86 research outputs found

    Stool frequency recording in severe acute malnutrition ('StoolSAM'); an agreement study comparing maternal recall versus direct observation using diapers.

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    BACKGROUND: Approximately 50% of the deaths of children under the age of 5 can be attributed to undernutrition, which also encompasses severe acute malnutrition (SAM). Diarrhoea is strongly associated with these deaths and is commonly diagnosed solely based on stool frequency and consistency obtained through maternal recall. This trial aims to determine whether this approach is equivalent to a 'directly observed method' in which a health care worker directly observed stool frequency using diapers in hospitalised children with complicated SAM. METHODS: This study was conducted at 'Moyo' Nutritional Rehabilitation Unit, Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Malawi. Participants were children aged 5-59 months admitted with SAM. We compared 2 days of stool frequency data obtained with next-day maternal-recall versus a 'gold standard' in which a health care worker observed stool frequency every 2 h using diapers. After study completion, guardians were asked their preferred method and their level of education. RESULTS: We found poor agreement between maternal recall and the 'gold standard' of directly observed diapers. The sensitivity to detect diarrhoea based on maternal recall was poor, with only 75 and 56% of diarrhoea cases identified on days 1 and 2, respectively. However, the specificity was higher with more than 80% of children correctly classified as not having diarrhoea. On day 1, the mean stool frequency difference between the two methods was -0.17 (SD; 1.68) with limits of agreement (of stool frequency) of -3.55 and 3.20 and, similarly on day 2, the mean difference was -0.2 (SD; 1.59) with limits of agreement of -3.38 and 2.98. These limits extend beyond the pre-specified 'acceptable' limits of agreement (±1.5 stool per day) and indicate that the 2 methods are non-equivalent. The higher the stool frequency, the more discrepant the two methods were. Most primary care givers strongly preferred using diapers. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows lack of agreement between the assessment of stool frequency in SAM patients using maternal recall and direct observation of diapers. When designing studies, one should consider using diapers to determining diarrhoea incidence/prevalence in SAM patients especially when accuracy is essential. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ISRCTN11571116 (registered 29/11/2013)

    Urinary Organic Acids Increase After Clinical Stabilization of Hospitalized Children With Severe Acute Malnutrition

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    Background: Despite a reduction of child mortality in low-income countries, acutely ill undernourished children still have an elevated risk of death. Those at highest risk are children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) who often show metabolic dysregulations that remains poorly understood. Objective: We performed a pilot study to examine changes in urinary organic acids during nutritional rehabilitation of children with SAM, and to identify metabolites associated with the presence of edema or with mortality. Methods: This study included 76 children aged between 6 and 60 months, hospitalized for SAM at the Moyo Nutritional Rehabilitation and Research Unit in Blantyre, Malawi. Urine was collected at admission and 3 days after clinical stabilization and metabolomics were performed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Metabolite concentrations were evaluated with both uni- and multivariate approaches. Results: Most metabolites increased 3 days after clinical stabilization, and total urinary concentration changed from 1.2 mM (interquartile range [IQR], 0.78-1.7) at admission to 3.8 mM (IQR, 2.1-6.6) after stabilization (P <.0001). In particular, 6 metabolites showed increases: 3-hydroxybutyric, 4-hydroxyhippuric, p-hydroxyphenylacetic, oxoglutaric, succinic, and lactic acids. Urinary creatinine was low at both time points, but levels did increase from 0.63 mM (IQR, 0.2-1.2) to 2.6 mM (IQR,1.6-4.4; P <.0001). No differences in urinary profiles were found between children who died versus those who survived, nor between children with severe wasting or edematous SAM. Conclusions: Total urinary metabolites and creatinine increase after stabilization and may reflect partial recovery of overall metabolism linked to refeeding. The use of urinary metabolites for risk assessment should be furthered explored

    Extracellular vesicles isolated from milk can improve gut barrier dysfunction induced by malnutrition

