21 research outputs found

    Effects of Hull Inclusión in Diets for Rabbits

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    Improving efficiency of digestion and use of balanced diets is one of the challenges ahead, both to improve the health conditions of animals and to design production systems compatible with the environment. The aim of this work was to study the effect of the addition of hull to the diet of meat rabbits on days to slaughter, on mortality in the fattening period and N (nitrogen) and P (phosphorous) percentages excreted in feces. 64 rabbits were used weaned at 28 days. They were fed ad libitum. Diets consisted of two commercial formulations (Ga and Ge) with and without husk of wheat and oats by 10% (P / P). Time of fattening and mortality was recorded for each diet. Feces were collected from 48 cages at the beginning and end of fattening (45 and 65 days) and percentage of NT (total nitrogen) was determined by micro-Kjeldahl and TP (total phosphorus) by colorimetry with metavanadate. The animals fed with husks in the diet showed a higher slaughter age and mortality decrease. The only factor tested that caused significant differences in nitrogen excretion was the addition of hull. The oat hull diet showed a significantly lower nitrogen removal. Phosphorus excretion showed a significant difference according to the type of commercial diet fed, the addition of husk and the fattening stage. While adding outside fiber to food causes a delay in the time of slaughter, this would be partially offset by a reduction in mortality. The addition of oat hulls would be a viable alternative to reduce emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus to the environment via feces.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Effects of Hull Inclusión in Diets for Rabbits

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    Improving efficiency of digestion and use of balanced diets is one of the challenges ahead, both to improve the health conditions of animals and to design production systems compatible with the environment. The aim of this work was to study the effect of the addition of hull to the diet of meat rabbits on days to slaughter, on mortality in the fattening period and N (nitrogen) and P (phosphorous) percentages excreted in feces. 64 rabbits were used weaned at 28 days. They were fed ad libitum. Diets consisted of two commercial formulations (Ga and Ge) with and without husk of wheat and oats by 10% (P / P). Time of fattening and mortality was recorded for each diet. Feces were collected from 48 cages at the beginning and end of fattening (45 and 65 days) and percentage of NT (total nitrogen) was determined by micro-Kjeldahl and TP (total phosphorus) by colorimetry with metavanadate. The animals fed with husks in the diet showed a higher slaughter age and mortality decrease. The only factor tested that caused significant differences in nitrogen excretion was the addition of hull. The oat hull diet showed a significantly lower nitrogen removal. Phosphorus excretion showed a significant difference according to the type of commercial diet fed, the addition of husk and the fattening stage. While adding outside fiber to food causes a delay in the time of slaughter, this would be partially offset by a reduction in mortality. The addition of oat hulls would be a viable alternative to reduce emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus to the environment via feces.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    El descubrimiento del valor documental del cine

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    Hacemos un estudio de dos textos muy importantes en la historia del cine y de la documentación fílmica y audiovisual: Une Nouvelle Source de l´Histoire y La Photographie Animée, ce qu’elle Est, ce qu’elle Doit Être. Ambos fueron publicados en 1898 en París por el fotógrafo polaco Boleslaw Matuszweski, una figura poco conocida en la historia del cine, pero que jugaría un papel fundamental en la preservación de este y su conversión en patrimonio documental

    Journalists in Spanish cinema: heroes committed to the truth

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    Producción CientíficaEl periodista comprometido con la búsqueda de la verdad y de la justicia también tiene su espacio destacado en el cine español desde los años 40 hasta el siglo XXI. Historias basadas en novelas con valientes informadores como La verdad sobre el caso Savolta (Antonio Drove, 1979) o Territorio Comanche (Gerardo Herrero, 1997) o intentos de recuperar episodios de la historia reciente como Yoyes, (Helena Taberna, 2000), GAL (Miguel Courtois, 2006) o 23-F (Chema de la Peña, 2011) sitúan a los periodistas del cine en el bando de los héroes de la sociedad. Entre otras observaciones, se detecta que el periódico manda sobre la radio y la televisión en la gran pantalla y la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres se consigue a partir de la década de los 90. La aportación de este estudio se encuentra en la recuperación de la obra Morfología del cuento, del autor ruso del estructuralismo Vladimir Propp, para establecer unas funciones del periodista tras el análisis de 135 películas desde 1942 hasta 2012.Journalists committed to the search for truth and justice also have a prominent place in Spanish cinema from the 40s to the 21st century. Stories based on novels with brave informants such as La verdad sobre el caso Savolta (Antonio Drove, 1979) or Comanche Territory (Gerardo Herrero, 1997) or attempts to recover episodes from recent history such as Yoyes, (Helena Taberna, 2000), GAL ( Miguel Courtois, 2006) or 23-F (Chema de la Peña, 2011) place film journalists on the side of the heroes of society. The newspaper sends on the radio and television on the big screen, the drama takes the weight although in recent years shares prominence with the thriller and equality between men and women is achieved from the 90s. The contribution of this study is in the recovery of the work Morphology of the story, by the Russian author of structuralism Vladimir Propp, to establish some functions of the journalist after the analysis of 135 films from 1942 to 2012

