162 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Principals’ Managerial Approaches and Student Discipline in Secondary Schools in Kenya

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    Students’ discipline is critical to the attainment of positive school outcomes. This paper presents and discusses findings of a study on the relationship between principals’ management approaches and the level of student discipline in selected public secondary schools in Kenya. The premise of the study was that the level of students’ discipline depends on whether the principals’ discipline management approach is inclusive or exclusive of teachers’ and parents’ involvement. Data were collected using a selfadministered questionnaire from a sample of 211 teachers, 28 principals and 22 chairpersons of the Parent-Teachers Association. The raw data were analysed using frequency counts, the mean and standard deviation and hypotheses tested using the t-test and one way ANOVA at alpha level of 0.05. Key findings indicated that female principals applied more inclusive discipline management approaches compared to male principals. In addition, the level of teachers and parental input and the level of student discipline were comparatively higher in female - headed schools. More experienced principals applied inclusive discipline management approaches compared tothe less experienced ones. Headship experience was positively related to teacher and parental input while it was negatively correlated with the level of student discipline. The findings have important implications on determining policy guidelines on headship appointments and the strategies for upholding student discipline in secondary schools.Key words: Principal; Management approach; Student discipline

    Relationship between principals’ management approaches and students’ discipline in public secondary schools in Nnyandarua and Laikipia districts, Kenya

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    Students’ discipline is critical to the attainment of positive school outcomes. Level of students’ discipline depends on whether the principal- as the chief executive of the school- enlists the support of teachers and parents in discipline management. The study hypothesized that an inclusive discipline management approach is more likely to increase teachers’ and parental input on discipline management. This may in turn raise the level of discipline. The study investigated and analysed the relationship between principals’ management approaches and level of students’ discipline in selected public secondary schools in Nyandarua and Laikipia districts, Kenya. Analysis of the relationship was based on school- size. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire from a sample of 211 teachers, 28 principals and 22 chairpersons of parent- teachers association. Data were analysed using frequency counts and percentages and hypotheses tested using chi- square at 0.05 level of significance. The key findings revealed that principals heading large-sized schools were more inclusive compared to their counterparts in small schools. In addition, level of teachers’ and parental input on discipline management increased with increase in school-size. However, the level of students’ discipline was negatively related with school-size. These findings have important implications on school management with respect to training of principals and enhancing students’ discipline.KEY WORDS: Principal; Management approach; Students’ disciplin

    Propagating uncertainty to estimates of above-ground biomass for Kenyan mangroves: a scaling procedure from tree to landscape level

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    Mangroves are globally important carbon stores and as such have potential for inclusion in future forest-based climate change mitigation strategies such as Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+). Participation in REDD+ will require developing countries to produce robust estimates of forest above-ground biomass (AGB) accompanied by an appropriate measure of uncertainty. Final estimates of AGB should account for known sources of uncertainty (measurement and predictive) particularly when estimating AGB at large spatial scales. In this study, mixed-effects models were used to account for variability in the allometric relationship of Kenyan mangroves due to species and site effects. A generic biomass equation for Kenyan mangroves was produced in addition to a set of species-site specific equations. The generic equation has potential for broad application as it can be used to predict the AGB of new trees where there is no pre-existing knowledge of the specific species-site allometric relationship: the most commonly encountered scenario in practical biomass studies. Predictions of AGB using the mixed-effects model showed good correspondence with the original observed values of AGB although displayed a poorer fit at higher AGB values, suggesting caution in extrapolation. A strong relationship was found between the observed and predicted values of AGB using an independent validation dataset from the Zambezi Delta, Mozambique (R2 = 0.96, p = < 0.001). The simulation based approach to uncertainty propagation employed in the current study produced estimates of AGB at different spatial scales (tree – landscape level) accompanied by a realistic measure of the total uncertainty. Estimates of mangrove AGB in Kenya are presented at the plot, regional and landscape level accompanied by 95% prediction intervals. The 95% prediction intervals for landscape level estimates of total AGB stocks suggest that between 5.4 and 7.2 megatonnes of AGB is currently held in Kenyan mangrove forests

    Nutritional status of children admitted for diarrhoeal diseases in a referral hospital in western Kenya

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    Objectives: To determine the prevalence of malnutrition among children admitted with acute diarrhoea disease at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital and to establish the effect of malnutrition on duration of hospital stay. Design: Prospective observational study. Setting: Paediatric wards of Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya Subjects: A total of 191 children aged 6 and 59 months admitted with acute diarrhoea disease, without chronic co-morbidities or visible severe malnutrition, were systematically enrolled into the study between November 2011 and March 2012. Outcome Measures: Nutritional status based on WHO WHZ scores taken at admission and duration of hospital stay. Results:The mean age was 13.2 months with a male to female sex ratio of 1.16:1. Of all the children seen with acute diarrhoeal diseases, 43.9% had acute malnutrition ( Conclusion: Routine anthrometry including weight for height identifies more children with malnutrition in acute diarrhoeal diseases. Presence of malnutrition did not affect duration of hospital stay

    Mangroves in peril: unprecedented degradation rates of peri-urban mangroves in Kenya

