201 research outputs found

    Far-UV Emission from Elliptical Galaxies at z=0.55

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    The restframe UV-to-optical flux ratio, characterizing the ``UV upturn'' phenomenon, is potentially the most sensitive tracer of age in elliptical galaxies; models predict that it may change by orders of magnitude over the course of a few Gyr. In order to trace the evolution of the UV upturn as a function of redshift, we have used the far-UV camera on the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph to image the galaxy cluster CL0016+16 at z=0.55. Our 25''x25'' field includes four bright elliptical galaxies, spectroscopically confirmed to be passively evolving cluster members. The weak UV emission from the galaxies in our image demonstrates that the UV upturn is weaker at a lookback time 5.6 Gyr earlier than our own, as compared to measurements of the UV upturn in cluster E and S0 galaxies at z=0 and z=0.375. These images are the first with sufficient depth to demonstrate the fading of the UV upturn expected at moderate redshifts. We discuss these observations and the implications for the formation history of galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, Latex. 2 figures. Uses corrected version of emulateapj.sty and apjfonts.sty (included). Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    The Dearth of UV-bright Stars in M32: Implications for Stellar Evolution Theory

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    Using the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope, we have obtained deep far ultraviolet images of the compact elliptical galaxy M32. When combined with earlier near-ultraviolet images of the same field, these data enable the construction of an ultraviolet color-magnitude diagram of the hot horizontal branch (HB) population and other hot stars in late phases of stellar evolution. We find few post-asymptotic giant branch (PAGB) stars in the galaxy, implying that these stars either cross the HR diagram more rapidly than expected, and/or that they spend a significant fraction of their time enshrouded in circumstellar material. The predicted luminosity gap between the hot HB and its AGB-Manque (AGBM) progeny is less pronounced than expected, especially when compared to evolutionary tracks with enhanced helium abundances, implying that the presence of hot HB stars in this metal-rich population is not due to (Delta)Y/(Delta)Z greater than or approx. 4. Only a small fraction (approx. 2%) of the HB population is hot enough to produce significant UV emission, yet most of the W emission in this galaxy comes from the hot HB and AGBM stars, implying that PAGB stars are not a significant source of W emission even in those elliptical galaxies with a weak W excess. Subject headings: galaxies: evolution - galaxies: stellar content - galaxies: individual (M32) - stars: evolution - stars: horizontal branc

    Far-Ultraviolet Emission from Elliptical Galaxies at z=0.33

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    We present far-ultraviolet (far-UV) images of the rich galaxy cluster ZwCl1358.1+6245, taken with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). When combined with archival HST observations, our data provide a measurement of the UV-to-optical flux ratio in 8 early-type galaxies at z=0.33. Because the UV flux originates in a population of evolved, hot, horizontal branch (HB) stars, this ratio is potentially one of the most sensitive tracers of age in old populations -- it is expected to fade rapidly with lookback time. We find that the UV emission in these galaxies, at a lookback time of 3.9 Gyr, is significantly weaker than it is in the current epoch, yet similar to that in galaxies at a lookback time of 5.6 Gyr. Taken at face value, these measurements imply different formation epochs for the massive ellipticals in these clusters, but an alternative explanation is a "floor" in the UV emission due to a dispersion in the parameters that govern HB morphology.Comment: 4 pages, Latex. 2 figures. Uses corrected version of emulateapj.sty and apjfonts.sty (included). Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Discovery of Enhanced Germanium Abundances in Planetary Nebulae with FUSE

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    We report the discovery of Ge III λ\lambda1088.46 in the planetary nebulae (PNe) SwSt 1, BD+30o^{\rm o}3639, NGC 3132, and IC 4593, observed with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. This is the first astronomical detection of this line and the first measurement of Ge (Z = 32) in PNe. We estimate Ge abundances using S and Fe as reference elements, for a range of assumptions about gas-phase depletions. The results indicate that Ge, which is synthesized in the initial steps of the s-process and therefore can be self-enriched in PNe, is enhanced by factors of > 3-10. The strongest evidence for enrichment is seen for PNe with Wolf-Rayet central stars, which are likely to contain heavily processed material.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Electron Beam Induced Luminescence of SiO2 Optical Coatings

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    Optical coatings of disordered thin film SiO2/SiOx dielectric samples on reflective metal substrates exhibited cathodoluminescence under electron beam irradiation. Measurements of the absolute radiance and emission spectra as functions of incident electron energy, flux and power over a range of sample temperatures are reported. Radiance reached a saturation plateau at high incident electron power. Well below saturation radiance scaled with deposited power, that is linearly with incident power for lower-energy non-penetrating electrons and decreasing with increasing energy for penetrating radiation. Four bands were observed in spectral measurements from 300 nm to 1000 nm. Changes in peak intensity and shifts in peak energies as functions of temperature are described. The observations are explained in terms of a simple disordered band theory model and the transitions that take place between electrons in extended conduction states and localized trapped states associated with structural or compositional defects in the highly disordered insulating materials; this provides a fundamental basis for understanding the dependence of cathodoluminescence on irradiation time, incident flux and energy, and sample thickness and temperature

    The Dearth of UV-Bright Stars in M32: Implications for Stellar Evolution Theory

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    Using the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope, we have obtained deep far-ultraviolet images of the compact elliptical galaxy M32. When combined with earlier near-ultraviolet images of the same field, these data enable the construction of an ultraviolet color-magnitude diagram of the hot horizontal branch (HB) population and other hot stars in late phases of stellar evolution. We find few post-asymptotic giant branch (PAGB) stars in the galaxy, implying that these stars either cross the HR diagram more rapidly than expected, and/or that they spend a significant fraction of their time enshrouded in circumstellar material. The predicted luminosity gap between the hot HB and its AGB-Manque (AGBM) progeny is less pronounced than expected, especially when compared to evolutionary tracks with enhanced helium abundances, implying that the presence of hot HB stars in this metal-rich population is not due to (Delta Y)/(Delta Z) > 4. Only a small fraction (~2%) of the HB population is hot enough to produce significant UV emission, yet most of the UV emission in this galaxy comes from the hot HB and AGBM stars, implying that PAGB stars are not a significant source of UV emission even in those elliptical galaxies with a weak UV excess.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. Latex, 18 pages, 18 black & white figures, in emulate-ApJ format. Figures 11 & 16 have been degraded due to size constraints; the high-quality version of the paper is at http://www.stsci.edu/~tbrown/research/m32fuv.pd