19 research outputs found

    Five Lessons from my Mentor

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    Reseña: Ina-Maria Greverus, Sharon MacDonald, Regina Romhild, Gisela Welz & Helena Wullf (Eds.) (2002). Stability Upon Shifting Ground: Review Note of Shifting Grounds: Experiments in Doing Ethnography

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    Der Band von GREVERUS et al. ist als Review zu "Shifting Grounds: Experiments in Doing Ethnography" erschienen, einer Ausgabe des Anthropological Journal on European Cultures. GREVERUS et al. beschäftigen sich mit der Geschichte und den Implikationen von Ethnographie als einer Methodologie, die in verschiedenen akademischen Disziplinen von Bedeutung ist, wobei sie den Autoren von "Shifting Grounds" ihre Anerkennung zollen für die unterschiedlichen Arten des dort beschriebenen "doing ethnography". Indem Körper als Gegenstand der Ethnographie verstanden und untersucht werden, an denen Leben und Geschichten zum Ausdruck kommen, beschäftigt sich dieser Beitrag mit den unterschiedlichen Reaktionen der Autoren und Autorinnen auf experimentelle und performative Ethnographie unter Bezugnahme auf bedeutsame aktuelle Fragen innerhalb der Anthropologie. Anknüpfend sowohl an die anthropologische als auch an die historische Wende der Ethnographie werden in GREVERUS et al. Fragen der Mobilität von Feldarbeit, von Zeit, Raum, Multi-Lokalität, von Tourismus und Tradition/Kultur diskutiert. "Shifting Grounds" gewährt dabei nicht nur Einblicke in die ethnographische Praxis, es eröffnet auch neue Wege des "doing ethnography". URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0503175This review is written in response to "Shifting Grounds: Experiments in Doing Ethno­graphy," a volume of the Anthropological Journal on European Cultures. This review cites the history and implications of ethnography as a methodology within various academic disciplines while praising the authors within this text for their contributions to various ways of "doing ethnography." By investi­gating and considering the body as an ethno­graphic site where life and stories are performed and em­bodied, this article considers the varying ways the authors respond to experimental and performative ethnography while applying it to relevant and current issues within anthropology. By engaging both the anthropological and historical turn of ethnography, this book thematically discusses the mobility of fieldwork, time, space, multi-locality, tour­ism, and tradition/culture. Shifting Grounds does not only offer experiments in doing ethnography, it also offers alternatives for doing ethnography. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0503175Esta reseña es a propósito de "Cambios de fondo: Experimentos en el hacer etnográfico", un volumen de la Revista de Antropología sobre Culturas Europeas. En ella se alude a la historia e implicaciones de la etnografía como metodología dentro de varias disciplinas académicas y se elogia a los autores del texto por sus variadas contribuciones al "hacer etnográfico". A través de investigaciones y considerando el cuerpo etnográfico como un sitio donde la vida y las historias son representadas y personificadas, este artículo considera las variadas formas en que los autores responden a la etnografía experimental y representativa mientras la aplican en actuales y relevantes aspectos dentro de la antropología. A través de los cambios históricos de la antropología y la etnografía, este libro debate temáticamente acerca de la movilidad del trabajo de campo, el tiempo, el espacio, la multi-localidad, el turismo, y la cultura/tradición. "Cambios de fondo" no sólo muestra experimentos en el hacer etnográfico, también aporta alternativas a su hacer. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs050317

    Review: Ina-Maria Greverus, Sharon MacDonald, Regina Romhild, Gisela Welz & Helena Wullf (Eds.) (2002). Stability Upon Shifting Ground: Review Note of Shifting Grounds: Experiments in Doing Ethnography

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    Der Band von GREVERUS et al. ist als Review zu "Shifting Grounds: Experiments in Doing Ethnography" erschienen, einer Ausgabe des Anthropological Journal on European Cultures. GREVERUS et al. beschäftigen sich mit der Geschichte und den Implikationen von Ethnographie als einer Methodologie, die in verschiedenen akademischen Disziplinen von Bedeutung ist, wobei sie den Autoren von "Shifting Grounds" ihre Anerkennung zollen für die unterschiedlichen Arten des dort beschriebenen "doing ethnography". Indem Körper als Gegenstand der Ethnographie verstanden und untersucht werden, an denen Leben und Geschichten zum Ausdruck kommen, beschäftigt sich dieser Beitrag mit den unterschiedlichen Reaktionen der Autoren und Autorinnen auf experimentelle und performative Ethnographie unter Bezugnahme auf bedeutsame aktuelle Fragen innerhalb der Anthropologie. Anknüpfend sowohl an die anthropologische als auch an die historische Wende der Ethnographie werden in GREVERUS et al. Fragen der Mobilität von Feldarbeit, von Zeit, Raum, Multi-Lokalität, von Tourismus und Tradition/Kultur diskutiert. "Shifting Grounds" gewährt dabei nicht nur Einblicke in die ethnographische Praxis, es eröffnet auch neue Wege des "doing ethnography".This review is written in response to "Shifting Grounds: Experiments in Doing Ethno­graphy," a volume of the Anthropological Journal on European Cultures. This review cites the history and implications of ethnography as a methodology within various academic disciplines while praising the authors within this text for their contributions to various ways of "doing ethnography." By investi­gating and considering the body as an ethno­graphic site where life and stories are performed and em­bodied, this article considers the varying ways the authors respond to experimental and performative ethnography while applying it to relevant and current issues within anthropology. By engaging both the anthropological and historical turn of ethnography, this book thematically discusses the mobility of fieldwork, time, space, multi-locality, tour­ism, and tradition/culture. Shifting Grounds does not only offer experiments in doing ethnography, it also offers alternatives for doing ethnography.Esta reseña es a propósito de "Cambios de fondo: Experimentos en el hacer etnográfico", un volumen de la Revista de Antropología sobre Culturas Europeas. En ella se alude a la historia e implicaciones de la etnografía como metodología dentro de varias disciplinas académicas y se elogia a los autores del texto por sus variadas contribuciones al "hacer etnográfico". A través de investigaciones y considerando el cuerpo etnográfico como un sitio donde la vida y las historias son representadas y personificadas, este artículo considera las variadas formas en que los autores responden a la etnografía experimental y representativa mientras la aplican en actuales y relevantes aspectos dentro de la antropología. A través de los cambios históricos de la antropología y la etnografía, este libro debate temáticamente acerca de la movilidad del trabajo de campo, el tiempo, el espacio, la multi-localidad, el turismo, y la cultura/tradición. "Cambios de fondo" no sólo muestra experimentos en el hacer etnográfico, también aporta alternativas a su hacer