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    Marine ecosystems are experiencing unprecedented degradation rates higher than any other ecosystem on the planet, which in some instances are up to 4 times those of rainforests. Mangrove ecosystems have especially been impacted by compounded anthropogenic pressures leading to significant cover reductions of between 35 and 50% (equivalent to 1–2% loss pa) for the last half century. The main objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that peri-urban mangroves suffering from compounded and intense pressures may be experiencing higher degradation rates than the global mean (and/or national mean for Kenya) using Mombasa mangroves (comprising Tudor and Mwache creeks) as a case study. Stratified sampling was used to sample along 22 and 10 belt transects in Mwache and Tudor respectively, set to capture stand heterogeneity in terms of species composition and structure in addition to perceived human pressure gradients using proximity to human habitations as a proxy. We acquired SPOT (HRV/ HRVIR/ HRS) images of April 1994, May 2000 and January 2009 and a vector mangrove map of 1992 at a scale of 1:50 000 for cover change and species composition analysis. Results from image classification of the 2009 image had 80.23% overall accuracy and Cohen's kappa of 0.77, thus proving satisfactory for use in this context. Structural data indicate that complexity index (CI) which captures stand structural development was higher in Mwache at 1.80 compared to Tudor at 1.71. From cover change data, Tudor lost 86.9% of the forest between 1992 and 2009, compared to Mwache at 45.4%, representing very high hitherto undocumented degradation rates of 5.1 and 2.7% pa, respectively. These unprecedentedly high degradation rates, which far exceed not only the national mean (for Kenya of 0.7% pa) but the global mean as well, strongly suggest that these mangroves are highly threatened due to compounded pressures. Strengthening of governance regimes through enforcement and compliance to halt illegal wood extraction, improvement of land-use practices upstream to reduce soil erosion, restoration in areas where natural regeneration has been impaired, provision of alternative energy sources/building materials and a complete moratorium on wood extraction especially in Tudor Creek to allow recovery are some of the suggested management interventions

    Comparison of Three Solid Phase Materials for the Extraction of Carboxylic Acids from River Water Followed by 2D GC × GC-TOFMS Determination

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    The extraction and determination of aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic acids as well as their influence on the aromaticity and molecularity relationship of natural organic matter (NOM) in water are reported in this study. Three solid phase extraction (SPE) sorbents were used and their extraction efficiencies evaluated after chromatographic determinations (using gas chromatography with a time of flight mass spectrometer (GC × GC-TOFMS) and liquid chromatography with organic carbon detector (LC-OCD)). More than 42 carboxylic acids were identified in raw water from the Vaal River, which feeds the Lethabo Power Generation Station, South Africa, with cooling water. The aromatic carboxylic acid efficiency (28%) was achieved by using Strata™ X SPE while the highest aliphatic carboxylic acid efficiency (92.08%) was achieved by silica SPE. The hydrophobic nature of NOM in water depends on the nature of organic compounds in water, whether aromatic or aliphatic. The LC-OCD was used to assess the hydrophobicity levels of NOM as a function of these carboxylic acids in cooling water. The LC-OCD results showed that the aromatic nature of NOM in SPE filtered water followed the order Silica>Strata X>C-18. From the results, the hydrophobicity degree of the samples depended on the type and number of carboxylic acids that were removed by the SPE cartridges

    Opportunities and Challenges to Emergency Department-Based HIV Testing Services and Self-Testing Programs: A Qualitative Study of Healthcare Providers and Patients in Kenya

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    BACKGROUND: Young people in Sub-Saharan Africa, especially males, have been insufficiently engaged through HIV Testing Services (HTS). In Kenya, younger persons are often treated in emergency departments (EDs) for injuries, an interaction where HTS and HIV self-testing (HIVST) can be leveraged. Data from stakeholders on ED-HTS and HIVST is lacking and needed to understand opportunities and barriers for HIV testing and care, and inform program implementation. METHODS: Between December 2021 and March 2022, 32 in-depth interviews (IDIs) were conducted with 16 male and 16 female patients who had been treated in the Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) ED, half of whom had been HIV-tested. Six focus-group discussions (FGDs) were also conducted with 50 nurses, doctors, HIV testing counselors, and administrators working in the ED. All transcripts were double-coded and thematically analyzed using Dedoose software and a parallel inductive and deductive coding approach which allowed for capture of both a priori and emergent themes. RESULTS: Patients and providers agreed that ED-HTS are facilitated by friendly staff, patient education, high perceived HIV risk, and confidentiality. However, ED-HTS is limited by burdens on staff, resources, time, and space, as well as severity of patient injuries limiting ability to consent to or prioritize HIV testing. These limitations provide opportunities for ED-HIVST: particularly the ability to test at a comfortable time and place, especially when provided alongside sufficient HIV and testing education, contact with healthcare providers, and psychosocial support. Barriers for ED-HIVST where identified and as patients’ concerns about HIVST accuracy and mental health impacts of a positive test, as well providers’ identified barriers on their concerns for loss to follow up and inability to complete confirmatory testing. COM-B Model [Figure: see text] Application of the COM-B Model of Behavior Change to ED-HIVST Acceptability in Kenya CONCLUSION: ED stakeholders are receptive to HTS and HIVST, and patients desire the opportunity to use HIVST. Potential challenges—such as psychological effects of testing positive, worries about access to follow-up care, and confusion about how to self-administer testing, may be addressed through programming designed to promote education, access and ensure follow-up mechanisms. DISCLOSURES: All Authors: No reported disclosures
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