17 research outputs found

    Data Carus et al

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    Data files contain data from velocity measurements in the pioneer zone of the Elbe estuary and measured plant traits of Bolboschoenus maritimus

    Novel model coupling approach for resilience analysis of coastal plant communities

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    <div>Additional data for accepted publication (please cite):</div><div>Schibalski, A., K. Körner, M. Maier, F. Jeltsch. <b>Novel model coupling approach for resilience analysis of<br>coastal plant communities</b>. <i>Ecological Applications</i>. <br></div><div><br></div><div>Contains: <br></div><div>- R-Markdown script (README.html) which explains content and format of provided data files which are:</div><div>- time series data (2010-2100) for three example polygons at the German Baltic Sea coast, i.e. groundwater level and salinity, land use intensity, predicted species occurrence for <i>Lolium perenne</i> and <i>Scirpus maritimus</i></div><div>- lookup tables of return times following short-term disturbances from simulation experiments with individual-based model IBC-grass_coast</div><div>- control-treatment differences of the same simulation experiments</div><div><br></div><div>This data allows reproducing central <b>Fig. 7</b> in Schibalski et al. (2018).<br></div

    Supplement 1. Data and R code for the analysis of Red Kite breeding.

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    <h2>File List</h2><blockquote> <a href="modelfit.R">modelfit.R</a><br> <a href="modelfit_orthoptera.R">modelfit_orthoptera.R</a><br> <a href="figures.R">figures.R</a><br> <a href="data.zip">data.zip</a><br> <a href="AllFiles.zip">AllFiles.zip</a> -- All files at once </blockquote><h2>Description</h2><blockquote> <p>modelfit.R : This file contains R codes to perform the following:<br> Model fitting, evaluation and inference for Red Kite breeding data.</p> <p>modelfit_orthoptera.R : This file contains R codes to perform the following:<br> Model fitting, evaluation and inference for Orthoptera species number.</p> <p>figures.R : This file contains R codes to perform the following:<br> Produce figures and tables presented in the paper based on the models fitted using "modelfit.R".</p> <p>data : This directory contains R data files:<br> Red Kite breeding data for Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg and Orthoptera species number.</p> </blockquote

    The appearance and zonation of the studied species.

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    <p>a: <i>S</i>. <i>tabernaemontani</i>, b: <i>S</i>. <i>maritimus</i> at Hollerwettern (53°50'20"N, 9°21'40"E), c: oblique aerial photo visualizing macrophyte zonation on tidal flats with <i>S</i>. <i>tabernaemontani</i> in the front (dark green) with the adjacent belt of <i>S</i>. <i>maritimus</i> (lighter green) at Allwörden (53°49'35"N, 9°19'25"E)</p

    The elevational habitat responses linked with the analyzed traits and the contrasting findings between <i>S</i>. <i>maritimus</i> and <i>S</i>. <i>tabernaemontani</i> which result in two strategies of stress resistance.

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    <p>+ stands for traits which are more or higher as compared to the traits of the other species.</p><p>- defines the trait specification which is less or smaller as compared to the traits of the other species.</p><p>± means no trait difference.</p><p>All trait specifications of <i>S</i>. <i>maritimus</i> reflect the tolerance strategy, whereas all trait specifications of <i>S</i>. <i>tabernaemontani</i> mirror the avoidance strategy.</p><p>The elevational habitat responses linked with the analyzed traits and the contrasting findings between <i>S</i>. <i>maritimus</i> and <i>S</i>. <i>tabernaemontani</i> which result in two strategies of stress resistance.</p