2,137 research outputs found

    Medical genetics consultation

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    Medical genetics have three components: clinical, chromosomal and molecular The role of this clinical-biological discipline is to diagnose genetic diseases, participate in the management of patients, offer genetic counselling to family members concerning the probability of occurrence or reoccurrence of genetic diseases, and suggest preventive measures to couples at risk. A specific aspect of genetic counselling is that it is aimed at healthy or affected individuals taking into account all the members of their family

    Action principles, restoration of BRS symmetry and the renormalization group equation for chiral non-Abelian gauge theories in dimensional renormalization with a non-anticommuting γ5\gamma_5

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    The one-loop renormalization of a general chiral gauge theory without scalar and Majorana fields is fully worked out within Breitenlohner and Maison dimensional renormalization scheme. The coefficients of the anomalous terms introduced in the Slavnov-Taylor equations by the minimal subtraction algorithm are calculated and the asymmetric counterterms needed to restore the BRS symmetry, if the anomaly cancellation conditions are met, are computed. The renormalization group equation and its coefficients are worked out in the anomaly free case. The computations draw heavily from the existence of action principles and BRS cohomology theory.Comment: 86 pages, 14 figures, one table, plane te

    Constrained Cost-Coupled Stochastic Games with Independent State Processes

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    We consider a non-cooperative constrained stochastic games with N players with the following special structure. With each player there is an associated controlled Markov chain. The transition probabilities of the i-th Markov chain depend only on the state and actions of controller i. The information structure that we consider is such that each player knows the state of its own MDP and its own actions. It does not know the states of, and the actions taken by other players. Finally, each player wishes to minimize a time-average cost function, and has constraints over other time-avrage cost functions. Both the cost that is minimized as well as those defining the constraints depend on the state and actions of all players. We study in this paper the existence of a Nash equilirium. Examples in power control in wireless communications are given.Comment: 7 pages, submitted in september 2006 to Operations Research Letter

    'They are all dead that i could ask': Indigenous Innovation and the Micropolitics of the Field in Twentieth-century Southern Africa

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    Recovering the agency, skill and innovation of archaeological field assistants from historical encounters is essential to interrogating processes of knowledge production, but is often hampered by access to appropriate archival sources and methods. We detail a field project from early twentieth-century Basutoland (modern-day Lesotho) that is unique both for its aim to salvage details of rock-art production as a dying craft and for its archive chronicling the project's intellectual journey from experiment to draft manuscripts to published work over more than three decades. We argue that critical historiographic attention to this archive offers a guide for examining the intimate dynamics of fieldwork and the effects of these micropolitics on the archaeological canon. We demonstrate how sustained attention to long processes of knowledge production can pinpoint multiple instances in which the usability of field assistants' scientific knowledge is qualified, validated, or rejected, and in this case how an African assistant is transformed into an ethnographic interlocutor. For rock-art studies especially, this represents a need for interrogating the epistemic cultures - not just the content - of foundational historical data

    A snapshot of some pLI score pitfalls

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    The pLI score reflects the tolerance of a given gene to the loss of function on the basis of the number of protein truncating variants, that is, the frameshift, splice donor, splice acceptor, and stop-gain variants referenced for this gene in control databases weighted by the size of the gene and the sequencing coverage. It is frequently used to prioritize candidate genes when analyzing whole exome or whole genome data. We list here the main pitfalls to consider before using this score. Concrete illustrations are given for each of these pitfalls

    Einstein-Weyl structures and Bianchi metrics

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    We analyse in a systematic way the (non-)compact four dimensional Einstein-Weyl spaces equipped with a Bianchi metric. We show that Einstein-Weyl structures with a Class A Bianchi metric have a conformal scalar curvature of constant sign on the manifold. Moreover, we prove that most of them are conformally Einstein or conformally K\"ahler ; in the non-exact Einstein-Weyl case with a Bianchi metric of the type VII0,VIIIVII_0, VIII or IXIX, we show that the distance may be taken in a diagonal form and we obtain its explicit 4-parameters expression. This extends our previous analysis, limited to the diagonal, K\"ahler Bianchi IXIX case.Comment: Latex file, 12 pages, a minor modification, accepted for publication in Class. Quant. Gra

    Vacuum Polarization Effects in the Lorentz and PCT Violating Electrodynamics

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    In this work we report new results concerning the question of dynamical mass generation in the Lorentz and PCT violating quantum electrodynamics. A one loop calculation for the vacuum polarization tensor is presented. The electron propagator, "dressed" by a Lorentz breaking extra term in the fermion Lagrangian density, is approximated by its first order: this scheme is shown to break gauge invariance. Then we rather consider a full calculation to second order in the Lorentz breaking parameter: we recover gauge invariance and use the Schwinger-Dyson equation to discuss the full photon propagator. This allows a discussion on a possible photon mass shift as well as measurable, observable physical consequences, such as the Lamb-shift.Comment: Latex file, 19 pages, no figures, includes PACS number

    Compact Einstein-Weyl four-dimensional manifolds

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    We look for four dimensional Einstein-Weyl spaces equipped with a regular Bianchi metric. Using the explicit 4-parameters expression of the distance obtained in a previous work for non-conformally-Einstein Einstein-Weyl structures, we show that only four 1-parameter families of regular metrics exist on orientable manifolds : they are all of Bianchi IXIX type and conformally K\"ahler ; moreover, in agreement with general results, they have a positive definite conformal scalar curvature. In a Gauduchon's gauge, they are compact and we obtain their topological invariants. Finally, we compare our results to the general analyses of Madsen, Pedersen, Poon and Swann : our simpler parametrisation allows us to correct some of their assertions.Comment: Latex file, 13 pages, an important reference added and a critical discussion of its claims offered, others minor modification