16 research outputs found

    Non-developmental item computer systems and the malicious software threat

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    The following subject areas are covered: a DOD development system - the Army Secure Operating System; non-development commercial computer systems; security, integrity, and assurance of service (SI and A); post delivery SI and A and malicious software; computer system unique attributes; positive feedback to commercial computer systems vendors; and NDI (Non-Development Item) computers and software safety

    Software engineering ethics

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    Software engineering ethics is reviewed. The following subject areas are covered: lack of a system viewpoint; arrogance of PC DOS software vendors; violation od upward compatibility; internet worm; internet worm revisited; student cheating and company hiring interviews; computing practitioners and the commodity market; new projects and old programming languages; schedule and budget; and recent public domain comments

    First International Conference on Ada (R) Programming Language Applications for the NASA Space Station, volume 2

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    Topics discussed include: reusability; mission critical issues; run time; expert systems; language issues; life cycle issues; software tools; and computers for Ada

    Review of Estelle and LOTOS with respect to critical computer applications

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    Man rated NASA space vehicles seem to represent a set of ultimate critical computer applications. These applications require a high degree of security, integrity, and safety. A variety of formal and/or precise modeling techniques are becoming available for the designer of critical systems. The design phase of the software engineering life cycle includes the modification of non-development components. A review of the Estelle and LOTOS formal description languages is presented. Details of the languages and a set of references are provided. The languages were used to formally describe some of the Open System Interconnect (OSI) protocols

    Bibliography for computer security, integrity, and safety

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    A bibliography of computer security, integrity, and safety issues is given. The bibliography is divided into the following sections: recent national publications; books; journal, magazine articles, and miscellaneous reports; conferences, proceedings, and tutorials; and government documents and contractor reports

    Integrity and security in an Ada runtime environment

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    A review is provided of the Formal Methods group discussions. It was stated that integrity is not a pure mathematical dual of security. The input data is part of the integrity domain. The group provided a roadmap for research. One item of the roadmap and the final position statement are closely related to the space shuttle and space station. The group's position is to use a safe subset of Ada. Examples of safe sets include the Army Secure Operating System and the Penelope Ada verification tool. It is recommended that a conservative attitude is required when writing Ada code for life and property critical systems

    First International Conference on Ada (R) Programming Language Applications for the NASA Space Station, volume 1

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    Topics discussed include: test and verification; environment issues; distributed Ada issues; life cycle issues; Ada in Europe; management/training issues; common Ada interface set; and run time issues