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    Malnutrition impacts approximately 50 million children worldwide and is linked to 45% of global mortality in children below the age of five. Severe acute malnutrition (SAM) is associated with intestinal barrier breakdown and epithelial atrophy. Extracellular vesicles including exosomes (EVs; 30–150 nm) can travel to distant target cells through biofluids including milk. Since milk-derived EVs are known to induce intestinal stem cell proliferation, this study aimed to examine their potential efficacy in improving malnutrition-induced atrophy of intestinal mucosa and barrier dysfunction. Mice were fed either a control (18%) or a low protein (1%) diet for 14 days to induce malnutrition. From day 10 to 14, they received either bovine milk EVs or control gavage and were sacrificed on day 15, 4 h after a Fluorescein Isothiocyanate (FITC) dose. Tissue and blood were collected for histological and epithelial barrier function analyses. Mice fed low protein diet developed intestinal villus atrophy and barrier dysfunction. Despite continued low protein diet feeding, milk EV treatment improved intestinal permeability, intestinal architecture and cellular proliferation. Our results suggest that EVs enriched from milk should be further explored as a valuable adjuvant therapy to standard clinical management of malnourished children with high risk of morbidity and mortality

    A mixed method multi-Country assessment of barriers to implementing pediatric inpatient care guidelines

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    Introduction: Accelerating progress in reducing child deaths is needed in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal child mortality target. This will require a focus on vulnerable children-including young children, those who are undernourished or with acute illnesses requiring hospitalization. Improving adherence to inpatient guidelines may be an important strategy to reduce child mortality, including among the most vulnerable. The aim of our assessment of nine sub-Saharan African and South Asian hospitals was to determine adherence to pediatric inpatient care recommendations, in addition to capacity for and barriers to implementation of guideline-adherent care prior to commencing the Childhood Acute Illness and Nutrition (CHAIN) Cohort study. The CHAIN Cohort study aims to identify modifiable risk factors for poor inpatient and post discharge outcomes above and beyond implementation of guidelines.Methods: Hospital infrastructure, staffing, durable equipment, and consumable supplies such as medicines and laboratory reagents, were evaluated through observation and key informant interviews. Inpatient medical records of 2-23 month old children were assessed for adherence to national and international guidelines. The records of children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) were oversampled to reflect the CHAIN study population. Seven core adherence indicators were examined: oximetry and oxygen therapy, fluids, anemia diagnosis and transfusion, antibiotics, malaria testing and antimalarials, nutritional assessment and management, and HIV testing.Results: All sites had facilities and equipment necessary to implement care consistent with World Health Organization and national guidelines. However, stockouts of essential medicines and laboratory reagents were reported to be common at some sites, even though they were mostly present during the assessment visits. Doctor and nurse to patient ratios varied widely. We reviewed the notes of 261 children with admission diagnoses of sepsis (17), malaria (47), pneumonia (70), diarrhea (106), and SAM (119); 115 had multiple diagnoses. Adherence to oxygen therapy, antimalarial, and malnutrition refeeding guidelines was \u3e75%. Appropriate antimicrobials were prescribed for 75% of antibiotic-indicative conditions. However, 20/23 (87%) diarrhea and 20/27 (74%) malaria cases without a documented indication were prescribed antibiotics. Only 23/122 (19%) with hemoglobin levels meeting anemia criteria had recorded anemia diagnoses. HIV test results were infrequently documented even at hospitals with universal screening policies (66/173, 38%). Informants at all sites attributed inconsistent guideline implementation to inadequate staffing.Conclusion: Assessed hospitals had the infrastructure and equipment to implement guideline-consistent care. While fluids, appropriate antimalarials and antibiotics, and malnutrition refeeding adherence was comparable to published estimates from low- and high-resource settings, there were inconsistencies in implementation of some other recommendations. Stockouts of essential therapeutics and laboratory reagents were a noted barrier, but facility staff perceived inadequate human resources as the primary constraint to consistent guideline implementation

    A protocol for a proof-of-concept randomized control trial testing increased protein quantity and quality in ready-to-use therapeutic food in improving linear growth among 6-23-month-old children with severe wasting in Malawi

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    Introduction: Ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTFs) have successfully promoted recovery from severe wasting and increased treatment coverage. However, RUTFs do not sufficiently improve linear growth, leaving many survivors of severe wasting at risk of persistent stunting, which is associated with high mortality risk, poor child development and non-communicable diseases in adulthood. High protein quantity and quality can stimulate linear growth. Aim: The trial aims to assess whether higher-protein-RUTF leads to higher concentrations of markers of linear growth compared to standard RUTF among 6–23 months old children with severe wasting. Methods: We designed a higher protein quantity and quality RUTF for a proof-of-concept (PoC) double-blind randomized controlled trial. Outcomes: The primary outcome is a change in insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), a hormone positively associated with linear growth after four weeks of treatment. Secondary outcomes include changes in ponderal and linear growth and in body composition from baseline to eight weeks later; plasma amino acid profile at four weeks; acceptability and safety. Implications: These findings will help in informing the potential impact of increased protein in RUTF on linear growth when treating severe wasting towards conducting a larger clinical trial. Trial registration: The trial has been registered on clinicaltrial.gov (NCT05737472)