    Portrayal of the journalist in Spanish cinema from 1990 to 2010

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    Producción CientíficaEl periodista es un personaje habitual en las películas españolas y su análisis resulta fundamental para conocer la profesión. Esta investigación se marca como objetivo identificar el perfil del periodista en el cine desde 1990 hasta 2010, dos décadas de drásticos cambios en las formas de comunicación en nuestro país. En su fase empírica, una de las aportaciones fundamentales se encuentra en la recuperación de Morfología del cuento (1928) del ruso Vladimir Propp para establecer desde el estructuralismo las características del informador. Concluye que los héroes se encargan del periodismo serio y los villanos, sobre todo mujeres, protagonizan el ‘boom’ de la televisión con predominio de morbo y mentiras en la pequeña pantalla.The journalist is a regular character in Spanish films, and analysing this role is fundamental in learning more about the profession. The aim of this research is to identify the profile of the journalist in cinema from 1990 to 2010, two decades of drastic changes in the modes of communication in our country. In its empirical phase, one of the fundamental contributions can be found in the recovery of Morphology of the Folktale (1928), by Russian Folklorist-Scholar Vladimir Propp, which can be used to establish the characteristics of the reporter from a structuralist point of view. In this book, the conclusion reached is that the heroes are those in charge of serious journalism, whereas the villains, mainly women, are the stars of the television 'boom' with a predominance of morbidity and deceit on the small screen

    Surface Modification of Porous Titanium Discs Using Femtosecond Laser Structuring

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    The failure of titanium implants is associated with two main problems that include the bone resorption and fracture of the surrounding bone tissue (stiffness incompatibility) and implant loosening (poor osseointegration). The development of porous titanium implants with low Young modulus solve the stress shielding phenomenon, while the modification of the implant surface must be implemented to promote a fast bond between the implant and bone. In this work, femtosecond laser micromachining was applied to modify the topography of the surface of Ti porous samples obtained by a space-holder technique to obtain hierarchical structures (micro and nano roughness patterns) to enhance osseointegration. Scanning electron microscopy, confocal laser microscopy, andimageanalysiswereusedforcharacterizationofthesurfacemorphology,roughness,andporosity before and after performing the laser treatment. Based on these results, the effect of the treatment on the mechanical behavior of the samples was estimated. In addition, a preliminary in-vitro test was performed to verify the adhesion of osteoblasts (filopodia presence) on modified titanium surface. Resultsrevealedthatlasertexturinggeneratedclustersofmicro-holesandmicro-columnsbothonthe flat surface of the samples and inside the macro-pores, and periodic nanometric structures across the entire surface. The porous substrate offers suitable biomechanics (stiffness and yield strength) and bio-functional behavior (bone ingrowth and osseointegration), which improves the clinic success of titanium implants.FEDER-Junta de Andalucía Research Project US-125977

    Prácticas extracurriculares optativas: una experiencia con alumnos del curso de Introducción a la Producción Animal

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue contrastar las expectativas de los alumnos de segundo año de la carrera de Ingeniería Agronómica a la hora de realizar una práctica extracurricular optativa y el grado de satisfacción de la misma. Se encuestaron 95 alumnos de Introducción a la Producción Animal al inicio como al final del ciclo lectivo. Se pretendió relevar la expectativa, dedicación horaria asignada, motivación y criterios de elección a la hora de realizar una actividad extracurricular de índole práctica Solo el 50% de los alumnos que manifestaron que dedicarían mucha carga horaria, cumplieron con la misma. Tanto al inicio y al final reconocen la importancia de las optativas como instancias integradoras de conocimientos. Al finalizar la cursada se observa una revalorización de la teoría. Se observó especial interés en la temática y en la metodología como criterio de elección La duración de la actividad práctica fue considerada en ambos momentos de las encuestas. Pese a la predisposición y concepto sobre las actividades optativas, el plan de estudios actual, condiciona el seguimiento priorizándose las actividades obligatorias curriculares Se sugiere evaluar la forma de implementación de las actividades optativas para que efectivamente se conviertan en un aporte importante en el proceso cognitivo y la formación profesional.Eje temático 2: Los cambios e innovaciones en los procesos de formación a - Alternativas didácticas y experiencias de renovación de la enseñanzaFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Effects of Hull Inclusión in Diets for Rabbits

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    Improving efficiency of digestion and use of balanced diets is one of the challenges ahead, both to improve the health conditions of animals and to design production systems compatible with the environment. The aim of this work was to study the effect of the addition of hull to the diet of meat rabbits on days to slaughter, on mortality in the fattening period and N (nitrogen) and P (phosphorous) percentages excreted in feces. 64 rabbits were used weaned at 28 days. They were fed ad libitum. Diets consisted of two commercial formulations (Ga and Ge) with and without husk of wheat and oats by 10% (P / P). Time of fattening and mortality was recorded for each diet. Feces were collected from 48 cages at the beginning and end of fattening (45 and 65 days) and percentage of NT (total nitrogen) was determined by micro-Kjeldahl and TP (total phosphorus) by colorimetry with metavanadate. The animals fed with husks in the diet showed a higher slaughter age and mortality decrease. The only factor tested that caused significant differences in nitrogen excretion was the addition of hull. The oat hull diet showed a significantly lower nitrogen removal. Phosphorus excretion showed a significant difference according to the type of commercial diet fed, the addition of husk and the fattening stage. While adding outside fiber to food causes a delay in the time of slaughter, this would be partially offset by a reduction in mortality. The addition of oat hulls would be a viable alternative to reduce emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus to the environment via feces.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Comparación de dos herramientas didácticas en el dictado de Introducción a la Producción Animal

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    Las dos modalidades más frecuentes en el ámbito de la enseñanza universitaria son las clases teóricas y las clases prácticas, entre las que se distinguen, en algunos casos, varios tipos: laboratorio, campo, aula. La primera es la más habitual y característica en la enseñanza universitaria y, por sí sola, no debería ser considerada una estrategia muy recomendable para el fomento del aprendizaje autónomo de los estudiantes. En el segundo caso, en la mayoría de las ocasiones no existe una definición que permita determinar con claridad cuáles son sus características y se limitan a indicar el número de estudiantes que deben ser tomados como máximo o como referencia para la formación de grupos.Eje 1: La enseñanza universitaria en el contexto actual: transformaciones y propuestas. Reflexiones y experiencias en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales.Secretaría de Asuntos Académico