109 research outputs found

    Finite element differential forms on curvilinear cubic meshes and their approximation properties

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    We study the approximation properties of a wide class of finite element differential forms on curvilinear cubic meshes in n dimensions. Specifically, we consider meshes in which each element is the image of a cubical reference element under a diffeomorphism, and finite element spaces in which the shape functions and degrees of freedom are obtained from the reference element by pullback of differential forms. In the case where the diffeomorphisms from the reference element are all affine, i.e., mesh consists of parallelotopes, it is standard that the rate of convergence in L2 exceeds by one the degree of the largest full polynomial space contained in the reference space of shape functions. When the diffeomorphism is multilinear, the rate of convergence for the same space of reference shape function may degrade severely, the more so when the form degree is larger. The main result of the paper gives a sufficient condition on the reference shape functions to obtain a given rate of convergence.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure; v2: changes in response to referee reports; v3: minor additional changes, this version accepted for Numerische Mathematik; v3: very minor updates, this version corresponds to the final published versio

    Regularity and sparse approximation of the recursive first moment equations for the lognormal Darcy problem

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    We study the Darcy boundary value problem with log-normal permeability field. We adopt a perturbation approach, expanding the solution in Taylor series around the nominal value of the coefficient, and approximating the expected value of the stochastic solution of the PDE by the expected value of its Taylor polynomial. The recursive deterministic equation satisfied by the expected value of the Taylor polynomial (first moment equation) is formally derived. Well-posedness and regularity results for the recursion are proved to hold in Sobolev space-valued H\"older spaces with mixed regularity. The recursive first moment equation is then discretized by means of a sparse approximation technique, and the convergence rates are derived

    H1-conforming finite element cochain complexes and commuting quasi-interpolation operators on cartesian meshes

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    A finite element cochain complex on Cartesian meshes of any dimension based on the H1-inner product is introduced. It yields H1-conforming finite element spaces with exterior derivatives in H1. We use a tensor product construction to obtain L2-stable projectors into these spaces which commute with the exterior derivative. The finite element complex is generalized to a family of arbitrary order

    A DG-VEM method for the dissipative wave equation

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    A novel space-time discretization for the (linear) scalar-valued dissipative wave equation is presented. It is a structured approach, namely, the discretization space is obtained tensorizing the Virtual Element (VE) discretization in space with the Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method in time. As such, it combines the advantages of both the VE and the DG methods. The proposed scheme is implicit and it is proved to be unconditionally stable and accurate in space and time

    Moment equations for the mixed formulation of the Hodge Laplacian with stochastic loading term

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    We study the mixed formulation of the stochastic Hodge-Laplace problem defined on an n-dimensional domain D (n≥1), with random forcing term. In particular, we focus on the magnetostatic problem and on the Darcy problem in the three-dimensional case. We derive and analyse the moment equations, that is, the deterministic equations solved by the mth moment (m≥1) of the unique stochastic solution of the stochastic problem. We find stable tensor product finite element discretizations, both full and sparse, and provide optimal order-of-convergence estimates. In particular, we prove the inf-sup condition for sparse tensor product finite element space

    Uncertainty quantification in timber-like beams using sparse grids: theory and examples with off-the-shelf software utilization

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    When dealing with timber structures, the characteristic strength and stiffness of the material are made highly variable and uncertain by the unavoidable, yet hardly predictable, presence of knots and other defects. In this work we apply the sparse grids stochastic collocation method to perform uncertainty quantification for structural engineering in the scenario described above. Sparse grids have been developed by the mathematical community in the last decades and their theoretical background has been rigorously and extensively studied. The document proposes a brief practice-oriented introduction with minimal theoretical background, provides detailed instructions for the use of the already implemented Sparse Grid Matlab kit (freely available on-line) and discusses two numerical examples inspired from timber engineering problems that highlight how sparse grids exhibit superior performances compared to the plain Monte Carlo method. The Sparse Grid Matlab kit requires only a few lines of code to be interfaced with any numerical solver for mechanical problems (in this work we used an isogeometric collocation method) and provides outputs that can be easily interpreted and used in the engineering practice

    A reduced basis super-localized orthogonal decomposition for reaction-convection-diffusion problems

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    This paper presents a method for the numerical treatment of reaction-convection-diffusion problems with parameter-dependent coefficients that are arbitrary rough and possibly varying at a very fine scale. The presented technique combines the reduced basis (RB) framework with the recently proposed super-localized orthogonal decomposition (SLOD). More specifically, the RB is used for accelerating the typically costly SLOD basis computation, while the SLOD is employed for an efficient compression of the problem's solution operator requiring coarse solves only. The combined advantages of both methods allow one to tackle the challenges arising from parametric heterogeneous coefficients. Given a value of the parameter vector, the method outputs a corresponding compressed solution operator which can be used to efficiently treat multiple, possibly non-affine, right-hand sides at the same time, requiring only one coarse solve per right-hand side.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    A cVEM-DG space-time method for the dissipative wave equation

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    A novel space-time discretization for the (linear) scalar-valued dissipative wave equation is presented. It is a structured approach, namely, the discretization space is obtained tensorizing the Virtual Element (VE) discretization in space with the Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method in time. As such, it combines the advantages of both the VE and the DG methods. The proposed scheme is implicit and it is proved to be unconditionally stable and accurate in space and time

    Fast Least-Squares Pad\'e approximation of problems with normal operators and meromorphic structure

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    In this work, we consider the approximation of Hilbert space-valued meromorphic functions that arise as solution maps of parametric PDEs whose operator is the shift of an operator with normal and compact resolvent, e.g. the Helmholtz equation. In this restrictive setting, we propose a simplified version of the Least-Squares Pad\'e approximation technique introduced in [6] following [11]. In particular, the estimation of the poles of the target function reduces to a low-dimensional eigenproblem for a Gramian matrix, allowing for a robust and efficient numerical implementation (hence the "fast" in the name). Moreover, we prove several theoretical results that improve and extend those in [6], including the exponential decay of the error in the approximation of the poles, and the convergence in measure of the approximant to the target function. The latter result extends the classical one for scalar Pad\'e approximation to our functional framework. We provide numerical results that confirm the improved accuracy of the proposed method with respect to the one introduced in [6] for differential operators with normal and compact resolvent
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