15 research outputs found

    Study of artificial recharge in semiarid : application of Morocco Souss- Basin

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    La plaine du Souss est délimitée au nord par le Haut-Atlas, au sud par l’Anti-Atlas et à l’estpar le massif cristallin de Siroua. Les principales formations géologiques sont des marnocalcaireset conglomérats assez perméables, les calcaires du Turonien qui leur sont sousjacentset le lit fossile de l’oued Souss composé d’alluvions sablo-graveleuses trèsperméables.La nappe du Souss est la plus importante du sud du Maroc, elle est très exploitée par unsecteur agricole exportateur, la surexploitation de la nappe s’est traduite par une baissecontinue des niveaux. Depuis 1970, les prélèvements dépassent de loin les ressourcesrenouvelables de la nappe (déficit : 185 Mm3 en 1976, 358 Mm3 en 1998, 228 Mm3 en 2003).Le barrage d’Aoulouz est principalement destiné à la recharge artificielle de la nappe par deslâchers d’eaux stockées pendant les périodes pluvieuses. En zone semi-aride, une estimationprécise de la recharge est souvent délicate, la variabilité spatio-temporelle de la recharge étantgénéralement forte et les processus variés.Ce travail a permis de mieux caractériser l’impact de la recharge sur la nappe et d’évaluer letemps de séjour et le renouvellement des eaux souterraines.L’évolution de la piézométrie à la suite des lâchers d’eau à partir du barrage Aoulouz montredes remontées locales du niveau piézométrique sur la haute plaine, environ 85% des eauxlâchées à partir du barrage d’Aoulouz s’infiltrent 80 km entre Aoulouz et Taroudant.Toutefois, le niveau général de la nappe continue de baisser.Le faciès géochimique est principalement bicarbonaté calcique (dissolution des carbonates), etpar endroits sulfaté calcique (évaporites au pied du Haut-Atlas). Les eaux de surface ont unfaciès bicarbonaté calcique et magnésien acquis lors de leur circulation sur des calcaires et desdolomies.[...]The Souss valley is bounded to the North by the High Atlas, to the South by the Anti-Atlasand to the East by the Siroua crystalline massif. The main geological formations arecalcareous marls of the Plio-Quaternary, the Turonian limestones that underlie them, and thefossil bed of River Souss formed by sands, sandstones and gravels from high permeabilityalluvium.The Souss aquifer is the most significant aquifer in southern Morocco, highly exploited by anagricultural exporting activity. Groundwater overexploitation induced a decreases ofpiezometric heads. Since 1970, water demand far exceeds renewable groundwater resources(balance defecit: 185 Mm3 in 1976, 358 Mm3 in 1998, and 228 Mm3 in 2003).The mean role of the Aoulouz dam is the artificial recharge of the Souss plain by release ofwater stored during rainy periods in the plain.In semi-arid areas, estimating recharge is often difficult, the spatial and temporal variabilitiesof recharge are generally high, and processes are varied.This work has enabled to characterize the impact of artificial recharge and to estimate therenewal of water in the aquifer.Water releases from Aoulouz dam has permitted an increase of the piezometric level on thehigh plain, about 85% of the water released are unfiltered in the first 80 Km between Aoulouzand Taroudant cities. However, the general water level decline goes on.The geochemical facies is mainly calcium bicarbonate type (dissolution of limestone), andlocally calcium sulphate type (evaporites of the High Atlas). Surface waters are a calcium andmagnesium bicarbonate types, acquired during their flow through limestones and dolomitesoutcrops.[...

    Nitrate Contamination of Groundwater in Irrigated Perimeters under Arid Climate (The Case of Souss-Massa Aquifer, Morocco)

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    The objective of this study was to clarify, the current status of alluvial aquifer in the Souss-Massa basin, where, the nitric pollution of groundwater is being increasing along the last decades. A multi-approach methodology using hydrogeology, nitrate concentrations, irrigation mode and Oxygen-18 and Deuterium isotopes data, was carried out to identify the sources of this pollution. According to the spatial distribution of nitrate contents, nitric pollution occurs mainly in the Chtouka-Massa plain. More than 36% of the sampled wells exceed the value of 50 mg L-1 which, constitutes the threshold value of nitrate concentrations for drinking water Moroccan standards. The groundwater in Souss plain is less polluted comparing to Chtouka-Massa. Only 7% of wells exceed the permitted level. The widespread distribution of high nitrate contents agrees with the distribution of irrigated areas, which can explain the major origin from agricultural fertilizers. High nitrate levels are associated with high δ18O values, clearly indicating that significant quantities of evaporated (isotopically enriched) irrigation water infiltrate along with fertilizer nitrate to the groundwater system. Different δ18O-NO3- trends suggest isotopically distinct, non-point source origins, which vary spatially and temporally, due to different degrees of evaporation/recharge and amounts of fertilizer applied