    The clinical use of longitudinal bio-electrical impedance vector analysis in assessing stabilization of children with severe acute malnutrition

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    Background & aims: Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) in children is determined using anthropometry. However, bio-electrical impedance (BI) analysis could improve the estimation of altered body composition linked to edema and/or loss of lean body mass in children with SAM. We aimed to assess: 1) the changes in BI parameters during clinical stabilization and 2) whether BI parameters add prognostic value for clinical outcome beyond the use of anthropometry. Methods: This prospective observational study enrolled children, aged 6–60 months, that were admitted at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi, for complicated SAM (i.e., having either severe wasting or edematous SAM with a complicating illness). Height, weight, mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC), and BI were measured on admission and after clinical stabilization. BI measures were derived from height-adjusted indices of resistance (R/H), reactance (Xc/H), and phase angle (PA) and considered to reflect body fluids and soft tissue in BI vector analysis (BIVA). Results: We studied 183 children with SAM (55% edematous; age 23.0 ± 12.0 months; 54% male) and 42 community participants (age 20.1 ± 12.3 months; male 62%). Compared to community participants, the BIVA of children with edematous SAM were short with low PA and positioned low on the hydration axis which reflects severe fluid retention. In contrast, children with severe wasting had elongated vectors with a PA that was higher than children with edematous SAM but lower than community participants. Their BIVA position fell within the top right quadrant linked to leanness and dehydration. BIVA from severely wasted and edematous SAM patients differed between groups and from community children both at admission and after stabilization (p < 0.001). Vector position shifted during treatment only in children with edematous SAM (p < 0.001) and showed a upward translation suggestive of fluid loss. While PA was lower in children with SAM, PA did not contribute more than anthropometry alone towards explaining mortality, length of stay, or time-to-discharge or time-to-mortality. The variability and heterogeneity in BI measures was high and their overall added predictive value for prognosis of individual children was low. Conclusions: BIVA did not add prognostic value over using anthropometry alone to predict clinical outcome. Several implementation challenges need to be optimized. Thus, in low-resource settings, the routine use of BI in the management of pediatric malnutrition is questionable without improved implementation

    Intestinal disturbances associated with mortality of children with complicated severe malnutrition

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    Background: Children admitted to hospital with complicated severe malnutrition (CSM) have high mortality despite compliance with standard WHO management guidelines. Limited data suggests a relationship between intestinal dysfunction and poor prognosis in CSM, but this has not been explicitly studied. This study aimed to evaluate the role of intestinal disturbances in CSM mortality. Methods: A case-control study nested within a randomized control trial was conducted among children hospitalized with CSM in Kenya and Malawi. Children who died (cases, n = 68) were compared with those who were discharged, propensity matched to the cases on age, HIV and nutritional status (controls, n = 68) on fecal metabolomics that targeted about 70 commonly measured metabolites, and enteropathy markers: fecal myeloperoxidase (MPO), fecal calprotectin, and circulating intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP). Results: The fecal metabolomes of cases show specific reductions in amino acids, monosaccharides, and microbial fermentation products, when compared to controls. SCFA levels did not differ between groups. The overall fecal metabolomics signature moderately differentiates cases from controls (AUC = 0.72). Enteropathy markers do not differ between groups overall, although serum I-FABP is elevated in cases in a sensitivity analysis among non-edematous children. Integrative analysis with systemic data suggests an indirect role of intestinal inflammation in the causal path of mortality. Conclusions: Intestinal disturbances appear to have an indirect association with acute mortality. Findings of the study improve our understanding of pathophysiological pathways underlying mortality of children with CSM

    New approaches and technical considerations in detecting outlier measurements and trajectories in longitudinal children growth data

