Teaching and Coaching Education departments,
whereas the first three canonical functions were found to be significant for Sports
Management. In the evaluation of the canonical pairs obtained, it can be seen that
the weakness and amotivation subscales stand out in the first function in all groups.
Within the scope of the second function, while the “anomy” and “extrinsic motivation
– external regulation” scales are notable in the sports management group, the
“weakness” and “extrinsic motivation – introjected regulation” scales are prominent
in the groups. As for the third canonical function, the “intrinsic motivation to
accomplish” and “isolation” scales underpin the relation for sports management
students. The internal dynamics caused by the differences among departments
based on their curricula may be the reason behind the differentiation within the
relationship spiral. In addition, conditions of graduate employment and students’
gains based on sporting experience affect academic motivation and alienation states.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je odrediti korelaciju između akademske motivacije i
otuđenosti studenata dodiplomskih studija na različitim odsjecima u području
sportskih znanosti. U istraživanju je sudjelovao 671 student na dodiplomskim
studijima sportskih znanosti na Fakultetu za sportske znanosti Ege Sveučilišta u
Izmiru. Podatci korišteni u istraživanju dobiveni su pomoću dvaju različitih mjernih
instrumenata – Skale otuđenosti studenata i Skale akademske motivacije. Rezultati
kanoničke korelacijske analize upućuju na značajnost prvih dviju kanoničkih
funkcija kod skupina uzoraka koje pohađaju studij na Odsjeku za izobrazbu
nastavnika Tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture i sporta i na Odsjeku za izobrazbu
trenera, dok se pokazalo da su prve tri kanoničke funkcije značajne za studente
na Odsjeku za sportski menadžment. Nakon provedene evaluacije dobivenih
kanoničkih parova može se vidjeti da se u prvoj funkciji u svim skupinama ističu
podskala „slabost” i podskala „amotivacija”. Unutar druge funkcije može se uočiti
da se u skupini koja studira sportski menadžment ističu skala „anomija” i skala
„ekstrinzična motivacija – eksterna regulacija”, u ostalim skupinama ističu se
skala „slabost” i skala „ekstrinzična motivacija – introjicirana regulacija”. Što se
tiče treće kanoničke funkcije, skala „intrinzična motivacija za postignućem” i skala
„izoliranost” ističu se kod skupine studenata sportskoga menadžmenta. Interna
dinamika uzrokovana razlikama između odsjeka koje se temelje na kurikulima
mogla bi se smatrati razlogom za diferencijaciju na spirali odnosa. Osim toga, na
akademsku motivaciju i stanje otuđenosti utječu i uvjeti za zapošljavanje nakon
završetka fakulteta i koristi koje studenti imaju od sportskih iskustava
WOS: 000573412100001The aim of the study was to examine the effect of educational games, based on physical education and math exercises, on cognitive ability. the study was designed using the quasi-experimental model. A total of 45 fourth-grade students participated in the study. During the implementation, 16 educational game sessions designed with mathematical exercises were applied to the experimental group. the Raven Standard Progressive Matrices Test (RSPM) was applied prior to and following the implementations. the RSPM scores of the control group did not show statistically significant progress (t=-1.67), while the experimental group showed statistically significant progress (t=-5.85; p<0.01). Considering the gender variable, RSPM scores increased significantly in male students (t=-4.03; p<0.01) of the control group whereas the change in scores of female students of the control group did not indicate a significant difference (t=0.42). Both for male (t=-4.98; p<0.01) and female (t=-3.00; p<0.05) students composing the experimental group, the scores obtained from the RSPM test were found to have increased at a statistically significant level. It is concluded that integrated physical education classes may contribute positively to cognitive skills development and may decrease gender differences
Ekonomi Sınıfında Kara Deliğe Yolculuk: Türkiye Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Pedagojisi Paradigmasına Thomas Kuhn Perspektifinde Eleştirel Bir Bakış
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy (PESP) studies in Turkey have recently been increasing rapidly while the effects of these studies on the paradigm are not yet known clearly. PESP proceedings (2014-2018) were analyzed through qualitative content analysis in present study and findings were examined by Thomas Kuhn perspective. Findings and evaluations show that PESP studies in Turkey are usually centered around stereotyped tendencies that are conducted on the economy aspect in terms of time, cost and energy and neglecting the quality and deep parameters of the research. The study concluded that the paradigm was examined within Thomas Kuhn's perspective and suggested the Black Hole Effect in Science
Might early identity maturation be a more inclusive concept than identity foreclosure? Identity and school alienation in adolescent student athletes and non-athletes
The present study examined identity development and school alienation in adolescent student athletes and non-athletes. 2422 adolescents participated in the study, comprised of student athletes (n = 1238, 51.1%) and non-athletes (n = 1184, 48.9%) considering stratified sampling method. In the data collection process, information form including demographic characteristics and sport participation parameters were used and three different scales were implemented as follows: Dimensions of Identity Development, Athletic Identity, and Student Alienation. Data analysis included independent t-test, hierarchical and k-means cluster analysis, chi-square test, and multiple regression analysis. While findings partially supported higher commitment processes with small effect sizes in student athletes, multi-dimensional results were available on different exploration dimensions. Student athletes showed higher distribution in more mature identity statuses (e.g. achievement, foreclosure) while non-athletes distributed more in less mature status (e.g. carefree diffusion, diffused diffusion). Chi-square test results showed that there was a significant difference in distribution of identity statuses with moderate effects size between student athletes and non-athletes. In addition, non-athletes showed more unfavourable tendencies in school alienation and weakness with small effect sizes. On the other hand, it was seen that commitment making was a significant predictor of school alienation in student athletes. Besides, increase in sport participation parameters of student athletes affect school alienation. As a result, identity foreclosure in student athletes are partially supported in the present study while results indicate multi-dimensionality and early identity maturation profile in student athletes. In this regard, it is suggested that single-directional evaluations and over-generalizations should be avoided while evaluating student athletes' psycho-social development.The present study was supported and funded by Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordination (Project ID: 20583, Project Code: SYL-2019-20,583).Ege University [20583, SYL-2019-20,583
Effect of maths-integrated PE games on cognitive ability
The aim of the study was to examine the effect of educational games, based on physical education and math exercises, on cognitive ability. The study was designed using the quasi-experimental model. A total of 45 fourth-grade students participated in the study. During the implementation, 16 educational game sessions designed with mathematical exercises were applied to the experimental group. The Raven Standard Progressive Matrices Test (RSPM) was applied prior to and following the implementations. The RSPM scores of the control group did not show statistically significant progress (t=-1.67), while the experimental group showed statistically significant progress (t=-5.85; p<0.01). Considering the gender variable, RSPM scores increased significantly in male students (t=-4.03; p<0.01) of the control group whereas the change in scores of female students of the control group did not indicate a significant difference (t=0.42). Both for male (t=-4.98; p<0.01) and female (t=-3.00; p<0.05) students composing the experimental group, the scores obtained from the RSPM test were found to have increased at a statistically significant level. It is concluded that integrated physical education classes may contribute positively to cognitive skills development and may decrease gender differences.
Keywords: Interdisciplinary teaching; Physical Education; Mathematics; Educational games; Cognitive ability; Gender differences