    Southern Black Women: Their Lived Realities

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    Focusing on the lived experiences of ten rural black women in a familial community in central North Carolina, this project documents the mundane and extraordinary events of their lives and how they create meaningful lives through storytelling. Theoretically grounded in black feminist thought, intersectionality theory and muted group theory the investigation calls for the use of storytelling and poetry to understand how rural black women experience, live, and communicate their lives. Merging the experiences of participants with the researcher, the study also considers the ethical implications of being an insider-outsider and offers suggestions for engaging in creative scholarship. The author uses a combination of various qualitative methods, including ethnography, participant observation, interactive interviewing and autoethnography, to better understand her experiences as a rural black woman. The author combines archival research about the community, personal reflections, field notes and interview transcripts, translating the data into stories about rural black women\u27s lives. The study shows how the stories rural black women share, the secrets they hold, and the activities of their daily lives offer a window for understanding concrete lived experiences as communication experiences

    Southern Black Women: Their Lived Realities

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    Focusing on the lived experiences of ten rural black women in a familial community in central North Carolina, this project documents the mundane and extraordinary events of their lives and how they create meaningful lives through storytelling. Theoretically grounded in black feminist thought, intersectionality theory and muted group theory the investigation calls for the use of storytelling and poetry to understand how rural black women experience, live, and communicate their lives. Merging the experiences of participants with the researcher, the study also considers the ethical implications of being an insider-outsider and offers suggestions for engaging in creative scholarship. The author uses a combination of various qualitative methods, including ethnography, participant observation, interactive interviewing and autoethnography, to better understand her experiences as a rural black woman. The author combines archival research about the community, personal reflections, field notes and interview transcripts, translating the data into stories about rural black women\u27s lives. The study shows how the stories rural black women share, the secrets they hold, and the activities of their daily lives offer a window for understanding concrete lived experiences as communication experiences

    Queer and quare autoethnography

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    As researchers committed to personal narrative and social justice, we frequently use our experiences to identify abuses of power and instances of harm, offer accounts of marginal and silenced stories, and acknowledge and decenter our own positions of cultural privilege. To assist us with these commitments, we often rely on the aims and practices of queer theory, quare theory, and autoethnographycritical theoretical and methodological orientations that, when taken together, offer insights for using personal experience to describe abuses of power and tools for crafting evocative and accessible accounts of cultural life

    Queer and quare autoethnography

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    As researchers committed to personal narrative and social justice, we frequently use our experiences to identify abuses of power and instances of harm, offer accounts of marginal and silenced stories, and acknowledge and decenter our own positions of cultural privilege. To assist us with these commitments, we often rely on the aims and practices of queer theory, quare theory, and autoethnographycritical theoretical and methodological orientations that, when taken together, offer insights for using personal experience to describe abuses of power and tools for crafting evocative and accessible accounts of cultural life

    You and me will never part: a study of Black women's best friendships

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    The existing literature on women's friendship lacks information about Black women's friendships. Few researchers (e.g., Goins, 2011; Denton, 1990) have looked specifically at Black women's friendship and the role they play in Black women's lives. This project answers the call set forth by Houston (2002) and others for more work to be done in interpersonal communication about African Americans from within the African American community. This project found that Black women's best friend relationships begin with similarities, loyalty, understanding and dependability. Once the women become best friends, they must be honest, loyal/trustworthy, understanding, positive, and spend time together. They maintain their friendship with open communication within their friendship, the modes of communication they choose, and the topics of conversations that they have. (Published By University of Alabama Libraries

    Those queer teen years: an autoethnography of reading and realizing queer identity

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    High school can be a harrowing time for almost anyone, but that is especially true of any number of students who fall into underrepresented or subaltern groups. Students that identify with marginalized populations may often face difficulty finding characters and people to relate to not only in real life, but also in the media. This thesis looks at the ways in which the struggle to find these mediated representations--especially in young adult targeted literature can affect the worldview of queer identified teenagers. In order to dynamically and effectively interrogate the availability and quality of queer representation in young adult literature, this thesis makes use of the autoethnographic tradition, examining the effects the literature may have on the formative identity of a queer teen through personal narrative and lived experience. Through this narrative, presented as a layered account, theoretical concepts such as the closet, passing, representation, performance, and muted groups are all presented as part of "those queer teen years. (Published By University of Alabama Libraries

    Of mules and pearls: the lived experiences of black single mothers

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    Black women are one of the most silenced groups in our society and are often judged for their behaviors in comparison to White women. This judgment is most prevalent regarding motherhood, specifically single motherhood. Most research on Black single mothers focuses on the quantity of Black single mother headed households in the Black community as opposed to the true quality of life that Black single mothers provide for their children. This study, which includes interactive interviews and autoethnography, focuses on the ways that Black women self-define as single mothers and reimagine their family dynamics in the wake of White pseudo-traditional family standards. (Published By University of Alabama Libraries