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    Background Growth studies rely on longitudinal measurements, typically represented as trajectories. However, anthropometry is prone to errors that can generate outliers. While various methods are available for detecting outlier measurements, a gold standard has yet to be identified, and there is no established method for outlying trajectories. Thus, outlier types and their effects on growth pattern detection still need to be investigated. This work aimed to assess the performance of six methods at detecting different types of outliers, propose two novel methods for outlier trajectory detection and evaluate how outliers affect growth pattern detection. Methods We included 393 healthy infants from The Applied Research Group for Kids (TARGet Kids!) cohort and 1651 children with severe malnutrition from the co-trimoxazole prophylaxis clinical trial. We injected outliers of three types and six intensities and applied four outlier detection methods for measurements (model-based and World Health Organization cut-offs-based) and two for trajectories. We also assessed growth pattern detection before and after outlier injection using time series clustering and latent class mixed models. Error type, intensity, and population affected method performance. Results Model-based outlier detection methods performed best for measurements with precision between 5.72-99.89%, especially for low and moderate error intensities. The clustering-based outlier trajectory method had high precision of 14.93-99.12%. Combining methods improved the detection rate to 21.82% in outlier measurements. Finally, when comparing growth groups with and without outliers, the outliers were shown to alter group membership by 57.9 -79.04%. Conclusions World Health Organization cut-off-based techniques were shown to perform well in few very particular cases (extreme errors of high intensity), while model-based techniques performed well, especially for moderate errors of low intensity. Clustering-based outlier trajectory detection performed exceptionally well across all types and intensities of errors, indicating a potential strategic change in how outliers in growth data are viewed. Finally, the importance of detecting outliers was shown, given its impact on children growth studies, as demonstrated by comparing results of growth group detection

    Childhood Malnutrition and Association of Lean Mass with Metabolome and Hormone Profile in Later Life.

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    This study aimed to determine the associations of targeted metabolomics and hormone profiles data with lean mass index (LMI), which were estimated using bioelectrical impedance, in survivors of child severe malnutrition (SM) (n = 69) and controls (n = 77) in Malawi 7 years after being treated. Linear associations between individual metabolite or hormone and LMI were determined, including their interaction with nutrition status 7 years prior. Path analysis was performed to determine structural associations. Lastly, predictive models for LMI were developed using the metabolome and hormone profile by elastic net regularized regression (EN). Metabolites including several lipids, amino acids, and hormones were individually associated (p < 0.05 after false discovery rate correction) with LMI. However, plasma FGF21 (Control: ? = -0.02, p = 0.59; Case: ? = -0.14, p < 0.001) and tryptophan (Control: ? = 0.15, p = 0.26; Case: ? = 0.70, p < 0.001) were associated with LMI among cases but not among controls (both interaction p-values < 0.01). Moreover, path analysis revealed that tryptophan mediates the association between child SM and LMI. EN revealed that most predictors of LMI differed between groups, further indicating altered metabolic mechanisms driving lean mass accretion among SM survivors later in life

    Mortality in children with complicated severe acute malnutrition is related to intestinal and systemic inflammation:an observational cohort study

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    Background: Diarrhea affects a large proportion of children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM). However, its etiology and clinical consequences remain unclear.Objective: We investigated diarrhea, enteropathogens, and systemic and intestinal inflammation for their interrelation and their associations with mortality in children with SAM.Design: Intestinal pathogens (n = 15), cytokines (n= 29), fecal calprotectin, and the short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) butyrate and propionate were determined in children aged 6-59 mo (n = 79) hospitalized in Malawi for complicated SAM. The relation between variables, diarrhea, and death was assessed with partial least squares (PLS) path modeling.Results: Fatal subjects (n = 14; 18%) were younger (mean +/- SD age: 17 +/- 11 compared with 25 +/- 11 mo; P = 0.01) with higher prevalence of diarrhea (46% compared with 18%, P = 0.03). Intestinal pathogens Shigella (36%), Giardia (33%), and Campylobacter (30%) predominated, but their presence was not associated with death or diarrhea. Calprotectin was significantly higher in children who died [median (IQR): 1360 mg/kg feces (2443-535 mg/kg feces) compared with 698 mg/kg feces (1438-244 mg/kg feces), P = 0.03]. Butyrate [median (IQR): 31 ng/mL (112-22 ng/mL) compared with 2036 ng/mL (5800 [49 ng/mL), P = 0.02] and propionate [median (IQR): 167 ng/mL (831-131 ng/mL) compared with 3174 ng/mL (5819-357 ng/mL), P = 0.04] were lower in those who died. Mortality was directly related to high systemic inflammation (path coefficient = 0.49), whereas diarrhea, high calprotectin, and low SCFA production related to death indirectly via their more direct association with systemic inflammation.Conclusions: Diarrhea, high intestinal inflammation, low concentrations of fecal SCFAs, and high systemic inflammation are significantly related to mortality in SAM. However, these relations were not mediated by the presence of intestinal pathogens. These findings offer an important understanding of inflammatory changes in SAM, which may lead to improved therapies.</p
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