59 research outputs found

    Lenguaje epidemiológico : Su adquisición en el alumno de Epidemiología y Salud Pública Básica de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias

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    Objetivos generales - Plantear el uso de material de comunicación masiva como recurso didáctico. - Proponer acciones para lograr el compromiso del alumno y futuro profesional en la adquisición de conocimientos. - Proyectar la construcción entre alumnos y docentes de un mecanismo de apropiación del conocimiento que disminuya las brechas entre lo esperado y lo logrado entre ambos protagonistas de este proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje. Objetivos específicos • Generar en el curso de Epidemiología y Salud Pública Básica mecanismos de integración entre el lenguaje cotidiano y el lenguaje epidemiológico. • Construir materiales que permitan la transición del alumno desde su postura como “inmigrante en la Epidemiología” a la apropiación como propio de ese conocimiento. • Incentivar la participación del alumno de Ciencias Veterinarias en su propia formación mediante discusiones sobre noticias periodísticas, revistas, TV, libros, aportados por ellos mismos donde se mencionen noticias relacionadas con la Epidemiología y la Salud Pública. • Indagar sobre la repercusión en el alumno de estos cambios.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Enzootic bovine leukosis: performance of an indirect ELISA applied in serological diagnosis

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    Bovine Leukosis Virus (EBLV) is a widely distributed pathogen agent in the bovine population of many countries, especially in dairy cattle. Once the bovine is infected, it remains as a virus carrier for life and such state is correlated with a specific antibody detectable level. In this study the evaluation of an indirect ELISA (Leucokit-La Plata) to detect antibodies against EBLV is presented. Comparing it with the Immunodiffusion as gold standard test, the sensitivity is 98.93%, the specificity 79.74%, the negative predictive value 99.56% and the positive predictive value 61.26%. The correspondence between both tests is 83.9% which is similar to the result mentioned by other authors (82.2%). The concordance was evaluated by calculating Kappa and Youden's J coefficients, obtaining values classified as good for both coefficients. Comparing Leucokit-La Plata and another commercial reference kit (Chekit Leucotest Bommeli AG, Bern Switzerland), the sensitivity (97.05%), specificity (94.11%), negative predictive value (92.30%) and positive predictive value (97.77%), were obtained. Applying Kappa and Jouden's Index (J) coefficients an almost perfect concordance was obtained between both kits. The Leucokit-La Plata is appropriate to apply to the commercialization of live bovines to export, bovine selection for hemo-vaccines and the implementation of control and eradication programmes.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    A creative activity as a didactic strategy to think about epidemiology and public health in veterinary medicine

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    El presente artículo relata una experiencia realizada en el curso de Epidemiología y Salud Pública Básica de la carrera de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Como primera actividad, se solicitó a docentes y estudiantes que realizaran una interpretación del significado del título del curso a través de un dibujo. El objetivo de esta actividad fue poner en juego los conocimientos previos y estimular su reelaboración en una nueva idea. El trabajo posterior incluyó los dibujos de los docentes y una selección de los dibujos de los estudiantes. Se realizó un primer análisis descriptivo teniendo en cuenta características comunes que permitieran su agrupación en distintas categorías. Entre los resultados se destacan los conceptos de enfermedad, de zoonosis, de prevención y la perspectiva de una futura actividad profesional independiente. Esta actividad refleja el potencial del dibujo como estrategia educativa para pensar y reflexionar de manera individual y colectiva sobre los contenidos del curso y la profesión.The article herein reports on an experience which took place in the Epidemiology and Basic Public Health class of the Veterinary Medicine course from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. As a first activity, both professors and students were asked to draw their interpretation of the course's title. The goal of this activity was to put their previous knowledge into action and to encourage the re-elaboration in a new idea. The following task included the professors' drawings and a selection of the students' drawings. A first descriptive analysis was made considering the characteristics in common to allow their organization into different categories. Among the results are the ideas of zoonoses, prevention, and the perspective of a future independent career. This activity showcases the potential of drawing as an educational strategy to think individually and collectively on the course contents and the career itself.Especialización en Docencia Universitari


