40 research outputs found

    SMEs strategy and scale constraints impact on agri-food supply chain collaboration and firm performance

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    This study examined the impact of collaboration in agri-food supply chains on firm performance and the moderating role of scale constraints and firm strategy. Collaboration was measured by three constructs: horizontal collaboration, vertical collaboration, and customer engagement and SME performance with three variables: growth, value for money and innovativeness. Two strategies were evaluated: price strategy and quality strategy. Three types of scale constraints were assessed: financial, efficiency, and innovation. A survey of 504 agri-SMEs was conducted to test the research hypotheses developed according to the resource based view. Data analysis included a moderated hierarchical analysis. The results show that supply chain collaboration impacts positively on agri-SME performance, whilst it is partially accepted that scale constraints moderate the supply chain collaboration-SME performance relationship. The findings show that SME strategy moderates the supply chain collaboration-SME performance relationship. This study provides evidence that agri-SMEs can strategize their supply chain collaborations by removing scale constraints. When supply chain collaborations help SMEs to overcome financial, efficiency or innovation constraints, then SMEs’ performance improves. Second, this study contributes to the understanding of dynamic capabilities in SMEs using the extended resource based view, which has been overlooked by prior studies

    Staging the New Retail Drama: At a Metaverse Near You!

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    Consumers have traditionally looked for products that could fulfill their needs and retailers responded to demand by initially adopting product-oriented, and then more recently, customer-oriented strategies. This shift was heavily underpinned by technology, which enabled retailers to implement more intelligent approaches that evolved around consumers based on their profiles. The next step in this transformation is now towards a “unique” experience creation, with retailers providing a retail theater experience that is different and special and consumers enjoying an increased opportunity to interact and participate in the overall experience. In this paper, we examine how metaverses, i.e. Internet-based virtual worlds, and more specifically Second Life, can potentially provide the stage for this retail theater experience. Our discussion takes place in the context of two cases that are used to highlight the implications of retail theater for both consumers and retailers and illustrate the opportunities and challenges they face

    Internet-Induced Marketing Techniques: Critical Factors in Viral Marketing Campaigns.

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    The rapid diffusion of the Internet and the emergence of various social constructs facilitated by Internet technologies are changing the drivers that define how marketing techniques are developed and refined. This paper identifies critical factors for viral marketing, an Internet-based 'word-of-mouth' marketing technique. Based on existing knowledge, five types of viral marketing factors that may critically influence the success of viral marketing campaigns are identified. These factors are the overall structure of the campaign, the characteristics of the product or service, the content of the message, the characteristics of the diffusion and, the peer-to-peer information conduit. The paper discusses three examples of viral marketing campaigns and identifies the specific factors in each case that influence its success. The paper concludes with a viral marketing typology differentiating between viral marketing communications, unintended viral marketing and commercial viral marketing. This is still a rapidly evolving area and further research is clearly needed to monitor new developments and make sense of the radical changes these developments bring to the market

    The future of supply chain management

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    Information Technology Safeguards, Logistics Asset Specificity and 4th Party Logistics Network Creation in the Food Chain.

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    Purpose – To investigate the evolutionary process of the retail logistics network formation, and to propose a relationship framework between the logistics asset buyer (the retailer) and the logistics asset supplier (the third-party logistics firm). Design/methodology/approach – The evolutionary process is based on the way the asset specificity element of transaction costs theory can be perceived by the logistics asset buyer and the logistics asset supplier. The asset specificity element is linked to both network and buyer-supplier relationship theories with the aim of conceptualising a buyer-supplier relationship framework. Secondary data for the UK food retail chain are also employed. Findings – A new relationship framework is developed based on the buyers’-suppliers’ perceptions in relation to logistics asset specificity, and the conditions required for the formation of the retail logistics network are illustrated. If transaction costs are perceived as high by both the buyer and the supplier of a logistics asset, the retailer will engage into a fourth-party logistics network formation where the use of information technology systems is of critical importance. At this stage, these systems will become the primary co-ordination device for the reduction and absorption of complexity in the retail chain. Originality/value – The paper offers a unique buyer-supplier partnership framework by proposing that the formation of a fourth-party logistics network will decrease the complexity of modern retail logistics operations. The paper will assist retail managers responsible for the development of logistics strategies and will be beneficial to researchers examining logistics and supply chain management operations

    Deliberate and Emergent Logistics Strategies in Food Retailing; A Case Study of Greek Multiple Food Retail Sector.

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    According to the “classical” school of thought , the implementation of a firm’s strategy can be the result of a deliberate and rational process, or alternatively an emergent and non-intentional one. The rising importance of logistics in retail strategy, and, in particular, the impact of centralisation of logistical activities upon the development of a retail logistics strategy, necessitates an in-depth examination of the relevant company actions. This paper identifies which strategic approach is followed by domestic and multinational firms that operate in the Greek food multiple retail sector. The findings point out the major importance of warehousing in multinational firms’ logistics operations and the vital role of logistics in multinational retailers’ strategy. Multinational firms follow a deliberate logistics strategy that leads to increased logistics efficiency when compared to domestic firms that follow the emergent logistics strategy

    Intergrating Logistics and Information Technology Strategies for Sustainable Competitive Advantage.

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    Purpose – To investigate the integration process of retailer’s information technology strategy within logistics strategy and to find out those aspects of the retailer’s distribution and operational performance that are mostly influenced via that integration. Design/methodology/approach – A qualitative case study methodology is used where the managers of the major domestic and multinational firms operating in the Greek food multiple retail market are interviewed. The integration process of the information technology and logistics strategies of these retail firms is linked to their relevant distribution and operational functions. Secondary data for the Greek food multiple retail sector are also employed. Findings – The findings show that logistics and information technology strategies are developed and implemented in a parallel way by both local and multinational food multiple retailers in Greece. A financial ratio analysis carried out for these firms, suggests that multinational firms possess greater operational efficiency at both secondary and in-store distribution operations compared to domestic firms, something that is largely attributed to their integration of logistics and information technology operations. Multinational firms’ superior operational efficiency is also resulting in a higher profitability performance. Originality/value – The paper proposes that a successful integration process between the logistics and the information technology functions seems to confer a competitive advantage upon retailers’ distribution operations. The paper will assist retail managers and researchers responsible for the development of logistics and information technology strategies to understand that fully absorbed information technology and logistics strategies and operations will be rewarded with superior pecuniary and operational efficiency benefits