71 research outputs found

    Physiological-based cord clamping versus immediate cord clamping for infants born with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia (PinC):study protocol for a multicentre, randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction Pulmonary hypertension is a majordeterminant of postnatal survival in infants with acongenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). The current careduring the perinatal stabilisation period in these infantsmight contribute to the development of pulmonaryhypertension after birth—in particular umbilical cordclamping before lung aeration. An ovine model ofdiaphragmatic hernia demonstrated that cord clampingafter lung aeration, called physiological-based cordclamping (PBCC), avoided the initial high pressures in thelung vasculature while maintaining adequate blood flow,thereby avoiding vascular remodelling and aggravationof pulmonary hypertension. We aim to investigate if theimplementation of PBCC in the perinatal stabilisation periodof infants born with a CDH could reduce the incidence ofpulmonary hypertension in the first 24 hours after birth.Methods and analysis We will perform a multicentre,randomised controlled trial in infants with an isolatedleft-sided CDH, born at ≥35.0 weeks. Before birth, infantswill be randomised to either PBCC or immediate cordclamping, stratified by treatment centre and severity ofpulmonary hypoplasia on antenatal ultrasound. PBCCwill be performed using a purpose- built resuscitationtrolley. Cord clamping will be performed when the infantis considered respiratory stable, defined as a heartrate >100 bpm, preductal oxygen saturation >85%,while using a fraction of inspired oxygen of <0.5. Theprimary outcome is pulmonary hypertension diagnosedin the first 24 hours after birth, based on clinical andechocardiographic parameters. Secondary outcomesinclude neonatal as well as maternal outcomes.Ethics and dissemination Central ethical approvalwas obtained from the Medical Ethical Committee ofthe Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (METC2019-0414). Local ethical approval will be obtained bysubmitting the protocol to the regulatory bodies and localinstitutional review boards

    Cardiac output monitoring in newborns.

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    Contains fulltext : 88144.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)There is an increased interest in methods of objective cardiac output measurement in critically ill patients. Several techniques are available for measurement of cardiac output in children, although this remains very complex in newborns. Cardiac output monitoring could provide essential information to guide hemodynamic management. An overview is given of various methods of cardiac output monitoring with advantages and major limitations of each technology together with a short explanation of the basic principles.1 maart 201

    Neonatal hemodynamic monitoring. Validation in an experimental animal model

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    Contains fulltext : 77579.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)RU Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 16 juni 2010Promotores : Groot, R. de, Hoeven, J.G. van der Co-promotor : Liem, K.D.192 p

    Clinical monitoring of systemic hemodynamics in critically ill newborns.

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    Contains fulltext : 87736.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)Circulatory failure is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in critically ill newborn infants. Since objective measurement of systemic blood flow remains very challenging, neonatal hemodynamics is usually assessed by the interpretation of various clinical and biochemical parameters. An overview is given about the predictive value of the most used indicators of circulatory failure, which are blood pressure, heart rate, urine output, capillary refill time, serum lactate concentration, central-peripheral temperature difference, pH, standard base excess, central venous oxygen saturation and colour.1 maart 201

    Neonatal Hemodynamics: From Developmental Physiology to Comprehensive Monitoring.

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    Maintenance of neonatal circulatory homeostasis is a real challenge, due to the complex physiology during postnatal transition and the inherent immaturity of the cardiovascular system and other relevant organs. It is known that abnormal cardiovascular function during the neonatal period is associated with increased risk of severe morbidity and mortality. Understanding the functional and structural characteristics of the neonatal circulation is, therefore, essential, as therapeutic hemodynamic interventions should be based on the assumed underlying (patho)physiology. The clinical assessment of systemic blood flow (SBF) by indirect parameters, such as blood pressure, capillary refill time, heart rate, urine output, and central-peripheral temperature difference is inaccurate. As blood pressure is no surrogate for SBF, information on cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance should be obtained in combination with an evaluation of end organ perfusion. Accurate and reliable hemodynamic monitoring systems are required to detect inadequate tissue perfusion and oxygenation at an early stage before this result in irreversible damage. Also, the hemodynamic response to the initiated treatment should be re-evaluated regularly as changes in cardiovascular function can occur quickly. New insights in the understanding of neonatal cardiovascular physiology are reviewed and several methods for current and future neonatal hemodynamic monitoring are discussed

    Clinician performed ultrasound in fetal growth restriction: fetal, neonatal and pediatric aspects

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    Item does not contain fulltextFetal growth restriction (FGR) affects 7-10% pregnancies. Conventional and tissue Doppler imaging has noted cardiac compromise during fetal and early neonatal periods in this cohort. In this article, we discuss the use of salient ultrasound parameters across age groups. During fetal life, certain feto-placental sonographic parameters have been linked to adverse perinatal outcomes and are predictive of later life hypertension. During the early postnatal period altered morphometry (hypertrophied and globular hearts) with sub-clinical impairment of cardiac function has been noted in both term and preterm infants with FGR. Vascular imaging has noted thickened and stiffer arteries in association with significantly elevated blood pressure. Similar findings in the pediatric age groups indicate persistence of these alterations, and have formed the basis of intervention studies. Assessment methodology and clinical relevance of these parameters, especially in designing and monitoring of intervention strategies is discussed. Frontline care givers (obstetricians and neonatologists) are increasingly using point of care ultrasound to discern these manifestations of FGR during the sub-clinical phase
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