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    ABSTRACT: Bovine Leukosis Virus (EBLV) is a widely distributed pathogen agent in the bovine population of many countries, especially in dairy cattle. Once the bovine is infected, it remains as a virus carrier for life and such state is correlated with a specific antibody detectable level. In this study the evaluation of an indirect ELISA (Leucokit-La Plata) to detect antibodies against EBLV is presented. Comparing it with the Immunodiffusion as gold standard test, the sensitivity is 98.93%, the specificity 79.74%, the negative predictive value 99.56% and the positive predictive value 61.26%. The correspondence between both tests is 83.9% which is similar to the result mentioned by other authors (82.2%). The concordance was evaluated by calculating Kappa and Youden's J coefficients, obtaining values classified as good for both coefficients. Comparing Leucokit-La Plata and another commercial reference kit (Chekit Leucotest Bommeli AG, Bern Switzerland), the sensitivity (97.05%), specificity (94.11%), negative predictive value (92.30%) and positive predictive value (97.77%), were obtained. Applying Kappa and Jouden's Index (J) coefficients an almost perfect concordance was obtained between both kits. The Leucokit-La Plata is appropriate to apply to the commercialization of live bovines to export, bovine selection for hemo-vaccines and the implementation of control and eradication programmes

    Endoscopy in small animals. Setting up of it in the Clinical Hospital of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, La Plata National University

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    Se describe la implementación del Área Endoscopia en pequeños animales en la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, la importancia de la técnica en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de diferentes enfermedades y se realiza un informe estadístico de los estudios realizados en el año 2003.We carried out a description of the setting up of the Endoscopy in small animals area in the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the National University of La Plata, the importance of the technique in the diagnosis and treatment of different illnesses and a statistical report of the studies carried out in the year 2003.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Endoscopy in small animals. Setting up of it in the Clinical Hospital of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, La Plata National University

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    Se describe la implementación del Área Endoscopia en pequeños animales en la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, la importancia de la técnica en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de diferentes enfermedades y se realiza un informe estadístico de los estudios realizados en el año 2003.We carried out a description of the setting up of the Endoscopy in small animals area in the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the National University of La Plata, the importance of the technique in the diagnosis and treatment of different illnesses and a statistical report of the studies carried out in the year 2003.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Canine esophagical diseases. Endoscopic findings in 80 cases

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    En este trabajo se describen los hallazgos endoscópicos de esófago en caninos atendidos en el Servicio de Endoscopía de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata durante el período 2002-2007. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo sobre 343 fichas. Las alteraciones esofágicas se clasificaron en: cuerpos extraños, esofagitis, divertículos, estenosis, fístulas, hallazgos compatibles con megaesófago, intususcepción gastroesofágica. En el período analizado, 43% de las endoscopias realizadas correspondieron a digestivas altas (esofago-gastro duodenoscopia). En el 54% de estas se observaron alteraciones esofágicas, que correspondieron en 39% a esofagitis, en 30% a cuerpos extraños, en 14% a estenosis, en 14% a hallazgos compatibles con megaesófago, y en 3% de los casos a hallazgos como divertículos, fístulas, intususcepción y nódulos. La indicación temprana de la esogagoscopia ahorraría tratamientos, evitando sufrimiento del paciente y gastos innecesarios.This paper describes the endoscopic findings of esophagus in dogs treated at the Endoscopy Service of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, La Plata National University during the period 2002-2007. We performed a retrospective study on 343 sheets of treated canines. Esophageal alterations were classified into the following groups: foreign bodies, esophagitis, esophageal diverticula, esophageal stricture, esophageal fistula, megaesophagus, gastroesophageal intussusception. In that period 43% of endoscopies performed were upper gastrointestinal (esophago-gastro-duodenoscopy). In 54% of them, were observed esophageal disorders, which corresponded in 39% to esophagitis, 30% to foreign bodies, in 14% esophageal stricture, in 14% of findings consistent with megaesophagus, and 3% of cases, findings as esophageal diverticula, esophageal fistula, intussusception, and nodules.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Enzootic bovine leukosis: performance of an indirect ELISA applied in serological diagnosis

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    Bovine Leukosis Virus (EBLV) is a widely distributed pathogen agent in the bovine population of many countries, especially in dairy cattle. Once the bovine is infected, it remains as a virus carrier for life and such state is correlated with a specific antibody detectable level. In this study the evaluation of an indirect ELISA (Leucokit-La Plata) to detect antibodies against EBLV is presented. Comparing it with the Immunodiffusion as gold standard test, the sensitivity is 98.93%, the specificity 79.74%, the negative predictive value 99.56% and the positive predictive value 61.26%. The correspondence between both tests is 83.9% which is similar to the result mentioned by other authors (82.2%). The concordance was evaluated by calculating Kappa and Youden's J coefficients, obtaining values classified as good for both coefficients. Comparing Leucokit-La Plata and another commercial reference kit (Chekit Leucotest Bommeli AG, Bern Switzerland), the sensitivity (97.05%), specificity (94.11%), negative predictive value (92.30%) and positive predictive value (97.77%), were obtained. Applying Kappa and Jouden's Index (J) coefficients an almost perfect concordance was obtained between both kits. The Leucokit-La Plata is appropriate to apply to the commercialization of live bovines to export, bovine selection for hemo-vaccines and the implementation of control and eradication programmes.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Survey of risk factors in the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, National University of La Plata

