5 research outputs found

    Dendrokronológiai kutatások Erdélyben = Dendrochronological researches in Transylvania

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    A pályázatban felsorolt eszközöket beszereztük és továbbra is Csíkszeredán maradnak. Elkezdtük összegyűjteni a recens adatsorok elkészítéséhez szükséges mintaanyagot, a tölgyekre fókuszálva. A recens gyűjtéseink súlypontja a kelet erdélyi területekre esik, a továbbiakban szintén kisrégiónként csoportosítva, több új lelőhely vizsgálata lesz szükséges majd. Több dendrokronológiai zónát sikerült lokalizálnunk. A kiderült, hogy Erdély területe a jelenlegi Magyarország területéhez hasonlóan dendrokronológiai szempontból mozaikos szerkezetű. A külföldi adatsorok lényegében nem használhatók Erdély területén. A megvizsgált területen tölgyek mellett nagy mennyiségben használtak fenyőféléket is. Legalább három gyakori fajta fordul elő: luc-, jegenye- és erdeifenyő. Úgy tűnik, hogy ezek használata nem helyfüggő. A kutatás fontos eredménye volt annak fölismerése, hogy a fenyőféléket az (kora)újkorban kezdik nagy(obb) mennyiségben alkalmazni, és ekkor a korábban tölgyből készített szerkezeteket is fenyővel javítják. A recens minták lehetővé tették a tölgyek szijácsstatisztikájának elkészítését. Az összességében hatvanhat lelőhelyről gyűjtött minták révén sikerült két, a régészeti/műemléki kutatásban használható tölgykronológiát készítenünk: a Csíki-medencére érvényeset (1526-1736) és a Küküllők felső folyására, Segesvár környékére érvényeset (1336-1518). Rendelkezünk két "lebegő", azaz konkrét évszámokhoz még nem kötött középkor végi - koraújkori fenyő-kronológiával, 119 és 179 év terjedelemben. | The tools and materials necessary for the work and listed at the beginning of the project have been purchased. These will stay further on in Csíkszereda (Romania). The collection of the recent samples was started concentrating on oaks. The current collection of the samples was mainly focusing on the East-Transylvanian region. In the future research of additional new small locations will be needed. We succeeded to localize more dendrochronological zones. It was found, that from the dendrochronological point of view Transylvania has the same fragmented structure as Hungary. The foreign chronologies can not be used in Transylvania. Beside oaks, several species of pine were used in the researched area, such as spruce, silver fir and Scots pine. So far it seems that the spread of these can not be limited to one region. Important result of our research was, as we noticed that pines were increasingly used from the 17th century, when even older oak structures were repaired with various species of pine. Based on the recent samples the calculated statistical number of the sapwood rings is: 15+/-2. During the project we collected samples from 66 sites and with them we managed to create two chronologies which can be used for the archeological and historical monument's research. The oak chronology of the first one covers the Csík-basin for the period of 1526-1736, the second is applicable in the Segesvár (Sighisoare - Schäßburg) region and the third for the upper valley of the Küküllő (Tarnava) rivers for the period of 1336-1518. We have also two 119 and 179 year long floating pine chronologies

    Pătrunderea slavilor în bazinul intracarpatic. Așezarea de la Miercurea Ciuc (Şumuleu) – Grădina Fodor-kert / The penetration of the Slavs in the intra-Carpathian basin. The settlement at Miercurea Ciuc (Şumuleu) – Grădina Fodor-kert

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    The paper presents new discoveries of the early Slavs in the Eastern Carpathians at the Miercurea Ciuc – Fodor-kert, Şumuleu site (Harghita County). The dwellings belonged to various types but all had ovens built of stones. It is remarkable the high proportion of clay pans among the exclusively handmade pottery. The dwellings were dated based on analogies but above all by 14C analysis. Based on these the settlement could have been founded already in the middle of the 5th century and it was abandoned latest by the middle of the 7th century.Articolul prezintă câteva complexe arheologice atribuite slavilor timpurii descoperite în regiunea Carpaţilor Răsăriteni la Miercurea Ciuc – situl Fodor-kert, Şumuleu (jud. Harghita). Locuinţele documentate prezintă soluţii diferite de plan, evidente în structura clădirilor, însă toate au cuptoare din piatră. În privinţa materialului ceramic lucrat exclusiv cu mâna se remarcă numărul mare al tăviţelor de lut. Datarea aşezării se bazează nu doar pe analogii, ci mai ales pe analize 14C. Pe baza acestor date, apariţia slavilor în valea Oltului Superior poate fi presupusă deja de la mijlocul secolului al V-lea, iar abandonarea acestei aşezări poate fi datată cel mai târziu la mijlocul secolului al VII-lea.Botár István, Puskás József. Pătrunderea slavilor în bazinul intracarpatic. Așezarea de la Miercurea Ciuc (Şumuleu) – Grădina Fodor-kert / The penetration of the Slavs in the intra-Carpathian basin. The settlement at Miercurea Ciuc (Şumuleu) – Grădina Fodor-kert. In: Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), N°15 2019. pp. 191-216

    Bucureşti – centrul istoric. Campania 2007. Raport preliminar privind cercetările arheologice efectuate pe strada Smârdan / Bucarest – Historical Center. Archaeological researches in Smârdan Street

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    During the XVII century the historical documents mentioned a „ Lane going from the Princely Court towards the Greek’s Church’ while later on, until the second half of the XIX century the street was known as the German Lane. It acquired the present day name with the end of the Independence War in 1878. The 2007 excavations were the first ones focusing on the entire street. No archaeological remains were identified on the segment stretching from Lipscani St to Sf. Dumitru St. Foundations of brick constructions were exposed throughout the next segment, from Sf. Dumitru St. to Şelari St. Several fragments of wall foundations were observed at street numbers 30, 37, 39 and 41 and while dismanteling the sidewalk other short wall remains were exposed at street numbers 14, 26, 27, 28, 29. The excavations also uncovered the outlines of four XIX century constructions and one from the XVIII century. Other features included two garbage pits and remains of the old street paved with timber. The trench at no. 41 also yielded an area paved with small river boulders. A large number of pot sherds was recovered, resulted from various pottery types and also a large range of glass items. The majority was found within the cultural layer and only few from closed complexes such as pits or cellars. The ceramics was very fragmented, dating mostly from the XVII– XIX centuries. A major drawback constitutes the fact that this period is at the confluence between Late Medieval archaeology and ethnography, preventing a more refined chronology. The pottery material was grouped in two – the XVI– XVII centuries and the XVIII– XIX centuries, hoping that further publications will be more detailed. Mixed with the above mentioned fragments, isolated sherds, typical for the Dridu culture (X century) also occurred, in the soil resulted while digging the wall foundations.În documentele de secol XVII strada Smârdan este menţionată drept „ Uliţa care merge de la Curtea Domnească spre biserica Grecilor”, pentru ca mai târziu, până în a doua jumătate a secolului XIX să fie cunoscută drept „ Uliţa nemţească”. Numele actual a fost adoptat în 1878, după sfârşitul războiului de Independenţă. Cercetările arheologice din 2007 sunt primele care se ocupă de studiul întregii străzi în Bucureştiul medieval. Pe tronsonul dintre străzile Lipscani şi Sf. Dumitru nu au apărut materiale arheologice. Între Sf. Dumitru şi intersecţia cu str. Şelari au fost identificate fundaţii de construcţii şi ziduri atât în stradă, cât şi sub trotuar. Au fost cercetate, parţial, patru construcţii de secol XIX, una din secolul XVIII, două gropi menajere (sec XVIII), vechile podiri de lemn ale străzii şi un fragment de pavaj stradal din piatră de râu (sec XVIII– XIX). A fost recuperat un număr important de fragmente provenind de la diverse tipuri ceramice şi obiecte din sticlă. Datarea pieselor, majoritatea provenind din strat, este cuprinsă între secolele XVII– XIX. Foarte puţine dintre ele au apărut în complexe închise (gropi, pivniţe) care ar fi permis o încadrare cronologică mai clară. Materialele sunt în stare fragmentară, la foarte puţine fiind posibilă reconstituirea unui profil complet. Un alt handicap major îl reprezintă perioada de provenienţă a majorităţii materialelor (sec. XVIII– XIX) aflată la confluenţa între arheologia medievală târzie şi etnografie. Studiul materialului ceramic se constituie astfel într-o prezentare succintă a descoperirilor, grupate în sec. XVI– XVII, respectiv XVIII– XIX cu speranţa că în viitor ele vor beneficia de un studiu mai amplu. Alături de ceramica menţionată au fost descoperite şi fragmente ceramice izolate specifice culturii Dridu, databile în secolul X, antrenate de săpăturile pentru fundaţiile locuinţelor din Evul Mediu.Mănucu-Adameşteanu Gheorghe, Măgureanu Andrei, Panait Panait I., Boroneanţ Adina, Gavrilă Elena, Popescu Raluca-Iuliana, Rădulescu Maria-Venera, Toderaş Meda, Velter Ana-Maria, Boglárka Tóth, Botár István. Bucureşti – centrul istoric. Campania 2007. Raport preliminar privind cercetările arheologice efectuate pe strada Smârdan / Bucarest – Historical Center. Archaeological researches in Smârdan Street. In: Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), N°3 2008. 2007. pp. 163-223