825 research outputs found

    Electronic bulk and domain wall properties in B-site doped hexagonal ErMnO3_3

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    Acceptor and donor doping is a standard for tailoring semiconductors. More recently, doping was adapted to optimize the behavior at ferroelectric domain walls. In contrast to more than a century of research on semiconductors, the impact of chemical substitutions on the local electronic response at domain walls is largely unexplored. Here, the hexagonal manganite ErMnO3_3 is donor doped with Ti4+^{4+}. Density functional theory calculations show that Ti4+^{4+} goes to the B-site, replacing Mn3+^{3+}. Scanning probe microscopy measurements confirm the robustness of the ferroelectric domain template. The electronic transport at both macro- and nanoscopic length scales is characterized. The measurements demonstrate the intrinsic nature of emergent domain wall currents and point towards Poole-Frenkel conductance as the dominant transport mechanism. Aside from the new insight into the electronic properties of hexagonal manganites, B-site doping adds an additional degree of freedom for tuning the domain wall functionality

    Cryogenic scintillation properties of n-type GaAs for the direct detection of MeV/c2 dark matter

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    This paper is the first report of n-type GaAs as a cryogenic scintillation radiation detector for the detection of electron recoils from interacting dark matter (DM) particles in the poorly explored MeV/c2 mass range. Seven GaAs samples from two commercial suppliers and with different silicon and boron concentrations were studied for their low temperature optical and scintillation properties. All samples are n-type even at low temperatures and exhibit emission between silicon donors and boron acceptors that peaks at 1.33 eV (930 nm). The lowest excitation band peaks at 1.44 eV (860 nm), and the overlap between the emission and excitation bands is small. The X-ray excited luminosities range from 7 to 43 photons/keV. Thermally stimulated luminescence measurements show that n-type GaAs does not accumulate metastable radiative states that could cause afterglow. Further development and use with cryogenic photodetectors promises a remarkable combination of large target size, ultra-low backgrounds, and a sensitivity to electron recoils of a few eV that would be produced by DM particles as light as a few MeV/c2

    Bandwidth and Electron Correlation-Tuned Superconductivity in Rb0.8_{0.8}Fe2_{2}(Se1−z_{1-z}Sz_z)2_2

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    We present a systematic angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of the substitution-dependence of the electronic structure of Rb0.8_{0.8}Fe2_{2}(Se1−z_{1-z}Sz_z)2_2 (z = 0, 0.5, 1), where superconductivity is continuously suppressed into a metallic phase. Going from the non-superconducting Rb0.8_{0.8}Fe2_{2}(Se1−z_{1-z}Sz_z)2_2 to superconducting Rb0.8_{0.8}Fe2_{2}Se2_2, we observe little change of the Fermi surface topology, but a reduction of the overall bandwidth by a factor of 2 as well as an increase of the orbital-dependent renormalization in the dxyd_{xy} orbital. Hence for these heavily electron-doped iron chalcogenides, we have identified electron correlation as explicitly manifested in the quasiparticle bandwidth to be the important tuning parameter for superconductivity, and that moderate correlation is essential to achieving high TCT_C

    Gradient and Amplitude Scattering in Surface-Corrugated Waveguides

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    We investigate the interplay between amplitude and square-gradient scattering from the rough surfaces in multi-mode waveguides (conducting quantum wires). The main result is that for any (even small in height) roughness the square-gradient terms in the expression for the wave scattering length (electron mean free path) are dominant, provided the correlation length of the surface disorder is small enough. This important effect is missed in existing studies of the surface scattering.Comment: 4 pages, one figur

    Manifestation of the Roughness-Square-Gradient Scattering in Surface-Corrugated Waveguides

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    We study a new mechanism of wave/electron scattering in multi-mode surface-corrugated waveguides/wires. This mechanism is due to specific square-gradient terms in an effective Hamiltonian describing the surface scattering, that were neglected in all previous studies. With a careful analysis of the role of roughness slopes in a surface profile, we show that these terms strongly contribute to the expression for the inverse attenuation length (mean free path), provided the correlation length of corrugations is relatively small. The analytical results are illustrated by numerical data.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Theory of Adiabatic fluctuations : third-order noise

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    We consider the response of a dynamical system driven by external adiabatic fluctuations. Based on the `adiabatic following approximation' we have made a systematic separation of time-scales to carry out an expansion in α∣μ∣−1\alpha |\mu|^{-1}, where α\alpha is the strength of fluctuations and ∣μ∣|\mu| is the damping rate. We show that probability distribution functions obey the differential equations of motion which contain third order terms (beyond the usual Fokker-Planck terms) leading to non-Gaussian noise. The problem of adiabatic fluctuations in velocity space which is the counterpart of Brownian motion for fast fluctuations, has been solved exactly. The characteristic function and the associated probability distribution function are shown to be of stable form. The linear dissipation leads to a steady state which is stable and the variances and higher moments are shown to be finite.Comment: Plain Latex, no figures, 28 pages; to appear in J. Phys.

    Heat capacity study of BaFe2_{2}As2_{2}: effects of annealing

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    Heat-capacity, X-ray diffraction, and resistivity measurements on a high-quality BaFe2_{2}As2_{2} sample show an evolution of the magneto-structural transition with successive annealing periods. After a 30-day anneal the resistivity in the (ab) plane decreases by more than an order of magnitude, to 12 μΩ\mu\Omegacm, with a residual resistance ratio ∼\sim36; the heat-capacity anomaly at the transition sharpens, to an overall width of less than K, and shifts from 135.4 to 140.2 K. The heat-capacity anomaly in both the as-grown sample and after the 30-day anneal shows a hysteresis of ∼\sim0.15 K, and is unchanged in a magnetic field μ0\mu_{0}H = 14 T. The X-ray and heat-capacity data combined suggest that there is a first order jump in the structural order parameter. The entropy of the transition is reported
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