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    El conocimiento de los factores de riesgo existentes en la FCV UNLP, representa la instancia inicial para abordar la cuestión de la bioseguridad y la seguridad laboral asociada al ejercicio profesional del médico veterinario. Con el objetivo de recolectar información se implementó una matriz cuali-cuantitativa (1) que permitió identificar calificar y cuantificar según nivel de riesgo y peligro a cada factor. El instrumento agrupó a los factores como: biológicos, químicos, traumáticos y físicos. Se constató una alta participación, representada por el 80,64% de las unidades de análisis. El 68% de las áreas presenta factores de riesgo alto, el 12% de riesgo moderado, y el 20% de riesgo con potencialidad catastrófica. El 80% presenta factores de riesgo químico de moderado a con potencialidad catastrófica. El 44%, de riesgo traumático de moderado a alto. El 32%, factores de riesgo físico de moderado a alto y el 28%, factores de riesgo biológico de moderado a alto. En el 52% conviven dos o más tipos de riesgos calificados de moderado a con potencialidad catastrófica. Como conclusión, se debe continuar con el relevamiento de aquella información que vincule la existencia de los factores ya identificados con las condiciones de manejo requeridas específicamente para cada factor.Risk factor awareness at the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences represents the first step to wards improving biosecurity and safety in the work place for veterinarians. In order to collect formation, a quali and quantitative survey was implemented which allowed identification and classification of risks acccording to level and degree of danger. Risk factors were classified as biological, chemical, traumatic or physical. Participant involvement was high (80,9% of analysis units). 12% of analysis units presented high risk factors, 68% had high risk factors and 20% had potentially catastrophic risk factors. 80% of analysis units reported moderate to potentially catastrophic chemical risk factors, 44% had moderate to high traumatic risk factors, 32% had moderate to high physical risk factors and 28% had moderate to high biological risk factors. Two or more types of moderate to high risk factors are present in 52% of analysis units. It is necessary to continue with collection of information related to the identified risk factors in order to establish adequate management practices for each situation.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Survey of risk factors in the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, National University of La Plata

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    El conocimiento de los factores de riesgo existentes en la FCV UNLP, representa la instancia inicial para abordar la cuestión de la bioseguridad y la seguridad laboral asociada al ejercicio profesional del médico veterinario. Con el objetivo de recolectar información se implementó una matriz cuali-cuantitativa (1) que permitió identificar calificar y cuantificar según nivel de riesgo y peligro a cada factor. El instrumento agrupó a los factores como: biológicos, químicos, traumáticos y físicos. Se constató una alta participación, representada por el 80,64% de las unidades de análisis. El 68% de las áreas presenta factores de riesgo alto, el 12% de riesgo moderado, y el 20% de riesgo con potencialidad catastrófica. El 80% presenta factores de riesgo químico de moderado a con potencialidad catastrófica. El 44%, de riesgo traumático de moderado a alto. El 32%, factores de riesgo físico de moderado a alto y el 28%, factores de riesgo biológico de moderado a alto. En el 52% conviven dos o más tipos de riesgos calificados de moderado a con potencialidad catastrófica. Como conclusión, se debe continuar con el relevamiento de aquella información que vincule la existencia de los factores ya identificados con las condiciones de manejo requeridas específicamente para cada factor.Risk factor awareness at the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences represents the first step to wards improving biosecurity and safety in the work place for veterinarians. In order to collect formation, a quali and quantitative survey was implemented which allowed identification and classification of risks acccording to level and degree of danger. Risk factors were classified as biological, chemical, traumatic or physical. Participant involvement was high (80,9% of analysis units). 12% of analysis units presented high risk factors, 68% had high risk factors and 20% had potentially catastrophic risk factors. 80% of analysis units reported moderate to potentially catastrophic chemical risk factors, 44% had moderate to high traumatic risk factors, 32% had moderate to high physical risk factors and 28% had moderate to high biological risk factors. Two or more types of moderate to high risk factors are present in 52% of analysis units. It is necessary to continue with collection of information related to the identified risk factors in order to establish adequate management practices for each situation.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria