4,661 research outputs found

    Is There a Relationship between the Density of Primordial Black Holes in a Galaxy and the Rate of Cosmological Gamma-Ray Bursts?

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    The rate of accretion of matter from a solar-type star onto a primordial black hole (PBH) that passes through it is calculated. The probability that a PBH is captured into an orbit around a star in a galaxy is found. The mean lifetime of the PBH in such an orbit and the rate of orbital captures of PBHs in the galaxy are calculated. It is shown that this rate does not depend on the mass of the PBH. This mechanism cannot make an appreciable contribution to the rate of observed gamma-ray bursts. The density of PBHs in the galaxy can reach a critical value - the density of the mass of dark matter in the galaxy.Comment: 7 page

    Region of the anomalous compression under Bondi-Hoyle accretion

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    We investigate the properties of an axisymmetric non-magnetized gas flow without angular momentum on a small compact object, in particular, on a Schwarzschild black hole in the supersonic region near the object; the velocity of the object itself is assumed to be low compared to the speed of sound at infinity. First of all, we see that the streamlines intersect (i.e., a caustic forms) on the symmetry axis at a certain distance rxr_x from the center on the front side if the pressure gradient is neglected. The characteristic radial size of the region, in which the streamlines emerging from the sonic surface at an angle no larger than θ0\theta_0 to the axis intersect, is Δr=rxθ02/3.\Delta r= r_x\theta^2_0/3. To refine the flow structure in this region, we numerically compute the system in the adiabatic approximation without ignoring the pressure. We estimate the parameters of the inferred region with anomalously high matter temperature and density accompanied by anomalously high energy release.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    A note on Dolby and Gull on radar time and the twin "paradox"

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    Recently a suggestion has been made that standard textbook representations of hypersurfaces of simultaneity for the travelling twin in the twin "paradox" are incorrect. This suggestion is false: the standard textbooks are in agreement with a proper understanding of the relativity of simultaneity.Comment: LaTeX, 3 pages, 2 figures. Update: added new section V and updated reference

    A note on the peeling theorem in higher dimensions

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    We demonstrate the ``peeling property'' of the Weyl tensor in higher dimensions in the case of even dimensions (and with some additional assumptions), thereby providing a first step towards understanding of the general peeling behaviour of the Weyl tensor, and the asymptotic structure at null infinity, in higher dimensions.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    On the stability of self-gravitating accreting flows

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    Analytic methods show stability of the stationary accretion of test fluids but they are inconclusive in the case of self-gravitating stationary flows. We investigate numerically stability of those stationary flows onto compact objects that are transonic and rich in gas. In all studied examples solutions appear stable. Numerical investigation suggests also that the analogy between sonic and event horizons holds for small perturbations of compact support but fails in the case of finite perturbations.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in PR

    Inverse Compton X-rays from the radio galaxy 3C 219

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    We report the results from a Chandra observation of the powerful nearby (z=0.1744) radio galaxy 3C 219. We find evidence for non-thermal X-ray emission from the radio lobes which fits fairly well with a combination of inverse Compton scattering of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation and of nuclear photons with the relativistic electrons in the lobes. The comparison between radio synchrotron and IC emission yields a magnetic field strength significantly lower (about a factor 3) than that calculated under minimum energy conditions; the source energetics is then dominated by the relativistic particles.Comment: 5 pages, 2 color figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS pink page

    Magnetically Accreting Isolated Old Neutron Stars

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    Previous work on the emission from isolated old neutron stars (IONS) accreting the inter-stellar medium (ISM) focussed on gravitational capture - Bondi accretion. We propose a new class of sources which accrete via magnetic interaction with the ISM. While for the Bondi mechanism, the accretion rate decreases with increasing NS velocity, in magnetic accretors (MAGACs="magics") the accretion rate increases with increasing NS velocity. MAGACs will be produced among high velocity (~> 100 km s-1) high magnetic field (B> 1e14 G) radio pulsars - the ``magnetars'' - after they have evolved first through magnetic dipole spin-down, followed by a ``propeller'' phase (when the object sheds angular momentum on a timescale ~< 1e10 yr). The properties of MAGACS may be summarized thus: dipole magnetic fields of B~>1e14 G; minimum velocities relative to the ISM of >25-100 km s-1, depending on B, well below the median in the observed radio-pulsar population; spin-periods of >days to years; accretion luminosities of 1e28- 1e31 ergs s-1 ; and effective temperatures kT=0.3 - 2.5 keV if they accrete onto the magnetic polar cap. We find no examples of MAGACs among previously observed source classes (anomalous X-ray pulsars, soft-gamma-ray repeaters or known IONS). However, MAGACs may be more prevelant in flux-limited X-ray catalogs than their gravitationally accreting counterparts.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    Gravitational radiation from dynamical black holes

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    An effective energy tensor for gravitational radiation is identified for uniformly expanding flows of the Hawking mass-energy. It appears in an energy conservation law expressing the change in mass due to the energy densities of matter and gravitational radiation, with respect to a Killing-like vector encoding a preferred flow of time outside a black hole. In a spin-coefficient formulation, the components of the effective energy tensor can be understood as the energy densities of ingoing and outgoing, transverse and longitudinal gravitational radiation. By anchoring the flow to the trapping horizon of a black hole in a given sequence of spatial hypersurfaces, there is a locally unique flow and a measure of gravitational radiation in the strong-field regime.Comment: 5 revtex4 pages. Additional comment

    Axisymmetric electrovacuum spacetimes with a translational Killing vector at null infinity

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    By using the Bondi-Sachs-van der Burg formalism we analyze the asymptotic properties at null infinity of axisymmetric electrovacuum spacetimes with a translational Killing vector and, in general, an infinite ``cosmic string'' (represented by a conical singularity) along the axis. Such spacetimes admit only a local null infinity. There is a non-vanishing news function due to the existence of the string even though there is no radiation. We prove that if null infinity has a smooth compact cross section and the spacetime is not flat in a neighbourhood of null infinity, then the translational Killing vector must be timelike and the spacetime is stationary. The other case in which an additional symmetry of axisymmetric spacetimes admits compact cross sections of null infinity is the boost symmetry, which leads to radiative spacetimes representing ``uniformly accelerated objects''. These cases were analyzed in detail in our previous works. If the translational Killing vector is spacelike or null, corresponding to cylindrical or plane waves, some complete generators of null infinity are ``singular'' but null infinity itself can be smooth apart from these generators. As two explicit examples of local null infinity, Schwarzschild spacetime with a string and a class of cylindrical waves with a string are discussed in detail in the Appendix.Comment: 15 pages, RevTeX, submitted to Class. Quantum Gra
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